Water Wheels Are BETTER Than Steam Engines (Kind Of) - Create Mod SU generator comparison guide

Water Wheels Are BETTER Than Steam Engines (Kind Of) - Create Mod SU generator comparison guide


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@AScribblingTurtle - 20.01.2024 07:52

The only downside seems to be, that Waterwheels destroy your framerate if you play with shaders. on fabric.

@vilvenserbian5503 - 20.01.2024 00:27

bro didnt want to mention wind turbines and cranks

@SirReginald1020 - 19.01.2024 23:07

Is there a reason one wouldn't pipe lava to the underside of the blaze burners instead of bucketing it and using a mechanical hand?

@fenrom - 19.01.2024 22:30

where flywheel?

@pyerack - 19.01.2024 21:27

This is pretty much why I added a limited water mod to my game as well as Create. Waterwheel is literally just infinite SU

@purpletoad7071 - 19.01.2024 19:52

You don't need buckets for blaze burners. If you also have Create: Crafts and Additions (which most people do) you can give burners straws, allowing you to pump lava directly into them, allowing you to skip the entire bucket process

@dudedude31415 - 19.01.2024 18:08

A problem with that perspective is:
- you play the first few hours with water wheels and then you have every resource to build a steam engine everywhere you need it.

- a windmill is not for efficiency but for looks. Also you can pluck it directly onto a crop/ wood farm to make it move without lost space.

- at later stages you will have infinite lava in the offer world and in addition you have to calculate lag impact per SU, not per space. This bucket refiller has nearly no impact per SU. You need one of them (and not at 256 rpm) for a large steam engine (100k+ SU). Calculate the lag for 200+ large water wheels.

In addition to that, whatever you do with the 100k SU will likely generate MUCH more lag than this steam engine setup, so that doesn't really matter that much.

These have just different use cases.

It's like saying, "which car is better, a semi truck, a sports car or a small car like a smart/ mini etc.?" - as it is most often, it depends.

Nothing against the video though, just my rant plus engagement for the algorithm.

@hotlinejpfi5283 - 19.01.2024 13:00

Ah, you didnt try diesel create generator (an F tier indeed) but some to use.

@AnkleBiter - 19.01.2024 01:26

Being sponsored by a University is really fucking cool. Congrats!!

@advancedcoffeemachine1025 - 19.01.2024 01:18

A more fair comparison would be to use SU * RPM as your unit, because windmills increase both RPM and SU with more sails, and because well 8194 SU can be done just by gearing a few water wheels down to 1 RPM, but 1 RPM is useless.

@goldenpawn6194 - 18.01.2024 21:29

The reason for the steam engine lag is the mechanical arms. I would recommend the Create: Liquid fuel mod that allows you to pump lava in directly into the blaze burner.

@aurelieng9136 - 18.01.2024 19:16

Hi, I m looking for the mod's name dejojo used to make the TPS scan? is it working on 1.18 modpack

@evilrymon - 18.01.2024 19:02

I'd argue that windmills are quite convenient bc they can be used as a farming source, for like rotary farms

@MrHerhor67 - 18.01.2024 18:01

I remember another mod years ago, which also had water wheels (and other energy sources), power transmission via wires and many tools using that power, like ore diggers (each/some chunks had particular "ore veins" which could be extracted for some amount).
Basically I built a few chunks of water wheels, and even though they couldnt provide enough power continuously, because of the server working 24/7 they outperformed any other players' manually maintained energy sources and the admin had to cap the number of ores per chunk not to be too OP xD
Or how I auto-drained the nether lava lake to power something from Botania IIRC, lmao. Good times.

@user-tb5df4dr8w - 18.01.2024 17:41

furnace engines and flywheel?

@Peterrific4 - 18.01.2024 16:28

You don't even need blaze burners for the small steam engine... just use a campfire

@andrewoh2612 - 18.01.2024 07:56

those would be microseconds/tick

@thewolfwalker6120 - 18.01.2024 06:28

man try to say sub in up sayin suc

@lukakodua9619 - 18.01.2024 02:47

Tbh Water wheels, at least those bigger ones are in a way too much OP I would say...

@butterbits372 - 17.01.2024 23:46

mu(µ) is the symbol for micro. so a µs is a microsecond, or 1 billionth of a second.

@illyatkachov4514 - 17.01.2024 20:10

no, they lag. They lag the client side, especially with shaders

@cheschubert4048 - 17.01.2024 18:58

Use campfires and the steam engine would have won

@___headhunter___music... - 17.01.2024 18:01

if you rate it by points: F = 1 and S = 6 then steam engine and waterwheel are both the same (19 points) and i think if you wanted to make same SU as 1 lvl 9 steam engine it would: take a huge amount of space and the lag would be about the same i think

@KateYagi - 17.01.2024 16:38

Keep in mind that windmills can be the contraption itself: many sweeping arm contraptions can use a windmill bearing instead of a mechanical bearing, and not need a power source.

@cjslime8847 - 17.01.2024 15:42

Maybe someone else has said this but could you build a water wheel with ice instead of water on a cart assembly and then place it letting it melt ?

@washedupfries - 17.01.2024 15:29

bro got sponsored by a whole university for a Minecraft video, what a wacky world we live in.

@paradoxcorporated2906 - 17.01.2024 11:45

The tierlist part was the worst of the video. Windmills are the BLAST for early to mid game. For most things at early game 8k cap is more than enough, so scalability becomes easy AH, and grinding sails is easy as long as you have shears. The cost of steam comes mainly from fuel gathering methods. Usually it's lava farm, which can easily cost you a few stacks of iron for 9 lvl engine.

@PanicOregon - 17.01.2024 10:43

"flowing water lag" Mate, i can't tell you how long i've been playing modded MC, to the point of bringing the actual game to it's knees with mods, mod interactions, etc.
IF flowing water is what kills your game.... Well really all i can do is laugh, it's on you for having that old of a potato.

@VitalArcade - 17.01.2024 06:39

The main issue with boilers, is they require fuel, waterwheels just need more room and are super easy to get

@thinkdunson - 17.01.2024 03:52

it stands for microseconds

@armourfire9945 - 17.01.2024 03:43

You should only ever really need a few steam engines per base and by the time you need to actually scale up I'm sure whatever you are powering will have a much larger lag impact than 3 mechanical arms... So the title and thumbnail of this video kind of seem pointless to me. But this was still a good basic explanation of the power generation options I didn't even realize windmails could be portable

@christianknuchel - 17.01.2024 03:06

Wind mills are a unique canvas for beautiful designs, though.

@theoriginalbeanboy - 17.01.2024 00:31

so, water flows downward infinitely, if you make a proper setup you can just make a wall of water going downwards, and have a large water wheel on either side as far down, and across as you can make it
easy stress units, though you would need 200 to beat 100k, where with the right setup of steam generator you can get over 1m no problem

@boogiehasfun - 17.01.2024 00:08

water wheels are bad for frames, really bad. especially with shaders. depends on your pc.

@zgudgepremium7035 - 16.01.2024 23:46

I've just tried to build this mechanical arm design but when all burners are on, it keeps placing the lava bucket onto the empty shelf and it just goes in a loop! Any ideas my friend? :D

@KrisSkou - 16.01.2024 23:11

he must be saying the truth the man has to par of glasses

@dialog_box - 16.01.2024 21:32

yeah it's the eternal problem with minecraft physics. the defying of gravity, i get that. the matter can be shrunk down into item form and transported in staggering quantities, i get that. but why are liquids infinite???? i can fill a bucket with water, pour it on the ground, and it will ENDLESSLY flow from that spot, to a distance of 8 meters on level ground and no further. Where does it come from!?!? Where does it go!?!?

where did you come from cotton eyed joe

@kubson519 - 16.01.2024 20:32

you dont need blaze burners for steam engines, any heat source works, its just less effective

@nezer3031 - 16.01.2024 17:37

What the name of mod where you can see what produce lags?

@Robatooo - 16.01.2024 10:53

Lets say it like this. For me as an aesthetic builder, Windmills and Steam engines deserve S tier just bcuz of the looks, water wheels really have to sit somewhere in the mountains or a waterfall to look good

@destroything - 16.01.2024 05:43

wait, what? i haven't played create in a while. since when are water wheels not one-sided? they used to generate less power if water flow the wrong way. it also doesn't depend on the amount of sides touching water blocks? the hell?

@Local_Lad - 16.01.2024 02:20


@nikolaskuklis5925 - 15.01.2024 21:25

Also, don't two machines that are moving ignore each other? Windmills would be lot more efficient, no? Also the μ That's micro second
Meaning that overall the design takes about ±100μs just glancing at the numbers every tick to operate so 0.1ms (1mili second= 0.001s) so if you stack a 10 of them it can(on avarage for the recorded 30s though i heard the laggoggles mod isn't accurate but idk about that.)

@lonewolf9255 - 15.01.2024 17:37

this might be bias, but i have never used more then 200.000su in anything, and my steam engine setup that has 1 arm makes 500.000su. Plus i anyway have a wood farm, so taking some to the engine for charcoal related purposes isnt a hassle at all. BUT you are correct that water wheels are the best before steam engines. i dont use windmills, as i am not a builder, and there biggest purpose is decoration imo.

@hissingfever8210 - 15.01.2024 16:15

Steam engines in A for accessibility? They're the only power source that requires other farms to keep running and requires create processed materials

@wolfstylzz1858 - 15.01.2024 11:54


@verydepressed2363 - 15.01.2024 10:10

i laughed for a minuet straight from the funny create mod man being sponsored by a fucking university

@yagmiramen4097 - 15.01.2024 08:25

what is that thing that lets u see the lag something is causing?
