Tested at NASA Ames Research Center (with Simone Giertz!)

Tested at NASA Ames Research Center (with Simone Giertz!)

Adam Savage’s Tested

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@jfitz3133 - 22.08.2019 01:57

Could this site suck the balls of nasa a little harder? Nasa -- an agency that fills the public with disinformation and leeches trillions of our tax dollars every year. When was the last time they showed you an image that WASN’T generated from a computer?
People love bullshit.

@dabeamer42 - 22.08.2019 05:09

"landed on the moon...in a skirt" Girl power!

@fredygump5578 - 22.08.2019 06:35

That mural...and how flat earthers gonna say it is proof that the moon landing was fake...what have you done????? Are you trying to feed them?

@mathewcox9371 - 22.08.2019 07:24

Is there a better human than Simone?

@mmcc2852 - 22.08.2019 07:54

awesome content, thumb down for the unnecessary f-bomb

@drunkfurball1 - 22.08.2019 07:55

Of course Simone lands the lunar lander perfectly on her first try in the simulator. That means she's the Last Star Fighter, right? That's how it works? NASA?

@johnturner4400 - 22.08.2019 12:29

Looks like you spend most of your filming budget on the camera. How about spending a few bucks on a sound guy?

@Clay3613 - 22.08.2019 12:35

They have a public centrifuge at the Astronaut Museum in Cape Canaveral. I rode it and looked out the windows, didn't get sick at 4Gs!

@jtbwilliams - 22.08.2019 13:50

Simone should do a gaming video playing Kerbal Space Program.

@timparsons3565 - 22.08.2019 15:26

A note to the sound editor: room noise is preferable to listening to an underwater tin can. Lay off the noise reduction.

@stephenrinaldi5632 - 22.08.2019 15:45

I'm a simple man....i see simone, i click 😄

@ManuelDornbusch - 22.08.2019 18:12

Oh of course Simone landed the space craft perfectly! It is Simone. She is the astronaut of our hearts

@horneygeorgeforge7079 - 22.08.2019 21:50

Ha Adam, Have considered making some props for a space movie that has Yet to be made or even written? something in the order of an asteroid mining space ship? that is also used for satellite recovery and recycling or repair ? just a thought... enjoy

@brianchristensen1840 - 22.08.2019 23:09

Did Simone just make a human centipede joke at about 8.28?? Or is my mind just broken...

@DeathCookieEnt - 23.08.2019 00:03

The building contains all of the technology to land on the Moon and the cameraperson forgets their LAV mic

@kosmonautdan6715 - 23.08.2019 00:16

Good to see you again, dudette

@MrDRSMAX - 23.08.2019 00:23

Do you have a plan to visit any other NASA centers? If you come down to Southern California you can visit NASA Armstrong and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

@TheFartoholic - 23.08.2019 01:36

human centrifuge sounds like the title of a great movie

@byronleblanc6064 - 23.08.2019 01:47

NASA's Game of throne is way better than HBO's

@BlackEpyon - 23.08.2019 02:19

So, you got to see NASA's 10 story Kerbal simulator, and 20g dual-barf bucket.

@friendstype25 - 23.08.2019 02:42

I want to know how I'd feel in a centrifuge.

@JesbaamSanchez - 23.08.2019 07:50

I got accepted to go to Ames Research Center for a NASA program can't wait to see it!

@cmpe43 - 23.08.2019 07:50

What is the story behind the feet sticking out of the wall in the beginning?

@caesarbear - 23.08.2019 08:51

buy a microphone!

@charlieextra9406 - 23.08.2019 12:20

I love that you included Simone Giertz in this. Thanks.

@MrBibibip - 23.08.2019 18:07

The nasa guy talks like scar from the lion king

@aidanjohnson7571 - 23.08.2019 23:55

All I can think while watching this is that there's an FRC team based out of this place and how unfair that is to the rest of us

@jimmyryan5880 - 24.08.2019 00:09

I dont want to be negative but you have good people and youve been set up for a while. Sort your sound out, learn to present and make the editing more interesting. Half the tested videos are like watching paint dry and I love this stuff.

@yosiherfanda7190 - 24.08.2019 06:49

Nasa tukang kibul

@lowryder3209 - 24.08.2019 16:58

Happy bday norm

@dLimboStick - 24.08.2019 18:30

My brother-in-law helped build that model Space Shuttle that opens the clip.

@TessBaxter - 24.08.2019 18:49

My old stomping groups. Space Exploration and Research got into my blood then and will be with me forever.

@natexlb123 - 25.08.2019 03:32

Looks like people are wearing lapel mics but they didn't pick up or something. Too bad, audio was rough.

@Myrddnn - 25.08.2019 06:41

If you love to crash things in space, get Kerbal Space Program. You will never want to play anything else again....

@bittertea - 26.08.2019 03:21

I went to Ames too because of NCAS this July. It was amazing and I saw a bunch of the same sights except the centrifuge. There was a tour with the interns and I learned a lot of facts about that tunnel. Going inside you are not suppose to step on the glass. There is a rotating disk and there are like some doors there. Also, Google did testing of the building there were constructing in that tunnel. Their model was sitting outside the wind tunnel cover with something. They wanted to know how those building will effect the surround area air. The guy said when Apple announce their "spaceship" facility he was joked, "why is Apple building a spaceship? We build spaceships." Then he said that Google immediately stop testing those building designs and wanted to do better.

In that tunnel, there is that net mesh to keep the hawks and birds out. Also, there is a street hockey team that plays near the net and they made a deal with the facility that they can play there if they grabs any loose papers in the mesh.

I think in a building near the wind tunnel someone was telling me that they put in a super computer on the upper floor of the one of the building. But it was so hot it was melting the floor so they have to move those computer to the ground floor.

Since Ames was originally part of NACA, before it changed over to NASA, some of the older building have the NACA sign. Those were cool. I saw the exobiology research lab and it was interesting. That was pretty cool too~ It's nice seeing it again in video form. Thanks guys.

There is a Big Bang coffee in the Mega Bites cafe. Also, I like their ice cream sundae cups that's good on a hot day. Stay cool guys. I hope you have a great time. :) Those people are amazing.

@BennieBrunink - 26.08.2019 05:23

HEY !! .. Yeah ??!! .. What are we gonna do with all the leftover shit here ?!!? .. Put it outside in the garden .. Let it rot !! ..

@BennieBrunink - 26.08.2019 05:26

Luna(r)tics ..

@scohspot - 27.08.2019 11:42

It was really distracting when the audio and video weren’t synced properly. Loved the rest though!

@TyBraek - 29.08.2019 11:52

Norm- "We're in the 20g centrifuge. Wait how many gs does it do?"

@jonasthemovie - 30.08.2019 01:54

Only watched this because of Si-mo-ne. Editing, audio, music, saying Seemoan almost made me stop. But stayed for Si-mo-ne.

@AuSSiEJaZzA - 23.09.2019 08:28

That guy who tested that shit looks like he's gone 6 G's and beyond... What a space cadet.

@indulgence8860 - 24.05.2020 20:39

Where's the department reading brains and beating people up with lasers on drones for fun!!!!!O yea the NSA department..

@ninelives40 - 24.03.2021 00:56

love her!!!!!!
