If you hate school, this might help

If you hate school, this might help

Alex Lee

3 года назад

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@user-ue6lk1my7x - 22.04.2024 10:18

I just don´t feel myself at school.. And i also don´t like it to be in a building with around 400people.. All i ever wanted to do or to have in life is.. That i could live somewhere deep deep deep in the woods.. Just me myself and i.. No one just me.. And just to live my live... Cause for me live is nature.. And not this generation of school and all that other stuff.. I would rather be in a jail where i can watch tv where i get food and where i can sleep with no one else.. Then just going to school every single day.. I´m not saying i´m lazy to go to school because alot of people think that but it´s just that i want to live deep in the woods in a wooden house.. And not in a city with people dirty floors trash cans and unhealthy food and alot of people.. I just want to live deep in the woods in a wooden house and just enjoy my life as i am supossed to do.. But yeah this generation won´t let me.. If it´s ever gonna get bad.. Well it already is bad but if it´s going to be badder.. Then i am going to run away... I will walk to the forest i don´t care how long it would take me to be there.. And i will just survive.. And you know.. If i don´t survive it doesn´t matter.. Cause that´s how live works.. That´s the same with animals they have been born.. They are in the wild.. And they take risks.. They need to know which prey they want to eat or attack.. And if another animal kills the animal.. It doesn´t matter. Cause that´s how life works.. It´s not that all humans or animals live up to a 100 years old.. If i can give you guys the best advice.. If you have a phone.. Just don´t play games or watch YT or tiktok or instagram or other apps.. Be the best person that you can be.. By working out.. And i know maybe you are too lazy to work out... But trust me it´s worth way more then just sitting on youre phone.. Cause that day that you we´re 2 hours on you´re phone or ever more.. You could´ve also work out.. or enjoy life by exploring new things.. That you might like.. But not those things that happen in this generation.. This generation is fucked up and it is.. Disegree or not.. But this generation is fucked up and we all are doing nothing about it.. We have people who say that they want to go back to they´re fun childhood and not this generation because they are sick to wake up everyday in this generation.. They don´t like it.. They don´t want it.. You guys know that they don´t like it.. But you guys are doing nothing about it.. Because you guys don´t care.. And that´s not new.. Becasue you guys never ever cared.. You know.. Some people don´t deserve to live.. And you guys may think.. You can´t say that because that´s not good of you.. But do you even realize what kind of evil persons live in this world.. Some parents aren´t even doing something about they´re child.. They just don´t care about they´re child.. And that´s what this world makes so messed up.. What life is to me is.. Nature - Surviving - Peace.. Because have you seen these kids in africa.. Who barely get food or water.. I want that life. Because i would have fun surving i would have fun hunting for my food and not just buying some food at the local supermarket.. I would like to have dirty clothes.. Because I will See Beautiful nature.. Beautiful animals.. The beautiful weather.. I could enjoy my life there.. Every single day.. With a smile on my face.. But sadly this ain´t the truth.. I don´t have a smile on my fucking face.. Not even 1 single second.. And i know that alot of people say ´´Yeah but people can do whatever they want´´ And yeah that´s true.. But come on! Don´t you just want to be the best of yourself. Well if you don´t want to be the best of yourself.. Why are you still living then? You failure. You need to learn about life.. But yeah clearly these people don´t want to learn about life.. They spent they´re days going to party´s doing unhealthy stuff..Being lazy all day.. Like.. You don´t deserve to live on this world.. This world was created to be a fun enjoyable and peacefull world.. But it isn´t pure of these people.. Who ruin in for the whole world.. There are people who say ´´Tesla sucks gas cars are the best´´ Tesla´s are beautiful cars.. And they good for the world.. That´s the same with E-bikes Electric trucks Electric boats.. Everything is better electric because it protects the world from being a lazy disgusting world.. To a world that can be enjoyed by everyone.. And it´s even good for the world.. But yeah.. Some people only care about themselfs and not about the world.. Think about that!

@Hue_scz - 16.04.2024 10:51

Man, this video really helped. I am in university abroad, which is high-ranked, studying media and communication. I thought it would be all about social media strategy and content creation, but it turned out to be something completely different and unenjoyable. It is hard to go through all of that when you can't even change courses and this video really helped man

@Akajsjsjsjj - 15.04.2024 21:16

Thank you ❤

@Addi_Hild - 15.04.2024 02:54

I’m crying about it right now

@Cho-Chay - 13.04.2024 14:02

This actually relaxed me

@ThapaabayYT - 11.04.2024 11:49

Why hate school

@Kico.7 - 08.04.2024 18:34

I hate school😡😡😡😡

@tregittens3971 - 08.04.2024 14:16

Its not about the work its the bullying for looking different

@BulletTree-kb4ng - 03.04.2024 07:09

I still hate school

@Ars0nist05 - 03.04.2024 02:58

whenever im at school, i dont feel normal, like im not my own person anymore, like i dont have a choice to do what i want to do ever, i just dont feel like i have the right to do anything but what im told to do and it sucks.

@AriPlaysRoblox178 - 02.04.2024 06:19

School is tomorrow:(

@sarahsafiyah9288 - 31.03.2024 18:17

I don't like someone because someone is bullying me but that doesn't mean i hate school but i love school i just didn't like to go to school because of someone

@samstromberg5593 - 31.03.2024 06:50

Everyone before high school: Grades are SUPER important, sacrifice whatever you need to get good grades!
Everyone after college: Yeah they really don't matter

*I will say I think grades in high school really are super important cause you can get a really great scholarship for having good grades and a good ACT score

@todo870 - 31.03.2024 06:32

Fucking HATE half my teachers. My college sucks.

@Gozi_Arrik - 26.03.2024 02:22

This helped my day a lot you deserve a sub

@4mandamun - 25.03.2024 07:02

idc about grades its js that ppl at school hate me idk why but so many rumors spread about me and i barely have any friends and i basically get bullied bro and it’s all cuz of two people and i HATE them they ruined my school life and im so mad that i couldn’t do anything i literally moved school last year cuz my last school was hell and bad and i js didn’t like it but this school is worst and i feel like if i go back ill get clowned on and idk at the start or school i always went but recently i js started missing school like a lot and my family is getting mad at me but i dont want to go i hate it and everyone hates me bro im so done

@nightlovelln - 21.03.2024 19:04

For me it’s not about the grades it’s about my anxiety. I know I can do well academically because I have done it before but because of some of my own issues I just feel anxious when I talk to literally anyone. It’s especially bad when I walk into school. I feel like i’m having a panic attack like everything is closing in on me. Like i can’t breathe properly or like the breath is being sucked out of me. Like everyone is against me and I know that sounds like I think i’m the middle of attention but that’s not it. Some of my own problems have led to me thinking this way but i’m trying my best now.

@Asfgxff - 21.03.2024 11:36

I hate school because of being bullied and lied to from teachers.

@solartab - 20.03.2024 14:20


@hdgffghfghdhfggh3350 - 20.03.2024 13:35

i am writing this to get my feelings off idc if u read it or not but i am still writing this
school is like a hell to me my current school is btw i am changing school sooo like i was not well i was always sick and constantly having fever so i kinda skipped 6th grade and i didnt read the basics properly and failed almost all my subject leaving science and maths so i was made fun of that and people started to kinda avoid me when i return back and my male teach was harrasing me and he maked fun of me on 7th grade and HE TOUCHED MY THIGH and i am tramatized and i failed to of my subs in finals and my teach gave me chance to rewrite the q paper again so i went there and MY OWN TEACHERS STARTED TO TALK BAD ABOUT ME WHEN I WAS WRITING MY EXAMS like u dont know how it feels when u think its not bad i am like a free bird let out of a cage today yea the incident happen today ..................... ah i feel soulless

@rayrobertson8974 - 18.03.2024 03:13

This is the exact video i needed

@feliciazhang2852 - 12.03.2024 16:31

Is college a must?

@chance5745 - 10.03.2024 13:32

I have been adopting the same attitude lately. I am in my third year at university, studying and training in person-centred counselling. It is heavy going, especially for those of us who are not academic and have learning difficulties. My course leader is open that he is a strict grader. I can't rise above 68% (upper second class). This has been frustrating, but my new attitude means I don't even need to score 60%. It requires that I lower the bar, which has been a difficult change, but one I choose to maintain.

@devanmauch7843 - 09.03.2024 10:21

You don't realize how much this video helped me, I'm stressed out like I've never been before and it feels like I'm just barely hanging on. Thank you.

@BryanBecerril-jm1gz - 07.03.2024 05:43

Bro I was trying so hard and I still have F's and D's

@Himynameismltnin - 06.03.2024 17:58

I miss so much school just cause of the fact I always feel exhausted and overwhelmed whenever I go to school, I’m kind of just the pass around friend too, I don’t have any close friends. When I go to school all I do is really sit there , do the assignments and count the seconds until I can leave, I feel bad for my parents as they work to support me, but I just can’t stop. I’ve been begging for alternatives like online school but the person I’m supposed to talk about that possibility with hasn’t been at school for weeks. Whenever I go to school which used to be 4 days out of the the week and has now been reduced to 3 because I’ve been feeling worse then ever, I usually come back so mentally drained or even crying. I’ve tried going in with a positive mindset, I’ve tried getting up extra early, sleeping extra early, trying to enjoy it. But I just can’t.

@Tyt-jv8td - 05.03.2024 05:00

Thank you i needed this i kept wanting to go home from the nurse and faking stuff ...

@felixicon - 04.03.2024 13:33

This was wild.. "if you hate school.. power through "..lol

@unpaiden - 01.03.2024 05:40


@h4t399 - 28.02.2024 06:24

What if the most you can do isn't passing? Then what?

@jiyangxxxx4602 - 26.02.2024 13:42

Thank you so much for this.

@blueprint6578 - 24.02.2024 19:08

Thank you

@another_utfan - 19.02.2024 02:06

Even just the thought of school is enough to completely ruin my mood, being in school is pure stress, even in lessons I like.

@danielmanzo6954 - 18.02.2024 22:34

Wow I actually feel better 😊

@nicholaswoodall9820 - 18.02.2024 01:56

i went to school threw the mail in the 90's i sent all my work back threw the mail and talked to teachers on the phone and got my diploma threw the mail in 1994 i loved it it was great

@theharshtruthoutthere - 17.02.2024 16:37

Without the BIBLE and the understanding of it, real life stays unseen, unknown.
Ask for truth and allow BIBLE to shine.

@Andrew-uh4wf - 13.02.2024 21:15

Remember that if you get a bad grade. There is a way around it. Talk to your teacher, spend a few weeks at summer school. Nowadays you can still graduate even with D’s and those are not hard to get. Minimum effort gets you D’s and you still graduate. College doesn’t like that but community college doesn’t care. After 2 years of community college the real colleges start to like you!! If there is a obstacle you can always get around it

@randomfellow1483 - 13.02.2024 13:46

Man, I hate high school so much. I can't imagine how much I'll hate college. It really is modern-day slavery man

@like_arockstar - 07.02.2024 08:16

I'm starting over 2nd year med school after failing my 3 years of it. I'm tensed rn feel like a failure but i need to keep going

@Joq2. - 06.02.2024 00:26

this gives me really helpful thoughts i nwas sick for a lot of time and a teacher says im bad at school meanwhile my real teacher says im doing good so i dont know what to think my grades are good but just i hate school of the one teacher

but guys this is really great endvice hes givving about school...

@emilt1792 - 05.02.2024 13:05


@samanthavanslyke7591 - 05.02.2024 12:59

Thank you...this helped so much....I have school today but I absolutely hate it and don't want to go....but I know I have to and my anxiety is through the roof

@lebryantjordanson - 05.02.2024 03:54

Currently a junior in college and an Exercise Science major. I know it's not the hardest major but I have 4.0 and mannnn, i know nobody cares but I put so much pressure on myself to keep it. Like i over stress in school so much just because i want to graduate with the label of a "perfect GPA". I've tried several times to intentionally slack off and just let myself get B or even a C. But my damn ego won't let me.

@artwithbubblegum - 03.02.2024 23:08

Thanks, I feel like I’ve stopped enjoying personal life as much because I always have so much work to do :( I hate school

@user-rg9pd9ql4n - 31.01.2024 00:07


@j23ks1-91 - 30.01.2024 12:03

I am so scared of going to school and I don’t even know why . I think I’m just really uncomfortable to be with people I don’t really talk to . It’s so horrible to the point in lying and saying that the teacher is sick and we don’t have that class and then I stay at home .. I’m trying to overcome it I’m so embarrassed 😓

@blueischiii1575 - 28.01.2024 06:49

People wonder why school has never changed and it’s all because of “it’s impossible, let other people do it” mentality. Everyone hates school, everyone wants a 3 day weekend. Why not try and change the way things are done for the future generations?

@user-qw8bs2mf7n - 26.01.2024 11:04

This video came in right time when i was in some depressive stage, thank you, helped me a lot 😊😊❤❤

@elif_._ - 24.01.2024 10:39

The fact that my friends are doing well in their studies spoils the whole thing.

@Kt-600 - 23.01.2024 08:50

This helped me I'm currently in a battle and I wanna stop it
