Trying To Make Friends In A Brand New City

Trying To Make Friends In A Brand New City

Cole Hastings

2 года назад

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@firestarterproduction4520 - 30.11.2023 03:40

Love this video. Thanks for the advice.

@hunainwaris9124 - 28.11.2023 18:50

Its been 4 months since i moved to dubai and I have no friends. Wish me luck guys

@nikitafine9698 - 24.11.2023 05:36

i just can't let go of my inner cringe. it feels impossible.

@jt_rooster3228 - 21.11.2023 04:18

To make friends, you only have two options. You dominate or you suck up. Pop culture? Hobbies? Food? Dominate or suck up.

@revolutioninc7081 - 12.11.2023 08:38

Bro really said Whole Foods is the ideal friend making spot

@jamesorion8316 - 06.11.2023 11:52

this is so wholesome

@yes4246 - 05.11.2023 02:01

I recently moved to a small town from a big city where, up until I moved, I had spent my whole life. I’m still in high school and living in such a small town and there is practically no one like me considering the culture difference from such a big city to here. I would try and maybe get out like Cole did in this video and try and find people like me but with how small the town is there really isn’t anywhere to go that I would be interested in or that might have people like me, so overall I just don’t know what to do. Should I just spend the rest of my high school years alone and just move away as soon as possible or is there someone out there?

@flowerss.992 - 31.10.2023 16:45

Now how do you maintain it

@imyjimmy - 31.10.2023 07:13

who was the barber?

@felicityflynn6480 - 30.10.2023 16:38

I think it is difficult to make friends in the park or beer garden. It is easier to chat to people at organised events. Classes, clubs etc. Where there is a social agreement that people are cordual with eachother.

@eenayeah - 23.10.2023 10:57

Me who's moved 4 times since moving out of my parents home: not caring about making friends

@escher3251 - 20.10.2023 23:37

Me personally I couldn’t do this😂

@jamesadams4 - 13.10.2023 08:05

This video is the definition of uplifting content

@wuts_up_with_your_teeth - 06.10.2023 20:19

You're white. Everyone's your friend.

@_m_eme_dealer_ - 05.10.2023 17:20

Just moved in to a new school where i don't know anyone, this video definitely helps me feel more confident 😂

@IvandelHorno - 05.10.2023 16:01

i wouldnt be able

@jackbharucha1475 - 15.09.2023 20:23

Your lucky to live in a city. There is nothing to do in the suburbs

@axowotahl - 15.09.2023 17:48

Respect for getting out of your comfort zone. I sometimes don’t have the confidence to approach people but really want to get out there like you

@cerealgamer671 - 14.09.2023 06:00

So I had a lot of friends back home then moving put me in a bad place. I basically had 0 friends for 3 years.I’m antisocial. Scared of people now.Change my personality. I’m in Texas right now

@wasanakumarihamy4643 - 13.09.2023 20:48

Hi ILove your curnty and your voice

@Poppomatic64 - 11.09.2023 07:09

I just moved from Austin. Noticed Zilker there lol I could have been around!!

@Joenah5 - 11.09.2023 05:18

I keep seeing that piece of advice—find people by going to activities you already enjoy—and it's honestly not that helpful. All my hobbies happen to be rather solitary. I love reading, movies, and stuff like that, which isn't really the kind of thing I go out to do, which leaves that piece of "obvious" advice to be just about as far from intuitive to me as it can get. The instances when I do go out, the thought of strangers approaching me is scary, and so I wouldn't want to make people uncomfortable by doing that to them. I feel like I must be socially stunted or something, because I've only ever made friends in school because of proximity and because they're the ones who reached out to me. So while I have friends, I have zero clue how to expand my small social circle.

@rzxt - 10.09.2023 06:26

"I don't know anyone here"
Camera man:

@student-.. - 31.08.2023 17:53

I have no friends at my new school. My old best friend is at this school too but he has new friends now.
It all started going downhill when I became conscious

@thecharlieproblem - 30.08.2023 22:08

POV: ýou searched for a mitski song

@ashtonwells538 - 24.08.2023 01:19

Wow man I clicked on this man I literally just moved to Austin Texas a week afo

@vulcane8314 - 18.08.2023 14:41

wish I was this brave of getting out of my house and talk to people..

@iownyi3824 - 13.08.2023 18:51

step 1 : move cities get off your current environment

@bonkeykong3478 - 11.08.2023 05:35

I really appreciate this video because I have no friends and I need them

@eyes1168 - 01.08.2023 22:05

I love the vibe of this video. The way I make friends is that I try group courses of things I'm interested in or this way like in the video if I'm lucky. My advice is, try to find communities of people that do what you love. Concerts too if you're actually passionate about the artist, easy to find like minded people there. And know that EVERYONE is looking to meet new people that put themselves out like that. The worst they can say is no, win win.

@alaeddinmsetri4788 - 30.07.2023 15:59

Thank you for this video

@dom12011 - 29.07.2023 20:35

I’m 26 years old is it too late for me
To gain dating experience and social experience

@yangzhenxi-yo2vn - 15.07.2023 13:02

Can I make friends with you? I'm an introverted Chinese boy

@MaxLambrecht - 14.07.2023 18:23

Great content! I moved to Austin from Argentina six months ago, I know how hard is it when are an introvert alone in a new city.

@NaiCarlisle - 11.07.2023 15:36

I’ll be your friend

@SirRichar6the3rd - 09.07.2023 21:31

When he said Austin, TX i instantly knew he was gonna come across friendly people.

@emilybean9334 - 03.07.2023 11:35

I literally met the black dude in this video recently

@bricksinside9015 - 03.07.2023 07:58

"No" isnt the WORST thing they can say, they could say: "Sure, come with me!" and then they take you to their house and murder you

funny ruining ppl social skills

@citydweller99 - 03.07.2023 03:19

Try Being 40+ years old and single...and moving to a new city

@BentoBoxBobbyTV - 29.06.2023 19:38

I’ll defo be your friend. I have a lot to talk about haha

@coffie_girl - 27.06.2023 02:36

So a week ago, just to clarify I'm in this camp. And these two girls sat at a table with us, me and my three other aqquantinces and they looked uncomfortable so I asked nicely if they could move and they did. So when I talked to my aqquantinces they looked at me like I was, scary or something. One said I was a bitch with another and then I tell my mom and apparently I was a bully just for asking them that even when they did nothing. But I don't know how to explain my side without feeling like I'm playing victim when I just didn't care, I was uncomfortable and my friends were because we didn't know them and in that moment I didn't introduce us and instead asked them to leave. Is that so wrong? In the past I would've been so happy for someone to sit with me but now I just say whatever is on my mind and somehow I'm a bad person, am I? Im confused

@LateNightGoofiness - 16.06.2023 09:49

Thumbnail is the life of teagan

@MichaelZues - 14.06.2023 10:10

I believe in you man

@louisdemm1758 - 04.06.2023 13:09

Guess I must be a sociopath, because I find people mostly uninteresting.

@555KillerClown - 03.06.2023 05:09

Crazy I just moved to Austin and don’t know a single person down here and then at random I came across this video so random

@joseabad2552 - 31.05.2023 17:12

Thanks for sharing your experience have a great day ❤
