How To Use LinkedIn To Get A Job - Find A Job On LinkedIn

How To Use LinkedIn To Get A Job - Find A Job On LinkedIn


3 года назад

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S. H. Mubin
S. H. Mubin - 10.09.2022 12:59

I was looking for exactly this kind of video. You explained everything easily, but effectively. Thanks

Alberto M
Alberto M - 24.12.2021 18:12

Great job, informative Linkedin tips

Cedrick Cyusa
Cedrick Cyusa - 04.12.2021 19:00

Nice video

Joann Dombrow
Joann Dombrow - 11.10.2021 06:09

Excellent video but what is the difference between Apply and Easy Apply thanks

Emm Summer
Emm Summer - 14.09.2021 15:04

Helpful tutorial for anyone who's looking for a job. Thanks Marat for showing me some Linkedin tips which I wasn't aware of
Excellent tutorial!

Alberto M
Alberto M - 13.08.2021 20:39

Helpful Linkedin tutorial for all the job seekers out there, best linkedin tips to connect with recruiters

albert pd
albert pd - 14.07.2021 22:35

Great information

Marcos Rodriguez
Marcos Rodriguez - 13.07.2021 22:28

keep these coming

David De Paris
David De Paris - 13.07.2021 15:02

this is one of those videos you have to watch a couple of times so to follow all the steps and best practices for ur Linkedin account job hunt

Alberto M
Alberto M - 29.06.2021 19:23

good video and good linkedin tips to find a job

Adalet Açan
Adalet Açan - 18.06.2021 13:36

You have a new subscriber, good delivery and good linkedin tips. I'm trying to level up my LinkedIn game and you’ve been helpful.

brawl starts türkiye
brawl starts türkiye - 18.06.2021 13:26

Do you think I should send DMs to connections to tell them I look for a job? What should I say in a Linkedin DM without sounding too desperate?

İletişim - 18.06.2021 13:26

Quite a cheerful and informative video. Appreciate your clear and straight to the point approach in this video, this linkedin job hunting trips were well delivered as a message

yenioyuncu tr
yenioyuncu tr - 18.06.2021 13:26

I know that Linkedin now has a Career Explorer, to help people find new jobs using skills they already have. Is this what you covered in tip 7? I think at the moment LinkedIn's Career Explorer isn’t working as well as I thought, it doesn’t filter right.

JAVQUA - 18.06.2021 13:23

As you said I updated my skills section. But I wanted to know this, do the skill courses and tests count as skills? I maxed out on my 50 skills and would like to add more technical skills or programs I learned under the test section.

GameLess - 18.06.2021 13:23

Excellent video and thanks so much for this Linkedin valuable information

HASAN ÜNEL - 18.06.2021 13:23

Love your tips. In my opinion your LinkedIn profile is the most important aspect on LinkedIn while looking for a job. This definitely determines if someone follows you or connects you, helps you find a job

Vilma Santos
Vilma Santos - 17.06.2021 20:38

Hi. Great video. I really enjoyed hearing the advice as well. I would like to share information about a platform that can also help job recruiter hire people. The platform is called Sizigi. Sizigi is the first career AI to help make job hunts easier and it is a internet company. Sizigi gives people the opportunity to demonstrate their skills. Having a Sizigi account, people can create cover videos (introduce themselves), Create Content Library (upload projects, work, videos, websites etc.) Create Pitch idea (combine cover video or upload other videos and select from your library, what projects you want to share.) Upload Resume. Keep track of Job applications. Share your profile and pitch idea link. Copy/paste your Pitch Idea link or profile link when you are applying for a job. Job Recruiters will be looking at your profile only.

Workout At Home Ideas
Workout At Home Ideas - 27.05.2021 17:57

Love this

Emily Bird
Emily Bird - 19.05.2021 13:09

I just discovered your channel and all your LinkedIn content, and I am already a fan.

Rosie Dixon
Rosie Dixon - 19.05.2021 13:08

Best job search tutorial for Linkedin, I’ve seen other How to find a job on Linkedin videos and none was so connected and engaging like this one. I subscribed and hope to see many more videos like this. Thanks for your help

Dale Salazar
Dale Salazar - 19.05.2021 13:07

Great video, helps to look for a job on Linkedin. But regarding premium, honestly I have the free trial and I’ve noticed zero difference. I feel like applying to the company directly, and emailing them a resume using easy apply. But seems like most jobs on indeed and LinkedIn don’t respond.

Yasmin Hancock
Yasmin Hancock - 19.05.2021 13:06

Your linkedin tips are most certainly useful and of a great value. Many thanks. All spot on and finally someone making such type of videos.I really needed some advice on linkedin profile

Perry Grimes
Perry Grimes - 19.05.2021 13:05

Good video and these parts are very necessary: How to Search for Recruiters in your industry on LinkedIn, How to separate your LinkedIn profile from your Resume. How to change from invisible mode to show your profile and be visible to professionals.

Sebastian Durgan
Sebastian Durgan - 19.05.2021 13:04

Thank you very much! It was very informative and the one I was looking for! Helping us get it right on linkedin

Amy Simmons
Amy Simmons - 14.05.2021 09:45

I can tell you know what you are talking about. These are a on point I have a profile on Linkedin but I didn't think there was so much to do though my the job offer I got was from a recruiter through Linkedin. Thank you for your tips and advice

Lucy's Living Room
Lucy's Living Room - 05.05.2021 21:03

Linkedin job search changed in 2021 thanks for this updated step by step linkedin job search tutorial guide

Marcos Rodriguez
Marcos Rodriguez - 02.05.2021 23:20

These are some top linkedin tips for job hunters. Aside from tips you actually show how to do it step by step. Good video!

Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith - 27.04.2021 15:06

I don’t really enjoy using it

Andre Taylor
Andre Taylor - 27.04.2021 07:16

I spent years improving and my profile and now I actually started doing the opposite and removing information because it was all spam and hundreds of useless messages per day and people use Linkedin in a quite informal way..

Alberto M
Alberto M - 26.04.2021 18:42

can you make a video with linkedin tips on which connection do we add and which not?

David De Paris
David De Paris - 24.04.2021 19:32

Can you make a video about preparing a presentation? I have a final interview and they requested a project presentation, I start with my linkedin profile as one of the slides

Amy Simmons
Amy Simmons - 24.04.2021 15:25

I got my last job on Linkedin. I find it more simple than applying on different company websites. You're right about first making a good linkedin profile

Lucy's Living Room
Lucy's Living Room - 24.04.2021 14:38

He says: do you know how to use linkedin effectively?
I say: no, I don’t 😂

Thanks Marat for showing all the steps, I did up to step 5 and will follow the rest later

Emm Summer
Emm Summer - 23.04.2021 22:07

Simple yet effective.Your tutorials are so easy to use, please post more LinkedIn tutorials!

Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking - 23.04.2021 13:50

Linkedin filters are easy, I like how you can directly apply to a job with easy apply

Workout At Home Ideas
Workout At Home Ideas - 23.04.2021 13:18

Excellent tutorial, keep it up!

albert pd
albert pd - 23.04.2021 10:23

keep learning a few new things about linkedin with each video you make

90sFan - 23.04.2021 01:17

Thanks for your videos, great help

Mark Stone
Mark Stone - 22.04.2021 23:43

woa what a helpful tutorial, trying all these steps

Ann King
Ann King - 22.04.2021 23:31

I love linked in.
