Why the Misunderstood Umbaran Resistance DID NOTHING WRONG

Why the Misunderstood Umbaran Resistance DID NOTHING WRONG


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@AtlantisPriestHood - 27.02.2022 19:16

The best thing i realized about this show is that it not only displayed how the republic overall was further losing its way, but also showed the progressing blindness if the jedi.

@thefrogstronaut - 28.02.2022 13:12

As with much of Star Wars, I think the Umbara arc was a broad allegory for the Vietnam war. George Lucas has said in many interviews that the topics explored in Star Wars are direct allegories for real world imperialism and political corruption. He has stated that the Empire represents the US military and the Rebels represent the Viet Cong.

The clones are the young American draftees being thrown in the grinder by the American ruling class, which is represented by the Republic Chancellor and Senate. Pong Krell is the American officer ordering the barely adults to commit atrocities in the name of “freedom”, and the clones mutineering him is in direct parallel to the many instances of soldiers in Vietnam deserting, disobeying, and sometimes killing their commanding officers for issuing orders that would get them killed or force them to commit horrible acts against the Vietnamese.

Obviously for story purposes the Umbarans are portrayed on a surface level as villains, but as this video demonstrates that’s not really what was going on. Also, many parallels can be drawn between the Umbarans and Vietnamese. The fighting starts as jungle warfare with carpet bombings, unfamiliar terrain, and lots of ambushes. They blend into the terrain and only strike when the enemy is vulnerable, but later in the offensive they begin deploying heavy armor, which represent soviet and chines tanks encountered more commonly as the US pushed north. The Republic aims to capture the capital city, which represents Saigon, and the separatists providing supplies but never being seen on the ground is the USSR and China providing material aid to Vietnam.

The biggest difference between the Umbara arc and the Vietnam war is probably that the Republic actually won.

@saxybison - 01.03.2022 07:16

Umbara was in much the same situation as Ukraine is right now. Life imitates art. "We're not gonna take it!"

@white_ninja9828 - 04.03.2022 00:25

It’s not so much that the clones were the bad guys in this case. It’s more the people that were handing out orders. The clones were just doing what they were told. Which is a philosophical argument in its own right, but I digress.

@raypag5715 - 11.04.2022 05:29

The Umbarans we're traitors to the republic no matter the reason or cause they were traitors and the republic invasion was justified. And if they didn't do enough investigating to find the real killer of their senator then they deserved everything that befell their people. Dumb dumb Umbarans.

@Haloguy3959 - 22.05.2022 13:52

Doesn't really matter if they're right or wrong morally speaking as them leaving could cause major problems in the mid rim as stated in the video. The republic needed Umbara so I don't think it's fair to judge this from a moral standpoint, like how you wouldn't call a lion an evil monster for killing some antelope them feeding on its dead body.

@adarshkamoda9183 - 02.06.2022 02:28

A hero to one side is a monster to the other. The unorthodox tactics and bravery of the Umbarans would naturally appear to be unnerving and hellish to the other side.

@Jamslijamsl - 10.07.2022 12:37

Unfortunate but the Republic had no choice but to take Umbara

@harry-duongchivy7172 - 15.07.2022 10:27

Men, I did not think that Disney will ever re-create something like Clone Wars. Not even in five more decades🥲

@aurelia8028 - 17.07.2022 10:55

I don't really see the connection between how and why the senator got killed and how that means the republic senate is corrupt. There's no correlation

@smacke2950 - 27.07.2022 10:01

space Vietnam!

@freddiecawston2892 - 30.07.2022 04:55

Why do Umbarans need helmets and breathing apparatus on their own home world? The senator seemed fine breathing normal air on Coruscant.

@Nessie-mf3xg - 14.08.2022 10:49

I think one of the biggest tactical advantages the Separatists had was their integration of different tactics into one large military force. The Republic missed a huge opportunity by not going around to different systems within the republic and developing a doctrine that utilized a wider range of equipment. I also realize that most of the battles in the clone wars involved tactics more akin to World War 1. Imagine what advantage the GAR could have gotten if they had integrated some of the vehicles of the Umbarans into their own army. It also could have had simultaneous soft-power advantages as now the Umbarans are trading with the Republic and would thus be closer with them.

I also realize that something like this could never have happened as Mr. Palpy wouldn’t have approved it.

@totallynotalpharius2283 - 18.08.2022 16:07

I mean were the Viet Cong and North a Vietnamese right?


@webzentertainment - 20.08.2022 17:02

One slight correction. Ditchi was not murdered because of his political views, he was murdered because he knew too much and could’ve given away Lola’s involvement in Farr’s murder. That’s why she killed him

@mysticalarchives7821 - 28.08.2022 00:39

See, this touches upon one of my favorite aspects of the clone wars: the parallels that you can make with the Civil War. I know that a lot of people don’t like to make much comparisons to Civil War because people don’t really like looking at more of the nuances regarding the south in that conflict. There’s a pervasive view in that too how old the opinion that slavery was not the cause of secession or the war is just being “ignorant and disingenuous“ when discussing the Civil War. However, I think that if we remember the lessons we pull from Star Wars regarding the secession of confederate systems, we can remember that you can recognize the wrong that’s done by one side of a war while still acknowledging their reasons and justification for taking the actions that led to war.
In this case, the south seceded prior to the Civil War not because they were upset over slavery, but because they felt that the American republic was growing to centralize in violation of constitutional limitation and they especially felt that the republic in the United States wise tending to favor special interest at the detriment of member states. Those in the north constantly preached about internal improvements and a great national economy, but even when the south agreed to a proposed economic development or internal improvement, the north always insisted that such efforts had to be concentrated in northern states or northern territories. Avery new railroad that went across the country had to take a northern route and never a southern round. All tariffs had to be accommodating for northern industrial interest without concern for the fact that the southern economy relied on foreign trade for their textiles. Then in the election of 1860, a president is elected solely based on support from northern states without any consent or support from the southern states. This presented an image of the United States to the south that the country no longer offered them any benefit but only exploitation.
They weren’t even really wrong about this. Congress was constantly favoring Northern industrial and economic interests and did really tend to ignore concerns from the south. In fact, the whole thing about saying that secession was because of slavery came from the fact that the north never understood the south and always just assumed that the disagreements were over slavery due to the prominence of slavery in the southern economy. Now, to many in the south they did have issues related to slavery on a social and economic level which is what muddies a lot of the issues. However, their reason for disagreeing with lies about what type of economic practices, i.e. whether or not you could own slaves, were permitted in the south Were based on issues of constitutional provisions and enumerated rights. Their issues with tariffs were over the fact that they seemed to disproportionately affect the south due to the greater amount of export and import that was tied to their economics than what you would find in the north. Slavery wasn’t deed to a lot of these issues due to the way there society and economy worked, but it wasn’t the issues affecting slavery that motivated them to take issue with what the north was doing; they took issue with the fact that the actions being pursued by the north were disadvantageous to the south in order to give a benefit to the north.
In short, the south ultimately decided to secede from the union because they felt that the United States was consistently growing to become a more centralized national government that served corrupt special interests while disregarding its constitutional obligations to provide a mutual benefit to all states equally. Now they were misguided and wrong in some areas, but ultimately they were correct in their basic assessment of what had been going on with American economic policy up to that point for the most part. Most of all, however, even if they may not have had the most noble of reasons for succeeding, they ultimately did have a right of self determination and deciding whether or not they wanted to continue being governed by the United States. Just like every world in the galactic republic had a right to decide they no longer wanted to remain a part of that government, every state in America had and still has the right to decide not to remain a part of the United States. And to those saying that there is no legal right to secession, including those who will try to bring up the 1869 Supreme Court case in which such in an assertion was made, all I can say is that your conclusion void mandate that a people can only leave a nation that they feel does not represent them or their interest through armed revolution rather than peaceful political action. In other words, that interpretation mandates that war must always occur for secession to take place and that is a dangerous principle to follow.
Justice through warfare is not truly justice.

@seven_chords - 07.11.2022 13:23

i honestly never really liked watching the whole umbara arc, guess i now have a valid reason why

@nightblades6239 - 18.11.2022 23:27

cough cough ... what the west did to the east

@Dianasaurthemelonlord7777 - 24.11.2022 23:17

I see the Republic's Invasion of Umbara as a commentary of the Imperialism many Neoliberal Democracies is responsible in, especially historical occurrences like the Vietnam War.

@hbsupreme1499 - 25.11.2022 09:07

a politicized military is even more corrupt like what we have in the real world in the history of Latin America when it comes to coup including the foreign nations that backed them. In the case of star war, the clone was just caring out the order go the governing body there military owned.

@jlokison - 10.12.2022 02:48

The Umbarans have the same problem with Sheev Palpatine turning the Republic into the Empire.

They were destined to be backed into a corner forcing them to lash out at which point Compnor Media reminds the entire galaxy of why no one should trust Mandalorians or Umbara. There own history would be come justification as to why the Galactic Empire was protecting the rest of the galaxy from them.

Sly Moore might have become Palpatines Senior Administrative Aide because of this possibility in addition to other reasons.

@XevenYT143 - 13.12.2022 15:09

Growing up you realized that the watching The Clone Wars was a tragic show

@StonewallTitlow - 01.01.2023 04:56

I eventually stopped watching the show during Season 5 in the Mandalore Arc and the reason why stemmed from this arc.

@harrisjordan7492 - 08.01.2023 00:42

The thing about war is it is never morally clean cut. If one planet or city is peaceful but is supplying your enemy then it will, most likely, be invaded. The good guys do bad things and the bad guys can do good things. Actions can only be judged when being viewed with hind sight.

@myleswelnetz6700 - 31.01.2023 18:30

How dare the Umbarans see the Republic’s corruption! The nerve of those people!

@alpharius7454 - 15.02.2023 09:09

Umbara was a sci fi Vietnam reference as I got it the umbarans refuse to be bring back under the republic s boot nor it was that loyal to the CIS either but the CIS was willing to support the umbarans self determination but yeah it got a little water down as traps were not that much used as in Vietnam and the umbarans show a lot of restrain in the use of their military as they used conventional guerrilla warfare by seting ambushes and using their tanks as artillery platforms and every time a clone got smoke by anything natural be it a carnivorous plant or the fauna it was not the umbarans beinmalicious but the clones being not wary enough of their surroundings

@Furonanator139 - 02.03.2023 17:45

What's worse is the republic could have likely negotiated them into neutrality, an arrangement that'd likely benefit the planet as well but the republic didn't care. And honestly Palpatine had nothing to do with it considering the republics long dark history before he was even born.

@lawrencejm9922 - 10.03.2023 02:36

Your statement on letting Sepatist members get murdered.... Mina Bonteri, Bec Lawise probably a few more lol

@trylynarie3327 - 06.04.2023 22:32

Ngl this always felt dodgey to me. They changed sides and the republic wanted to deck them for it 😅

@dailydoseofleftpill3458 - 28.04.2023 17:43

Star Wars version of invasion of Vietnam

@Anakin85 - 27.05.2023 19:06

You had me until the last second when you said the clones were the real bad guys cuz that ain’t true

@user-hu8qn5dk4x - 31.05.2023 19:39

W republic

@michaelminden2482 - 16.07.2023 09:47

The Separatists killed our popular Senator, so we will turn on the Republic! Another of the illogical story arcs that hurt an otherwise good show.

@theentmarch - 08.09.2023 00:25

Moral ambiguity doesn't come from a hero actually being a bad guy, but pitting your heroic soldiers who don't have any say in what battle spay fight, against patriotic defenders, both sides pitted against each other by the real villains. Even as a kid, I could understand how unusual it was for Star Wars to show our heroes with covered, faces fighting against people whose faces we could see.

@Huy-G-Le - 11.10.2023 15:38

Republic is late stage capitalism.
Empire is capitalism under Fasco-ist, ran exclusively by their economic Elite.
Con-Federation is...well at least a different forms of capitalism.

@revanius2213 - 15.10.2023 01:19

Except... the Senator's murder in the end had nothing to do with the corruption of the Senate, and more to do with him getting caught up in a Rodian's vendetta. Also the Confederacy's leader was responsible for the murder of one of its leading Senators, Senator Bontarii and even claimed it was a Republic attack, and forced Padme to kill the leader of their own parliament.

@marcel4x481 - 24.12.2023 04:57

They could have joined the neutral systems instead.
Switching sides in a war is going to make you an enemy of ths other side. Its that simple.
Becoming part of the seperatists which was astwar with republic) made the planet and all military means a legetimite target of the republic.
And vica verse any planet switching from Seps to Rep would have been target of the seps.

@marcel4x481 - 24.12.2023 05:00

What actually annoyed me most is the lack of armored vehicles and artillery on the side of the Rep. Where were all the AT-TE's and artillery guns?
All we saw was dismounted infantry and AT-RT's.
Would have been nics seeing Rep AT-TE's and Juggernauts fighting the Umbarran armored vehicles.

@twistedyogert - 08.01.2024 02:58

Perhaps the CIS could've sent them a few squads of commando droids.

@keule329z.4 - 11.01.2024 20:46

"The Confederacy didn't let its representatives in parliament get murdered"

Mina Bonteri, getting assasinated after she stood up for peace talks between the warring factions: "Am I a joke to you?"

@ferretmonger0236 - 13.02.2024 03:40

Oh, the Umbaran's did a lot of wrong, specifically to each other. Their high society is absurdly cutthroat, but they seem to keep such behavior to themselves. Other than that, yeah, they didn't really do much wrong outside.

@quinmatthew1 - 24.02.2024 02:09

I know the video is 2 years old but does anyone think that the presence of at-tes could've turned the battle? Seeing the umbaran walkers outgun the clones made me wonder, why didn't or couldn't the republic field their own walkers? There was room for the umbarans to field their walkers and we've seen at-tes in jungles like teth and felucia before so the terrain wasnt really a limit

@surge1229 - 10.04.2024 05:21

The Umbarans sound a lot like the IRA and that reminds me I was born on a dublin street⬇

@JesLen-lo1zi - 28.04.2024 07:29

There’s a reason we only see the brand when they’re fighting the clones, if Filoni gave them even the tiniest bit of perspective on screen then the entire audience would quickly realize they were straight up the good guys. The Republic is invading and occupying a civilian populated world. The umbaran forces are militiamen taking up arms to defend their home and families from alien attackers.

@olegd3860 - 03.05.2024 11:38


@Vidkron-KronKommander - 15.05.2024 20:08

The Republic was dead the moment they signed the Russan Reformation a thousand years prior ending the Old Republic and forming the Galactic Republic. It became a hive of corruption where only the elite were benefactors. The Jedi were no better and became a religious order of zealots hiding in their monastery instead of going out and protecting the people they swore to defend. So yes the Umbarans did nothing wrong.

@ranger887 - 08.06.2024 09:10

Nah, I’m with the clones, down with the Umbarans
