The Movie Great Pyramid K 2019 - Director Fehmi Krasniqi

The Movie Great Pyramid K 2019 - Director Fehmi Krasniqi

Fehmi Krasniqi

3 года назад

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Chris Asi Romeo
Chris Asi Romeo - 27.09.2023 08:03

If Egyptians build those megalithic great pyramid at giza. They would have built hundreds of those but instead only they can build is a smaller one and not the great pyramid. Its a ruins from old world before the great flood and the evidence shows it's much older and certainly not a tomb.

Chris Asi Romeo
Chris Asi Romeo - 27.09.2023 08:02

Egyptians didn't build the great pyramid. It was ruin from old world before the great flood. Egyptians just found it. They didn't have any records about the great pyramid nor have the knowledge to build it. If they have the knowledge to build it they would have build 100 0f that pyramid with that size but only a smaller one they can build. The evidence 🧾 shows it's a much older and certainly not a tomb.

Itchy Scratchy
Itchy Scratchy - 25.09.2023 23:44

What an epic hoax 😂😂😂

Mayan Thoth-John Savino-Bonner
Mayan Thoth-John Savino-Bonner - 25.09.2023 05:50


Eric Child
Eric Child - 25.09.2023 00:07

Much of this film is fascinating and intriguing, but the basic premise that granite can be melted and cast seems flawed. I believe that when melted, granite becomes obsidian, which the pyramids clearly are not. Also, where are the giant lenses, and how were they made and manouvered to maintain focus?

Katan Akuma
Katan Akuma - 24.09.2023 15:55

All information should be free for Everyone.

S Mavinga
S Mavinga - 22.09.2023 02:47

Merci infiniment pour ce film. J’espère que beaucoup de gens vont le regarder et avoir cette capacité à réfléchir pour avoir leur propre réflexion que tout ceci ça a du sens . Car malheureusement on nous a conditionné à ne plus penser et à nous infliger une seule “vérité “ qui est complètement fausse et qui est tellement injuste pour la population noire…

Andre Rovigatti
Andre Rovigatti - 20.09.2023 04:55

No one "lense" survived ? Any data about size, weight , grade of convexity of those refractors ?

Paula S
Paula S - 19.09.2023 23:39

Although very informative this documentary comes to conclusions that eliminate possible pre-history. The dismissal of pre-existing civilizations is premature. We do not yet have all the answers.

Miha Poker
Miha Poker - 18.09.2023 10:11

Why did they cut RING of 1m into 6. pieces...?

Vincent K.
Vincent K. - 17.09.2023 15:15

And 1 more question
Each block of pyramids has different width and visible at least from 2 sides joint lines ,front nand top
1) In order to get different widths you have to have different molds - milions of them
2)You can not point joint it as it pushes material down
3)You can not leave the space between blocks and slide when it dries is already permanently attached to the bottom block
4) How you separate bottom of each block ,even if there was something they were able to put it under, how do you remove it from the bottom with all that weight pressing down
So lets create scenario for the 2 course.... corner block is molded - than 2nd mold in that case rectangular mold is attached or slide,concrete is pour on the top of alrady dried bottom block - is there a separation between 2 of them ????or you wait untill 2 block dries ???? And than you slide it out from the mold (how long you have to wait for concrete to dry ???)
What they had to use on the inside of the mold to separate it - duck fat ? , there was no steel . It is possible that wood will hold the outside pressure and not bowed
These were not brick !!! Very heavy blocks

Vincent K.
Vincent K. - 17.09.2023 14:24

I would like him to biuld that solar glass lens now
Melt granit with same resources as available at Egyptian time
Make molds form wood and build replica of the pyramid
If they did it why we can not repeat it ????
It seems according to this theory that is not that hard

Steven Styles
Steven Styles - 17.09.2023 01:54

Once the granite was melted, did they pour it into wooden moulds? How did the moulds stand the heat?

Jostein Carlsen
Jostein Carlsen - 15.09.2023 23:48

Wooden mould and molten lava..doesn’t mix

h5mind - 15.09.2023 15:29

Having done concrete work with builders, I know how the wooden forms used to create a desired shape have to be very strong to withstand the pressure of the concrete during the curing process. And, like was shown, wood enjoys sticking tightly to concrete. Typically, the wooden forms used are sacrificial, and to be removed, they are destroyed. The smallest knot or imperfection in the wood form is imprinted onto the concrete within- has this been observed anywhere in the pyramids? The concrete theory does not adequately answer how they built intricate statues, vases and delicate bladed bowls made out of materials other than limestone. Finally, the pyramids of Giza were covered in a layer of limestone, but the interior structure was a completely different material. If everything was poured in place, wouldn't it make sense to use a uniform recipe throughout?

timmo971 - 15.09.2023 14:33

It needs to be demonstrated in front of me a drop of water 1cm big. That seems huge and I call bs.

Tony DeMurray
Tony DeMurray - 14.09.2023 22:58

Enjoyed the movie immensely. Will have to watch it again with more attentiveness.
Seems like some data is missing. Just how long were these world travels? Seems like decades, if not centuries would be needed. What about the allegiance to the Mother land dissipating and the want to stay put?
What were the benefits to the the pharaoh who sent them on their missions? How did he maintain control?
Are any current endeavors underway to duplicate the solar lens and concrete constructs? That would go along way in proving these claims.

Dr. Chris Star*
Dr. Chris Star* - 14.09.2023 14:00

Kriya yoga, gives me many gifts.
Magic.., yes sometimes
Calmness, yes most times
Quietness, yes in my time

Ross Williams
Ross Williams - 14.09.2023 03:53

Cool story. But that’s just it. It’s a story. This story should not be presented as fact. Aside from the pouring theory which is very interesting. Many, many liberties have been taken. The cherry picking of information is constant. Aspects are definitely interesting and maybe valid however the narrative is high jacked into a race debate which is sad. The “travelling around the whole world in boats” theory is not sustainable when scrutinised by academics. The faces in America are far more Polynesian in appearance than African . There is zero genetic evidence to support the African intercontinental theory. Easter island noses are European. The “carvings” at Gosford are a crude design comparison. Aboriginals from Australia were present in America prior to American Indians this is proven through genetic material. Where are the mummies from African in America? No nuts, seeds, tools, animals, clothes, ornament brought with them? Where’s the jewellery? Where are the weapons? C’mon.😂 Anyways, guess Angkor Wat had too elaborate carvings to fit into the storyline. 😏

Pool Guy
Pool Guy - 13.09.2023 05:45

This is probably the best breakdown which shows the complexities of the pyramids, great movie!

Khadijah bintSalafi
Khadijah bintSalafi - 13.09.2023 03:34

I have been fascinated at the construction of these for a long time. Watched alot of alien theorists say it was built by aliens. But Quran always said pharaohs architect built pyramids. Could never figure out how they moved such huge stones so quickly. And how everything was so precise. Watching this movie makes perfectly logical sense. Thank you for explaining

Pezhman Babamiri
Pezhman Babamiri - 11.09.2023 06:09

Applying the Quranic history of prophet Moses can explain why Egypt got destroyed, because they worshiped false gods, deities and entities and GOD ALMIGHTY sent the Egyptian king and priests prophet Moses to tell them to stop that none-sense of there being other gods than the ONE AND ONLY GOD WHO IS THE CREATOR and OWNER of the universe and all life WHO is worthy of Praise and Worship, but pharaoh insisted that he is the lord and god of the egyptian people, so THE REAL GOD sent the 10 plagues to proof to the people that those 10 gods they invented were not real and THE ETERNAL GOD OF EXISTENCE drowned pharaoh and his army and spared his body to be mummified for future generations to be a lesson not to ever claim that they are gods (pharohs body is inside a museum for those in power to witness the outcome of those who claim to be god of the people) and those who are evil on judgment day they will be forced to live on this planet while earth is merged with the blazing fires of the sun.

What people call aliens are lucifer and his army of satans, demons, devils and evil spirits who are all liars and they work in secret to destroy us humans because "They" (lucifer and his army) are the only enemy that we as humans have on this earth and they are trying to take us humans with themselves to the deep fires of hell.

This video is the proof that humans desire for power, control and secrecy all comes from the whispers of the satans, and the results of obeying the whispers of satan never end up well. All that human advancement hidden from people because of race power, control and geographical positioning, the europeans stole everything while the Egyptians and Muslims invented and created and discovered everything and the modern white Europeans stand proudly and arrogantly on the bones and bloods of the ancient Egyptians and Muslims, but not to worry because justice will be served and truth will come to light because THE GOD OF CREATION of the heavens and earth is THE PATIENT ONE and HE is outside of this dimension of space, matter and time that HE has CREATED and HE Knows and Sees everything going on in peoples lives and minds and everyone will be accountable for their actions on this earth, on the day of reckoning when the hands and tongs will the witnesses testifying against themselves.

be grateful and be patient, this life is limited and so is this planet, but not THE GOD of this planet because he is eternal, the ever living and awake and majestically perfect and powerful and eternal. there is no god but AL'LAH (THE GOD), and prophet Mohammad is HIS servant and messenger of AL'LAH (THE GOD), and the Quran is HIS final Book of revelation sent down to humanity.

Federico Tornices
Federico Tornices - 10.09.2023 12:35

Have you tried to melt limestone or granite and create some blocks??

Dennis - 10.09.2023 10:00

The idea of using concrete is ridiculous. What were all the molds made from? Can you imagine how much wood was needed? Why wouldn't all the pyramid stones be uniform? Besides, plenty of quarry evidence and unfinished obelisks etc.

David King
David King - 09.09.2023 23:37

Thank you Mr. Krasniqi for addressing the fact that these were Black Kemetians. Our world gets so caught up in Eurocentrism that many people can’t fathom that civilization as we know it could have come from Black Africans. This movie was so thorough and addressed every problem that has been brought up with regard to the mystery of the building of the pyramids. I still have questions about the validity of melting and reconstituting granite, but I feel like there’s probably a scientific answer. I thought granite had to have a certain amount of pressure as well as heat, but I’m also no geologist. 🤷🏾‍♂️
Excellent work!

Nils Telle
Nils Telle - 09.09.2023 05:52

We’re are the suppose lenses

Toosiya Brandt
Toosiya Brandt - 09.09.2023 03:17

Thinking the earth is a globe spinning in ‘ Space’ is wrong as well!
Shalom to us only in Christ Yeshua returning soon to reign over His Creation from Jerusalem forever.

Igor Dzhurov
Igor Dzhurov - 08.09.2023 14:55

The pyramids were built 4000+ years ago by evil people from another planet. More than 6 planets with people like us are coming here over 5000+ years and making moai tukuturi, nazca lines, stonehenge... The planet where is now 8036 year, built 3 pyramids and the monster in front, and the reason is because they wanted it only for themselves. In other words, the pyramids are power plants, the electricity produced by our core and which creates protection from the sun accumulates in the stone and comes out on top and fills the flying ships there. They are built according to the principle, the stone is cut with a laser, the stone is charged with electricity and carried, and the ships are kept in the air with the help of electricity, they have the technology to attach to your head, they can see, hear, talk to you inside, during stories they can open your mouth and manupulis with your whole body. That 8036 planet, which is only 15 minutes away from us, has been killing men for thousands of years with the help of electricity and they have cooperation with the USA (SEKTA), the biggest terrorist country on our planet.

Gan Gineandro Roverso
Gan Gineandro Roverso - 07.09.2023 22:41

Still this could be redone better by contextualizing with better sourcing, experiments and connection to mythological and archaeological threads to judaism, moabite,m other semitic peoples, babylonian civilization collapse, sumerian mythology that lent the backbone of genesis... Vedic mythology, American mythology. The Nazca, the bosnian pyramids (proven to be more than 10000 years old.).

The timespans and certain dates must be off by a long shot as much of this is older. the floods at the end of the dryas. And let us think then of the red-headed ones from crimean/caucasus region that ended up in central america, likely from the western direction.

Brendan Aengenheister
Brendan Aengenheister - 07.09.2023 00:07

water is not a constant constant as it approaches freezing it expands approximately 9%

Andrzej Be
Andrzej Be - 06.09.2023 22:06

Film ciekawy. Jednak to konglomerat półprawd, praw i bajek. Piramida Chufu zrobiona z odlewanych z geobetonu kamieni. Wystarczy popatrzeć na tę piramidę, by stwierdzić: jakie nierówne formy mieli ci Egipcjanie! Teoria o negrodialnym Egipcie, przynajmniej okresu Starego Państwa, jakoś nie pokrywa się z graficznymi prezentacjami pozostawionymi przez Egipcjan Starego Państwa. Skoro tak stosunkowo łatwo było robić piramidę Chufu z betonu, to dlaczego innych piramid nie budowano z betonu? A ostatnie piramidy z XIII dynastii to budowano, rdzęń, z cegieł mułowych! Betonu nie było? Wlewanie betonu wiadrami, co pokazano w filmie, wywołuje śmiech. I to jeszcze do jednej formy, a nie do wielu naraz.! Sto lat by tę piradmidę "odlewali"! Może to tłumacz Google dobrze przetłumaczy, bo mi się nie chce pisać po angielsku o tym filmie, w którym Egipcjanie Starego Państwa (a nawet Okresu Późnego - vide Necho II) przedstawiani są jako nadludzie. Oczywiście, oficjalna egiptologia też pewne fakty interpretuje w sposób fantastyczny. W tym filmie jest więcej jest pobożnych życzeń niż realizmu. Pozdrawiam, faraon Benben, oby żył wiecznie!

Glenn - 05.09.2023 23:22

Interesting film. I don't find much info on "all water droplets are of the same size, i.e. 1 cm". Doesn't it depend on a lot of factors..? Seems like it would vary some millimeters at least.. References?

Nashon - 05.09.2023 12:35

Well there are better theories out there that actually match the evidence found for the time period.

legab ris
legab ris - 05.09.2023 07:45

This is laughable. You guys hsve no sense of how anything is built

adrian puisi
adrian puisi - 05.09.2023 00:51

very interesting. they the Egyptians hired many expert architects and scientists from the Americans to build the pyramids. makes a lot of sense. how much do they pay the experts .. ❤ fantastic

Jim Caldarelli
Jim Caldarelli - 05.09.2023 00:11

Very interesting but the only problem I have is melting granite with a giant magnifying glass.

Ailsa Pehi
Ailsa Pehi - 04.09.2023 22:52


False Data
False Data - 04.09.2023 21:05


Vlado Damjanovski
Vlado Damjanovski - 04.09.2023 14:57

Alexander of Macedon was Macedonian, not Greek.
Greece did not exist as a name nor country until 1832.
Macedonian is not Greek.

Junior - 04.09.2023 02:32

Thank you

Beau Cameron
Beau Cameron - 03.09.2023 14:52

Nothing but sand and desert as far as the eye can see in these cartoons and not 1 effing tree for these moulds. Where are these moulds. The blocks in the pyramids are different sizes. So explain that clowns

Beau Cameron
Beau Cameron - 03.09.2023 14:01

Where's all this wood come from in these cartoons? 😂

Beau Cameron
Beau Cameron - 03.09.2023 13:34

Geopolymer does not explain how anything was built. Where is the evidence for any of the moulds they used? Where's the wood stuck in any of the big pyramids? And where were all these trees. It says they wrote down everything on papyrus but not 1 bit of evidence has been shown. The Egyptians themselves have no idea how they were made so if they write everything down did they all get amnesia at once

Tayro Thinkingoutloud
Tayro Thinkingoutloud - 03.09.2023 06:40

In your blithering's you speak of a simple lens made of water glass to melt stone.
Okay... Make one of these water glass lenses and melt some stone or quit talking about your theory in absolution's and how everyone else is foolish.
It's called "Put up or shut up."

G G - 03.09.2023 00:41

lol, why would E.T. build the pyramids. lol. out of stone no less. lol if you are traveling through space are you doing it in a stone space ship. lol, lol

E.T. is still here.
ah. there is one guy who is the right path. lol

G G - 03.09.2023 00:25

you people really have no idea... this is too funny. you are asking the wrong people

Anuranjan Mondal
Anuranjan Mondal - 03.09.2023 00:08

There’s a lot of suppositions but not enough evidence to support these claims. In other words, you’re guilty of the same things that you accuse others of

HUGO ENRIQUEZ SANCHEZ - 01.09.2023 15:46

Estoy absorto, siempre la verdad sale a la luz, los especuladores seguirán negándolo, pero allí están las evidencias, fue siempre hormigón y gracias a la lente solar hicieron esos caprichosos diseños

ary mza
ary mza - 31.08.2023 03:42

si la pelicula durara 10 minutos mas, los negros llegaban a la luna antes que los americanos jaja
