China's Navy vs The US Navy - Who Would Win the South Pacific Sea

China's Navy vs The US Navy - Who Would Win the South Pacific Sea


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Carey's Corner
Carey's Corner - 10.10.2023 01:51

Why the hell would the US Navy contest the China Seas with China? The USN would park a couple of Carrier Battle Groups in the Gulf of Oman, stick a boatload of missiles on Tsushima Island, and 2/3 of China's oil supply would be down the tubes. When China's economy collapses, and its fleet doesn't have the fuel to sortie, THEN we move in, and wipe them out.

And that doesn't even count what happens to China's economy when their #1 trading partner embargoes them.

Susan Noland
Susan Noland - 02.10.2023 04:15

If China’s ships hold up like the stuff we buy from them…..I don’t think the US has anything to worry about.

George Francis
George Francis - 01.10.2023 01:13

Have you not been paying attention? Before the war in Ukraine most of the so called experts believed the russian millitary was the secound most powerfull in the world. We now know thats not even close to true. So why do you believe the chinese would fare any better considering moat of there equipment is based or coppied from russian and they have little to no battlefield experiance?

LoneEagle_6 - 26.09.2023 23:16

Godzilla would win…amirite…

Alax Nlax
Alax Nlax - 25.09.2023 19:25

You all not thinking abouut this right, China has went for more missile able to be launched within a set time or the get go, it is no point carrying 500 missile if you need to 96 every 24 missile because they share the same cooling vents which needs 4 or what ever minutes to cooldown before next launch, 50 missile that can instant launch at same time is better..... You want Maximum instant launch

Bryan Fisher
Bryan Fisher - 20.09.2023 06:21

The main difference is the US has a blue water next. I consider China's Navy a green water navy.

howard cropp
howard cropp - 27.08.2023 03:33

What this video doesn't know is just how advanced the current US Navy Electronic Warfare is. Trust me, no other navy in the world even stands a fighting chance.

Brian Bogia
Brian Bogia - 25.08.2023 05:52

Midway Island is close enough to help in that battle. So, the USA will win but China may hurt the USA some.

Paul Blay
Paul Blay - 25.08.2023 05:47

The US Navy is bigger than the next 8 Navys combined. Chinese subs are close to 2 decades behind in technology

Jerry Kahn
Jerry Kahn - 25.08.2023 01:21

How can the PLAN have more warships than the US Navy? Discounting Frigates and Corvettes (which can be sunk without any problem), China has only 23 Destroyers and 2 Aircraft Carriers, 46 Diesel Attack Submarines, 6 Nuclear Attack Submarines, 4 Diesel Ballistic Missile Submarines, no Cruisers and no Amphibious Assault Ships compared to the US Navy's 11 Aircraft Carriers, 10 Amphibious Assault Ships, 16 Cruisers, 74 Destroyers, 49 Nuclear Attack Submarines, 14 Nuclear Ballistic Submarines, and 4 Nuclear Guided Missile Submarines. And lately it has been reported that the manufacturers of the Missiles for the PLA Rocket Force have admitted that as many as 80% of the missiles made for the Rocket Force are defective and cannot hit their target or cannot actually destroy said target. That makes the Rocket Force near totally ineffective against the US Navy. And what does that say for the PLAN's missiles? Are they just as ineffective? It's a good question isn't it? When you take all that along with the US Navy's readiness and ability advantages, the US Navy's overwhelming air power superiority, the 2 decade technical advantage of the US Navy's Submarine Fleet, The already overwhelming missile advantage had by the US Navy, and the reliability of the US's Allies in the Pacific theater, I think China will definitely be destroyed. It of course will be at great cost but as long as Xi Jinping and the CCP are destroyed, and not negotiated with, it will be worth it for both the Chinese People and the World.

E d Ljnehan
E d Ljnehan - 23.08.2023 09:08

You go China😅 with your fishing boats, canoes, sailboats you have us American scared to death with your huge deadly Navy😅

Carl Butler
Carl Butler - 22.08.2023 21:29

China's Tofu Dreg Navy? No Nuke power, Outdated Weapons,
All built on the cheap! Cheap, Cheap, cheap !!! Still 20 years behind

GLASSWALKER 1975 - 18.08.2023 22:17

On paper the Chinese navy is good. In practice ... I'd be way more scared of Britain or German navies

Spuddy - 18.08.2023 06:41

The Points you make are all impressive ,,, But you fail to understand the USA mindset when they are down.. Please remember that the Japanese attacked Peal Harbor and destroyed the American Pacific Fleet at the onset of the Second World War pitting the US vs the Japanese But the determination of the USA still won the war didn't they? And Contrary to popular belief the US had already won the war against the Japanese before dropping those Atomic bombs.

Brian Crawford
Brian Crawford - 17.08.2023 03:01

Lol the Chinese missiles stats are all 100% totally legit I'm sure

We're Alldoomed
We're Alldoomed - 15.08.2023 05:50

I don't care what country you are, if you're the invading force, even against a vastly inferior one you're still going to have a hell of a time overcoming the defender.

Jose Flores
Jose Flores - 13.08.2023 01:51

Even though the United States military is as weak as it is under the current regime, it would still DECIMATE the Chinese military. Hands down. No problem. China isn't what it wants everyone to think. They take shortcuts in EVERYTHING they do. Everything they build is not good quality....AT ALL!! What makes you think that their military is any different??? China is so fake and would crumble under the stress of war. But you know......Fake it till you make it, I guess.🫤 America needs enemies to help keep the economy going. Fear and war sells. Don't believe the hype.

Milksong - 09.08.2023 07:53

Realistically most of China's advantages are likely instances similar to the Mig-25. A Soviet aircraft that was thought to be far more capable then it really was. The US panicked and developed the F-15 in response, which went on to be the most successful fighter of all time. That's likely what were seeing with the PL-15 and YJ-12.

Aaron Peñafiel
Aaron Peñafiel - 07.08.2023 16:38

how bout the OHIO Class and those 24 Trident 2 on board

Maple - 06.08.2023 06:14

I think the South Pacific fleet would most likely be bolstered by the Japanese navy of around 150 ships nato would most likely not get involved so

Mat3o - 05.08.2023 17:36

Cheap toys that break easily, or expensive toys that can last and have more tech. You choose

niko - 05.08.2023 10:51

China massive navy is meant for invading Taiwan and even China knows that it current Navy fleet would be destoryed if it went ahead and invaded Taiwan. So they are using to good old soviet trick with keep throwing bodies until they have no more ammo.

dertrer - 04.08.2023 02:33

if the us navy win the us has the number 1 air force so 😂

Franky godfrid wb
Franky godfrid wb - 03.08.2023 08:44

Ya Simpan Dulu Kapal dan Peralatan Canggih Saya Tunggu saya Langsung Selaku Orang Nya Datang Dan Injettif Dalam Pembi caraan langsung Empat Mata Oke . Salam Tuhan Memberkati Emin: Franki pran 👑 King Dim.King Of The King Dim Muda Baru Kerajaan Baru Pribadi (J .Chrst Inas YPYP:)👑

Edward Chang
Edward Chang - 02.08.2023 22:50


Evin jacobs
Evin jacobs - 02.08.2023 04:16

But we get a new apple phone like every year lmao

SadisticAngel - 01.08.2023 03:34

You left out one important factor about the Chinese Navy well maybe a couple. One they may have more ships then the Americans do but China doesn't have the trained man power to actually operate those ships. As the US Navy man power is highly skilled. Another point is if war does break out then China will loose all of its funding as every county that is loyal to America will stop buying from China, meaning they will soon run out of funds to buy the Petrol to keep the ships running, along with its aircraft. My last point to make and one of my favourite points is that a lot of China's population is aging in their 50s to 80s range thanks to China's one child policy. and I'm pretty sure that like the UK Y, and Z generations China's versions are just as lazy and corrupted by the same western technology like mobile phones, and video games as us and American Youth. I think their Y, Z generations wouldn't really care to be apart of a pointless war with Taiwan or involving America, and will most likely stage their own "Me Too," movement and protest. I surprised that Russia's Y,Zs haven't done so as Putin has cut them off from western technology. Well in the end that is just my opinion, but hay I'm just a Commodore with the British Navy what do I know?

techfixr2012 - 30.07.2023 00:07

The US has rail guns.

Don Michael Corbin
Don Michael Corbin - 29.07.2023 18:21

When will we, the human race, cease the endless contest of manufacturing the most potent ways to destroy our fellow man? Were we to stop funding this madness and instead apply these resources to exploring new ways to travel through space, just imagine the discoveries we'd make. New planets and stars could be found and inevitably other forms of intelligent life. Then we could attack and conquer them. Now that'd be a war!

Christopher Arthur
Christopher Arthur - 27.07.2023 23:34

Numbers are misleading. How long will Chinas navy last? Pretty sure in 10-20 years we’ll see tons of rusting fishing boats (I mean navy vessels) rusting in Chinese ports.

Traydee Jay
Traydee Jay - 27.07.2023 08:01

Americans talk about that China’s navy lacks experience. American hasn’t battled since ww2. So really, Americans don’t have experience either. Though I’m sure living of other people’s glory helps to inflate one’s ego.
That’s why they lost every war they’ve been in since ww2. Especially against inferior opponents. I geuss all that experience didn’t get transferred along with that ego?

Traydee Jay
Traydee Jay - 27.07.2023 00:59

Naive to think that they will battle the American way. They are playing chess ♟ and not checkers.

Worldwithoutborders - 25.07.2023 23:15

US attack for is 3, 4 times more dangerous.

Surya Pratama K
Surya Pratama K - 25.07.2023 17:38

no mentiom of block V maritime tomahawk that ouranges them all. and also the dark eagle hypersonics going into zumwalts and virginia subs

塵世中一個雜種小書僮 - 25.07.2023 12:22

When Americans are addicted to showing off their target ships, it always makes people feel funny

Reclusiarch Thalastian Jorus
Reclusiarch Thalastian Jorus - 23.07.2023 09:59

Two things:

1: The USA, since the 1950s, has been a minimum of twenty (20) years ahead, technologically, than they claim to be. Not only this, but they invariably have the replacement for any vehicles that they come up for retirement dates for... no matter when they list said retirement date. Their replacement is already deployed. (The NGAD is a good, recent example of this as a USAF General let slip, during a news conference, that the NGAD had finished air testing over eight years ago, and was "doing well in its deployment tests." This was in 2021.)

2: The USA also has hundreds of corvettes, frigates, and other smaller attack vessels. The difference is that these do not get calculated in these videos because they are not under the US Navy. They are US Coast Guard. They are, however, fully armed and modern vessels.

John M2
John M2 - 23.07.2023 04:41

When Ronald Reagan was US President US Navy had 600ships.

Jonah Wood
Jonah Wood - 21.07.2023 18:44

Their entire navy can’t get more then a couple hundred miles from their shores

H.W. Barlow
H.W. Barlow - 16.07.2023 03:28

Chinese junk.

Terran Sesqui
Terran Sesqui - 15.07.2023 12:22

The only way to know for sure is to actually observe what happens when the ship hits the 反 (or 扇子,风扇 or 球迷). 😊😊😊😊

John Erdelyi
John Erdelyi - 15.07.2023 08:47

China 🇨🇳 is here to stay the USA is declining power going woke divided nation China just have to wait until the USA destroys itself with it's identity politics the ccp won't have to fire a bullet 😮 !

W Honda
W Honda - 15.07.2023 02:34

Both countries will be destroyed in case war happens but chins will incur more destruction

Ray Patterson
Ray Patterson - 14.07.2023 05:01

The US can choke of China and starve that country of oil and other good.

Charles Mac
Charles Mac - 14.07.2023 02:16

You cannot beat China in their own backyard.

Tso - 13.07.2023 04:12

Emperor Micky Mouse should focus on new technology vs ripping off old tech

SpiceKing - 11.07.2023 23:36

The USA has a huge advantage in economic power the USA has a law in place where in war time almost all factories in the USA will switch to consumer goods to producing military equipment it will be like ww2 china will have the advantage for a few months but the USA will activate this law and outperform and out produce China this is why you never mess the USA

duhaney park classics
duhaney park classics - 11.07.2023 17:40

I would think the country that has fight naval battles before will most likely win.

Rob b
Rob b - 11.07.2023 15:46

Looks like America needs to reopen some closed Navy shipyards

RacerX - 11.07.2023 08:44

US has experience and very important in a war

BOOTMAKER - 11.07.2023 04:49

More then half the ships are cigarette boats
