The Facebook Author Who "Disappeared" For Two Years

The Facebook Author Who "Disappeared" For Two Years


1 год назад

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@LoveisStoredInTheLain - 30.12.2023 18:45

I mistook this for the Strange Aeons Ms. Scribe video. Oh my god it happened more than once

@run2cat4run - 17.12.2023 15:31

As someone who suffers from metal health this is messed up up and clearly the arthur and the ones who faked her death had caused a lot of damage to the fans and people who thought she took her own life due to bullying

@rosieisupwaytoolate - 21.11.2023 13:30

Okay, I need to say this as a person with Bipolar Disorder, alongside multiple OTHER physical, mental, and intellectual health disorders, AND who has needed to be hospitalized for such MULTIPLE times previously:

Anybody saying that it is, "ableist," to think that Susan's behavior after her fake death is pretty garbo just because she has Bipolar Disorder... well, those folks are just abuse apologists, aren't they?

Oh, what, too generalized??

Almost as bad as they are. Almost. :)

Okay, fine, a slightly more nuanced take, as even my incredibly salty pettiness has limits on topics this important...

It's possible, even likely, that Susan's mental illness played a part in all of the drama, that much is certain. She is also not directly responsible for the actions of HER FAMILY while she was incapacitated, which she indeed was for a brief period of time.

However, once she left the hospital and was deemed appropriate to begin outpatient treatment, she had choices to make. And you know what? In the long run, some of those choice were shitty and toxic, and the specific types of shitty and toxic they were can't even reasonably be directly correlated with her Bipolar Disorder, outside of the stereotype that, "lol, you know how WhAcKy those Bipolar folks are!" Her Bipolar Disorder likely played into some of the personal emotional implications of some of her choices, this much is true.

But to say that it's okay for her to have CHOSEN to cause such SEVERE emotional harm to MULTIPLE parties over MULTIPLE YEARS worth of time simply because, "but she's just siiiiiiiick," is inexcusable to me in this instance. Susan purports herself as an adult who is generally physically and mentally competent enough to make her own decisions in life, after all. So either she's a legally competent adult who has the mental capacity to safely make her own life choices, OR she needs to be kept under the care of others for her own good and is only capable of limited decision making for her own safety. She can't have it both ways though, and can't simply flip-flop from competent to feeble at the drop of a dime just to try to dodge accountability for her own actions. As for if others are characterizing her that way on her behalf, now you're just being fucking offensive to literally all involved... ironically Susan included, as you're throwing her into your toxic ass stereotypes of Bipolar Disorder.

Look. I appreciate folks wanting to protect disabled people from harm, and I appreciate them wanting to help able-bodied people understand where folks with various physical and neurological divergences are coming from when what we do doesn't make sense sometimes. However, there is one other thing to mind for a situation like this. Just because a person has a valid REASON for their actions, does not mean that they have a valid EXCUSE for their actions. In other words, even folks with mental health disabilities are responsible for their own actions and the consequences of those actions if they are considered to be in a state where they are competent to care for themselves and safely make their own decisions in life.

We might have to work HARDER to learn how to make healthy choices than our counterparts, and yeah, honestly, that totally sucks. But we still have the responsibility of doing that if we want the people in our lives to actually respect us and want to have us around them in any capacity, fair or not, fun or not, pleasant or not. Period. End. Of. Story.

It seems to me that all Susan did was make excuses, and a lot of folks essentially just smiled, nodded, went, "oh yeeeaaah, that makes sense," and then went around attacking others about it if they said otherwise.

Not fucking cool, guys. Use some common sense. Maybe get some therapy yourselves if y'all truly think that way. Lord only knows that Susan could use some.

(As an aside for those unaware, Psychiatrists and Therapists do VERY different jobs, even if they ideally work in tandem with each other in the large majority of cases involving genuine mental illness. Susan doesn't JUST need medication management-- which is what the primary job of a Psychiatrist is. She needs therapy-- somebody who's job it is to really TALK to her, on a regular basis, get to know her as well as reasonably possible from a professional standpoint, and try to assist her in WORKING THROUGH her problems, rather than simply avoiding them, or coping in otherwise toxic ways. Like, y'know, letting folks think that you were dead for over two years while maintaining a discreet internet presence the whole time to avoid detection,  which is, indeed, a maladaptive coping mechanism in the BEST CASE scenario here. However, thing is, a good therapist would respectfully but firmly call out her bullshit immediately... and folks like her tend to know that deep down, and seem to just avoid it altogether as a result, because then they'd be accountable to SOMEBODY out there for their bad behavior, and that thought seems to abjectly TERRIFY people like her who don't WANT to be told, "yeah, but dude, you were wrong," by somebody definitively credible. I've sadly dealt with a LOT of toxic ass behavior in this field, so I certainly know what a lot of THAT looks like in spades, anyways. And yes, for the, like, one person wondering, I engage with both a therapist and a psychiatrist, as well as multiple other health professionals to assist me with managing my health. Honestly, it's a lot of work, but I want to ACTUALLY get better, not just fake it.)

This has been a rant by your obligatorily sleep-deprived Rosie. G'night everybody! Off to another night of very little sleep! (Oy vey.)

@yourlocalnerd7788 - 11.11.2023 03:55

I don't think it was a good decision on her part to not say anything until way later. However, I can't help but wonder if her family put any pressure on her to keep up the rouse.

@TBLIVIN - 02.11.2023 11:52

This was a fun almost true crime take. Neato.

@TheAbstruseOne - 20.10.2023 20:23

"Legally I did nothing wrong." Ummm...except the fraud. There was fraud. There were fundraisers to cover her "final medical expenses" and "funeral costs". That they refused to return. That's called "fraud". And it's not legal. Don't know how she can claim she did nothing illegal when she very clearly and blatantly did something illegal.

@maddieb.4282 - 01.10.2023 00:04

I think when you say “she identified as a wife, a mother, a meme…. Etc.” in the beginning she probably meant the term for grandmother pronounced “meemee” lol. I don’t think she actually self identified as a meme

@Lilly_Loves_You - 15.08.2023 01:25

Late to the party but I’m so glad you talked about this. It was a crazy drama in the writing/book community and i honestly think it was genius marketing if it was a hoax.

@mmnothankyou8208 - 06.08.2023 02:38

I've lost someone close to me before. And let me tell you, it is absolutely LIFE. RUINING. Especially if it's your first major loss. It consumes your thoughts, but you can't think about them because it makes you cry, so it just stays in the back of your mind. You'll see them everywhere, you'll expect them to come back one day and nothing feels the same without them. Granted, everybody deals with grief differently, however I don't think there is any normal person who loses a friend and is not at one point distraught by it. What they did is disgusting and mental illness does not excuse that. Bipolar disorder is a massive challenge and so is depression. It can heavily impact all aspects of your life and I am glad she got off and hopefully received help, however I do not understand why they had to claim she was dead. Just say "Hey, my mother is taking a break/quitting so I will be running her account and finishing her books." Or whatever. Or just- hire someone else to handle her books and delete her access to the account. That's where it starts to seem like a marketing ploy. Anyone saying that the friends are ablest for being upset by this clearly doesn't understand what it's like to experience a horrible loss so suddenly, are children, or are incapable of feeling any empathy.

@20firebird - 02.08.2023 03:10

i think the appeal of mafia romance is mostly about, like... people enjoying the idea that a criminal would make an exception to treat them well, because it feels romantic and makes them feel special. i imagine romanticization and stereotyping of (italian) mafia members as suave and mysterious helps.

@marycanary6989 - 15.07.2023 13:08

Love ur fit, Izzyzz

@jaebaqs - 12.07.2023 06:47

Outro music: Whisker Woods - Petz: Catz/Dogz 2 OST

@MetalSlayer221 - 30.06.2023 00:36

Love this video! I know I tend to make quite basic comments, but I just enjoy your videos. Keep up the good work!

@EA45Aphex - 23.06.2023 03:16

Aaaah why is izzzyzzz so cute 💙

@LowEffortDoodles - 17.06.2023 19:49


@ren.24 - 14.06.2023 08:24

…..these covers. Wattpad authors have done better.

@angrynoodletwentyfive6463 - 09.06.2023 19:22

Having mental health issues or a disability is not an excuse for abuse or bad behavior. If somebody Legitimately cannot control their own actions as a result of their mental health issues or a disability they need to be instutionalized not just allowed to run about hurting people because they "can't help it". There is this new trend to "not hold anything somebody can't control against them." which is amazing in theory... but there is a fine line between Holding a disability against somebody and protecting the interests and well being of everyone else.

For Example in US schools there has been a recent trend to stop sending kids to alternative schools and special Education because of the negative statistics associated with said programs... Simultaneously they are keen to utterly ignore the effect that being in a classroom with a highly disruptive and possibly even violent student is going to have on the other students and the teacher... Alternative schools were never really intended to be for the benefit of the students who were sent there, they are Primarily sent there so that they can be prevented from disrupting the education of EVERYONE ELSE. Of course the kids who get sent to Alternative schools aren't going to perform as well statisticly as kids who are in mainstream schools... They weren't exactly sent to the alternative school because they were a primary candidate for valedictorian, now were they?

@Karihoneybubbles - 06.06.2023 01:41

That hoodie is so cute where can I get it

@theenthugger - 29.05.2023 19:35

my partner said you look like "rawr XD" in this video

@maria-db2ie - 19.05.2023 23:04

man i cant even imagine the huge pain someone must feel about one close friend comitting suicide... thinking about if you did or realized anything before it happened it could have been avoided; the guilt and pain must be horrible. everything just to find out it was a lie jesus christ this woman may need mental help but her actions were inexcusable

@slothman9731 - 01.05.2023 05:49

That's just wrong. I'm writing my own book and when done self publishing the series. I live in a third world country working in a dead end job and the little time I get to write I'm glad; and have never thought of doing something so wicked.

@angelapologist - 22.04.2023 06:47

There is no possible way that this wasn’t a publicity stunt. Obviously she’s not a good writer and she just wanted attention. She was obviously writing all the posts “by her daughter”

@hannahn3484 - 20.04.2023 16:42

Honestly this woman has several Narcissistic Personality Disorder traits. From the lying about illness for attention and money, to blaming everything on bipolar disorder, etc. Its nasty. Mental health can make people make poor decisions, there’s no debating that. However she isn’t accepting responsibility for anything and made people think she was dead so she could derive pleasure (and profit) in seeing everyone cry about her and make memorial posts.

Whatever the case, I genuinely hope she gets help because only a truly sick person would do something this twisted to people they “care” for.

@hv9460 - 09.04.2023 23:55

as a writer myself (that sounds pretentious i promise its not), this whole situation is just so baffling. Like its genuinely such a trip. From her 'death', to her communities response, to the whole niche facebook-writer drama community, to the fucking book dedication. this whole situation is like if the YT makeup dramageddon happened in a parallel universe.

@Mandrake42 - 26.03.2023 11:37

The problem is people simply feeling betrayed, people felt awful for her, they grieved for her. To find out "Wait no, she isn't really dead!" that's a huge betrayal of trust. People genuinely hurt for this woman's passing, of course they are upset. Its not that they want her dead, they just feel deceived. People being angry about this kind of thing is not them being horrible, awful human beings who just want others dead. Its normal people who feel they have been lied too. There are ways and means to deal with these things and saying you are dead is NOT the right way. Trust, once lost, is not easily regained. These people have been burned, their anger is entirely understandable.

@AbiyBattleSpell - 22.03.2023 05:37

paranormal bully romance needs a vid

@rowanzephyr - 13.03.2023 04:27


@anarchysplatcast - 05.03.2023 06:51

i watched this on my 3ds

@SlimeKingK - 26.02.2023 18:25

My mom did receive a kidney transplant. I mean, she's been dead for 18 years now, but... it happened.

@AnnieBooker - 26.02.2023 04:35

I was in fandom and on a lot of fanfic groups back in the Yahoo groups days. I knew personally of at least 4 fic writers who committed pseudocide. It’s not something new. Most of them blamed family members when they decided they missed fandom too much and wanted to come back. One woman kept a months long coma going by posting as “friends” keeping vigil at her bedside and then had one post that she’d died. I found her online years later alive and well. Most of the people from her group refused to believe she was actually alive. shrug

@jujuoof174 - 25.02.2023 20:34

I think this situation is very morally complicated. In m opinion, no, they shouldn't have faked her death and traumatised so many people. Tho, I do understand why and don't despite them for it or anything because first of all I wasn't involved lmao so it's not my role to feel so personal about it and seconds because I completely understand why she did it. I think all sides are right. How about you all?

@CaitlinKoi - 24.02.2023 22:33

Saying that it wasn't a scam because none of the books sold is like saying Dark Skyes wasn't a scam because it didn't reach its funding goal. The family creating a death hoax due to their loved one being in a mental ward does make sense but the entitled posts from the "daughter" about the books not selling are just too on the nose for me to believe they didn't attempt to capitalize on the hoax.

@Nyanpuddi - 22.02.2023 20:03

these bookfronts look like 2010s wattpad stories, which reminds me i actually ended up in the hospital and ward after an attempt and didnt continue my wattpad fanfic for couple months luckily no one noticed

@livinglikeananimal - 22.02.2023 05:32

this feels like such a 2000s-era hoax but it took place in the 2020s. wild

@Kumatora._ - 21.02.2023 23:26

CUTE ASS SWEATER bro is on my rob list fr

@skullbones6282 - 21.02.2023 18:21

That's some Kim Possible lipstick!

@Fizzymilkshakee - 21.02.2023 01:30

Bish Susan respawnd

@PizzA_TimE - 20.02.2023 21:24

Nah, those books sound like Gacha mini movies, no seriously

@winterjade3666 - 20.02.2023 20:44

This was rly interesting! I appreciate your nuanced take on what happened

@Danny-wq3zj - 20.02.2023 19:38

love the mustache izzzy

@thomasb7347 - 20.02.2023 13:40

As a person with lupus and someone with end-stage renal disease who received a transplant lupus wouldn't preclude you from a transplant, especially since lupus in women is fairly non-severe in comparison with male sufferers.

This was definitely to sell books though with how hard she was pushing her books during her "death"

@AntheanCeilliers - 19.02.2023 01:52

I'm only a few minutes in and already I know the 'daughter' is Susan, based solely on the run-on sentences and refusal to use commas

@DystopianOverture - 18.02.2023 21:50

I think playing with peoples emotions like this is horrible. Even if the family had the best intentions, it's still horrible. The whole 'it's not illegal leave me alone' mentality the daughter had is just bad, and really shows how dismissive and out of touch she is. All you had to do was announce Susan was taking a break to seek treatment. And that's not even touching on the guilt tripping used to boast sales. The threats of unpublishing of the books is gross.

@peachjugo - 16.02.2023 00:56

I told my partner about this and it reminded them of when their highschool online boyfriend faked suicide then messaged my partner a year later saying “sorry I was in a coma”

@xn6963 - 14.02.2023 15:45

"I'm a wife, mom"
yeah, that sounds about right

@aacsmiles - 14.02.2023 05:53

If you want to cover more wild romance novel world drama, look into the time an author tried to trademark the word “cocky.”

@odie2763 - 12.02.2023 12:29

Ya know what, out of the years this is probably the cutest look on ya. I know you're doing it for the whatever but red and black looks nice.

@jamie8703 - 12.02.2023 00:47

God if I could fake my death and blame my mental illnesses I absolutely would honestly queen shit
