I have sent an email regarding sql real-time project on 25th Jul 22 but not received any response from the respective team.
ОтветитьBro meru enka SQL vedios update cheyandi meru chala Baga explain chesthunnaru pls more vedios upload cheyandi
ОтветитьSir meeru chala manchiga explain chestunnaru sql gurinchi deep ga videos cheyyandi sir like full course
ОтветитьVery nice explanation
We need all topics of SQL
sir e video chala speed ga cheparu
Ответитьvery good explanation brother, keep doing the same
Ответитьamazing simple and nice explanation
ОтветитьNyc explaination sir
ОтветитьYour syntax not appearing..... Very small font is appearing
ОтветитьVerey verey level ayaaaa idhi 😊💕🔥❤️
Ответитьbro php chypu bro
Ответитьhi sir nadi oka doubt oka comp lo rendu tables create chesina tharwata ee oka table lo kuda foreing key constraint evaledu alantappudu manam table middel lo foreing key constrain echi aa rendu tables ki joins apply cheyadaniki untadaaa sir. Is it possiable sir
Ответитьsir can you please expalin the difference betweeen table level and coloum level
ОтветитьIt's good but the screen is not much clarity please see that
Ответитьbro qlik view tool gurichi cheppandi bro
ОтветитьClear ga ledu
Ответитьcreate table statesInfo(stateid int primary key identity,statename nvarchar(50),statecode nvarchar(20))
insert into statesInfo values('AndhraPradesh','Ap')
insert into statesInfo values('Telangana','TG')
insert into statesInfo values('MadhyaPradesh','Mp')
insert into statesInfo values('Maharastra','MH')
insert into statesInfo values('Karnataka','KA')
select * from statesInfo
create table districtInfo(districtid int primary key,districtname nvarchar(50),stateid int references statesinfo(stateid));
drop table districtInfo
create table districtInfo(districtid int primary key,districtname nvarchar(50),stateid int,CONSTRAINT FK_StateID FOREIGN KEY (stateid) references statesinfo(stateid));
insert into districtInfo values(1,'mumbai',4)
insert into districtInfo values(2,'mumbai',4)
insert into districtInfo values(3,'bidar',5)
insert into districtInfo values(4,'chikballapur',5)
insert into districtInfo values(5,'Indore',3)
insert into districtInfo values(6,'Bhopal',3)
insert into districtInfo values(7,'Anantapur',1)
insert into districtInfo values(8,'Guntur',1)
insert into districtInfo values(9,'war',2)
insert into districtInfo values(10,'kari',2)
select * from statesInfo
select * from districtInfo
select statename,districtname from statesInfo si join districtInfo di on si.stateid=di.stateid
ОтветитьVery good explanation
Ответитьnice explanation you are the best....but no response from that mail to real time experience .
Ответитьbro where are you from
Ответитьboth tables lo column id same udala bro.
ОтветитьThank you sir...😊
ОтветитьBro im interested on real time projects
ОтветитьIntha arthamayyetatlu evvaru cheppaledhu. Nuvvu Sarvepalli radhakrishna anna🙏
ОтветитьJava Real time cheptara bro
ОтветитьI have Intrest on real time project but if I need to pay for course I am not Intrested
Ответитьyou r explanation is too good make more videos
ОтветитьThanks bro. Your video is excellent
Ответитьanna userinfo table syntax chupinchu anna last lo
Ответитьthanks alot bro
Ответитьyour explanation is very excellent brother
ОтветитьForeign key class asala enni sarlu chusina ardam katle
ОтветитьForeign key assign chesina taravata ha 2 columns (district info,states info)ni Ela display chestam sir?
Select *from tablename
Tablename daggar a tablename ivvali sir
thank you so much sir
ОтветитьNice video Sir. very useful for learning.🙏
ОтветитьBro e 19videos tho complete sql ipoinatlenaa bro
Ответитьdatabase code pettandi sir stateinfo and didtrict info vi
ОтветитьSir offer inka vunda,I like u r explanation
Ответитьhi , with out forgin key can we join the tables ,which is having only one primary key !
Ответитьliterally the bestttttuuuuuu sir checked a lot about foreign key but this made me clear thanksss