حسن اطبع صور الامك وانشره بالقريه بجانب هورمت وباب محلات البقاله لعلك تعثر عليها
ОтветитьГде Хабиб кто скажет
ОтветитьТакой смешной хороший ребёнок вот люби меня ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉👍👍👍
ОтветитьΕκμεταλευτης ο αγοραστής θέλει τιν πίτα ολόκληρη και το στομάχι γεμάτο χαα χαχα😂😂πολύ μανγκας 😂
ОтветитьСумья не растраивайся дай Аллах чтоб Хабиб быстро вернулся домой он этого заслуживает
Ответитьكيف مسلمين وتتعيدون عيد الفيروز اليهودي؟؟؟؟؟!!!!
ОтветитьOh yea, the truth came out when he said he wanted to sell the cabin after he fixed it. People like that always want to buy something for a cheap cheap price so they can sell it at a big profit. Hassan he already had it made up in his head what he was going to say to you and do before he ever got there. He's in the business of buying, repairing, and selling for profit. That's why you couldn't talk him out of what you wanted for it. I don't know why he said he had to replace all the walls because they are perfectly fine. He was just blowing off at the mouth. He thought he could get your cabinet for nearly nothing. I would have told him to go peddle his papers on down the road somewhere that you changed your mind and you're keeping it and not giving it away. I am sorry though that you didn't get the money to get Habib out of prison.
ОтветитьWOW, Hassan looks very handsome with his new hair cut !! 👍
Great idea to sell the cabin 👍
In my humble opinion the outside and inside of the cabin should be cleaned up...
Why didn't Hassan clean up the interior & exterior before the buyer arrived ?
The day wouldn't be complete without a hug and kiss to Turbo !!
I'm glad Angel's husband decided to stay and help the family...
And, lovely Soumya working her magic skills creating delicious food...
💞Vivi 💞
2 million USD? More like 2 thousand USD.
ОтветитьHassan es el primer comprador espera que vengan otros
ОтветитьHassam, si no quieren para lo que pides, entonces mo la vendas, espérate ua llegará alguien más justo.habla que todo está destruido de puro necio e injusto ( es un aprovechado ).
ОтветитьEl ángel tiene que hacer que sus hermanos lo respeten muy feo es el comportamiento de asghar
ОтветитьAsghar es muy violento tiene que aprender a respetar a todos
ОтветитьUn consejo Hassan trTen bien a tu cuñado es tu familia también el bb. Es su hijo al que ama y el b. Tamales su padre
ОтветитьOtra vez no puedon entender dejen en español por favor
Ответитьwarum hat sie eine maske auf ist wohl eine andere person😂
ОтветитьPlease Operator ask them to feed those poor Dogs standing at the door watting for their meal and they are completed ignored by every one. How cruel they are with the poor Dogs.
ОтветитьNao emtemdo nada do qui vcs falam edtamos sem legemda português
ОтветитьWauuu, siguen la pelea wsuu😊😊😊
ОтветитьЧтобы не говорили ,хороший зять у них,работящий,понимающий,красивый 😊
ОтветитьОператор почему не помогаейте Хасану 😢😢за просмотров
ОтветитьVc Hassan que vende casa Não venda por preço baixo ok
ОтветитьDamat,cok,caliskan,yardım ediyor
ОтветитьEsque cuando se vende laba o se limpia..esa cabina esta muy pero muy gastada para un añ la cuidaron😢😢😢😢.por eso no vale mucho
ОтветитьAsk those who buy building materials (bricks, cement) maybe they need a cabin like yours.
ОтветитьНикой не работи на заплата,а толкова разходи ,,,харчиш ли повече от колкото печелиш не става
ОтветитьMan Hassan why are you show the cabin that way? Why don’t you scrub on the outside and get the cement off of it get the stuff off the top of it the plastic all your battery wires put the ceiling back together. This guy is trying to rob you you’re not gonna get a good price if you don’t clean it up and fix things you’re being lazy
Ответить하산씨네 가족에게
불행은 사라지고
행복한 시간만 있으면 좋겠습니다.
어머니와 하비브씨가 귀가하길 바랍니다.
운영자님 감사합니다.❤❤
Hassan, please try and speak with Amir and Zara. Put heads together and share your problems.
Ответитьsvaka čast za krov od betona i sad ste mirni neće kiša prokisivat ❤❤👍☘️
ОтветитьБезлаберность везде--- цыгане!!!.Как можно было приглашать покупателя . ??? Вымойте, подправьте потолок, снимите провода...т.е.сделайте товарный вид.Сказано цыгане...все как- нибудь и как попало.
ОтветитьHasan vaka ne se prodava prvo krovot trebase da go napravis isprskanoto nadvor da go izbrises panelite da gi izvadis da bide cisto pa posle musterija da dojde da gleda a sega vaka on te ucenuva sam si kriv
ОтветитьНайстина вече започва да придобива уют ида е приятно да ви гледаме😊
ОтветитьOperador cadê o dinheiro dos vidios que vcs estão fazendo a família só vivi enrolada sem dinheiro e tudo sobra para o Hassan ele carrega essa família nas costas ele não tem vida própria.🇧🇷
ОтветитьThere's 5 people with able body to work! And here they buy building materials and keep building. While their oldest brother is in jail suffering. And mom is kidnapped by crazy father! Nobody is looking for her. This don't make sense!!!
Ответитьامر امر اپراتور که زیر نویس فارسی نیست و
منم میتونم لا یک نزنم و اخرین کامنت
Хасан гони его в шею.Все хотят за дорма. Найдёте другого покупателя.Мир не без добрых людей.
ОтветитьCon ese dinero me compro una mención y me sobra dinero
ОтветитьEstán vendiendo la cabina en dos millones de dólares esquivan a dos mil millones de pesos chilenos
ОтветитьNo le vendas la cara de Raja que tiene este sinvergüenza así son estos compradores no vendas
ОтветитьEste comprador es un sinvergüenza
ОтветитьHassan no le vendas la cabaña te quiere asee tonto busca otro comprador
ОтветитьГде субтитры?