Building "If-Then" Statements in Excel : Advanced Microsoft Excel

Building "If-Then" Statements in Excel : Advanced Microsoft Excel


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Russell Sirianni
Russell Sirianni - 20.07.2023 06:46

Short and sweet. thanks.

Ljg3 productions
Ljg3 productions - 07.04.2023 16:51

Helped me with my accouting project. Thank you!

craigory1971 - 02.02.2023 16:42

My problem is a bit more complex. I have values in one column, cell (U8) for example, and want to know how it compares to the same row on a different column, cell (T8). If U8 is equal to 1 then I want Excel to give me the value in cell T8. And if U8 is equal to zero the I want zero to be shown no matter what the value of T8 is. Or something similar. I am trying to avoid a lot of continuous sorting. Thank you in advance.

rwfrench66 - 27.11.2022 08:43

Thanks for the video. I have a report where I get a new statement every week. The statement has invoice numbers, invoice dates, account numbers and the GL codes are populated by a Codes tab that gets updated regularly. Well, come this January 1st some of the accounts for a certain area of the country will change GL codes from 13000 series to 12000 series. I need the report to show the GL codes from when they were 13000 series and when they come in new as the 12000 series. I tried building a If Then formula that looked at the invoice date and if it was greater than a certain date to look at one tab with the 12000 series codes and before a certain date to look at the other tab and I was using lookups that looked up the account numbers and then the GL code column for each tab. The formula worked for greater than or equal to but when I tried less than or equal to it just populated the column with False. I took out the equals sign and it was still false and I knew there were invoices earlier than the dates then the day I was using.

epicurean - 14.10.2022 10:39

What if two columns will be interpreted. please help me
Ex. c1 is frustration and e1 is instructional- the interpretation is frustration
if c1 is instructional and e1 is independent- the interpretation is instructional
if c1 is independent and e1 is independent- the interpretation is independent

I have two cells to be interpreted please help me out.

Ron Wessels
Ron Wessels - 25.08.2022 13:13

Why the speaker visible?!

papaK - 11.07.2022 13:45


Thaddeus Crutchfield
Thaddeus Crutchfield - 10.06.2022 19:34

Hello. We receive a daily listing but it does not include two pieces of info needed to help perform a task quicker. From a pasted worksheet with names in one of the columns, can I return the office location and assistant of the "name" (one the same pasted worksheet) using a formula from a table? Thank you

Chip O
Chip O - 03.06.2022 04:28

Ted, are you still around, these are great!!

Sgt Joe Smith
Sgt Joe Smith - 27.05.2022 17:28

cool. didnt know you could do that

Journeyman.71 - 19.05.2022 06:35

I'm asking on multiple vids... I have a table listing corporate branches around the country, with columns for each variable (sortable by any of the columns/variables, of course), such as Branch ID No., Street Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, etc. I need to be able to automatically categorize the listing based on state, into one of several corporate regions (exact number and breakdown TBD). For example, if State = NY, VT, ME, MA, CT, or RI, then cell(s) in column marked "Region" displays "Region One" and if it's DE, MD, PA, NJ, VA, or WV, it displays "Region Two" and so forth. Any help?

Victoria James
Victoria James - 05.03.2022 23:14

Thanks Ted! Just what I needed. :)

Chris Marzarella
Chris Marzarella - 07.02.2022 14:28

what would the syntax be if I had a number that needed to be rounded off to the nearest 5 if the number is nearest 5, or if the number was lower than 5 to the closest zero? Example: the value is 237, and would be rounded to 240, or another example would be 231 would be 230.

Nicholas - 05.02.2022 22:47

Volume too low

Malek Basheer
Malek Basheer - 22.12.2021 10:31

Good video but he is very fast

lordhelmit - 10.11.2021 04:20

I saw tou had Robbie Alomar as being from the country of PR and no state. As an FYI, Puerto Rico is part of the United States of America, and the state abbreviation is PR. Country should be USA, because Puertoricans are Americans.

Glen Kellerer
Glen Kellerer - 09.11.2021 22:20

Is there a way to say if a number is = A1 then A1 and if it is greater than A1 500? something like that

Firas Faham فراس فحام
Firas Faham فراس فحام - 30.07.2021 20:48

Thank you, brief and to the point.

God is Love
God is Love - 14.07.2021 13:07

Wooo Hoooo! What an excellent presentation. Simple, sweet, and to-the-point. Thank you, brother. :)

Michael Mariner
Michael Mariner - 02.07.2021 00:35

Thank you!!

Zander Odom
Zander Odom - 15.03.2021 04:36

This is gold even 7 years later, thanks!

Requirements Wizard
Requirements Wizard - 23.01.2021 23:34

Thanks for sharing this. Quite informative.

Damir Soljanin
Damir Soljanin - 20.10.2020 18:55

Great simple to understand video, thanks 👍🏼

Robert Rumfelt
Robert Rumfelt - 13.07.2020 20:39

Helpful but what if there are more than 2 possibilities rather than just yes or no?

Alexandra Jaffit
Alexandra Jaffit - 02.07.2020 18:08

Is there any way to build an IF statement that consists of a calculation? In my case, I am trying to calculate IF C2>B2 THEN (C2-B2)*0.03.

Marek Koppel
Marek Koppel - 29.04.2020 17:59


Nitika Agarwal
Nitika Agarwal - 23.04.2020 07:35

It distracting when the screen shifts from excel sheet to your face.

Mauro Camara
Mauro Camara - 15.04.2020 21:13

What if the year is the same? 1950 = 1950 there no change.

Josh Bullough
Josh Bullough - 09.04.2020 08:03

dude not advanced you should name this basic..

Getting it Done
Getting it Done - 28.03.2020 08:37

Late to the party, but thank you very much, made that so easy.

Celio - 02.03.2020 18:18

Amazing video. Helped me understand in a flash

CNCant - 23.02.2020 07:39

Thank you. That was very helpful.
Please don’t switch frames between your work and your self. That is very distracting.

Anthony - 04.02.2020 04:03

How do I preform a if "joe" then address is "123 Boss"

T Kuh
T Kuh - 12.01.2020 18:39

Awesome. Quick and easy video. Thanks.

AM A - 02.01.2020 23:37

Hi Ted, I am trying to create a If/Then Formula that is a little bit more complicated and hoping you can help me...Column A has drop down configured for Yes or No selectionField B2:  If A2 = Yes, leave B2 blank                 If A2 = No, copy B1 and lock cellI Thank You in advance for any guidance you can offer

Shay Pierre
Shay Pierre - 26.09.2019 19:51

Thank you so much I have an exam on this next week and it wouldn't work for me on my laptop

Jay U
Jay U - 11.09.2019 15:44

Very helpful but please just show your screen. No need to take the camera off and on yourself. Distracts from what you are writing on screen

Martin G
Martin G - 16.08.2019 13:40

Thanks ted you’re very helpful!

Darren Gow-Brown
Darren Gow-Brown - 30.07.2019 00:05

Ted Thankyou you make it very easy to understand

micro secure
micro secure - 03.03.2019 16:31

I hope you can help me with this:

On sheet1 we have:

Amount: B14

Item No: B15

Item: B16 (Combo Box from 1 to 95 items) and it work perfect with item No B15

On sheet2 we have:

Amount: D24

Item No: A24

Item: B24

We need to create a formula to transfer the Amount from sheet1(B14) to Amount sheet2 (D24)

And if we change the item No on sheet1 for example to number 18 the amount should goes to D25 of sheet2
Many thanks

lucyluv20006 - 18.02.2019 03:27

would be super helpful if we didn't look at you, for those people who know nothing about excel we need to see every detail.I feel like I missed something as it went back to you. But this video was the only one that helped me figure out my formula statement, and I thank you!

Adam Siegel
Adam Siegel - 10.02.2019 04:14

Super helpful, thanks Ted!

Govindaraj poopathi
Govindaraj poopathi - 09.12.2018 17:33

Hi Ted, I have one question is it possible to color the respective cells if the condition is true or false.please clarify it...

Joseph De St Aubin
Joseph De St Aubin - 19.09.2018 05:42

Why would anyone ever dislike this video! It was clear, concise, and complete. Cheers!

Mildred Hare
Mildred Hare - 13.09.2018 04:01

word to the wise: if you're posting a teaching video, have the camera on the computer screen, not on you.

Niranjan Rupnawar
Niranjan Rupnawar - 01.09.2018 04:10

Hi Ted,

Have a question

I am trying to get continuous scale formula using grid, for example the quality grid is 95 to 100 & the weight on this parameter is 40%, I need to get scoring out of 40 on continuous scale

How do I do it using if function

Anuj Karmacharya
Anuj Karmacharya - 22.08.2018 17:55

nice and useful

Anuj Karmacharya
Anuj Karmacharya - 22.08.2018 17:55

nice and uaeful

JBoardOnly - 17.08.2018 13:05

Helpful but what if you have multiple if/then? For example I have data where I need to identify values <= 55.13 as bottom quartile (represented by a 0) and >276 as top quartile (represented by a 1)?

Punit Khullar
Punit Khullar - 05.08.2018 14:39

can any one help me with formula of bonus points calculator of two products with different criteria
