Porn Addiction Is Misunderstood: How To Actually Stop - Dr. K Healthy Gamer

Porn Addiction Is Misunderstood: How To Actually Stop - Dr. K Healthy Gamer

Chris Williamson

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Chris Williamson
Chris Williamson - 12.05.2023 19:08

You asked - we made it happen! Full episode goes live with Dr K this Monday - press Subscribe you beauties.

Paul brungardt
Paul brungardt - 13.10.2023 04:11

If you are addicted to porn--Get yourself a loving partner with whom to watch it--You both will find something else to do very quickly.

Anthony Raemel Vines
Anthony Raemel Vines - 11.10.2023 15:35

What if I just get off to the ways I want to be touched and sucked?

Malice - 11.10.2023 06:02

When society pushes men to the point where they can't have any meaning in their life, said men are going to find other ways to replace that hole with something else. I'm not shocked whatsoever that we have record high numbers of pr0n addiction, self-minecrafting, homelessness, and depression in modern men. Hell, even I can't deny that I have something of an addiction to pr0n; I just don't see a reason, or need, to nix it whatsoever. I've given up on attempting to have any sort of social life since I'm unemployable, and the only thing keeping me alive is that I don't want to make someone I care about cry. Though, to be honest, because we have only been online friends for over 13 years (never once seen each other in any way via video call, or even phone call, so I don't even know what they sound like), I could literally just stop messaging them one day and that would be the least damaging thing I could do instead of leaving some sort of manifesto. I've been seriously thinking of just buying some charcoal, a small walled portable gazeebo, ignition fluid, and an igniter, take all that and just... walk into the woods down here and never come back. It's so simple, it's cheap, and the death is completely painless because carbon monoxide is tasteless and odorless. Just snuggle up in my sleeping bag after lighting the fire inside, fall asleep, and never wake up again. Boom! All my problems are solved, and one less piece of garbage wasting space and resources of my family.

Knirrax - 10.10.2023 10:54

The worst part of the "f*p entropy" thing is that it can lead to weird fetishes or even very scary not ok stuff thats out there. Like if regular p*rn is cannabis or alcahol if youre addicted for long enough youll eventually need the p*rn equivilent to heroin to get your fix

Whitney W.
Whitney W. - 10.10.2023 02:04

A "healthy relationship" with pornography is a lot like a "healthy relationship" with meth

winconfig - 10.10.2023 01:58

"...and it's like... and it's like ...." Dr. K.

Whitney W.
Whitney W. - 10.10.2023 01:56

What is a "healthy relationship" w/ watching content that 98% of the time is meant to objectify and degrade women, promote sex w/ strangers and sometimes direct physical abuse of women while masturbating? that just doesn't really sound healthy to me, guessing the host tries to justify his porn use with "develop a healthy relationship"

Mark Medley
Mark Medley - 09.10.2023 03:13

It's all fun and games until you get low T and lose your sex drive. Then you want to want to watch Pornhub. The male hormone is major biological driver of how men think and behave.

Renard345 - 08.10.2023 22:54

This clip makes me want to share some porn watching moments with you. I remember me, my sisters, and niece, were watching degrading, filthy interracial hard core porn scenes back in 1991. We were too young to be viewing such garbage! I also remember that same year, one Halloween night, we were watching more XXX garbage! I still remember watching a particular one, where there was a graphic shot at this white woman's vagina while she was having sex! If such material were to be outlawed!

Cody Creek
Cody Creek - 08.10.2023 20:02

I was molested and exposed to porn as a young young child. I’m now 36 and have been addicted to porn since I’ve been 8 years old. A lot of mental health issues and sexual abuse kept me coming back to porn over the years. It still keeps me going back to porn to cope on my bad days. It’s horrendous how much this has taken control over my life but I am determined to rid myself of this issue.

SHARKNADO FARTQUAKE - 07.10.2023 05:42

I'm trying to quit I guess lol. I view it A LOT less like a half hour a day and flog myself lol than guys that spend hours a day obviously, but I still look and flog daily. UGH you know would help?! Finding out women are more attracted to men that retain semen AND finding out they can smell semen retention. ARE THEY?! CAN THEY!?

Jonny M#79
Jonny M#79 - 07.10.2023 02:12

I'm sorry but we're looking for excuses for everything nowadays. If you want to jack off jack off, if you want to spend your time doing this great if your spending too much time do something else.

BezzyFrance - 05.10.2023 23:29

I dont care if someone is sober from porn for 100 years, when you know that they have got off of the kind of stuff you see them doing to women in porn, and you know you could be on the receiving end of it yourself, its simply a 'no way in hell'

Killy - 05.10.2023 14:41

Struggling male porn addict here, it really sucks the living crap out of you .

Keanu Pereira
Keanu Pereira - 04.10.2023 17:15

Yea it's true. My dad showed me porn when I was 7

John Rodriguez
John Rodriguez - 04.10.2023 01:48


Cody Jackson
Cody Jackson - 03.10.2023 23:35

A turning point for me was a couple of weeks ago we tried 5 times over a couple of days and 5 times i couldnt finish. Lots of shame there. I compensate by making sure she finished but i do feel like its out of shame more than generosity even though i very much enjoy it.

Cody Jackson
Cody Jackson - 03.10.2023 23:23

Yup. Found "forrest porn" in either 3rd or 4th grade. Oh boy, has it been a fun 20 years of undiagnosed adhd and crippling addictions. Medicat3d and working on it. Really trying to better ourselves because we came to the conclusion that we want kids, and soon. But we know we arent ready, even if you can never be truly ready, you can do way better than this.

Upside Down Society
Upside Down Society - 03.10.2023 20:37

What psychopaths are out here dry stroking!? 😂😂😂

Philip Ayr
Philip Ayr - 03.10.2023 19:07

The problem with talking about addiction is there is no discussion of vice vs addiction. There are activities that people have "governors" for. Meaning they can regulate themselves. For example, I had three glasses of wine at a concert on Saturday. Before that I hadn't had a drink for 1.5-2 months. My friend....drinks every night. Works remotely from home. Has admitted to me probably being an alcoholic. My addiction....probably food. I've gone around at a drive thru twice....more times then I like to admit. I'm in a relationship and I masturbate twice a week. No desire for more. But again, porn isn't my thing. Over eating is unfortunately "my thing". I'm all for abstaining from porn if it's an addiction for you, but.....some people can have wine every two months.......some people drink every night. No shame, just honesty about behavior that can become destructive. And being honest when it isn't.

Seth Gondwe( Xplosive)
Seth Gondwe( Xplosive) - 03.10.2023 18:05

To be honest it's killing me

Seth Gondwe( Xplosive)
Seth Gondwe( Xplosive) - 03.10.2023 18:05

To be honest it's killing me
Have reached a stage where I can fap even without watching the videos.
Just from my own imaginations, how can I rewire my brain?
Help me

Brennus - 03.10.2023 11:21

If you must fap, absolutely do not watch porn and just use your imagination. I believe that is far less harmful than watching porn. Watching porn actually gives me sexual nightmares. Using my imagination has never done something like that to me.

Silverrr_Cityyy - 03.10.2023 03:20

I’m a heroin addict I been sober for damn near a year but I still can’t drop porn dawg

Murray Saucedo
Murray Saucedo - 02.10.2023 23:04

To those claiming a ‘Porn addiction’, ask yourself this: are you on any type of ADHD medication? If so, is it a very high dose? These type of medications especially in high doses will mess with the neuroplasticity of your brain when exposed to high stimuli for prolonged periods of time. Just saying worth taking a look at

Jemma W
Jemma W - 02.10.2023 17:11

A grad trainee at my past workplace was an addict. He spent every moment he could get on his smartphone to look at it, to the extent that it affected his work and he had to be dismissed.

Slyofwar - 02.10.2023 14:19

I keep trying to quit but I always go back I think I'm just looking for something to do with my time at this point I don't really enjoy a whole lot anymore tbh

Jesús Alberto Cruz Cardona
Jesús Alberto Cruz Cardona - 01.10.2023 04:39

I just quit porn, hopefully, im in my first week and I’m not thinking in returning again;

Every time I have the urges, I just put a Batman clip exiting the hole and keep saying to me: “come n bro, ur better than this”

Remember it just pixels, is not real; keep sayin this to you and u realize how cringe you have become with this addiction

Hope u guys escape from this

mystery Boy
mystery Boy - 01.10.2023 01:30

Very interesting, I’ll commit to my true purpose thanks to y’all

Matt G
Matt G - 30.09.2023 18:53

I think this guy overcomplicates and overly psychoanalyzes porn addiction. It can be fun to watch, it makes masturbating - which feels REALLY good - and it's easy to consume and always readily available. These conditions all make it a stimulus that is more likely to make someone addicted.

Kaitlyn - 30.09.2023 06:02

I have a really bad pawn addiction; I can't go one move without moving a pawn, and it usually ends up with me losing a lot of elo. I advise you to think carefully about touching those pawns before moving them, or you'll end up like me. 100 elo and a 20-game losing streak.

Tom F
Tom F - 29.09.2023 23:19

Most of women are dating the top 10-15% of men. If men are addicted to porn, it also means women have a sexual addiction that is similar to porn - in that they all shared the top men. If it was reversed and most of men had access to the top 10-15% of women there would be no porn problem with men.

ytdweller23 - 29.09.2023 17:25

who says porn hub is addictive? it's the worst porn site imo

Original serpent
Original serpent - 29.09.2023 10:11

It really matters about the story you tell yourself about your crack cocaine use if you feel guilty after crack cocaine you probably should smoke crack cocaine.

Original serpent
Original serpent - 29.09.2023 10:09

All porn is bad

Pan Z
Pan Z - 28.09.2023 13:20

Porn really is the closest thing to the affect of a drug. Just like drugs, addicts become desensitised and need a more intense stimulus for the same affect. It's why some people who don't watch porn wonder how others can find much of it sexually attractive.

79masshole - 28.09.2023 01:48

For me I can't stop playing escape from tarkov. Porn is just stupid.

Sebastian Jensen
Sebastian Jensen - 27.09.2023 20:03

What is the science behind the random fact created by fake science influencers that looking at naked people is bad for you?

Ryan Gray
Ryan Gray - 27.09.2023 16:36

You can’t have a healthy relationship with porn. Ever.

MN NM - 27.09.2023 15:01

If you watch porn masturbate 15 min every day.... is that porn addiction? But if you smoke 20 ciggarets, 5 min every time, is that smoke addiction?

Elmaz Okicic
Elmaz Okicic - 27.09.2023 11:47

The trend in incest (step) was enough for me to say I'm done. Fu k that!

Kurt - 26.09.2023 03:56

Ya’ll got bigger issues if you can’t spell porn properly

Blue Sky Country
Blue Sky Country - 26.09.2023 02:19

I don't understand what is so addicting about porn. It is not the real thing, and you are not involved in it. It will only make you more miserable because it rubs it in your face about what you are missing out on. If I cannot have the real thing at the moment, I rather have nothing at all. I don't settle for anything less than what I want. Either 100%, or 0. Nothing in between.

ninjedi - 25.09.2023 18:30

the thing is, the dude giving this advice is probably getting laid a lot and beds different women every weekend.
if you are a random 5'4 male working at costco, there is not really a justifiable incentive to stop.
are there benefits? obv yes. are they worth it? not really.

Alisar Dius
Alisar Dius - 25.09.2023 16:42

For me, porn is totally awesome. 😂😂😂😂

thedesertdweller - 23.09.2023 23:20

OMG, this is even mire nuts!!!!
Getting acclimated to a dry rub????
Hello, just teach, not preach, teach men about lube. Many men just don't know and don't have a safe place to keep stuff because mommy cleans their room!!!!!

Interesting, female doctors don't shame their patients, they teach.

These guys are straight shaming.

thedesertdweller - 23.09.2023 23:14

This is bunk, I accept correlation, we all breathe air too, does that cause xyz, whatever your pet project is?

Here's the problem, almost all men have porn experience and since at least 30% of humans have mental or emotional problems many things will overlap.

Personally, when I'm down, and out (which is rare) the last thing I'm interested in is porn or sex, when I'm down, disappointed, feeling negative, I'm working on fixing the issue, making the changes, not distracting myself with anything regardless if it's porn or anything else.

For me it's a healthy outlet when I'm doing well, when I need to have a fantasy in order to preserve real life, not hurt those around me, etc.

For example, I get hit on all the time, almost daily due to sone work I do where the client base is 90% female. Most of the time it rolls off me, mo temptation... but every once in a while it overtakes me and I'm very tempted; when a fantasy, a dream, presents itself as a real opportunity to cone true it's hard to resist but I do since I'm in a relationship.

And a crucial tool to get it out of my system is having the fantasy. In fact when I don't, it just lingers and temptation grows. Yet by having the fantasy with the help of porn, mostly it stops and forget about it.

And to be clear I'm with my "dream" fantasy in my relationship but no matter what anyone says, there is something about "new" that NEVER stops until either you die or have enough health problems things don't work anymore.

So while this conversation is just a bonkers shame based witch hunt search for the causes of general male dysfunctional, depression, no self esteem, etc, porn is not the cause.

Being a loser, not having discipline, not saving money, paying too much attention or taking the vicissitudes of female nature too seriously, etc etc etc.. is your problem, all of which are independent from however you relieve yourself.

Obviously is you're an addict, if anything is ruining your life that's a problem.... but because i can enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and you're an alcoholic doesn't mean the alcohol is the problem!!!!

Religion ain't helping either; it shames you and the female for enjoying a benign normal pleasure of life so you now think porn, ir sex, is why your life is a mess!!!

NO. If anything the shame itself is part of the problem because part of being a man is holding different thoughts, sometimes contradictory, within the same life depending on circumstances, both external and internal.

Also, getting a bunch of women pregnant and hurting them because external sexual shame propaganda has been injected into your life so instead of flapin it you stuck it in will only make your life worse which thankfully I've managed to avoid since I'm in a relationship.

This shaming propganda is being pushed out there because ideologues want you to have real sex, get her pregnant so that you grow up and become responsible. They're essentially misleading you in their well meaning attempt to get you young guys off the couch, working, lose some weight, etc.

I'm in agreement many young men need to step up, I'm just getting real here because porn ain't the problem and you'll be worse off allowing these shamers to distract you.

It's also not all your fault, many women contribute to this by overinflating the value of their intimacy by refussing to give good guys a chance always holding put for "more" better guy that they deserve. But many guys are abusive so the bottom line is life is way more complex than these shamers will acknowledge so just do what works for you as man AND still be a responsible honorable human.

The rest is all bs nonsense propganda by people with a social control or religious agenda.

Jonathan Farley
Jonathan Farley - 23.09.2023 22:42

One can stop it by having women not be promiscuous, get married young, and fulfill their marital obligations.
Oh, you won't insist of that? Then shut up.

eternalboredom - 23.09.2023 09:23

Watching porn occasionally is better than trying to navigate the current confusing cultural landscape. Avoiding the modern woman at all costs to remain sane, financially stable and happy. A quick wank is easier than putting yourself through the minefield that would be a modern date 😂😂😂😂
