The Brutal Truth of Omni-Man

The Brutal Truth of Omni-Man


3 года назад

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@KardboardKenny - 13.12.2023 00:44

moral of the story?
never get weak and go native.

@WhiskiDev - 09.12.2023 03:43

"[Guardians of the Globe] were unimportant pawns used to setup bigger moves." I don't really understand what the bigger moves were. In the show at least, Omniman kills them all then just hangs out for 6 months training Mark. Even him thinking they were pawns seems weird because Omniman almost loses. So was Omniman eliminating them as a threat? Why kill them all at once it was almost a fair fight?

@blank4069 - 02.12.2023 07:19

On the contrary, Nolan hitting Mark during training was him showing how he should fight as a viltrum. But seeing Mark's reaction, he realized that he raised Mark with too much love that he cant handle fighting an actual viltrum

@Coffee.Time. - 28.11.2023 04:41

After s2 mid season finale, I don't think he was convincing mark to be part of the Viltrum empire, instead he was convincing himself that he's a Viltrumite.

@piotrd.4850 - 27.11.2023 23:41

Superpower != superhero.

@TheNike0223 - 27.11.2023 22:13

To me they are way more like sayains then cryptonians .

@cheddarandsourcream - 26.11.2023 09:24

There’s just something about super hero stories like Invincible, The Boys, Watchmen etc. where I’ll truly get hooked if done well. It’s not a Nobel Prize worthy concept but the “what if people with super abilities were extremely morally grey” genre of superhero media has always grabbed my attention the easiest.

@LucRice - 25.11.2023 22:27

He’s not a bad guy

@lukeskywalker4774 - 25.11.2023 17:18

So is he evil or not ? I don’t like him honestly weird ass knockoff of Superman like very weird

@chrioschvez - 24.11.2023 00:57

Why is the wife Asian? Not in a messed up way, but dark minded people like that, like Nolan (from what my own fucked up mind has noticed) like Asian women, is that a nod to that fact? Lol

@WinxClub4107 - 22.11.2023 15:32

Superman with a super Saiyan twist because they take over planets too

@aroccoification - 22.11.2023 00:15

It's really wierd that this guy would have sex with his pet

@Dave-fr8tk - 21.11.2023 22:54

After rewatching it, I see the change in Nolan as him trying to continue with the viltrumite way of life but his human life was conflicting with it. You see flashes of Omni man come through when he is with Mark or Debbie and over the course of the season he forces himself into being omni man more and more but when he fought mark, he couldn't bring himself to go through with it. I think deep down he is Nolan now and all the things he said about debbie was him trying to rationalise to himself about continuing the viltromite way.

I think he is in denial about loving them and not wanting to destroy his family. He kind of does go through the stages of grief during his fight with mark

@johnmeadows8143 - 16.11.2023 22:48

It hit me really hard when I rewatched and saw the blank stare on Nolan’s face when mark told him about his powers in episode 1.

@dt_grey4521 - 16.11.2023 07:25

I think Omni-Man is conflicted. A lot of the time he tries to distance himself from humans, he doesn't want to get attached. But he can't help but to be attached to his son, he wants him to be a stereotypical viltrumite because then he doesn't have to confront his own humanity.
Omni-Man is a good guy by nature but he does terrible things because he feels he has too.

@nanonkay5669 - 12.11.2023 22:02

So what's the "brutal" truth here? This is just a video essay

@wheeze_86 - 12.11.2023 02:56

Good analysis, Omni-man, in my opinion, is one of the peak supervillains, great back story, understandable motives, actual change in character over time, etc. Something I would like to bring up is that Nolan and Mark showcase a common father/son relationship in that the son looks up to their father as this perfect being and someone to replicate. Then as the son gets older, finds more flaws and hypocrisies going against even values taught to the son, forcing the son into the "real world" and understanding their father is flawed like every other human. This interaction also forces the father to either change his ways to repair the relationship, or "kill" him by pushing him further away. Viltrimite culture can be seen as more conservative values that a father imposes on their child despite times changing and future generations becoming more progressive. A lot of fathers get their sense of power and importance from their family and the idea of them needing to me an unwavering rock that shows no emotion and only provides, because thats how the culture was when they were raised. The world today is nearly as crazy and weird as one that would have superheroes and this show does a great job in the realism of human relationships.

@billwaterson9492 - 11.11.2023 03:00

You can't have a 20 year marriage patiently being a secret sociopath, and also be an emotional reactionary. It's a psychological contradiction.

@nUmBskulLL - 09.11.2023 19:22

Half a century of superhero stories
Achilles - am i a joke to you 😂

@beans2952 - 08.11.2023 18:51

I think the thing that makes Omni-Man different from other Evil Supermen, is that whereas most Supermen have a reason, or tragedy that caused them to be evil, Omni-Man was ALWAYS that way. His very RACE was that way since bro was born.

@AggressiveLemur - 06.11.2023 20:08

Nolan went into his relationship with Debbie knowing he would outlive her.

That nothing on this world is a substantial individual threat to him. He really really really does love her. He just also understands that her death is inevitable. I bought my rabbit fully expecting to outlive him, he's my little buddy, i love him dearly, but knowing his life span is one seventh of mine has always been a thought in my mind.

He's trying to convince himself that he doesn't love her and Mark and he fails miserably.

@rachelknightonline5924 - 02.11.2023 17:14

The scariest thing about Omniman for me, is that all things considered he is probably the nicest Viltrumite out there

@user-qr5iu4lw2y - 31.10.2023 19:55

He's more like Goku than Superman. If Goku didn't hit his head

@MichaelCronanFitness - 27.10.2023 12:17

Such a well written character. You could argue that hes just a cold conquering villian commitrd to his origjal purposeso the humanity sfuff is all an act. Or you could argue that he has become more human and is so conflicted as to what he should do, and both would be valid

@vivicovoibarra - 21.10.2023 09:30

I really enjoyed this show !!!! Cant wait for season 2- omni mans fight with invincible was so …. SAD. And it made me so angry when he said his wife was more of a pet !!! 😡Also ! I enjoyed how in each episode there was more and more blood on the title !! Really cool idea

@thenegativoneify - 04.10.2023 23:30

If you waited too long what does that make me?

@gawabangaungabunga - 21.09.2023 15:13

Man for once my girfriend has been captivaded and curious about a super hero story. When she saw tha guardians go down she look me right into the eyes and said but WHY?Almost at the same time that the immortal said it to nolan !! It was fucking awesome.

@ggk9828 - 15.09.2023 07:11

Captain Midnight, your fans.....are disturbing. The comments here are just straight up idolizing a character that was shown to quite literally wipe out a planet's worth of life at a whim. Like....... really bro? You wanna talkabout relationships with something like that? I just did not like the cartoon because it was just shameless gratuitous violence and in the end leads to idiots like those in these comments, to idolize the character. It's a sad incel thing except instead of women, its hating the idea of life and the "other" itself. You need to check your fans my huy.
Nolan is a boring one note character.

@LuciferMorningstar-zu1ud - 06.09.2023 15:46

I was blown away at how deep, calculating and brutal this story really is. I mean wow i was genuinely picking up my jaw from the floor when I watched the season finale. The complexity of the story and emotions that were being experienced was just insane. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us in the coming seasons

@loganjackson675 - 28.08.2023 17:18

This show was so interesting on rewatch, largely due to knowing the twists/Omni Man’s motivations throughout the watch and being able to watch his fake life with that knowledge. One thing that really struck me was how conflicted he is when Mark gets his powers. He starts getting super irritated, makes comments about not wanting Mark to have gotten powers, and just in general is not his usual collected self. I really think Omni Man was sort of cruising, enjoying his fake life as sort of a vacation that he became attached to. Mark getting powers sort of snapped him back to the reality, that he had a job to do, and I think you see him coping with the fact that his “vacation” is coming to an end through the first half of the season. You get the sense that he would’ve been content to live out the human lives of his family, the only humans who he developed much affection for, and then carry out the mission, but Mark’s powers made that an impossible dream.

Also just an interesting point to me, I think there’s some evidence for the fact that he does have genuine love for Debbie in a more real sense than he let on, or at least a genuine fascination with her that is different from other humans. The reason I say this is because of how lax and separated from his mission he got due to him choosing her specifically as his wife. As a mission-first, dedicated officer of his planet, there were plenty of things he could’ve done better from a strategic perspective. As a superhero, he really could’ve had his pick of the litter when it came to a wife. He could’ve chosen someone who basically worshiped him, and could’ve raised Mark with the same propaganda that he was raised with, instilled a sense of superiority over humans, and easily prepped him to help take over earth. Instead, he married a strong-willed woman, who raised Mark to have a love for humanity and to see earth as his home. Omni man isn’t stupid, he definitely would’ve recognized that this would not be the most ideal way to condition Mark for his ultimate goal, but he went along with that anyways. I have to think that there was a reason for this, he didn’t just do it to make his life harder for no reason, but probably out of genuine interest in Debbie. The fact that he is someone who is willing to do almost anything for his cause, but didn’t prioritize that when choosing a wife and building his family on Earth, is pretty telling to me. She had to have had some sort of pull over him, even more than something like the affection for a pet, to get him to risk compromising his mission

@AJM5K6 - 24.08.2023 06:12

I understood Nolan's speech to Mark during their fight was him mostly talking to himself. Trying to convince himself of what he was saying. Nolan loves Mark and hated that he might have to destroy a world that his son grew up in. Mark's devotion to his father even after the beating, after all the shouting, ranting and the killing innocent people after all of that Mark still loved his father and that love between a Father and his son was more powerful than his duty to Viltrumite Empire. That is what broke Nolan. That is why he flew away.

@iskathegr8 - 24.08.2023 03:08

Omni man isnt invincbles greatest foe that would be general thrag

@alphatonic1481 - 13.08.2023 21:43

If Nolan really wanted to win Mark over he is a complete and utter moron. He does the exact opposite of what a smart person would have done. Slowly showing Mark how "great" the Viltrumite empire is and then making him help Nolan to conquer earth by making Mark think he does something for the greater good.

@brasiljan1 - 09.08.2023 15:09

Love how he doesnt say invincible hahah

@dew_b_dew - 08.08.2023 20:40

I think Nolan understands humanity all too well, to the point it disturbs him. I think he is trying to convince himself he is a viltramite conquerer more than Mark. The feelings and attitude he has developed toward humanity upset him, as he is supposed to be this conqueror for the great viltrumite empire. Not a loving dad. I think when Mark gets his powers, it's more about Nolan coming to terms with the fact that he's not human, when he would probably prefer to be. Look at the dragon scene. He doesn't want to fight, he wants to sit back and enjoy a meal with his wife.

@Czarniak4 - 08.08.2023 19:58

Omni-man reminds me of Son Goku if he did fulfill his mission (to conquer Earth).

@bonzujones8028 - 07.08.2023 02:05

He does explicitly say “what’s another 17 years” and relents after his flashback, so yeah I think Omni man does care for them

@doornik1142 - 06.08.2023 17:22

Spoilers from the original comic: Omni-man’s time on Earth has 100% rubbed off on him. His vicious speech in the last episode of season 1 is just a massive rationalization.

@jonreese7066 - 06.08.2023 05:17

I just found this out today.

In the comics Mark was approached by the Viltrumites and told him he was worthy member of the Viltrumite empire and gave him the job of weakening earth's defences within 100 years

Yes 100 years that is why no Viltrumite has ever check up on Nolan's progress. Assuming that time is standard Nolan had 80 years to watch Mark have grandchildren or even great granchildren before he was due to report.

@warhammerguy - 06.08.2023 03:10

Nolan wasn't an absent father, he was there for Mark his entire life and raised him.
If he wanted to he could have easily raised Mark to be cruel or respect strength over everything else.
Yet he didn't, he raised Mark with kindness, instilled good morals in him and to be a good person.

@jonreese7066 - 05.08.2023 11:27

I always thought Nolan loves his family. Omniman was a fantasy Nolan's Superman/Clark Kent fantasy. I am confident he would have lived with Mark and Deb until they grew old and died

What made him kill the Guardians was learning Mark was a Viltrumite. Sadly his love for Mark is what made him wake up from his fantasy.

It might be wierd for us to consider but Viltrumites have different standards.

Nolan taking 60 years before conquering a planet is just him taking a lunch break. So Nolan living with his family for decades is no issue.

The absolute beatdown Nolan gave Mark and the thousands of death was a warm up for a race that halved their own population and blow up entire planets.

Mark as a rogue viltrumite he will be hunted by the empire until they kill him. Thats not even considering Mark will spend his life watching his love ones grow old and die.

What kind of father would want his son to live that way?

As a fugitive watching his love ones die.

That gives the question "What will you have after 500 years?" and Mark's answer deeper meaning.

@justApigeon. - 04.08.2023 23:57

The Boys comic series is so degenerate lmao

@johnheilds8116 - 04.08.2023 22:57

I hope we see Brit in series 2.

@Heath86 - 04.08.2023 20:22

Omni man has a great arc

@9unslin9er - 04.08.2023 17:04

Is this like a Saiyan race kind of deal, where it's all fun and games until Friesa shows up?
