The Most Efficient Way To Get Materials In ESO  Material Farming Techniques

The Most Efficient Way To Get Materials In ESO Material Farming Techniques


2 года назад

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NefasQS - 31.10.2021 19:34

Time to farm the Guild Store.

Spiritual Spinster
Spiritual Spinster - 01.11.2023 12:21

I always farm for everything, not just a specific item. When I go to Craglorn to possibly get some Nirncrux I don't just hit the nodes that spawn Nirncrux. I never understood why people pass up other nodes. Some days the Nirncrux doesn't drop and if you skip other nodes, you get nothing for all your time spent. I might not get Nirncrux but I get some Kuta instead.

The Wild Quest
The Wild Quest - 13.10.2023 20:15

Not a big fan of item flipping, but I did farm a few hours for a couple of days on Telvanni event and the gold and mat is gonna cover me for a while

Dylan Pierce
Dylan Pierce - 22.09.2023 22:54

Tribute rewards are really good

DCT - 11.08.2023 16:27

Do you have a guide to install and setup ttc for us newbees? I pickup everything i come across, but i never know what its worth, if anything.. So i make 0 gold because im scared of scamming myself..

Emillé Opperman
Emillé Opperman - 11.08.2023 15:11

this video sounds like a rap song

Jarl Balgruuf
Jarl Balgruuf - 21.07.2023 04:15

Are you using some sort of enb/reshade?

Sok games
Sok games - 11.06.2023 12:22

crafting material farming is definitely a different beast in ESO. the reason people are asking where is best to find certain materials is because in literally every other game everything has a set spawn location, where ONLY that material spawns.. in ESO the only thing guaranteed is that a node exists, but not what that node is going to be when it spawns. So when people ask, they are genuinely just ignorant of how it works in this game. the spawn behavior is rather unique to ESO.

alejandro mugica
alejandro mugica - 05.06.2023 10:36

amazing to find you here. one artemis for another artemis hahaha. good video. Rain of blessings to you guild mate :).

Samael - 05.06.2023 06:04

But I enjoy farming

Randor95 - 05.05.2023 06:07

what if you just need all materials lol

etherdemon - 04.05.2023 12:57

"Don't farm", method requires gold farming and paying people who farm the mats. GG.

Dark Guardian Angels
Dark Guardian Angels - 07.04.2023 22:25

Im early in game and im just trying to level up blacksmithing before doing any hardcore stuff. I still have difficulty finding the main quests cause they always taking me to different boats to go to another location.

Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson - 07.03.2023 04:14

Arttea is G.o.a t

ray lastname
ray lastname - 20.02.2023 22:03

Q: Where's the best place to farm potatoes?
A: Idaho.

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!
Wubba Lubba Dub Dub! - 16.02.2023 02:42

cries in PS5

Versus Spectre
Versus Spectre - 09.02.2023 20:08

I know this is an older video, but i appreciate this very much still relevant content. I mostly stopped playing for a couple years and never really got into the crafting and gold making aspect of things until recently (i decided to enjoy the tycoon side), and these types of videos have really opened my perspective up to how activities and time spent in game translate into gains. Thanks for taking the time to do these kinds of tests. I think theyre very helpful and give a concrete way to show some better methods of indirectly getting what you want

PoBaFet - 25.01.2023 06:35

I can tell that this is quite educational, but it's far over my head as a noob. I got the maximize your time efficiency and pickup other mats near ya path though

Alduinwithshotgun - 24.12.2022 16:51

What addon do you use to farm materials?

David Duvall
David Duvall - 24.12.2022 02:43

And yet, again, I find myself wishing I'd found you a year ago.

celeste821 - 03.12.2022 17:07

I'm going to see if you have a guild trader tutorial, because I don't understand them at all
