The Dark Side of Rich Kids Volunteering Abroad | Informer

The Dark Side of Rich Kids Volunteering Abroad | Informer


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Bruno Laataf
Bruno Laataf - 30.09.2023 13:54

Nice actors love how they tell story's like they did it real but real life they actors of all actors online if you don't see them yeah they have been arrested hahahahaha or they are looking for him somewhere
Hahaha they not real the real ones are never on sight

Choong Kiat Chia
Choong Kiat Chia - 30.09.2023 12:57

what sets out to be of good intention gets exploited by businesses that see it as an opportunity to make money. people should volunteer their skills (and time). e.g. a carpenter, a doctor etc. A high school kid has no nothing to offer, not even pretending to teach English or arts and crafts. However, there are authentic projects that I have seen, students from technical colleges and trade schools, who are getting trained for skills like plumbing, electrical work and even building, going into less developed communities, and developing their skills under the guidance of their teachers, while serving people. ,

R Smith
R Smith - 30.09.2023 11:47

Put the lights on, turn off the spooky music & take off the Freddie Kruger mask. You could still tell your story in a well lit room in a comfy chair with your back to the camera but it's all set up to creep you out. Not everyone's a bad person, the nicer ones are in the majority.

I Know
I Know - 29.09.2023 16:03

Oy. Color me shocked. Is this seriously news to people? That self promoting western opportunists are self serving and exploitative? Get real.

foxy2796 - 29.09.2023 04:08

The fact of the matter is this industry is exploitative by nature no matter how good of a heart the people doing the "work" might have. And I side eye people who say they are doing it to "help the less fortunate" because you dont have to spend thousands of dollars to travel thousands of miles to help someone. And the fact that people automatically think that people in less developed areas of Africa, Asia and South America need saving says a lot about the racial biases they hold. If you are a wealthy US, UK, or Australian citizen who wants to "do good" your time, money and presence is better spent helping the less fortunate in your own community.

Eric Bergman
Eric Bergman - 28.09.2023 23:21

Great to bring up this relatively obscure topic. Clearly this operator is sketchy at best. I hope this is not typical in the industry and would like to see more context than this single example. I’ve witnessed “rich kids” working in NGO’s and UN affiliated charities operating in the 3rd world living in comfort and padding their résumé’s while having little meaningful interaction or impact AND other charities and NGO’s who really are involved caring people. The woman in this video surely got a great lesson in the good the bad and the ugly of how the world operates. She may indeed have gained insight that can make her a sadder and wiser person.

shimona jade kennett
shimona jade kennett - 28.09.2023 20:25

Disgusting. All I can say.

Ryan Nigro
Ryan Nigro - 28.09.2023 18:29

People who inherit money should be required to work a full year full time at McDonald's

Higgolini - 27.09.2023 17:06

Well, this isn’t surprising. Virtue signaling just like the green agenda. A way to make people feel good while actually doing nothing at best, and probably doing great harm.

RTD - 27.09.2023 15:10

Limousine Liberals. The worst of the worst.

BARF - 26.09.2023 22:48

Rich people don’t help. All they can ever do is pay someone else to do the work.

Juliette McMonigle
Juliette McMonigle - 26.09.2023 22:17

They are doing this with the orphans and mentally ill in Dayton from trauma Ohio.USA sexual human trafficting in shelters group Homes and homeless shelters and churches. The library Gay Dayton, Ohio, is a sexual human trafficting scam. These children are beingraped in these group Homes 🏡 by politicians church leaders etc. Italian mafia Catholic church Baptist church penicostal church also involved. In WV, they are doing it too !! God is my Witness in Jesus Christ's Mighty Name, Amen. The Catholic Cartel is involved.

Rodrigo Vega
Rodrigo Vega - 26.09.2023 20:36

This sounds like what most NGOs do that service these "poor countries" while their people are living in lavish gated communities in those countries.

Michelle Harris
Michelle Harris - 26.09.2023 17:50

Thus is disgusting. There is a soecial place in hell for people who do this.

Theo Ntanga
Theo Ntanga - 26.09.2023 11:49

this is sickening.

Odoru Pompokorin
Odoru Pompokorin - 25.09.2023 22:40

One of the reasons why universities does not count “volunteering“ anymore in their applications. But I hope that this will not deter you in volunteering. Research, and ask

Yan Yan Wang
Yan Yan Wang - 25.09.2023 18:03

Great representation of elitist culture, communism is dangerous.

Brandon Felder
Brandon Felder - 25.09.2023 07:52

Privilege at its best

fundifferent1 - 24.09.2023 22:57

"Voluntourism" if that's what they're calling it was very popular when I was college. It never did sit right with me because something felt off about it whenever people would post those pics with the children. It ALWAYS felt disgingenious and like a virtue signaling photo op to me. It also never added up to me how these things could be SO popular, with people going to the same places every single year, but things still not getting better. You would think they'd have to show up for a few years to stabalize how many schools need to be built? So I always suspected there was some darker side to it. Now, granted I bet not all of the programs are like this, but glad she shed light on what I kind of suspected all along. That's why I didn't feel bad for not wanting to join the bandwagon and go on those trips.

Nathan Gill
Nathan Gill - 24.09.2023 19:48

And then you continued it for 10 YEARS!?!?

Louise Li
Louise Li - 24.09.2023 00:39

So true about what she said. During the early phase of Ukraine war, the most popular voluntourism destination was Poland. It was flooded by hedge fund managers’ kids who were looking for this once in a life time opportunity to put that war volunteering experience on their college application.

Stefan B.
Stefan B. - 23.09.2023 07:38

Voluntourism sounds like it raised all the red flags but young people wilfully ignored them. 1) Do you have any skills that would benefit the community? Are you a doctor, engineer, pilates instructor or skills that matter? If not then you're a burden on the community. You're another mouth to feed and house and you're not needed there. 2) Why would you pay thousands of pounds/dollars/euros to volunteer abroad if your help was needed there? I imagine Doctors Without Borders pay for transport, housing and food for volunteering doctors and other medical personell. There's something perverse in having to pay to feel like you've done something "important" with your life that looks good when people google your name. 3) Learn the culture and the history. Don't tell a Chinese person that John Stuart Mill is the best philosopher behind Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith and encourage them to be vocal about it to their community. Read the fucking room! Konfucianism rules supreme.

Amanda C
Amanda C - 23.09.2023 05:36

there are still many rich and smart people and they would not go.

Stephen Tooby
Stephen Tooby - 22.09.2023 22:05

In voluntourisim one of the most annoying things is watching educated people volunteer and offer their labour not their education and expertise in countries that labour is the most abundant resource. Take your money and find a worthy family to support first hand. Voluntourisim is a scam.

Eden Maury
Eden Maury - 22.09.2023 21:44

There are still intelligent people on this Earth, this gives hope. Mahsi.

Oscar Langley Soryu
Oscar Langley Soryu - 22.09.2023 19:02

I have heard of one orphanage that was "staffed" by fake orphans for similar purposes, but when you say 'most of the children had not lost one or both parents. They didn't have birth certificates, nobody knew who they were," ...yes, there are problems of human trafficking in adoption from underdeveloped countries, and it could be conceivable that such a "tourist destination" could be filled with trafficked children, and I can imagine having these concerns.

A lot of babies are abandoned, especially in very poor areas. It does happen.

That probably also makes it easier to conceal when some of them have been kidnapped or sold. Regardless, it's a relevant point....

YALAK Agency
YALAK Agency - 22.09.2023 11:25

Jesus can change yr life ❤

Orillion Casper
Orillion Casper - 22.09.2023 10:09

This is called Gipsying in my contry

secret garden
secret garden - 22.09.2023 06:19

and all these wicked people are doing is putting masks on and giving an interview.

trevs beace
trevs beace - 22.09.2023 02:49

damn she's been doing it for over a decade knowing that. What an evil person.

SG - 21.09.2023 17:54

If you need to go through another group to help someone, you don't need self affirmation. You need a priest.

Mark D Kennedy
Mark D Kennedy - 21.09.2023 01:24

What this person is describing sounds like a well thought out and orchestrated scam. Phony altruism.

d - 20.09.2023 19:05

She has very valid points. These are sheltered teenagers after all. Their prime motivation is to fulfill requirements for some sort of "volunteer experience" by their college admissions or church. But please let's not make a generalization and claim that all volunteers are useless. I know of many volunteer opportunities, including orphanages in Latin America, that require that the volunteer be an adult with a professional career with a specific set of skills (ie doctors, teachers...), be able to speak the local language, and commit for a set amount of time of no less than a year, often longer. In exchange, they are provided with housing, food, sometimes a small stipend, and actually becoming part of the community. So yes, I applaud her for being critical and describing her experience surrounding that kind of volunteer work, but let's not sensationalize every headline and cast a negative light on people who do contribute positively through their volunteer work.

Max McCroskey
Max McCroskey - 20.09.2023 18:17

its interesting how many of the commenters focus on the issue of people volunteering to help their resume, but not the host places misusing the funds and mistreating the children? Regardless of the volunteers motives, they still gave money and showed up for work. The main issue is the places misusing those funds and hampering their progress, but of course its not as interesting to point the blame at them.

Mostfunnestchannel - 20.09.2023 03:56

Even though it is corrupt, having rich western kids go volunteer does help the kids at the orphanages get slightly better food, like they had rice AND beans.

Alex Duero
Alex Duero - 20.09.2023 01:28

Sounds more like a bad experience you had with an illegitimate company. Do your due diligence before volunteering.

MJ K - 19.09.2023 04:58

Thank you for your honesty. But I also hope that this video doesn't discourage people from helping people in need around the world. Do enough research before committing to donate or volunteer. ❤ Also, just admit that you are helping others for your own good; it only makes volunteering more attractive because you help yourself and others. And this puts you in the mindset of not expecting anything in return because you are doing it for your own good.

SijamHusna - 19.09.2023 01:17

this is beyond sad

Otter Possum
Otter Possum - 18.09.2023 23:37

Glad vice is struggling financially, welcome to the third world idiots.

Jayood yang
Jayood yang - 18.09.2023 20:48

Even growing up kids that would go to "community service" so they can put that on their College Apps are more or less the same as these rich kids larping as decent people. This world rewards phoniness to such a degree its not even a secret

Stan Hong
Stan Hong - 18.09.2023 18:18

Big money to be made from image focused Americans. Don't matter who gets hurt. These young adults that want to help, join the Peace Corp. Real commitment is 3 months of technical training then serve 2 years in the host nation.

viewz - 18.09.2023 11:44

I’ve been saying this for decades. This is just an honest person whose come face to face with elite Satanism

Leonardo Gabriel
Leonardo Gabriel - 18.09.2023 08:55

It's the universities' admission requirements that should take the blame.They created the demand for voluntourism. After all the education, especially the advanced educaction, is basically a business.

Francisko - 18.09.2023 03:27

And I used to wonder why they do so many of these programs abroad & not here in the U.S. where in a lot of major cities & rural areas, you can find practically the same conditions but without the hype/commercialization the "abroad" experience is sold as. It's so they can avoid the checks & balances.

This is so sickening, but not really surprising. It makes me think of that Savior Complex doc that's coming out soon with the white girl that had absolutely no medical training, "treats" the children of a Ugandan community, & 105 of the kids die under her care. It's like it's a sport or a form of entertainment to the wealthy.

chadjoneslsu - 18.09.2023 02:57

I did a trip for my senior project. We legit built a basketball/soccer court for a middle school and left. Our mission was to give the kids an option to hangout and play rather than go play with drugs and violence. Maybe it help maybe it did t. I’d like to think so . Either way we never did anything to make the kids feel better other than joke around with them as we do with younger kids at home

Kate - 18.09.2023 01:04

It took her 10 years to realize this?

Melissa - 17.09.2023 15:16

I knew a girl in college who was deep deep DEEP into missionary work through her church.. She was in love with Jesus and all that. I wanted to be her friend but the missionary thing really put me off. She would say things like "black babies are so cute".. So idk what's going on there but I got the feeling they all do it to feel good and sometimes better than others. She would often encourage me to do missionary work too.. it will strengthen your faith. Even then I knew it was bullshit, and that was back when I was still going to church.

Raemar90 - 17.09.2023 01:33

That is why is better to donate from hand to hand no middle man at all its a sad greedy world we live in
