WoW Single Player Project Update:  It Works! as of 03/15/23

WoW Single Player Project Update: It Works! as of 03/15/23


1 год назад

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@MalcomJPrince - 16.03.2023 23:08

A video of you fixing quests would be really great to see. Thanks for your video series :-)

@mrtiff99 - 17.03.2023 01:08

Thanks for the video. In terms of installing this latest version of single player project, is the installation procedure the same as your video from July last year? Also you said LFG doesn't work and mentioned assembling your own group, I would love to see you test that in a dungeon

@celguar - 17.03.2023 11:33

Hello! Recently the old issue of game crashing in BGs in spp classics repack has been narrowed down to priests using potions in shadow form. We'll try to fix it soon, until then I recommend changing talent builds in bots config to exclude shadow form (change build or remove Shadow builds entirely)

@celguar - 17.03.2023 11:43

Btw dlls for webserver, I think it's a part of SSL and it should be standard included in any Windows 10/11. Maybe I'm wrong. But I guess I should include them . Anyway thanks for your great videos!

@firemyst9064 - 17.03.2023 14:32

I've been playing somewhat for the past few weeks, and in the 2.3.1 version I had some serious crashing, due to 2 bugs from what I could troubleshoot. They recommended I update to 2.3.2 and voila, I think my server has crashed twice in about 20 hours of run time.

I did make some other minor modifications for what it's worth. I put in a line to run 1 gb of innodb pool for ram, 8 pools of 128mb. Also increased key buffer size to 32mb I think and the myisam bumped up to 512mb I believe. I've got 32gb of ram, my cpu is a ryzen 9 3900x, I'll update what my system runs at 1k/2k bots. Before when it crashed I'd use about 6 gb of ram for 1k bots, initially.

I also bumped up my bots from 1k to 2k. My initial testing showed anything over 100 would crash within 15 minutes. 50 bots would run for over 2 hours just fine but 100 bots crashed around 40 minutes, 1k crashed in about 10 minutes almost every time.

I did have a client issue when on bg's, running a clean gpu driver install fixed that. Clearly was my fault there, but I did not experience it running around in open world.

@realjoecast - 17.03.2023 15:55

Update to this: I managed to put the databases on separate servers. Will do an update video in the next few days and maybe some gameplay video/stream.

@HandlesAreDumb_111 - 18.03.2023 19:05

While multiplayer is out of the scope, is it possible to play?

Came across a deal on a pretty beefy server a while back, but lacking any real need it became a game server for my wife and I. Ran Minecraft for a bit, then Trinity but we've not really been playing much once we both hit 80...

Bit of a loss on where to go next... Thought about giving something Cataclysm a go... But meh... Thinking maybe some decent bots though.

I mean, really... In WoW terms- two may as well be one, right?

@LordDangles - 23.03.2023 11:10

is there any chance you could make a tutorial on how to set this up or direct me to a good guide? thanks in advance!

@silentlyreborn586 - 02.04.2023 06:24

Is there any way you can make a video of making a class?

@paradise3124 - 27.04.2023 15:56

Download ?

@supernaturalhurricane9019 - 07.05.2023 13:42

i still cant get it working i get to the module d/l bit (downloading wotlk) and its just stuck on downloading WoltK module (1500mb)

@paradise3124 - 10.05.2023 08:09

download link please!

@funnybox9027 - 30.06.2023 13:38

Дайте пожалуйста ссылку на spp которое вы используете.

@gatorgamingnetwork7267 - 20.08.2023 02:12

How did you get the bots to spawn on their own and run around. My SPP bots can only be spawned by people and will sit where they spawned until hired. If theyre in your group they will queue with you but will not queue battlegrounds with you.

@commracAlekk - 03.09.2023 00:49

If we could develop some bots to act as players only in the player current zone/proximity it'd be awesome!
Also use the same IA to queue for dungeons and raids.

@KOLY- - 10.09.2023 12:18

how to open database? I downloaded mysql and navicat but can't open database and configure it...

@EricLDC - 23.09.2023 23:42

So single player project can quit working? Sorry confused by the title

@PokettoMusic - 21.10.2023 22:31

where to download

@syproful - 21.10.2023 22:54

They just recorded a demo of all the movement of actual players or what ? Or are that actual bots that are bound to pathing and just go and do quests ?

@chrisjewell6817 - 27.10.2023 15:09

where is a link to the repack

@ezequielreis5646 - 29.10.2023 03:04

Cadê o link?

@ezequielreis5646 - 29.10.2023 18:27

Cara grava mais vídeo é um tema muito interessante

@Tntdruid - 02.12.2023 13:27

Any linux server version?

@alexanderkartvelian4274 - 09.01.2024 01:05

OMG machine learning in WoW.. I need this to feel...

@unknownuserbutnotabuser - 09.02.2024 01:59

If anybody has been able to figure out how to get NPC bots used on a regular basis to clear their bags please do share this knowledge. Sometimes they do it on their own I think but not always and unavailable bag space is a giant bottleneck helping them levelup. Thanks everyone for participating in this project.

@SaharatOfficial - 05.04.2024 05:22

Yeah random bots seems to be the memory issue problem. I set the cap to 100 and at least my ram aint shooting from 1 to 7gbs in an instant.

@aljazhosta9098 - 08.05.2024 01:29

does anybosy know how far are they in dragonflight development?

@theDoomguy362 - 04.07.2024 01:45

The server is back to crashing all the time. If they could figure out how to make it stable it would be one hell of a Repack

@realjoecast - 22.03.2023 20:15

Another Update: after many days of running it is still going strong. however it is using 29GB for the mangosd and another 600mb for the SQL server. both on the same system.
