Polymorphism In C#: Treating Different Types of Objects as if they were the Same Type

Polymorphism In C#: Treating Different Types of Objects as if they were the Same Type

Pulp Free Press

2 года назад

707 Просмотров

C# supports two broad categories of polymorphism: Static (Compile Time), and Dynamic (Runtime). In this video I explain static and dynamic polymorphism and demonstrate how to achieve polymorphic behavior in your code.

I also cover the SOLID design principles:
- Single-Responsibility Principle
- Open-Closed Principle
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation Principle
- Dependency-Inversion Principle

The material discussed in this video comes from my book: C# For Artists: The Art, Philosophy, And Science Of Object-Oriented Programming, 2nd Edition:

GitHub Repo:

Intro: 00:16
Kinds of Polymorphism C# Supports: 00:43
Purpose of Types: 01:13
Dynamic Polymorphism Section: 03:00
SOLID Design Principles: 04:49
Fleet Simulation Architecture: 05:41
Fleet Simulation Code Demo: 08:53
Person-Employee Architecture: 22:35
Person-Employee Code Demo: 26:00
Static Polymorphism Section: 38:02
Operator Overloading: 38:07
Method Overloading: 38:43
Generics: 39:07
Static Polymorphism Code Demo: 41:06


#Abstract_Base_Classes #C# #C#_.NET_Core #C#_Programming #Dynamic_Polymorphism #Inheritance #Interfaces #Method_Overloading #Operator_Overloading #Polymorphism #Polymorphism_in_C# #Static_Polymorphism #C#_Polymorphism
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@PulpFreePress - 22.01.2022 00:33

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@lawannamiller4454 - 04.11.2022 02:23

Can you repeat that please?

@lawannamiller4454 - 04.11.2022 02:22

Can you repeat that please?
