Self-Powered Metal Volcano Tamer - ONI Volcano Taming - Part 3

Self-Powered Metal Volcano Tamer - ONI Volcano Taming - Part 3

Tony Advanced

4 года назад

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RDKirbyN - 24.03.2022 07:00

Took me ages to figure out some of the different stuff but yeah, works fine

Ian Swartz
Ian Swartz - 21.12.2021 18:59

haha, 1000+ hours in this game and I just learned you can swap around the aquatuner XD

El Spoocho
El Spoocho - 29.08.2021 21:26

thanks for this design, starting this up without breaking the pipes in the heat sink was pretty challenging tho!

TheMindverse - 02.04.2021 17:47

Great build. I still haven't finished mine or fired it up yet, but it would be great to have all overlays of the final, correct build posted somewhere.

Mark Flanagan
Mark Flanagan - 14.03.2021 05:03

He tames my Hot Steam Vent, now he tames my Iron Volcano. Good job Tony.

Casey Larsen
Casey Larsen - 14.01.2021 07:15

Dude you really need to work on your quality. You wait until the last minute of your 40 minute video to point out a critical bypass issue. I spent hours building this damn thing and now I have to crack it open. I never give out dislikes but you earned it, wasting everyone's time!

Theeraphat Sunthornwit
Theeraphat Sunthornwit - 11.10.2020 19:30

When mop-up bottle has more heat resistance than most machine.

Michael Denney
Michael Denney - 14.08.2020 23:10

For the conveyer belt end, you can skip using a conveyor belt shut off switch and just hook the smart wire to the conveyor chute output. Smart chute output on/off was added to the game after Tony made this video. There is also a timer in the game now, already mentioned previous comment.

Gabriel Markin
Gabriel Markin - 25.06.2020 06:38

u r the best!

Michael Sotomayor
Michael Sotomayor - 08.05.2020 23:17

Did the timer sensor not exist seven months ago? It’s interesting to see this setup without having that option. Klei made this game harder at the beginning lol

Spout Boes
Spout Boes - 01.05.2020 11:09

Setting for the lower liquid valve?

Philip Rinehardt
Philip Rinehardt - 09.04.2020 18:40

i have used it twice now and my aquatuner, loader, radient pipes in the heat sink, and autosweeper keep overheating. what am i doing wrong?

R4d6 - 06.04.2020 01:54

I wonder how much this will change once you include the stuff added by the latest update.

Jeff Brown
Jeff Brown - 08.03.2020 19:25

nice, even simpler with latest release, now you can use a straight up timer instead of buf + not + buf

Nehio Barracuda
Nehio Barracuda - 05.03.2020 17:11

I have come back to this, because i use this without the water cooling, i dont think its necessary (also kinda cheaty) and its still self powered even without transferring heat from water of steam turbine to metal. But i did upgrade this to something quite large because i don't actually need the output of this to keep spewing out iron forever, basically i just added double doors in the steam room that can close and open with an atmo sensor. What this does is either reduce steam pressure under 149kg/tile or increase it to 200kg/tile so that the volcano can no longer erupt. This is useful for late game as having 500tons of iron is really unnecessary, we get enough iron from meteor shower too, and having less items decreases lag. Before this i used to resort to just straight up deleting iron from the game with debug menu. This is something i've added to most metal volcanoes, and it can be further automated using smart storage linked to the doors to keep a certain amount of iron you want.

While this does take up quite some space this can be done two ways, either have double doors for the same lenght as the "normal" volcano chamber and then have a total of 100kg/tile with doors open (wich gives 200 once doors close). Or if you can afford to delete water, juste juste a simple 2 double doors system that deletes steam, until you're happy with pressure, and add water until its high enough to overpressurise the volcano. Second has a smaller footprint but you can't really automate it completely, since you can't detect pressures over 20Kg

Yaohan Chen
Yaohan Chen - 28.02.2020 01:51

How important is it to cool the metal? It seems that when you build anything with the refined metal, it's temperature becomes 40C. So if you don't have a storage for refined metal in your base, couldn't you just leave the metal hot?

DaClown - 11.02.2020 13:15

Tony, I'd like to see a metal volcano tamer that doesn't use steel, plastic, steam turbines, or aquatuners. Minimizing the usage of refined metals would be nice.

A common thing I see with these is that people will wick away the heat and delete it as the primary thing. Which I can see that it is easy to do, but I've been doing calculations about a copper volcano I have in my map. It produces 7Kg/s liquid copper at 2226.9 C for 68 seconds every 886 seconds when active; I don't know at current what the activity period is. By my calculations, I should be able to melt 156 Kg/s copper ore or around 8Kg/s iron ore with the heat of that liquid copper when it is erupting. If I'm not deleting the heat of the copper liquid but instead just moving it around then I should be able to melt successive quantities ore using the same heat without needing advanced power setups.

The one trick that I am having a hard time finding formulae for is getting the melts to reach an equilibrium temperature that can be handled by dupes (preferably without suits) in a reasonable time. I know the solution is going to be some variation on Delta T = T_final - T_initial and Sum(Q) = 0 where the Q terms represent joules to phase transitions of the materials involved; when the temperature difference = 0 then the materials will be at their equilibrium temperature. What that equilibrium temperature is depends on how hot or cold the input materials are initially and how much mass of each is added.

Using crude or petroleum as the heat exchange loop is going to be somewhat problematic and requires reaching the bottom of the map in general. Access to ventilation isn't going to meet the high expectations of people interested in the end game play, but oxygen, hydrogen, or natural gas is easily accessible and highly useful from the early to mid game on most asteroids.

Thanks for your well documented experiments.

santiago rodriguez
santiago rodriguez - 30.12.2019 11:41

Does this work for gold,copper and normal volcanos?

FerrybigGaming - 30.11.2019 23:43

When building this, move the gas pump 1 tile up, it exposes more "suction" tiles (3 vs 1), pulling the chamber to a vacuum quicker

selensewar - 25.11.2019 23:50

Amazing. Thanks!

Einsford - 18.11.2019 12:17

I've watched this quite a few times now and my favourite part is the indignation and subsequent deletion of the cooling loop bridge. Keep producing these amazing vids

thepay128 - 15.11.2019 09:22

My sweepers keep breaking.

Mattias Winther
Mattias Winther - 11.11.2019 16:46

Your videos make my ONI playing experience so much more enjoyable! Did your cool vent tamer last, now it’s time to tame a copper volcano! One question though: How do you decide how many steam turbines you put in a build?

Sir Prize MF
Sir Prize MF - 01.11.2019 07:49

Great build, will you make a video to build petroleum boiler? Preferably geopowered. Include the math! We love math!

Rich4098 - 29.10.2019 03:34

Ha, my math numbers from a completely different volcano came out the same just with different inputs at 75 seconds. I wonder if that's not a coincidence.

xizar - 24.10.2019 04:39

Why 100 kg of steam per square?

nZifnab - 22.10.2019 02:12

I'm really liking your tutorials. I find them a lot easier to follow and they tend to be a lot simpler than, say, Brothgar's. He has great ideas too, I just like the way your present yours more XD.

I have a stupid-simple metal volcano setup that just let's the metal sit on the ground while the steam soaks up it's heat. Then during dormancy I go scoop it out into a storage compactor while it's like 110-120 degrees. I setup this up fairly early-game because I found two of these right next to my base, and it's been awesome so far (generally the stuff that needs metal is outside and I don't particularly care about the heat).

Now that I actually have robust access to steel and moderate amounts of diamond from the oil biome, I think I'll switch to something more automated like this. I don't have a great source of clay though for Ceramic... still using crappy igneous insulated tiles. Do you have any suggestions for renewable sources of clay? I have an automated setup to make ceramic, and I do have some stockpiles, but I'm afraid of running out (of clay) and insulated tiles are EXPENSIVE in materials.

M B - 19.10.2019 07:39

Is 1kg of water in a pipe being unable to vaporize and break the pipe a bug that may be fixed or intended behavior with an explanation in real world physics?

Andrew Pate
Andrew Pate - 30.09.2019 21:04

I noticed that you used ceramic insulated tiles for everything. Am I correct in thinking that in the midgame before you have abundant ceramic, mafic rock insulated tiles would work fine for this build?

Michael Denney
Michael Denney - 27.09.2019 08:10

Been running this build for 200 cycles now. This is totally maintenance free. Really nice build One thing I tinkered with a bit after firing up, but then left alone: The amount of steam pressure. While less steam creates more power because the steam->generator runs hotter and thus requires less power from the main grid, more steam seems to cool the gold down faster but draws more power from main grid because the steam->generator runs cooler. I.E, more steam/water cause the average heat of the steam to be lower which produces less Watts. I been running about 50K steam per tile as more interested in cooling than being power efficient. What steam pressure did you run?

puppyboy2 - 25.09.2019 02:19

Your videos fell like taking a masters class in ONI, Or rather, a nice condensed and direct explanation from a prof who normally teaches the master classes. Great job!

Michael Denney
Michael Denney - 24.09.2019 01:34

The automation signals doesn't seem to work correctly until the conveyor belt is full. That is:

You set the pressure plate to send a green signal if below 200KG. However, the way this is hooked up is that this pressure plate green signal will over ride the 75 second pulse timer red signal and this will make the signal on the convey belt cut switch stay green regardless if there is chunks of ore in the belt loop system or not.

This build counts on the ore sitting in the system to cool down, not rush through the belt line.

So what happens is that with that current automation in place, the ore will rush through the system too fast and dump very hot ore on the pressure plate when the volcano first fires up. Now, once the conveyer belt is full then the system starts working as you planned..But that initial seed of spitting out hot ore because the ore didn't cool down long enough in the system appears to be an issue.

Seems the could be solved by not connecting the pressure plate or the 75s pulse timer directly to the belt cutoff switch. Instead, they should both go to an AND gate and only if both signals are green should the cutoff engage.

Now in your first build with the funky double exit system, you didn't have that pressure plate idea. My guess is that you seeded the belt loop with your first build where this "Seeding" problem doesn't occur. Only after the belt was seeded with ore did you add in the pressure plate system.

Michael Denney
Michael Denney - 22.09.2019 22:44

The steam turbine should have been flipped for the exit on the left, using less pipe.Then could have fit in 2-3 more radiant pipe pieces.

benji Qin
benji Qin - 21.09.2019 03:53

the guild is decennt for new player,im very appreciate for the people like you to make such tutorial for us :)

John Hall
John Hall - 20.09.2019 22:49

Remove the bridge you used to fill the cooling loop once it is filled and it will work fine.

Michael Denney
Michael Denney - 20.09.2019 22:28

For the buffer space "dual bridge" thing, wouldn't just have a dupe 1 time empty 20KG from the pipe loop do the same thing?

Michael Deadman
Michael Deadman - 19.09.2019 07:02

I watched the video with the gass filters. Super handy stuff I've been using heaps. I was thinking you could use the same sort of 1g loop generated by a a liquid valve and use that as a buffer rather than a filter.

Gilbert Englund
Gilbert Englund - 18.09.2019 11:54

Love your guides man. Keep it up.

Do you have a good setup for oil refinery cooling? Would be nice if you could a guide for it.

ChickenStealer - 18.09.2019 11:22

Sir, I just saw your gas refinery and must say that it is quite impressive! But, I had a design of myself that might be more efficient. Are you interested?

Bonk - 15.09.2019 17:32

Is this or ran this be self powered

Art Of Life
Art Of Life - 13.09.2019 01:50

Quick question, can you tune up a steam turbine?

James Aust
James Aust - 12.09.2019 09:09

Suggestion, you should use the Blueprint mod and include that in the description.

JinOkami - 12.09.2019 04:13

Hi, can you explain the purpose of the liquid valve and why you set them to their specific values?

Elias Schwartz
Elias Schwartz - 11.09.2019 21:28

Are the logic components and wires affected by temp?
