I Spectated A Soldier Cheater Who CRANKED His Aimbot And Wall Hacks To The MAX In Overwatch 2

I Spectated A Soldier Cheater Who CRANKED His Aimbot And Wall Hacks To The MAX In Overwatch 2


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Artimis - 13.11.2023 19:59

you know what actually grated me tho? he used 12 bullets and manually reloaded on many occasions instead of fucking killing the enemies. which just goes to show he sucked. shoot 10 bullets, reload, not finish your kill, swap target. WTF

Inxx - 13.11.2023 07:45

Glad my only interactions with OW are trough Flats videos

Noah - 12.11.2023 23:40

I dont think she has it off in beginning, her aim key is left click meaning for things like widow your aim has to be close to them before you shoot since it doesnt really have time to move. Thats why her tracking is perfect when just using the full auto on widow even at start

MidniteGW - 12.11.2023 09:55

why does he keep using that fake word "gaslight" its not even a real word

Liam D
Liam D - 12.11.2023 08:05

Flats has mad streamer complex and thinks chat is always in disagreement and contest so he's gotta talk everyone down like they're dumb. I guarantee no one in chat was going through this whole match honestly saying they're not hacking without some emote to make it obvious that they're joking. Chill tf out

Yukio Acumora
Yukio Acumora - 11.11.2023 05:42

Something that's a little funny is I play on switch. The switch port has gyro by default, and I've been an avid splatoon player since splat came out. Naturally the gyro aim from splatoon translates well into overwatch, so I have really good tracking with gyro. And I constantly get told in chat that I'm either cheating or using a xim, or that "my aim is way too smooth"
Scary shit. Luckily I haven't gotten slapped for using gyro, but I imagine it's because they can tell when a 3rd party software is in use?

Qwertyops - 09.11.2023 20:21

Yeah it frustrates me how bad some people are at detecting cheats. At 6.47 when you notice it, I already noticed it on 5.48 where she is using the exact same tracking. 100% cheats no doubt about it.

ChylordTheBlue - 09.11.2023 00:16

The reason you dont see many cheaters in gm isnt cause theyre getting banned, theyre just that shit at the game

Yui Uchiha
Yui Uchiha - 08.11.2023 19:59

it‘s the Pokemon Collosseum soundtrack in the background for me😭

Shalad - 07.11.2023 23:36

He is actually really annoying to listen to

Moon Blaze
Moon Blaze - 07.11.2023 08:07

I was on the fence for a but there. There were a few moments on widow that looked pretty bad, especially that moment on Kiriko. But there were a lot where i just wasnt seeing what Flats wanted me to see.

And then they started tracking people through walls and I knew i ahouldve trusted Flats.

Juniper Doodles
Juniper Doodles - 07.11.2023 01:36

i'm convinced that more than half of OW players who type "gg ez" or "soo freeeee" are crybaby hackers who have no life outside of the game.

Ansem571 - 06.11.2023 23:43

They are just using code "Flats" for gamersups /s

person - 06.11.2023 16:24

He's not cheating he's ulting

Prince Sheogorath
Prince Sheogorath - 06.11.2023 10:33

I met a dude on OW1 who got really really pissed at me cause I was Roadie, I got really good at Road because I got tired of us being picked by fast movers and this genji kept for some damn reason rushing head first into a Hog and getting killed, not even blocking or meleeing! Hell he didn’t use reflect once, after the third time of him 1v1ing a Hog and getting steam rolled he switched to Ash and started rage hacking. Went from 6 ish kills in 4 minutes to literally team wiping us in seconds. thing was he had no fucking game sense so our bastion went turret mode and chased him while I went Sigma and just pelted his ass. He left after screaming “YOUR A FUCKING FAGGOT” in chat

Nova The Subservient Kobold
Nova The Subservient Kobold - 05.11.2023 17:39

Dude LOOKS like an overwatch player

Herman Brooks
Herman Brooks - 05.11.2023 12:20

I like overwatch but this game gets me extremely angry to the point It makes me hate the absolute guts out of my opponent. I might have ego problems but using cheats would hurt my ego even more so idk what’s the point of using cheats. I mean It’s not you doing the fine work which Is more insulting than getting rolled constantly

Gaige Elwell
Gaige Elwell - 04.11.2023 16:15

Does popping an aderall count as cheating lmao?

Nevada Poole
Nevada Poole - 03.11.2023 19:18

This guy is clearly just twisted out of his mind 🔥🔥🔥

adeer - 03.11.2023 08:49

the only time i hit someone with the "?????" in all chat, is if they just shit out like an entire mag or im just standing completely fucking still and they still miss. thats when you gotta hit them with the "????" for their own teams sake. tell them to get their shit together and start hitting you back.

dragonic_puppy - 03.11.2023 02:10

Bro I main widow and Ana, anytime I get diffed by one of them, I send them a friend request and ask them for tips with a gg cause I'm bad and they're good

TFL Orphan
TFL Orphan - 03.11.2023 01:48

Mei is already a tank I get that one

Princess Cadance
Princess Cadance - 01.11.2023 16:51

I tend to play online games with groups, randoms just aren’t reliable. Man, if I had to face this guy, I’d ask my premade team over comms if we could throw the game and let them win if the opposing team let the five of us spawn camp their 76.

Chris St. Clair
Chris St. Clair - 01.11.2023 13:41

Flats really focuses on trolls…. Ignore them 🤦‍♂️

christian rava
christian rava - 01.11.2023 09:15

why use cheat if mei is so good in ranked lol, no ok but i prefer stay in my steel rank and dont use cheat. sorry my bad english gl hf all on ow2

stinky hat
stinky hat - 01.11.2023 07:23

deserved for pharah widow

UrTea - 01.11.2023 03:10

"be the bigger man" doesnt help them when you confused them. When they question what you say. I feel like i won. And relief enters me. Because i have you in my ropes. And you ran head first. And that's a day of playing r6 and having to deal with the rare rude teamate.

IDDQD Sound - 01.11.2023 02:37

The number of people commenting that they "just played this guy yesterday" shows that this community is full of cheater and even more full of liars

GodSasuke - 31.10.2023 13:16

The one thing the person who shared this video forgets is because its gold/low plat and they were in a 3 stack that means there is a 99% chance they were playing against a 3 stacker. Solder is 100% duo with the Mercy and most likely someone else. Which makes sense why the enemy team didn't care when called out because they knew he was cheating because their stacked with them and the people not in the stack probably didn't care because in low elo's its all about wins nothing else its not like in high rank where people will draw not saying you could've anyways on a payload but just in general.

Mira - 31.10.2023 07:18

as a Mercy main i can confirm, that i, too, do indeed get tracked through walls

Zach Hodge
Zach Hodge - 31.10.2023 03:52

let it out flats. let it out

snoopingas - 31.10.2023 02:05

Why didn't flat mention the fact that the cheater never used his ult as widowmaker?

Teach - 31.10.2023 01:13

unfortunately i think this is one of the few hackers that look like they have some potential to be good if they just didnt get mad and learned the game, their movement wasnt terrible and they didnt just focus all their dmg onto the tanks so they somewhat know how to play, and most of their shots on widow before the lock on were close enough, if they just practiced more they could hone that accuracy in, how sad to see a child crying about not being the best without putting in the practice it seems.

zerocool7141 - 30.10.2023 08:09

Cracking it to 11 on the hacks

Chef JTAC - 30.10.2023 05:23

Man uses aimbot and wall hacks on characters that have inbuilt aimbot and wallhacks

Mau5mello - 30.10.2023 05:07

Don't watch Flat's Twitch during drops. literally the worst place on earth. ADS literally every 3 minutes. Plus he takes breaks that are 2hr+ just to farm ads.
Sad watching him turn into one of those money hungry streamers. I miss the old Flats.

psirockin2 - 30.10.2023 02:30

Blizzard: We actually care about the health of our game -> Also Blizzard: makes it f2p which allows MORE cheaters to exist than before when you had to pay for the game -> Players: drops the game, shits on the game, dead game memes -> Blizzard: confused pikachu face

HasNoHalo - 29.10.2023 20:22

You can tell they cheat on the regular because of the crouch after every shot. If theyve trained themselves to do that, theyre cheating often enough to make it a habit,

Tomson Larrson
Tomson Larrson - 29.10.2023 17:46

Makes me glad that in masters it’s hard for cheaters to exist cuz they just get bodied for poor positioning, I only end up seeing them in quick play and my friends never seem to agree when I call out aimbot, even when I show the replay. If they don’t see hard locking it’s just regular skill apparently, regardless of the majority of the cheaters I see using soft aim assist or trigger. It’s usually the most telling when the cheater is tracking a jumping player and they get a perfect arc with the person they’re tracking. You just don’t get that with a normal person’s aim. One time we had an enemy widow play like dogwater for the first 6 minutes and in the end 2 they landed 8/10 shots. Watched the replay with the discord and no one agreed that they were cheating, until a zarya got pulled by hog across the reticule and the reticule dragged with the zarya until she crossed the screen. No mouse movement from the player, just a 5-10 degree pull and they finally agreed with me for aim hacks.

On the other hand, this man on video is a reloading fiend. Couldn’t count the amount of times he peeks, fires 7 rounds, then corners again without having made a kill and reloads.

Zerty LGCY
Zerty LGCY - 29.10.2023 17:40

He just got some GFuel down the hatch before the game

DOGZ - 29.10.2023 17:13

In defence, i would say:
The cheaters opponents were playing phara mercy

Fat Geek
Fat Geek - 29.10.2023 16:56


Tuukka H.
Tuukka H. - 29.10.2023 13:18

Visor makes you reload faster so it has a benefit

torb_slayer - 29.10.2023 11:43

It's so much fun being degenerate tho 🤣😅

Jonathan Turner
Jonathan Turner - 29.10.2023 11:08

Reasons to not play overwatch, can't fix the hackers but don't you dare call out your 0 and 12 teammate for anything.

syvulpie - 29.10.2023 08:03

the soldier be like: "6 shots is all I need. Better reload"

yamicore - 29.10.2023 05:56

Bro keeps reloading after 4 shots it’s irritating me so much

Brandon DeAndrade
Brandon DeAndrade - 29.10.2023 01:01

Because someone who puts more hours into this game than anyone ever, that comments in his chat, wouldn’t know how a normal game should be played, especially at lower levels. Not even people in the top 500 can really aim like this. Makes no sense.

HideyMcBigG - 29.10.2023 00:58

The swap to soldier is always the best part

Quentin Smith
Quentin Smith - 29.10.2023 00:06

i see that some of these shots look like a console aim assist that’s cranked, it follows a little bit of the person.
