Working With Users and Groups (Linux Zero to Hero 2022)

Working With Users and Groups (Linux Zero to Hero 2022)

Engineer Man

2 года назад

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@MdShamimRahman - 01.02.2023 07:34

Why did this series stopped? Maybe not a good question but I was wondering more step by step into advance stuff, securing system, controlling things and making life efficient by awesome commands. Thank you.

@ToddNZMTB - 14.01.2023 06:49

I've been saying /etc wrong 😳

@thedomaro1 - 08.10.2022 02:51

that was really smooth , thank you dear

@DSdvdDS - 09.08.2022 05:32

Didn't know much about /etc/shadow and managing other users on the system. Great video!

@onewayamirr - 09.08.2022 02:31

your a Ledgen

@M_reda. - 08.07.2022 12:57

Many things in this tutorial don't work for me.
First, useradd did not create a password for the user john, so I couldn't switch back to root as simply as you did (with a hotkey? I didn't see you type sudo -i to switch back).

Second, after I simply opened another terminal and went to root to change/create a passed for john and for the root itself, the command"useradd -m john" also didn't work for me at all as it assumes I'm trying to create a home for a new user, but since john as a user already exists then it can't execute this command.

I searched online a bit and learned that if you used useradd, instead of adduser, you can't really create a home directory.
I tried a few workarounds online to fix this:

1- useradd -m $john (didn't work)
2- useradd -m JOHN (created a completely different user and its home folder named JOHN)
3- A different workaround was creating a new dir using "mkdir /home/john" followed by "chown john:john /home/john" to make john the owner of that dir and then "cp -rT /etc/skel /home/john" to populate /home/john with default files and folders
All these solutions never worked.
The command "useradd -d john" still returns invalid home directory, meaning john still does not have a home folder.
I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS..

@snax_4820 - 08.07.2022 11:03

Try to talk a little bit slower and do not answer questions no one asked.

@HopliteSecurity - 04.07.2022 20:49

This video was amazing! Thanks a million for creating this video as I was able to refer several people. Your structure and flow is fantastic, keep up the amazing work : 💖

@MrTigerstyle80 - 04.07.2022 19:10

Great video! I didn’t realize visudo checked syntax. Can this one segue into how / witch users and groups deploy software?

@ton-6182 - 04.07.2022 18:52

Hey! Plz try to reply, incase you ever come across the comment: which linux distro do you use?

@SyberPrepper - 04.07.2022 16:44

This video is great from my perspective. I've been messing around with UNIX and Linux stuff for many years but it has never been my main focus, so I have to re-learn many things many times. I'm about to switch over to Linux (maybe Pop!_OS) full-time so your non-fluff approach to teaching this topic is very helpful to me. A video on best approach to disabling root, or not, limiting sudo users, wheel, as related to hardening/securing a system, based on what you said in this video, would be helpful. Thanks for your work. You have a great teaching style.

@Fuad_ - 04.07.2022 12:18

great video as always

@nangzdk - 04.07.2022 12:03

I feel like it's a stupid question, but an explanation of what a group actually is would make this better

@Gurj101 - 04.07.2022 11:48


@DJR3H - 04.07.2022 09:36

It would've been great if you showed how to use sudoers.d files to give a user nopasswd sudo privileges to some (2-3) commands. That is VERY useful when working with service or power users. Thanks for the great vids! :D

@austinmallar5430 - 04.07.2022 08:59

I don't think I've ever seen you with a hat, you've been hiding some nice lettuce!

@FasterThanX - 03.07.2022 22:25

There is also adduser...

adduser: add user with full profile and info (pass, quota, permission, etc.)

useradd: add user with his name only (if you want to add a temp user with only a name,other info not required)

@umairgillani699 - 03.07.2022 22:13

This was actually happened to me, I commented every sudo user in sudoers file, saved the changed and forgot the root password on my office server :D Wish I would have watched such video 6 months ago :p

@tkdevlop - 03.07.2022 21:55

Great can you also link that vscode file in the description that would be a great help

@ashketchum4953 - 03.07.2022 21:41

This was really great and way more informative than anything google provided. I'd love to know more if you're willing.

@anselmpeter - 03.07.2022 21:27

It really helped me to get to know some important directors and some great commands. Thanks your content

@pleaseenteraname1215 - 03.07.2022 21:21

Needed this

@DanelonNicolas - 03.07.2022 21:19

A friend of mine is learning this.. thanks, super clear 👌🏻

@Rmly - 03.07.2022 21:18


@servicingiq - 03.07.2022 21:15

