The Amazon Vine Program - Still Worth It In 2022? | Legion LIVE

The Amazon Vine Program - Still Worth It In 2022? | Legion LIVE

Private Label Legion - Tim Jordan

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@seddonistahome4697 - 11.02.2022 03:10

I have heard 'bad' stuff about the program....apparently, they can get the stuff free but there is NO obligation to actually leave a review. I have also heard stories of them getting more than one of an item they like. There are some Vine people who are just using it as a rort.

@lg8302 - 26.03.2022 00:43

I just have been invited to the Vine Voice reviewer program and wonder if Amazon sends random products or if reviewers get similar products they already purchased. Also curious how long it will take to get my first free product to review. In the meantime I continue to buy and review and it immediately shows VINE VOiCE on my reviews now

@erikahernandez8745 - 28.03.2022 03:20

Just got invited,,,,but I'm really curious at how the tax part works with the items I ordered to start today
Led mirror
Make up
Work out clothes

@trsilvestre - 30.03.2022 17:04

What works best for increasing review rate? Launched a new product and sold over 240 units so far with only 3 reviews.

@andradeandrade7123 - 13.04.2022 19:06

I enrolled in the program two weeks ago, so far 0 products were claimed. Usually how long does it take?

@silviabors - 28.05.2022 11:57

Hi, maybe is a silly question but still I would like to ask about the FBA fulfilment fee and referral fee for the product that you are giving out for free. Those fees are still deducted for each product from your account?

@PersiansofLosAngeles - 31.08.2022 21:43

Hello, Thank you so much for your great video. I have a question and really appreciate if you answer, we
want to combine a listing that has vine reviews to another listing (both are FBA), the vine reviews will move to the new listing?

@MASFATNINJA - 05.09.2022 22:14

I was invited months ago and still haven’t received anything to review so I have no idea how it works but I’m marked as a vine reviewer.

@TBONE82 - 18.09.2022 10:00

I’ve been a reviewer for a year….Love it

@richardlane7538 - 30.09.2022 01:19

What about taxes for the reviewers?????

@victoriagreyh1463 - 05.10.2022 07:55

Hello, I'm Victoria. I was invited today by Amazon to be a Vine Reviewer. I accepted; but the rules do say after 600.00 there are taxes. And, you do have to keep the product for 6 months; that's how I understand the rules. Feel free to correct me; but I do think the taxes have to be paid.

@stoker20 - 28.10.2022 22:47

I got a Vine invitation today wanting my SS#. Amazon never sent the Email and Amazon said there is No Vine program anymore! Check comments for fake accounts.

@Vigilence - 01.11.2022 04:40

The products vine reviewers receive are not free. They get a 1099 at the end for the market value (after 6 months) at the end of the year and have to count the total value of the items as income when filing taxes.

@MarkMphonoman - 10.12.2022 17:40

As a Vine Voice reviewer I welcome feedback from sellers if they do not agree with my review. I am willing to revisit my review and make changes if I made a mistake or misstated something. Also, as sellers please know that accuracy in your listing is very important. Several times the info in listings were not accurate. Also, if you provide lots of good info in your listing I suggest to buyers that they read your complete listing and watch videos you post. Mark

@FireWaterCooking - 10.01.2023 17:47

the vine program costs $200 per product now.... plus free product, and in my experience only 4 out of 5 will actually leave a review..

@drifterdown62 - 15.01.2023 15:30

I really wish you would STOP calling the vine items FREE, VINE voice people get the retail value of all the products they get to review on a 1099 and owe full taxes on it as if it was actual income, so NOT free.

@alunadelrey8399 - 09.02.2023 20:38

I've been with Amazon Vine as reviewer since July of last year and I've been enjoying it so much. I reviewed over 800 items since then and gained over 50,000 views on my reviews.

@JennaGetsCreative - 28.06.2023 06:27

Reviewers can't apply to Vine, Vine finds you. I've known about it for years but I only became a Vine Voice this year.
It isn't totally free to the reviewer, either, because there's tax implications. The "estimated tax value", based on the item's list price when it enters the program, is reported as taxable income. Tip to sellers: Vine reviewers don't like seeing high value coupons because that means the tax implication for the reviewer is based on a much higher price than what the actual consumers will pay.
Edit- Oh believe me, the adult toys DO go on Vine. The other week I saw one described as "realistic" that must been based on a dragon...
