Reverse Engineering The Milky Way Galaxy With Science

Reverse Engineering The Milky Way Galaxy With Science

Anton Petrov

4 года назад

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Asher Goney
Asher Goney - 01.02.2022 04:02

Normal Is Boaring.
Was that Catch 22.
,, Giant Brick Kiln over Darvaza Gas Crater
Was Not any Reverse Engineering, just Slowing down the Rate of Change

CANNIBALCROW - 01.04.2020 01:32

I think it's possible that the actual milky way may have been a globular cluster to begin with

Dragrath1 - 18.03.2020 21:21

One thing that bothers me about your description here is it (again) fails to address that we are really undergoing another significant merger event with the LMC system a substantial number of globular clusters formerly thought to belong to the Milky Way have been determined by GAIA velocities to be orbiting the LMC as well as a number of satellite galaxies such as the SMC and Leo 1.
Each object within the LMC system is going too fast to be orbiting the Milky Way in a stable orbit and while they will eventually merge with the Milky Way due to the LMC's high mass the galaxy is still currently on it's first pass.

So please Anton start giving the LMC the proper respect it deserves it isn't just some satellite it still has gas and dust that is actively being stripped by the Milky Way's tidal effects. With a measured mass of 2.5 e+11 Msun it is roughly half that of the Triangulum galaxy M33 and if you look at the stellar structure of the LMC in the infrared it even has two well defined spiral arms and a central galactic bar normally hidden by the gas and dust. This isn't a new discovery as papers since the late 2000-2010's have shown increasing evidence for the galaxies complex structure and high mass. Calling the LMC a satellite galaxy like the rest is equivalent to saying Mars is the largest asteroid to some extent it isn't completely wrong but it isn't correct either. The LMC out weighs all of the smaller galaxies within the local group by orders of magnitude and is roughly 10% the mass of the Milky Way itself which is decidedly not negligible. As the local group fuses to form Milkdromeda lets remember that the LMC is one of these historic mergers that is currently on going and we are privileged to witness it before it joins the other galactic remnants.

Alexandre MS
Alexandre MS - 17.03.2020 21:58

Hi Anton, what about thi new planet LHS 1815b, it is the first of its kind, I think it could be a good idea to talk about this wonderful new rock.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker - 15.03.2020 22:52

Side question: If our solar system is on the surface or inside of an expanding filament of galaxies, does the expansion of that filament influence our measurement and assessment of the rate of acceleration of the universe?

James Aron
James Aron - 14.03.2020 19:13

If globular clusters are actually the remnant cores of captured dwarf galaxies, how can some of these clusters be formed within the Milky Way?

Austin - 14.03.2020 16:59

You are very informative and often share the most interesting things. I changed my major a couple years back. I have the goal of becoming an astrophysicist.
Always interested in any of your new videos. You are very knowledgeable man

Anik Samiur Rahman
Anik Samiur Rahman - 14.03.2020 12:39

What chemical reaction and galaxy formation have in common? Ans: They both rely on collision.

Rich B
Rich B - 14.03.2020 07:28

Wonder how much of our solar system was part of these other galaxies?

onehit pick
onehit pick - 14.03.2020 06:49

The M-way actually spit those dwarfs out, not the other way around as you propose/follow.

Clair Pahlavi
Clair Pahlavi - 14.03.2020 04:18

Who gets paid to speculate upon assumptions and call it "a study"? Quackademic Asstronomers do not understand galaxy formations.

Clair Pahlavi
Clair Pahlavi - 14.03.2020 04:07

Could these dwarf galaxies be the remnants of the ejected quasars of older ages?
E.U. rules!

PARADOXICLES - 13.03.2020 22:48

ive been watching your channel for like a year now, and not once have i seen any math!
you should rename your channel/videos, "Where's The Math?"
or better.... maybe "What The Space" sense you cover space stuff, and no math.

Scott Smith
Scott Smith - 13.03.2020 21:05

I heard our solar system was part of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy before it collided. Is this true?

eseskay99 - 13.03.2020 18:59

Hello Wonderful Anton, Question: looking from what we call the top of the Milky Way, does it rotate clockwise or counterclockwise? And have you observed galaxies rotating in the opposite direction? And do all solar systems rotate in the same direction too? Thank you also to anyone else who knows the answer.

Primal Instinct
Primal Instinct - 13.03.2020 18:47

There's something different I imagine when I hear "Ancient dwarf galaxy"...

Peter Lomax
Peter Lomax - 13.03.2020 18:01

Hi Anton thanks for all your wonderful videos. Much Enjoyed. I have a just read an article about the Hubble constant and why it the constant value differers. It is suggested by physicist Lucas Lombriser that our Galaxy is in a type of bubble. He describes this bubble as a low density bubble and that the astronomers have to take this into account. Love to hear your thoughts on this. Have a wonderful day.

megamanusa5 - 13.03.2020 16:55

this was one of the best ones so far. thanks for the amazing content!!

Roger Raynsford
Roger Raynsford - 13.03.2020 15:56

Andromeda Galaxy is supposed to be on a collision cause with the Milky Way sometime in the future, pity I wont be around to see it lol

mokkorista - 13.03.2020 15:47

What you need is the Total Perspective Vortex.

Brent Greeff
Brent Greeff - 13.03.2020 15:28

I like your channel but I think you speak a little fast. Try speaking to a metronome.

Only Human
Only Human - 13.03.2020 12:24

They’re NOT “Dwarf” galaxies. They’re “Size challenged” galaxies.🤣

OldManSolo57 - 13.03.2020 12:16

Great vid Anton, Thanks!!!

aaron m97oh
aaron m97oh - 13.03.2020 11:38

the galaxy is a melting pot of diverse dwarf galaxies : P

Aurinkohirvi - 13.03.2020 11:28

Welcome, wonderful galaxies!

Black Hole Generator
Black Hole Generator - 13.03.2020 10:54


Mono Sophos
Mono Sophos - 13.03.2020 10:48

Did those dwarf galaxies had black holes in the centre and could those bh still be there in globular clusters or did Sagittarius A ate them all ?

gronagor - 13.03.2020 10:13

Again! Where are the SMBHs from these galaxies?! Did they merge with the Milky Way's or are they waiting around the corner?

Mark MacDonald
Mark MacDonald - 13.03.2020 09:06

This was a great episode!

Faiz Fendukly
Faiz Fendukly - 13.03.2020 09:04

Can I ask you to choose another title for your videos? What da math sounds non serious while the contents of the videos are of high quality.

PlasmaBurns - 13.03.2020 08:20

What keeps a globular cluster from collapsing in on itself?

TT² - 13.03.2020 07:40

The more of these I watch the more I realize how unstable and lucky our place in the universe is. Heres to being lucky enough to acknowledge the fragility of our existence 🍺🍻

JAMES T. - 13.03.2020 07:26

Well, I'm moving to one of the globular clusters, early bird and all! Pick myself out a nice place to stay! Good day man. I hope all is well!

Anurag - 13.03.2020 06:39

how a galaxy collision will affect a solar system? would we even notice it in our surrounding space?

luis l
luis l - 13.03.2020 06:30

Anton have you ever herd of dmt or ayahuasca? I feel like you would like that you should look into it because they can tell you everything

Gristle Von Raben
Gristle Von Raben - 13.03.2020 05:48

Cool video!

MysticNomad - 13.03.2020 05:46

Most of the ocean floor on earth has never been explored and man has not been able to penetrate below 8 miles (12km) into the earths crust, yet we supposedly have knowledge of how to reverse engineer our galaxy.

stephen givens
stephen givens - 13.03.2020 05:45

the theory that the moon is an impact object does not make sense. what happens when you pour boiling high rotating metal having its own centrifugal energy onto frozen water like the bottom of an ocean frozen as the earth was when it fell into the sun after freezing after seperation with the sun at the time when the magnetic magnitude gave energy to the flux of the galaxy and mostly to our neighboring stars. they are just farther away now. so it exploded with the cool side most likely facing away from the sun at the time and then the swirling core would also be able to be found in the inner most layers of the moon. even this could be the reason it is tidal locked as it has to many turns for it size and is the match of the earth even if it is cold because the earth gravity may be charging it like a capacitor and this also may be a necessary function of life who knows. hahahaha gg. i have finished half life 2 and i am uploading the last video right now. the next couple of days i will be putting the description so you can find your way around and the hidden achievements.

Vaxtin - 13.03.2020 05:36

"-Known as.. Gaia Sasuage!"
>He doesn't laugh when saying it.
>Me; *Chuckling.

Wayne Shirey
Wayne Shirey - 13.03.2020 05:29

Another good video. Thanks Anton.

Chickens Don't Surf
Chickens Don't Surf - 13.03.2020 05:24

Thank you, Anton!

Peter XYZ
Peter XYZ - 13.03.2020 05:02 a lot of galactic info to digest

joseph Johnson
joseph Johnson - 13.03.2020 04:45

Dear Anton. You might as well reverse engineer a Milky Way Chocolate Bar. Just as informationally valuable. Your science kung fu is pretty weak. All you do is report the wost proclamations of science "so called" discoveries. Your are peddling garbage, Anton. Just stop it, till you stand on some firm ground. Then speak.

Isaiah Hall
Isaiah Hall - 13.03.2020 04:42

Scientific Community: Gaia-Enceladus
The world: heh Gaia Sausage

Christian Hill
Christian Hill - 13.03.2020 04:25

Found your channel a few weeks ago, and I’m really starting to catch onto watching each one as they come out. Actually learning so much, appreciate you taking the time to break down such complicated stuff like this and share it with us. Keep em’ coming!

Kurt's Kats
Kurt's Kats - 13.03.2020 04:15

Hello Wonderful Anton!👽

Harvey Holloway
Harvey Holloway - 13.03.2020 04:14

Oh tried twice to look at Sandbox on Amazon and it was not available.

Cymoon RBACpro
Cymoon RBACpro - 13.03.2020 04:11

Back engineered? 😜

antwan1357 - 13.03.2020 04:09

Your talking about a study that was five years ago based upon a study before it was discovered that it was recently discovered that the galaxy is eight times larger then previously thought. Needs a rewrite.
