Elon Musk on Cryonics

Elon Musk on Cryonics

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@playframe6231 - 26.01.2024 14:31

he is missing the point of cryonics.

@damianbouras - 29.06.2023 12:30

"the brain isn't that complex" well good thing Elon studied neuroscience so he knows what he's talking about.. oh wait..

@ElaineWalker - 10.06.2023 16:22

Hey I’m so glad you made this because I needed to research what Elon’s thoughts were in cryonics, and this is the top video that came up.

@NOMOREBS65 - 31.03.2023 07:19

How about if someone is given the cryopreservation chemicals while alive as a means of assisted suicide in a place where AS is legal?

@jh9391 - 05.03.2023 22:31

Fake interview!

@masoodgardizi - 05.03.2023 07:25

وَيَسۡـئَلُوۡنَكَ عَنِ الرُّوۡحِ ؕ قُلِ الرُّوۡحُ مِنۡ اَمۡرِ رَبِّىۡ وَمَاۤ اُوۡتِيۡتُمۡ مِّنَ الۡعِلۡمِ اِلَّا قَلِيۡلًا‏
They ask you about "the spirit". Say: "The spirit descends by the command of my Allah, but you have been given only a little knowledge

Hardware is useless without software; similarly a frozen cryonic body is useless without a spirit.
You cryogenically freeze your body but not the spirit, as the spirit descends by the command of Allah

Only Allah gives life and death and Allah will resurrect everybody on the Day of Judgment

Still you not believe in Allah, the Creator of all things

@jomiarts6677 - 24.02.2023 14:55

There are many things science can't explain. Like consciousness, free will, and why we dream. I think they must have the answer to all of these before they can't do cryonics.

@flyingturtle3384 - 21.01.2023 00:25

So my reconstituted brain will remember how to walk and move around objects but will not truly be me

@DigitalAndInnovation - 18.01.2023 08:38

Wow- the Golden Gate Bridge really is the first thing I think of when someone mentions Boston

@douglashagan966 - 01.11.2022 12:06

Submission is that we in this project we were going to if in case that they did launch that there was 17 to 18 nuclear weapon warhead setting in direction of the West that the last chance would be a ditch effort to freeze 12 men in a team and then launch them out into space using Frozen technology of the brain without the brain later on which would have still the chip which we would put into a network which would hopefully be able to restore it later in space so that maybe we could revive the mind and later we would be able to find a possible way to revive the body but right now we are only in the beginning stages of this development of cryogenics where utilizing neuralink to the brain and freezing in a cryogenic chamber where we can thaw out later using a technology of

@AG-iu9lv - 30.08.2022 19:08

"The brain is less complicated than people think" omg dude, no. The brain is not like a circuit board. Why are people still studying it if we know everything about it? What fresh delusion is this?

@igyw - 26.06.2022 12:35

pretty sure you gave him this idea, cuz now he thinks humans are going to merge with ai and they'll be way less organic life but human life could be up to 200 years depending on the brains

@sedoniadragotta8323 - 03.05.2022 04:32

Elon musk is Satan's puppet .
The body is nothing with out the spirit , when the flesh dies the spirit leaves .
Even if if was possible to revive the flesh ( wich its not and never will break) then you'd be a zombie walking dead .

@frankduxvandamme2 - 26.04.2022 14:29

Asking Elon Musk about cryonics is like asking Mike Tyson about photosynthesis. We should be asking actual scientists, in particular, cryobiologists what they have to say about cryonics.

@nightly765 - 20.03.2022 10:32

The problem with the method Elon bought up is that it's making a copy of the brain, meaning you won't actually be revived. Once we get a better understanding of consciousness, maybe we can transfer the original consciousness to the new copy, assuming the new copy of the neuro-network doesn't gain consciousness. That might become an ethical issue

@NickBlume - 21.02.2022 01:17

Tesla Bot is a car you ride piggy back (it'll have wheels like a tesla motorcycle) so
fire a freezer on there and why not let it be your exoskeleton when folks are saying your a goner
cheaper to buy a Tesla Bot vs giving up with a car, fridge and plot/cremation.

Then use a fallen Serviceman's holy procession to lead everyone for 500 a piece to Antarctica (with usb electrode consciousness digitization apps) vs cremation

@NickBlume - 21.02.2022 00:30

While a fallen Serviceman's holy procession leads everyone for 500 a piece to Antarctica (with usb electrode consciousness digitization apps) vs cremation 
Talk touring with radio frequency isolation chambers that turns everything off (so everyone with stalkers can enjoy heaven on earth lucid dreaming)

while Elon loses 1st to Mars with our Outerlimits first episode blue print housing digitized consciousnesses etc using the quantum eraser experiment focused on starlight waves formed to particles through out time to the source
 (Hey man one cool thing to really get excited about that I just realized recently is that with the Air Force creating omnipotence easily with time travel 

we will if not currently experience the General in charge of the Air Force as GOD because 
he will probably as a Full Flying Colonel chosen to climb into the omnipotent make machine decide to simultaneously see how it plays out to be in charge of the entire Air Force which is the most powerful position in the World and will also just stay a full flying colonel fighter pilot anyway 

it is possible that General Brown is GOD and we just don't know it yet except the math is there for it to be him though maybe it is the next guy or the previous anyway the way it looks for us its going to be one of them, though would you have to play it safe like that and play out the time line well I just think an abundance of people would like to see that happen you know like an untorchered Jesus/Buddah time line like the Scorcese movie?).  

Talk touring with radio frequency isolation chambers that turns everything off (so everyone with stalkers can enjoy heaven on earth lucid dreaming)

... and these 24 Westpoint Football players collectively went on ...
... and these 24 Air Force Academy Football players collectively went on ...
(see my Antarctica Immortalization project hinges on the trust of my HSfootball team help so...)
(kinda of makes you think Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos arn't even real guys and those are just a year of collaborating Westpoint Football players etc. ... man that lawn made us Musky or the Bill of the Gates was all those sprints)

@Skyzone. - 08.02.2022 17:55

ผม ก็อยากทำ แต่ ไม่รู้ชีวิตนี้ จะหาเงิน ได้พอไหม😷

@sherazkhan-rr8cv - 13.01.2022 00:58

Not gonna happen...

@fruku4102 - 08.12.2021 04:11

My question, at the rate this world is headed why want to come back after death? Besides, your soul will have left your body so you would just be a lifeless vessel. It could work but would you want it to be done on you?

@pbabuik - 25.10.2021 21:18

Here's the reality
The earliest known point of reanimation is 500years .
Most companies ( including cryonic companies) barely last a hundred years. Without stable and evergrowing income the company either goes bankrupt ( like most cryonic companies) or bought out for pennies on the dollar.
And ask yourself this. Let's say you're a dead body in one of these chambers and the cryonic company goes belly up, is the some sort of insurance or refund policy in place for your surviving loved ones?
Cryonic companies are just large scams that prey on people's fear of death and dreams of science fiction and like all other scams they know the old saying , a fool and their money are soon departed . And last time I checked Elon Musk is not a doctor

@TomorrowBio - 19.10.2021 13:10

Amazing! We need more voices like these to make the concept of cryonics more well-known and accepted

@coltonlundgren9455 - 04.10.2021 01:26

Don’t know the likelihood of something like this working out, but dying with a 0.000001% chance at coming back to life is infinitely better than dying with a 0% chance.

So I think it’s worth it, so long as it doesn’t fck you up financially in this current lifetime.

@hasnainyadmyworld1815 - 04.09.2021 18:57

I am know how return the soul in body after death challenge to give me chance work in cryonic institute in Russia and Iran

@farshm.7400 - 01.07.2021 03:00

What is the alternative? Allowing yourself to be buried or burned? What are the chances of revival then?

@squamish4244 - 27.06.2021 15:41

One of the problems with cryonics is that the brain is much more than the circuitry. It exists in a soup of neurotransmitters, hormones and other chemicals that you would lose immediately once you do the whole rinsing out the brain thing.

@Camidrcs - 20.06.2021 11:26

Mr. Elon you should start Cryonics X company!🤣

@Ghastify - 26.05.2021 06:51

elon is my daddy

@janmiedza6607 - 13.05.2021 18:03

cryonics is a scam...

@tim57243 - 17.04.2021 04:24

Citation needed for the claim that the maze can be extracted from the brain of a rat that learned it.

I can't find a good query. There is lots of work with rats in mazes and with rat brains, but I don't see a way to express the concept of inferring the learned maze by dissecting the brain as a keyword search.

@sonicblue3900 - 09.04.2021 01:20

Yolo cryonics will be for millionaires 👉💵💸

@das123undabc - 04.04.2021 23:07

this clip is amazing

@achbanilacran2061 - 11.03.2021 16:24

Mate... This channel has 4k subs.... How did this guy get Father Mars on the phone? I mean... Talk about staying in touch with the mortals...

@thomasvleminckx - 07.03.2021 20:06

"h. Do you think Cryogenics are real?"
It's CRYONICS, the cryogenic preservation of human beings. CRYOGENICS is obviously real, because that is just the study of materials in general at extremely low temperatures. Source: fully-funded cryonicist since 2013

@templar-yu5ve - 25.02.2021 07:07

How did you even get him to do a interview impressive

@austrolonium8115 - 09.01.2021 04:28

Overpopulation has left the chat

@TheBigMclargehuge - 03.01.2021 05:31

I am so mind-boggled that a person as intelligent is Elon musk would even entertain the concept

@Sulliodell - 11.12.2020 11:55

The real question is how did you get Elon on the phone?!!

@anudeeptoora - 16.11.2020 00:31

Im sure nanotech will figure out a way to reverse the cell death so we dont have to work with creating approximations of a person... we already have tools like Crispr Cas9 today... think how much the world is different today from the 1900s... think what we can accomplish in 100, 200 years... Once cell viability is restored, its just gonna be a matter of sucking the antifreeze out and treat the person with whatever future therapies they need.

@ai_and_chill - 04.11.2020 12:11

i've been signed up for cryonics for 7 years now and have met pretty much every leader involved in the cryonics community.
i can say from experience that the people behind cryonics truly believe in it and have faith in future technologies.

@ryanfoley8782 - 18.10.2020 05:23

I’ll freeze myself when I die, but if it doesn’t bring me back to life, I want my money back

@theturtle9724 - 25.09.2020 09:39

How did you even get him on?

@elonmusk352 - 10.08.2020 12:27

Nice 👍
