Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City - ANOTHER Crushing Disappointment

Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City - ANOTHER Crushing Disappointment

The Critical Drinker

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Jay Gooese
Jay Gooese - 15.11.2023 05:06

Well shoot

Mei Kisaragi
Mei Kisaragi - 07.11.2023 09:20

When I was a kid. I actually liked the first two live action movies lol. And I'm not embarassed to admit that. Jill is my favorite character so I was so happy with the second movie. Well, until 3 4 5 6 happened. Leon in 5 was pretty bad too. Dang it, Anderson. What the heck.

Edit: btw this movie was so bad.

dimension 323
dimension 323 - 05.11.2023 08:06

I liked it 😊

Parodies - 20.10.2023 05:31

I actually liked raccoon city not because it was good I just enjoyed it no reason why just liked it

Edit: Resident Evil Welcome to raccoon city (2021)

crewtc1987 - 20.10.2023 00:04

I actually thoroughly enjoyed the film. But having said that I have never played the games.

Chris Vaughan
Chris Vaughan - 17.10.2023 03:52

RE 1 movie was more or less OK and it had kind of a cult vibe, not Tarantino cult, but more like The Room type, that's possible the only one I like about Milla movies, however I would disagree about Raccoon City variant, first 30 to 40 minutes of the movie was pretty much descent and original, apart from Chris and Claire being orphans and Barry not being in the film at all . . . The opening scene with Leon in a motel and the song accompanying it was really awesome, the restaurant scene was also really good and briefing room scene was also really descent, that was their attempt to kinda show the bond between characters, however I also don't agree portraying Wesker as a high school football team, alpha, moron, when in games he was behind almost everything. . . Yet the atmosphere between the characters was there and It was kinda charming in it's own way. However everything went downhill literally after the Hunk scene, for some reason it was so rushed that you don't even notice how movie ends and ending itself was even worse. Instead of trying and shoving action in mid to end part, they should have explored Mansion and police station a bit more. Don't know if that movie will ever manage to get a sequel, but some huge mistakes need addressing. . . As for casting Chris was cast pretty well, he was possibly closest to the original than others, anyways even with the budget they've had they could have done better, at least better than RE 1 original movie . . .

kenneth wright
kenneth wright - 16.10.2023 07:26

They should of attempted zero and one, then there would of been a chance the story wouldn't of been shit. Sets were good at points but besides that the movie was an upsetting disappointment

VincentVeryVile - 15.10.2023 13:13

The OG Resident Evil 1 and 2 movies weren't faithful to the source either, but at least they made it cool enough that Capcom took inspiration with their laser sequence and other moments. I can tell they tried to put as much love and effort into making those movies than this woke dumb reimagining of a franchise.

Daniel E.T Barrett
Daniel E.T Barrett - 09.10.2023 09:50

I kinda liked it, it was different. People just wanna shit on the movie for the sake of shitting on something

GamerMike - 08.10.2023 22:10

I actually liked Claire, Chris and William's casting.

Kevin Abbott
Kevin Abbott - 07.10.2023 17:30

Jill Valentine is a Redhead WHITE woman!!!
Leon S. Kennedy is a Blonde WHITE guy!!!! I HATE woke Hollywood.

sm901ftw - 06.10.2023 00:40

My favourite part was when Claire "I will fight unkillable monsters for this child" Redfield abandons a child the moment she realises she's in danger.

MultiFacetedUser - 01.10.2023 20:38

glad i didn't waste my time watching this, i noticed there was a Indian and Nigerian actor so thought hang on this doesn't look good, i bet its a shit film and was proven right

Was wes wos Wes was
Was wes wos Wes was - 01.10.2023 16:56

The killed leon character 🤦 can't even use a god damn shotgun 🤦 what a waste

Luke T
Luke T - 28.09.2023 05:45

Nobody with the last name “Kennedy” looks like that

I did it like this
I did it like this - 27.09.2023 08:17

Chief Irons in the videogame was an insufferable asshole.

In the movie however, he's the most likable character and arguably the one with the most personality. His anger and frustration are relatable given the situation he's in, also he gets some of the funniest scenes in the movie.

Compare this with Leon, who is portrayed as a comically inept moron, who constantly needs to be saved by others.

D1craigRob - 22.09.2023 14:45

I thought this movie was pretty close to the games really. Alot better if that's what you want rather than the Mila Jovovic ones (which I quite enjoyed). I really enjoyed seeing the Easter eggs, seeing that tanker on fire brings back memories of playing the resident evil 2 demo for far too many hours than I should have.

donSparda - 19.09.2023 22:54

itchy tasty

Reza Irsyaddillah
Reza Irsyaddillah - 19.09.2023 19:32

Tryin' to be game accurate but end up being the worst movie ever😂

Tristan Jones
Tristan Jones - 17.09.2023 13:30

I’ve always wondered since this and the Anderson films came out why hasn’t shinji mikami or anyone from Capcom who worked on the games been involved with the movies?

maybetoby - 15.09.2023 21:18

Remember when Chris Redfield appeared in one movie, only to disappear for the rest of the film series. Same with Leon S. Kennedy and Ada Wong. Or how Mila bonded with a deaf girl and became her mother, only for her to die offscreen and never be spoken of again. It's like each movie forgot what happened in the previous one lol

Langley - 13.09.2023 09:53

I truly agree with this and why did they even add Alice for what? Alice doesn't exist in the game

mrDeathGaming - 10.09.2023 16:20

The sets, lighting cheese acting dude you are missing the point about the film in your review. It takes all the cheese from the games, the camera angles the garage moment with the dog made me chuckle I new the dog was coming...just like the game . Good film! It's a film not to be dissected pardon the pun.

Reaver - 07.09.2023 05:40

When I watched this film with my friend (who has also played the games as religiously as I have), we just sat there going "That's wrong.", "That's wrong.", "Why's that happening?" "Is that Leon or Carlos?"

BeezerGutler - 07.09.2023 02:09

They should’ve just focussed on making a movie of resident evil 2. It would’ve been easier and better.

Matt Wolfam
Matt Wolfam - 04.09.2023 13:09


Lara Saldana
Lara Saldana - 01.09.2023 20:42

The casting of jill and Leon??

MicBlogs - 31.08.2023 03:10

I just started watching the film and my god when I saw some guy played the role as Leon Kennedy and the other is Jill Valentine I was already disappointed. Both of them don't even look like the characters! What is wrong with the director casting someone who don't even look exact like the characters. Huge disappointment.

Ray - 19.08.2023 22:46

No no no u fake drinker

Bettie Bundy
Bettie Bundy - 19.08.2023 03:08

I love how these hardcore fans just complain about everything re related. You all claim you live re but hate in it at the same time. Yet not a single one of you say shit abou the re4 remake merchant voice lmao

Brentonius_III - 18.08.2023 14:05

I legit saw the trailer and was like why is clair running around with Carlos?

Beckon This Cat
Beckon This Cat - 13.08.2023 19:30

Cgi is fucking gold compared to these, unless you count Death Island then yeah thats as bad as live actions.

Randon Howell
Randon Howell - 07.08.2023 03:10

Watching this movie for the first time as i type this. Had to see what the critical drinker thought

Carrie Orsel
Carrie Orsel - 06.08.2023 16:01

Good or bad, I watch them to see Milla kick arse. Plot be darned, gimme eye candy.

Jimi Perlas
Jimi Perlas - 30.07.2023 22:15

The only thing I like about this movie is Robbie Amell's Chris Redfield. He played the role well & it's fun to watch. Especially in the mansion scene where he fights a lot of zombies. Kinda reminds me of the mercenaries mode. But the rest of it is disappointing, Claire looks cool but her personality is wrong. Same thing with other characters Leon looks dull, Jill looks like race-swapped & Wesker looks nothing like Wesker. This is why I prefer the animated RE films over the live action. It may not be successful but at least it's not woke & crap.

Hella Dank Seed Co.
Hella Dank Seed Co. - 09.07.2023 11:07

Did KK direct this?

NoName - 08.07.2023 08:07

Next to Resident Evil: Vendetta, this was probably one of the worst Resident Evil entries.

AngelsCreed 6249
AngelsCreed 6249 - 07.07.2023 16:50

And "Raacoon City" felt more like a rundown town.

SaharaSnowWoman - 29.06.2023 15:00

my lil brother and i used to watch the animated versions on repeat when we were kids

Violent Savior
Violent Savior - 26.06.2023 23:32

It would be so easy to create a resident evil show that could become one of the best show ever.

The first episodes/season should cover the creation of Umbrella T and G virus, the Rpd investigation of the arklay mountain and end with spencer Mansion incident.

Second season should cover both S.t.a.r.s reporting on the mansion incident, their unit being disbanded with a 2 months time skip to the Birkin incident and Ending the season with the beginning of the outbreak in the city.

Third season should cover Jill story and end with her being in a coma as Claire and Leon get into Raccoon city.

Fourth season should cover Claire and Leon story and end with Jill waking up.

Fifth season should cover Jill story ending and end with Raccoon city's bombing.

This would have the potential to surpass prime Walking dead and even GoT. But nooooo...

Gavin - 19.06.2023 19:23

I enjoyed it. But Leon had the screen presence of baby shit and it did feel rushed

Miketheratguy Multimedia
Miketheratguy Multimedia - 18.06.2023 08:59

I love that I can look at this thumbnail and not recognize even a single person as the character they're supposed to be portraying.

under the seafoam
under the seafoam - 14.06.2023 20:35

Around the time Leon was introduce I stopped paying attention. Game Leon is always so cool to me (and I love his stylish hair). This new Leon just didn't have that tough energy that game Leon had even though he's apparently a rookie cop in this movie. He gave off "goofy clumsy side character" energy instead.

Alpha x Gaming
Alpha x Gaming - 11.06.2023 08:14

Definitely the worst resident evil movie ever, i dont think they can do worst in the future tbh

nicusnatch - 29.05.2023 20:11

The feeling of nausea, anger, disappointment and diarrhea that this movie caused me is the same that dino crisis 3 caused me... this ''thing'' is garbage not a movie

Iris Paz
Iris Paz - 27.05.2023 00:50

I should not feel bad that chief irons was killed instead all I see is the amazing actor from Gotham getting torn by a licker.

Wesker was nowhere near the level of confidence as he is known to be.

Leon does not get the rookie treatment. No one puts Leon in the corner.

That was not Jill's sandwich.

Ada Wong remains acceptable.

Addy Ratliff
Addy Ratliff - 25.05.2023 15:35

I have seen all of the CGI Resident Evil Films and am super excited for Death Island to come out in July 2023.
