Actual Crimes Streamed on Twitch

Actual Crimes Streamed on Twitch


2 года назад

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@SOPHtheLOAF4318 - 14.12.2023 15:27

I went to university (uk) with someone who bought his drugs off the dark web

@leegallacher3464 - 13.12.2023 22:29

Video "you can get arrested and charged for downloading loli porn"
Charlie "oh shit what?!... uh... is that true?!"

@TheQuantixXx - 12.12.2023 21:03

edge is actually better than most browsers in many ways. if it didnt have to deal with IEs reputation people would use it i‘m quite sure of it

@immersivemods9975 - 12.12.2023 09:00

bro how are people so mentally fucked on the subject of that pedo shit you were bringing up. so disturbing that theres people in our world thinking like that. almost allowing it.

@baked_pot_ato6613 - 11.12.2023 23:52

You know Joel Haver made a video making fun of you? You can copy right strike that and claim all revenue for yourself ;)

@jacobcasmus1882 - 11.12.2023 13:27

That's why you carry a firearm....

@jacobcasmus1882 - 11.12.2023 13:12

People buy stuff from the dark web all the time lol.

@nurzahidahrashidi - 11.12.2023 10:02

Charlie: Noone uses the Dark Web to go buy some Crocodil

Me:... new story idea? XD

@croppinthechoches9396 - 10.12.2023 23:03

The time when people would use the Dark Web (usually with crypto not credit cards lol) was when The Silk Road was genuine and actually had an excellent business model, where you could buy good qaulity drugs at a reasonable price. It was a lil bit like Uber where reviews were taken seriously and if people tried to scam customers, the reviews would have them kicked off the market place. DPR was just too unstable for the magnitude and success of The Silk Road...good times.😊😊
Isn't that shoot out which inspired LA Takedown then Heat, both by the same director?

@mr.Mangrove - 10.12.2023 21:33

One of the good points of TOR is that you can access websites otherwise censored or blocked in your country. This can help getting informative in countries where propaganda and censorship are very prominent

@coreyinabinet9690 - 10.12.2023 16:27

Charlie come on man youve seen how stupid people are on the internet there im not putting anything past people anymore and not to mention how many kids have been trafficed by the us government i wouldn't doubt they use the military do it i know thats a conspiracy but i wouldn't doubt it. Considering disny use to drop kids off at a certain island with a guy who didn't unalive himself

@willba0318 - 10.12.2023 07:16

People would buy bitcoin so you wouldn’t have to pay with you card details

@jayvanneste9188 - 09.12.2023 22:14

Everything is on there, even the censored shit, likely killories emails. Anything the govt doesn't want u to see it's all there, go look.

@mitchellhowarth8693 - 09.12.2023 02:41

tf did logan do

@FoTwentyVlogs - 08.12.2023 23:34

Tuv says fuck like a 12 year old

@ChargedJolteon2 - 07.12.2023 22:43

Loli isnt illegal 😂

@jonsponser - 07.12.2023 00:27

What does Charlie contribute to this video?

@godwishyoutube - 06.12.2023 14:05

It's pure Slaanesh stuff... Jezzz....

@th3TwistedLight - 05.12.2023 11:05

"And Kalashnikov rifle. I don't know what it is, but it's there"
get off my lawn voice
goshdarn kids these days don't even know what an AK is

@DenOfTimbs - 05.12.2023 08:48

For anyone that’s not informed the reason the US Navy invented the tour network was to get around surveillance from other countries were spying on what our naval bases were doing back in the 80s and 90s.

@DenOfTimbs - 05.12.2023 08:36

The one you were referring to was the original power books made by Apple. That was called the “iSpybook” vulnerability because the WebCams API calls were not properly encrypted when the camera was originally installed and set up in macOS 10.0. So what would happen is, anyone who could drop a Trojan in on your system would gain full access to your camera.

@DenOfTimbs - 05.12.2023 08:29

What you’ll find on the dark web is websites dedicated to horrific, ideologies or religions. Some websites were designed to help play ARGs. Others tend to be honey pots for the FBI, CIA, DOD, etc…. Or my personal favorite, is forms (kind of like Reddit) that are dedicated to spreading malware, like ransomware.

@kyleweaver1930 - 05.12.2023 05:08

A big thing with the "dark web" is that it can allow people in countries with limited access to communicate anonymously. I assume usually the US consoders ot a good thing since it may allow safer communications for rebels and shit like that. But the inverse too i guess

@jasonmyneni8605 - 04.12.2023 20:24

Tor was made by US military intelligence in cooperation with the CIA. They all had a hand in it

@HamaelSurk - 04.12.2023 20:01

Today fun fact: we still don't have SSX TRICKY AND SSX ON TOUR Nor on console or PC :'(

@eemeli224 - 04.12.2023 15:04

So there are legit good reasons for the deep web to exist. Like for example if you want to discuss problems with your government in a surveillance heavy country, you can use deep web forums to not get arrested. Also you might want to find information that isnt being controlled or censored by your government or discuss your sexuality in a country where something like being gay might be punishable by death. Also I think a big part of it is just stuff like medical documents and other information that shouldnt be on the surface web.

Also I think the reason it was made was that allowing everyone to use it will make every user on there anonymous because you wont be able to tell anyone apart. This is useful for the military too in order to stay hidden on the web and its the reason why it was crucial to allow the public to also start using the deep web.

@simulantmind2204 - 04.12.2023 07:04

No one who's got a brain used their credit card on the deep web. It's all crypto.

@bandosensei-1014 - 03.12.2023 13:12

People in North Korea and China use it to bypass internet restrictions

@A6Legit - 03.12.2023 12:54

TIL Edge is IE.

@travisziemer4151 - 03.12.2023 01:57

You’ve never heard of the kalashnikov 47?

@sloww635 - 30.11.2023 10:41

good to see Tuv doing so well, been following him since his insta meme page days back before 5k subs

@user-nn8dy7nm9q - 29.11.2023 04:44

yeah babbbby

@RaionzuKurisu4957 - 28.11.2023 00:49

Kalashnikov is just an AK47 right?

@Lucifer_killz - 27.11.2023 01:09

Also what’s up with your dirty ah sheets bro like do you not wash them or is that a shirt either way it’s nasty and your hating on other people and taking what they say out of context worry about your cleanliness 💀 and don’t respond trying to argue bc you know what everyone is saying is true why even post something when you know it was out of context and thousands of people have already watched the vid💀

@statiiccassius3656 - 23.11.2023 15:29

Aye it ain’t about the camera, it’s the fact they’d do that to my friend over a camera so yeah, I’m gon do sum

@vhaelen326 - 23.11.2023 13:53

honestly (hentai)loli stuff has me on the fence, on one hand its not my cup of tea on the other hand i dont think it should be banned/made illegal at the end of the day it IS a drawing of a fictional character, and yes you could argue that its stilla form of CP and should therefor be banned/made illegal but then the same should apply to things that depict violence or ANY kind of criminality, say good bye to games like GTA, COD, csgo etc and you cant make the "those are two completly different things" argument because they are not that different, both are fictitious generated representations of things that WOULD be a crime if they were real, which gets me to my second point, i dont think watching loli stuff is a gateway to cp or anything like that, i think its the same as gore/vore/incest/rape stuff(talking drawn not real) aswell as "funny mustache man era germany" military uniform RP, its not that people agree with such actions or ideologies its the taboo itself that is the temptation because it lets people fantasize about something so wrong that it goes against all human nature yet at the same time its fiction and doesnt hurt anyone, and specifically in regard to the loli stuff im not defending stupid and disgusting shit like what shadman did (drawing REAL people as loli's and drawing ACTUAL minors in loli art, im specifically only talking about fictional characters)

@blueeyedbambi6672 - 23.11.2023 01:45

I have a dell laptop and this one comes with like a slidey camera cover thingy on it to cover up your camera when not using it. I always wondered why they added that and now I know why.

@Aiden-strainn - 22.11.2023 14:23

If you wanted child porn you’d just watch anime

@spooks1503 - 22.11.2023 01:42

What Logan Paul video the suicide forest one?

@scottgoldfarb95 - 21.11.2023 21:42

The North Hollywood Shootout is used for the opening scene in the movie SWAT. Much of the footage used was actually from the real shootout. A deleted scene showed the officers acquiring the rifles from the local shop.

@NRJracing - 21.11.2023 10:14

Bruh take your phone off of vibrate sheesh

@NRJracing - 21.11.2023 10:12

Wow Charlie having no fucking clue what the darknet is or how it works or what it is for is extremely surprising considering he spends the entirety of his life in front of a computer

@ashtonpratt9490 - 21.11.2023 08:25

Why are Charlie’s notifications having a fucking Civil War in the background?

@brettgill6065 - 19.11.2023 23:58

Bro didn’t know what a Kalashnikov is😂

@absoluteterror4045 - 19.11.2023 13:51

In highschool my now wife and i download tor and spent a weekend on it. Note my fb was not on my wifes laptop where tor was at, i didnt have a cellphone, and my fb was logged in with my siblings on ym family's computer. My wife did bring her laptop over to my house the weekend this took place. The weekened after we stopped with tor i got a msg request from someone that said "when you and freinds use tor, dont use it full screen. Wipe your computer, i hope this scared you." I made a new fb and her laptop shit out later. So scary

@user-gk7yi1xd8q - 17.11.2023 01:04

Imagine doing the webcam roulette and suddenly you're looking at yourself ️️. Charlie's faith in humanity is surprisingly wholesome and inspiring.
