My Thoughts On Russia/Ukraine As A Russian Immigrant

My Thoughts On Russia/Ukraine As A Russian Immigrant

Doctor Mike

2 года назад

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@JohnsonChacko-cm8kx - 08.03.2025 18:29

Can you believe that this is what Trump wants for America? Your father escaped Russia for this!!!

@nastyfyme - 08.03.2025 18:41

When he speaks about oligarchs in the beginning - it's THE SAME in the US. They're just not called oligarchs XD

@iwnunn7999 - 08.03.2025 18:53

Latest developments with the USA abandonment thanks to trump is particularly heartbreaking and anger inducing.

@Junksaint - 08.03.2025 18:53

The flip flop of this nationhas been embarrassing

@iwnunn7999 - 08.03.2025 18:55

U get major points for this

@byuftbl - 08.03.2025 18:58

And now…..the SAME THING IS HAPPENING in the USA….

@MusicTaste_re - 08.03.2025 19:07

He described oligarchy just like is happening in the US.

@scottishroad_pinoy9084 - 08.03.2025 19:09

What truly astonishes me is that Russia invaded Ukraine, yet the man in office claimed Ukraine started the war—and the rest of his followers blindly echoed the sentiment.

@eze-takes177 - 08.03.2025 19:22

Hey man. Just a quick update. The us switched sides now for some stupid reason.

@Coisadecasa - 08.03.2025 19:39

First 120 seconds of the video is literally the current US scenario

@jejoibe - 08.03.2025 19:56

It’s so heartbreaking. 💔 Especially what is happening now.

@MrsKatme - 08.03.2025 20:05

You should mention that more then half citizen of russia support their dictator and war. Russian civilians are Жертви свого режиму але зараз вони є суспільством що живе ненавистю до всього людяного. Yes, that are Victims of their regime but now they are a society that lives by hatred for everything human. They should not be pitied, they needs serious mental medical treatment

@adamJKpunk - 08.03.2025 20:49

Omg. It’s a commercial for his pateron lol

@d.f.9064 - 08.03.2025 21:12

Trump is doing to America everything your father ran from.

@tiffanycampbell3646 - 08.03.2025 21:21

What it says 2 years ago you made this and I’m just now seeing it on my feed. I am so sorry that just isn’t right it wasn’t there when you put it out. Is it still ok to donate I don’t know how it works since the video is old is the donation done now.

@BlackberryTitties - 08.03.2025 21:23

Oh SOUNDS like Trump! 2025. 2.0

@migoosan - 08.03.2025 22:17

I saw the fall of the Berlin Wall. I saw the USA stand as the global champion for democracy and rule of law. I hope we can return to being the City upon a hill once more. I don’t know what this world looks like otherwise.

@ngo7156 - 08.03.2025 22:38

Thank you so much for sharing! ❤ 😊

@leslee7586 - 08.03.2025 22:50

He sounds as if hes talking about US today.

@krystalpotter4494 - 09.03.2025 00:45

And now Putin has taught trump to do the same thing . I wish I could donate but my SsI is about to be taken along with my Medicaid. I DO care about Ukraine ! The Russian people too ! This is insanity !

@c.9231 - 09.03.2025 00:54

We don't want America to turn into another Russia. I love the Russian people. It is the corrupt and greedy oligargy and the evil dictator that I'm talking about. Things here in the US are leaning in that direction right now. Its scary.

@mariehenneken4767 - 09.03.2025 01:09

Thank you for this video and taking the time to share Dr Mike.

@OleksaRusyn - 09.03.2025 01:36

There's no diplomatic solution to this existential conflict. One of the warring parties will have to disappear, and it can't be Ukraine.

@Guy-iv2hw - 09.03.2025 01:38

Your last name also means "from Warsaw"

@sierrahjmartinez6703 - 09.03.2025 01:39

Zelensky says Ukraine not for sale but sold it to Uk lol. Also you all hate Putin but you all are pro china. Europe Canada liberals in general trade with china who is a dictator who has committed genocide has been a “bully” taking countries resources. You all are fueling chinas economy and China is all for Russia winning and China is already sending troops. So you all have your evil dictator you work with so don’t damn the us for doing business with Russia if that’s what we chose. Ukraine sucks as too which why women sell themselves to foreign men. Why many flee Ukraine before anything. The fact that Zelensky goes and klls Russian anything like Russian orthodox Churches and Christians and kill opponents who go against him. Dude is no better than Putin. Now he demands more and more and more for what? To prolong the war? Europe broke many agreements as well so let’s not play that card. Dr Mike will side on the liberal side because doctors work for globalists to push ideologies and propaganda

@creamyfeet6242 - 09.03.2025 02:04

Doctor Mike is chad. I hope Ukraine wins their freedom <3

@RatsPicklesandMusic - 09.03.2025 02:11

Thank you for this Dr. Mike!!! 🖤

@zoeyd0710 - 09.03.2025 02:20

And now America ( the bad guy in the world now thanks to trump and his goons) have side with Russia and is hanging uproot to dry. Disgusting! MAGAs have destroyed America and the world.

@evaninthisorn2066 - 09.03.2025 02:22

Putin is power hungry.

@Feldazir - 09.03.2025 02:48

Commenting for the algorithm

@thesevideos4382 - 09.03.2025 02:49

Thanks for posting this ❤

@matthewfoy4202 - 09.03.2025 03:17

This is from three years ago. Is this donation pool still active? How can I help?

@aspelund76 - 09.03.2025 03:30

So your family left Russia because of the corruption so you came to the US?

@AILIT1 - 09.03.2025 03:50

Joining the 2 years later popped up on my feed squad. Feed the algorithm. I already loved your channel from the last 2 months of content since I subbed but man.... This takes my respect for you to an even higher level Doc! Thank you.

@dustinholland6700 - 09.03.2025 04:29

"Money runs the world in Russia... The economy was up for grabs by the oligarchs".

Well, I have some bad news for you about America...

@RichTubbsOhio - 09.03.2025 04:45

God Bless you and your family. I hope that the US continues supporting the Ukrainian peoples. With Her tRUMP in office now, who knows. We can only pray.

@DonnaForrester-x1i - 09.03.2025 05:18

Love to Ukraine people! ❤ Donna

@thebalancedplanner - 09.03.2025 05:45

Well-done ❣️

@Ribbet2-k7t - 09.03.2025 05:54


@ginaperez5706 - 09.03.2025 05:59

Thank you for sharing 💙

@Speed_of_Sloth - 09.03.2025 06:21

Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦

@norsevicious7051 - 09.03.2025 06:32

Slava Ukraini

@solarflarecj1067 - 09.03.2025 06:47

This is even worse than with the oligarchs, Russia, and the US now.

@abe.vs.ape. - 09.03.2025 06:47

Crazy how much American views have changed in this subject, jeez

@korinemlbernard3256 - 09.03.2025 07:15

Well done Dr Mike. 👍🏾🇨🇦❤️🇮🇨

@jakelilevjen9766 - 09.03.2025 07:23

I am not a rich man. I gave more than $500 last year to help buy warm clothing, medical supplies, and body armor for Ukrainian soldiers. I wish it could be more.

@adidas8287 - 09.03.2025 07:55

❤❤ thank you for sharing you and your families experience. I stand with Ukraine

@Woodbridge2 - 09.03.2025 08:38

I wish trump would watch this. Except he is an oligarch with Putin is his hero

@svetlanalee7755 - 09.03.2025 09:47

I am from Ukraine but leaving in America for 17 years now. I have family members in Ukraine and relatives in Russia. My heart is bleeding for Ukrainian people who every day fight for their lives 💔.
Please, pray with me for justful peace for Ukraine 🇺🇦🙏

@Filifijonka - 09.03.2025 11:01

Браво, доктор. Вы прекрасный человек ❤️
