Can You Beat Nioh with Only Magic?

Can You Beat Nioh with Only Magic?


1 год назад

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nigoki 02
nigoki 02 - 13.09.2023 17:02

Actually mitsunari get executed is the leason he learn because tenko basically tell him to kill himself for greater good

Vitamin W Music
Vitamin W Music - 06.09.2023 19:36

What do I need to do to be able to use this guardian summon over and over like you?

Ender Elohim
Ender Elohim - 09.08.2023 02:37

Main issue of this game magic talisman count is terrible as it seems like not designed to play magic alone. Bad design bad

abaabaaba - 07.08.2023 01:36

Maybe all your items are just the items you met along the way.

CptZSLight - 05.08.2023 05:52

"at the end of the day I want to enjoy what I'm doing" looks at your borderlands runs press X to doubt.

Azryche - 04.08.2023 06:42

That mystery skulls reference got me good

Lumpl Tv
Lumpl Tv - 03.08.2023 09:22

Great video, I will try a similar build. It looks fun and I also love magic, perhaps I won't get my ass kicked as much with this. I get why for some people Shima is hard, for me he was a bit tricky but when i first started Onryoki kicked my ass so hard multiple times that i lost count. Another boss that was extremly hard for me and still is, is tachibana in the submission where you can fight him a second time. The only way how I defeat him is by running around that big rock on the left side and hitting him a few times after he attacked. Then the first time i fought Oda Nobunaga, well fighting him is too generous, I survived him is more accurate.

J Hill
J Hill - 03.08.2023 01:59

This was do fists only, I can give you five dollars to do so

J Hill
J Hill - 03.08.2023 01:56

The spirit our British lad is searching for is more or less his best friend, mother, and only family he had until in a way he arrived to Japan as more or less Hanzo and who I actually think in historical canon is his wife as the real life lad married one of the shogun daughters and she is one of the shoguns point being she is quite literally all that matters in his world it makes sense he'd do anything to get her back....oh yeah she also makes him immortal so keeping her safe is good for his health

ShadowRoseGaming - 25.07.2023 15:35

Im suprised you didn't allow yourself to use living/spirit weapon

Themmrnmhrm - 22.07.2023 18:13

I died like 60 times to shima sakon, because I forgot thrown weapons, ninjutsu and magic was a thing. Also he has one very annoying attack that is virtually quaranteed one-shot, if the first part of the attack connects.

Dima Keller
Dima Keller - 21.07.2023 15:33

Some designs in these games are weird af like a wheel monk or snake with boobs, but most of them are at least pretty great and I personally really like Mitsunari's and moth guy's design and many many others

Dima Keller
Dima Keller - 21.07.2023 15:27

Personally I think Hannya (Ogress) is a pretty memorable and fun boss fight (if you're playing normally at least). Gets stupidly easy if you know what to do though (i.e. get behind her and use kusarigama's or dual's attack where you just swing non stop)

Dima Keller
Dima Keller - 21.07.2023 15:11

I don't really mind spiders and I actually really like Joro-Gumo's design, both visuals and gameplay

Сергей Креведко
Сергей Креведко - 16.07.2023 07:56

Geralt on vacation in Japan?

gino1313 - 14.07.2023 22:53

I really love your content, the vibes are just so positive. Subscribed because I also like Rise Against :)

Mohamedalielmomo - 12.07.2023 23:52

Bumped randomly into this video.
What a pleasant surprise !
Nice concept and very good pace and writing !
Keep it up :)

shinobi - 29.06.2023 03:57

How do you get that sword? Iv been trying to get it and I don't know what it's called or anything

Tiger Lee
Tiger Lee - 22.06.2023 01:32

Really REALLY appreciated the Centipede warning

Quinn - 20.06.2023 11:27

Great video, loved the editing, keep up the great work :)

catalin2766 - 18.06.2023 15:40

I see that The Hundred Eyes is a pushover here as man when I saw him I expected to be beaten over and over like a child in bar fight considering the track record the rest of the bosses had on me...but no, he was pathethic.

fuzzygreenturtle _
fuzzygreenturtle _ - 15.06.2023 19:56

Can you beat Nioh without ever booting up the game?

Silver - 14.06.2023 11:35

U deserve a million subs not bluffing dudee

JustMe - 13.06.2023 22:18

Yeah...and its stupid broken too.

Maulana Muhammad Yasin Fahim
Maulana Muhammad Yasin Fahim - 12.06.2023 12:09

Ohh my God what is this how can tell me

Corbin - 12.06.2023 01:01

gandalf quote

DjGrimmace - 12.06.2023 00:53

I guess I'm weird. Whenever I play missions I kill and loot everything... Literally... When I'm at the boss the rest of the level is empty....

DjGrimmace - 12.06.2023 00:45

But the sword Tally is magic? So it's fine?

DjGrimmace - 12.06.2023 00:34

"One of the mechanics of all time" I Lol'd. LOL

Sergio Melendez
Sergio Melendez - 11.06.2023 22:42

I really feel like the game needs an additional difficulty mode, designed with the damage end game builds can put out in mind. If you're into min maxing a build, then Nioh is really fun to go through that process in, problem is when you're done it totally breaks the game.

Even without magic, 160+10 and full scaling just melts everything, magic just tips it over the edge and turns it into full dynasty warriors mode, I've banned the big offenders, carnage, weakness and sloth, enjoy it a lot more that way.

abdullah irfan
abdullah irfan - 11.06.2023 20:10

I liked the use of sword tailsmen cuz it provided more variety but even if i was upset about it, I think the spider boss was enough punishment tbh (fuck that thing),

Ethan Ebonhart
Ethan Ebonhart - 11.06.2023 14:42

great video, that was so much fun, kinda wanna play nioh now :D

Nyio - 11.06.2023 01:36

After doing the 100%, i did Nioh 2 with only magic, that was a really fun run.

3'rd Wheel
3'rd Wheel - 09.06.2023 03:44

This gameplay is supported by SHADOW WIZARD MONEY GANG!!! We love casting spells.

Jimmy Altidor
Jimmy Altidor - 08.06.2023 22:27

Can you do nioh2

Eevee Frisk
Eevee Frisk - 08.06.2023 05:40

How in the hell did you have an easy time with Shima Sakon???? That bastard had me abuse the hell out of living weapon

ToonDragonable - 06.06.2023 00:16

In true Wizard fashion.....I CAST FIST!! XD

Serenity Harkness
Serenity Harkness - 05.06.2023 14:02

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE BUG WARNINGS! So many people don't warn for it and as someone with REALLY bad arachnophobia(to the point I can't play a lot of video games in the fantasy genre. I have EVERY possible spider spot in Dragon Age Origins memorized and can fight and navigate them with headphones out and eyes closed. Had a panic attack stumbling on the huge spider below my Keep in Pillars of Eternity and than killed it while, you guessed it, peeking through my fingers. I have only played Skyrim ONCE because I REQUIRE no spider mods. I once had to use the back door for over a week due to one on my front porch, avoided my bathroom in favor of my mom's for TWO weeks due to spider. Yes it's bad.) it just was very appreciated. That alone got my like on the video.

Hi i’m Sunny
Hi i’m Sunny - 01.06.2023 22:30

Nice Lyrics at the Saika fight :D Paper Wings <3

Abhishek Jm
Abhishek Jm - 31.05.2023 23:51

Was so happy to discover this. I have waiting so long for someone to do challenge runs for Nioh. Hopefully Onmyo only run for nioh 2 is up next

Wicked Raptor
Wicked Raptor - 28.05.2023 06:49

Makes me want to pick nioh 2 up again. That was a fun magic playthrough

AddedCheese - 26.05.2023 13:37

really loving your content, how the hell is that sub number not 776 000k

Patient Nr.0
Patient Nr.0 - 25.05.2023 21:48

Can you do tonfa only? And by only I mean only so no buffs, debuffs or tools. It's harder than you think unless you're an i-frame god.

bahamut12th - 25.05.2023 18:48

if they gave you like 50% more cast and a few more magic based armor sets it would be much more viable, or hell low level spells that restock over time, or DS II magic restoring items, i loved Nioh and tried so hard to make a magic build but you have to farm for 1000H and even then its not worth it

Chem_Haz - 25.05.2023 07:17

You kinda sound like The Backlogs...

eDDyBoW TV - 24.05.2023 03:40

Ohio is that you?!?!

appleflavored - 24.05.2023 01:35

i wonder if nioh 2 have any funny challenges

Martell Esselman
Martell Esselman - 23.05.2023 19:21

I adore meeting someone who hates spiders enough to be vocal about it. I feel your pain. Hugging a spider is not a good afternoon
