Theoatrix's 1-99 Ranged Guide (OSRS)

Theoatrix's 1-99 Ranged Guide (OSRS)

Theoatrix OSRS

1 год назад

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@Thalene-nj4nt - 02.04.2024 14:35

I love when the chincompa goles "boom" paired with a good song,good timing

@clipdump - 02.04.2024 18:02

I did 99 range passively doing slayer

@patrickritch93 - 07.04.2024 07:48

Dude I love the edit in the beginning of this vid!!

@Hegelschmegel-rk8vh - 08.04.2024 16:01

So is archer helm ass?

@VladimirPackard - 11.04.2024 00:36

Falcoaj made a great intro for this video.

@TheWesleyRyan - 12.04.2024 00:20

lmao the quality on the intro is cracked

@hazey_mb - 12.04.2024 12:55

for the chinning what's that grey item that looks like a bone???

@mrelmoplaysgames7609 - 17.04.2024 15:20

That intro animations amazing

@LGsusin - 27.04.2024 02:35

been ffollowing you since 2015, glad u keep up making content.

@adrianpead785 - 29.04.2024 05:01

Been a fan for years mate. These intros are insane. thanks for the effort you put in ..

@939Productions - 02.05.2024 09:22

You forgot scurieus. At level 50 you can use the bone shortbow and have higher max hit. At level 60 ranged my xp per hour was 65k. It drops ranging potions for you and in the mass worlds you can gather bones to train you prayer to 43 and from then on you can solo it. It's faster then sandcrabs and more intresting then chins. Ow it also drops enough rune arrows to sustain you arrow pine.

@caveninjas13 - 05.05.2024 21:52

What am I doing wrong here, because I’m for sure not getting anywhere near 350k xp an hour killing skeleton monkeys with red chimps.

@RyanNoseBest - 18.05.2024 08:40

new to osrs but a runescape veteran, and can i just say, thats the coolest intro ive ever seen to a skill guide. bravo 👏👏👏

@KwillATL - 23.05.2024 21:36

I love all your videos dawg, but there’s some other better methods especially with the venator bow

@178rohan - 26.05.2024 07:50

I am level 61 range using red chins and best in slot gear for a 45 defence zerk account and the xp at mm1 tunnel is nowhere near listed?? I am getting 100k at best! Per hour?

@NutCheesePretzelBread - 23.06.2024 18:44

Chins are double the price from the time of this video. Cost 56mil to do grey chins

@Ignithrax - 02.07.2024 03:05

The only osrs guide intros I don't skip

@Split562 - 03.07.2024 21:52

So there are no quests for actual low levels? Everything listed had requirements from other skills…

@runescaperxboxer448 - 07.07.2024 23:53

why is rune cbow better than msb at low level training?

@turtlegreene4120 - 08.07.2024 19:36

What is the bone in chinning inventory?

@Ramunetrades - 12.07.2024 14:52

Bro wtf is this intro

@verloser - 17.07.2024 19:21

I find it very strange why they released dhide shields but no dhide coifs.....

@TannerVillalobos - 27.07.2024 15:12

Damn this intro is sick

@FuryFight3r - 11.08.2024 21:46

great video, but fat chance finding any free world at either mm1/mm2 monkey spots

@royvandijken5481 - 25.08.2024 19:17

Is it possible to start the quest so you can enter the cave without the requirement stats? So completed the required quests.

@goldenhawk2839 - 30.08.2024 17:39

the venator bow is now around 80 mill, not nearly as obtainable now

@cluelessjunk2808 - 10.09.2024 06:12

Bosses intimidate the hell outa me lmao never done a boss but I need to face it

@teengohan.ssj223 - 10.09.2024 21:26


@PilotLH - 13.09.2024 22:29

Why does the mixed hide stuff never get a mention. As far as im aware the top and boots give better stats than the red d'hide and snakeskin boots that are commonly recommended?

@ChristofferWerness - 14.09.2024 19:09

with the locator orb you said dragon slayer 2 but wrote down desert treasure 2 - it's dragon slayer 2 though, so you said it right and wrote it wrong on the guide :p

@phillezet5142 - 15.09.2024 15:36

what arrows to use?

@pvmbeatz - 29.09.2024 22:31

Great guide overall, in depth as always.

One thought though: I think you should add the F2P method more to the beginning of the video instead of the end. I think a lot of people who watch the guides are F2P.

@warrensummers9305 - 10.10.2024 01:56

is it possible to chin at the mm1 tunnels after completing mm1?? 1 def 52 prayer pure with mm1 done

@ChrisRobinson16 - 14.10.2024 20:38

How do you get Blessed D’hide?

@Kmn483 - 15.10.2024 14:04

For F2Ps reading this, do Flesh Crawlers instead of spiders.
They have less def, a max hit of 1, and more HP. Plus are aggressive at all levels. Found in SE room of floor 2 of Stronghold.
Use a metal med helm and chainbody to reduce damage (-32%) while not hurting your dps much (-1.2%). Bring a full inventory of wine and you're set for an hour+ depending on def.
Enable Runelite's idle warning and you will get a pop up every 10 min when aggro expires or when your hp is low. Completely AFK.

@Kenpaxhii_333 - 20.10.2024 12:45

❤❤❤❤ love the content brother man!! Helped me out a lot keep up the amazing videos and helping Noobies like me grow there accounts

@AidenBuccigrossi-q5y - 26.10.2024 16:39

Runescape is a online game with quests and diary's and bosses and skill's

@JesseRayInRealLife - 28.10.2024 22:31


@howlovwelhom8880 - 29.10.2024 16:05

I'm doing the AFK strat im lvl 41 now but still have shortbow and bronze arrows shoiudl i swap

@reprovedcandy - 06.12.2024 03:58

Hey man, I know maybe you assumed it was common knowledge but maybe add a warning that chinchompas are perma lost on death. I wouldn't have brought 10M worth into my first MM1 chinning attempt had I known that...

@joenlly - 18.12.2024 02:42

Such a epic intro

@unbelievablegoblin - 08.01.2025 05:23

Isn't the part about Void literally the opposite of correct? Void has lower accuracy than dhide so its only good against LOW defense monsters and worthless against bosses.

@XyllRia - 08.01.2025 08:05

Intro goes so hard wtf

@RickL2-69 - 18.01.2025 00:54

Never explained what IS chimp comping.. for a new member its confusing to why he has to kill monkeys with Guinea pigs

@AnitaChavarria-p6y - 17.02.2025 06:53

I feel like your leaving critical info out The odium ward needs 60 defence I think to equip and the ranger set gives no defense. Personally don’t think I’d give all my defense for a +10 to ranged attack.
