Ben Reviews Bernie's New Book

Ben Reviews Bernie's New Book

Ben Shapiro

1 год назад

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@Vanilla-jd1ez - 14.01.2024 16:44

Bernie views himself as the king and everyone in this country his servants. People making transactions that benefit each party, and not benefiting him, makes him angry. He is very well off but that doesn't seem to be a factor in his logic. Bernie, like all the greedy before him, think the system should change to benefit him and him alone.

@QbutNotTheQ - 26.10.2023 10:24

I’m old enough that when I hear Marxist language it gives me an instant headache, but young people today are susceptible to these stupid and dangerous ideas. 🤔

@rogermenendez4052 - 17.09.2023 03:09

It is true that what's gone on is immoral. But calling it uber-capitalism is an absolute falsehood. It has been more like uber-fascism, the twin brother of socialism. It is so immoral that it destroyed the middle class.

@rogermenendez4052 - 17.09.2023 03:03

Snake oil salesman.

@randomnstoned966 - 10.07.2023 00:57

When people are living on the breadline whilst others find loopholes to destroy the planet we live on for ridiculous profits is defended unconditionally, you know there's a problem. But hey, you can just be a smart ass hey Ben 🙄 i thought this guy was intelligent.

@stevenplayzzz172 - 24.05.2023 05:07

Bernie sanders is overestimated. He’s worthless outside of the people republic of Vermont

@felixsantos-nedrelid2004 - 03.05.2023 15:26

I mean, Bernie has had a various amount of different jobs. Find accurate information please.

@gamingmoth4542 - 01.05.2023 12:29

Ya know, I don’t disagree with the notion that we should “teach kids how to solve problems”. But I have a good feeling the idea that the way Bernie Sanders wants to “teach kids to solve problems” is to tell kids to “always vote left” and “angrily protest when you don’t get what you want”.

Wanna know a good way to “solve problems”? Stand up and actually take action to try and fix said problems yourself. Don’t just vote for politicians who you think will “use government to fix the problem” and don’t protest demanding for someone else to fix the problem you see. Actually get off your fat butt and work to fix the issue yourself.

You think that some police officers in this country are bad? Sign up for the Police yourself and be a better example of a Law Enforcement Officer. You don’t like seeing they hungry homeless people in the street? Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Think that we as Americans use up too much energy? Find ways to cut energy usage in your own life.

@kangaroo3708 - 30.04.2023 23:07

Bad book?
Ya I’m not gonna listen to someone who wrote true allegiance to know what a bad book is 😂

@deborahruthtrotter2154 - 17.04.2023 16:10

Hmmm... Ben has lots of valid points, but the reality is that there really IS oligarchy going on. The thing is that the oligarchy is largely on the left with the cronyism of woke corporations, the education industrial complex, the medical industrial complex, most of the mainstream media, the FBI and various other bureaucrats.

@Mng421 - 17.04.2023 09:35

I’m a midwestern born and raised conservative with a blue collar southern dad. I am rooting for my class of “deplorables” lol

@SkullyTheHypnoSkull - 17.04.2023 08:59

I watch tons of liberal media. Ben Shapiro is the only person talking about it.

@stefannikola - 15.04.2023 20:30

Thanks for the book review, Ben. I still agree more with Bernie than with you.

@TheBub26 - 13.04.2023 20:41

bernie, the young commie, got kicked out of a commune? i guess him philosophizing while smoking lots and lots of weed was not considered pulling his own weight? out!

@TownsleyR - 11.04.2023 23:03

Bernie is so cringy

@wyattbenett4221 - 11.04.2023 17:38

The unfortunate reality is that capitalism is based upon false assumptions and that’s not going to change just because you react like a toddler to information outside your narrow paradigm. This is going to be a monument long many to the arrogance and idiocy of certain humans and those who lifted them up. Hope you guys get your shit figured out.

@klh768 - 11.04.2023 16:45

Ah more Ben Shapiro straw man of some who is an international centrist... Just because Ben Shapiro makes good arguments against woke lunatics doesn't mean he's right about everything.

@gamb1t - 11.04.2023 15:50

Why isnt this book free

@brandonroberts1936 - 10.04.2023 07:25

Bernie is a sad clown

@13donstalos - 10.04.2023 04:03

Bernie Sanders' writing is seriously the most inane, immature, trite, and vapid nonsense I've ever heard. His thoughts on wealth and society are weak and pathetic. He has no idea what it's like to earn a living by doing something useful. He's a joke. He needs to retire to the nursing home with Joe Biden already.

@13donstalos - 10.04.2023 03:56

I wish Bernie had the balls to come on and debate Ben about all this. He'd be destroyed in the best possible way.

@13donstalos - 10.04.2023 03:50

"Socialism can't be that bad. It made Bernie Sanders into a millionaire." Lmao

@13donstalos - 10.04.2023 03:49

Imagine being stupid enough to believe any of the crap written in that sorry excuse for a book. People will seriously read that and see themselves as intellectual. Idiots.

@13donstalos - 10.04.2023 03:46

Capitalism has its problems, but the reason it beats socialism every time is because it endorses personal responsibility in a way that socialism can't even begin to grasp. And personal responsibility can actually make the world better, in a way that socialist pipe dreams can't even begin to fathom. The fact is, poor people will always gravitate towards Bernie because he makes them feel like their crappy lot in life isn't actually their fault. People who have money, not even just rich people, but those who have enough to be secure (due in large part to their own personal responsibility) are happy with the system, because it works awesome when you have money. Poor people don't care about other poor people, they just hate rich people. It's pretty sad, really.

@mandadoane1609 - 10.04.2023 02:05

Ben is an absolute self-owning closet gremlin. Love that Republicans spend money on things to "own the libs". Watching the GOP eat itself alive is my favorite pastime.

@_GandalfTheGrey_ - 09.04.2023 22:58

Bernie must be giving his book away for free then right? I mean…there’s no way he’s SELLING it FOR PROFIT!!!

@FairlyFatherless - 09.04.2023 14:38

Yeah, I look at my grandparents with their house they bought on minimum wage and think to myself "damn, I sure am lucky to be born in an age where I could get a smartphone over that." Lol, lmao even, I expected no take greater from the man who thinks we'll be able to sell our flooded homes to Aquaman.

@IZAleft - 09.04.2023 09:01

Wow, ben didn't get single W this whole video. thanks ben, very cool

@austinhernandez2716 - 09.04.2023 02:58

He didn't use capitalism to get rich. He didn't choose the system, this is just the system he was born in. You can't just print books and distribute them for free, that coats money. And he's not talking about the market for books. All yall are doing is attacking his character, ignoring his actual arguments, like saying we shouldn't allow big pharm companies to charge incredibly high prices because that results in people dying due to not being able to afford it. In that case, capitalism is killing people. But of course yall are just fine with that. Yeah yall gotta worry more about insulting a man for selling some books. Or about a candy or beer company's advertising. Because those are the real issues we need to focus on 🙄

@FuzzyWuzzy75 - 08.04.2023 23:56

How can a career politician have the gall to bemoan "the status quo"? If you are a career politician by default you are the status quo!

As Thomas Sowell points out: what people believe holds more weight than the truth.

Bernie's talking points outline the dangers of democracy and should be a stark reminder of precisely why our Founders never created or intended to create a democracy. They created a Constitutional Republic. A Constitutional Republic that was built upon the principles most closely associated with individual fundamental rights.

Democracy is mob rule. As Ben Franklin pointed out: mob rule is when two wolves and a sheep decide what is for dinner. Democracy is also the road to Communism as Karl Marx pointed out.

All Bernie and his ilk need to do is dumb down the people which they have already effectively done via main stream media and the "education" system.

After people have been effectively dumbed down the next step is to essentially convince the majority of the people (by hook or by crook) that the Eutopian vision is the proper course of action for the future. And all along via "progressive" policies you gradually sap the people of every tool at their disposal that would otherwise empower them all while convincing them that is in their best interests. Under majority rule AKA democracy you have essentially paved the path to Marxist tyranny. This is precisely what the "status quo" NWO uniparty fascists like Bernie Sanders are doing.

@bobcat2262 - 08.04.2023 20:58

This book costs $18 on Amazon

@adamlane9815 - 08.04.2023 15:35

I think Bernie doesn’t know the difference between capitalism and corporatism?

America/the western world has increasingly been falling sway to corporatism, while the notions capitalism are slowly dying. To the great detriment of regular people…

@natsquared7401 - 08.04.2023 09:50

Bernie Sanders is delusional, for trying to turn the West into the East, so that white people have a chance to survive and thrive.

The East protects its people from the experiments. The West embraces the "honor" of being the Sun King, because none of its people can deliver the hardcore (and beautiful) results of Nazism.

The white man is cursed from his own DNA to feel the pain that isn't sympathetic. All things bleed, but some things should not live or be protected, for the health of its environment.

Humans are made of their actions.
If the West chose the sun over a healthy ecosystem, then they consented to become Mother Mary. You can't get out of something like that, once you consent.

@scottdickson1473 - 07.04.2023 19:46

The arguments against Bernie in this video/comment section are next level retarded.

@jaretnorwillo4023 - 07.04.2023 11:40

Ben has an amazing german accent

@costrio - 07.04.2023 05:48

Variation on a theme: Is it ok to be hypocritical in politics?

@nicoleburnside2849 - 07.04.2023 02:53

Ah'Right.... so damn fucking CUTE.....💋

@IdwarfRedwoods - 07.04.2023 01:37

What a communist idiot. I can’t believe supported him. That just shows the messed up childhood I had and many others too that lead them to believe the government would be a better parent🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

@brisketsnbourbons9198 - 07.04.2023 01:25

Do you dipshits not think people make money in other forms of economies? A fundamental of marxism is YOU own the fruit of your labor. Funny Ben thinks zizek is a serious thinker....have any of you listened to him before? I'd agree, but pretty weird to think bernie sanders has dumb, radical ideas...but zizek has some good thoughts..

@totenkray - 07.04.2023 00:28

Writing a book I'd not a job Bernie!

@totenkray - 07.04.2023 00:27

Bernie with 2 houses: "Da evil millionairs and billionaires"

Bernie with 3 houses: "Da evil billionaires!"

@kunallobo4136 - 06.04.2023 11:20

My friends all bought and loved the book -- we are doomed

@Smitywerban - 06.04.2023 09:22

Wow the dishonesty at display here is stunning even for a right wing propaganda show.

Ben you are quotemining worse than some creationists.

To all shapiro fans who dont want to be lied to: look at channels like secular talk to see the quotes in context and have the flatout lies pointed out.

@tk5331 - 06.04.2023 03:47

The irony ia a lot of ppl in these comments agree with Bernie's politics. Ben conveniently leaves the parts where the 1% fuck over the working class
