KDE Fixes Discord On Wayland Because Discord Can't

KDE Fixes Discord On Wayland Because Discord Can't

Brodie Robertson

1 год назад

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Manny Graal
Manny Graal - 30.08.2023 11:11

For me, I just didn't know. But I've been trying to know how to share audio. My system isn't beefy enough to run windows on virt manager without lag. I would have to switch to windows in order to do that. they said that discord didn't have a big team so they were mostly focusing on the windows app. If they would just update their electron base to the latest one that supports audio sharing and such.

Wilian Uhlmann
Wilian Uhlmann - 29.08.2023 04:32

I need to use Microsoft teams in my day to day life and this problem makes Wayland unfeasible

Dangerous Pictures
Dangerous Pictures - 11.07.2023 12:45

I try out wayland every couple of months but I always instantly switch back because flameshot and discord don't work

Hasse Andersson
Hasse Andersson - 01.05.2023 23:31


Is someone going to fix the "capture desktop sounds" as well? or perhaps this solution fix that to?

Dosenwerfer - 23.04.2023 14:56

Really amazing stuff.

Simon Fogliato
Simon Fogliato - 11.04.2023 08:49

I use WebEx, Teams and Slack all the time on i3. I wish I can get share desktop screen and share app to work on sway swaywm...

Rob W
Rob W - 10.04.2023 14:24

I still don't daily drive Wayland specifically because of issues like this. I just worry that given the lack of motivation for some proprietary apps like Discord to properly implement Wayland, that they may just make the decision to kill the Linux port when X11 eventually goes away.

Jim W
Jim W - 10.04.2023 00:54

that neckbeard is disgraceful

Godnyx - 03.04.2023 08:30

Discord CAN fix it. They just don't care to do so and others seem to run and do FREE work because of its popularity.

I do wonder when will people on Linux WAKE UP and stop using software that don't properly support Linux. But I guess, that'll never happen...

Usernotfound_42 - 31.03.2023 00:56

Discord has problems even on Windows, always when I go to chat with my friends it's like 5 minutes of bugs and audio problems.

Philip Mørch
Philip Mørch - 30.03.2023 19:21

Good thing I use KDE. With Wayland on my laptop.

Beryesa - 30.03.2023 19:02

Tbh, for long time we waited Kwin to have feature parity and stable Wayland experience, this year it surpassed gnome/mutter in a lot of ways.

Guillaume Tako
Guillaume Tako - 30.03.2023 11:47

This one of a few reason gaming on linux with friends is not there yet.

I have a PC that allow me to stream the game i'm playing on Twitch so with my friends, thats what we do, but this is veery annoying

Janhouse - 30.03.2023 09:59

Slack works fine on Wayland

Félix A.G
Félix A.G - 30.03.2023 01:59

👍This is the way.

Linuxdirk - 29.03.2023 22:27

Okay, I stick with OBS and X then :)

Go 2 Evolution
Go 2 Evolution - 29.03.2023 20:59

I hope, in the near future we have only Wayland. 😑

Pascal S.
Pascal S. - 29.03.2023 18:31

I don't use discord, so I didn't knew that this was an issue. I just don't play competitive online games. Mostly point end click adventures.
But still I'm glad thst this exists. Currently I still run X11 on Gaming PC.
When I finished my internship and move back I will distro hop and use Wayland.
My MacBook is still MacOS until I uploaded everything to my nextcloud and my Work PC (sadly Windows) is working properly.
Virtual Box hates Wayland kills the CPU.
Now I use WSL to compile my code because WTF how difficult is it to install any dev tools on Windows.

4CPS - 29.03.2023 17:34

This also works on Hyprland btw

Fagner Luan
Fagner Luan - 29.03.2023 17:00

"bbbbbbbasically", "wwwwwhy", "hhhhhhhowever ", "bbbbbbbbbut"

BrianDMS - 29.03.2023 16:24

Yooo how did you get those cool window effects on sway?

No Name
No Name - 29.03.2023 16:00

Now the Russian-speaking discord servers is a bastard habitat.discord servers role.only from the occupancy of the bastard himself.

Emily Hannon-Santibanez
Emily Hannon-Santibanez - 29.03.2023 15:05

what about audio? :( does this work finally?

MyurrDurr - 29.03.2023 14:44

Discord seem to be more focused on changing the UI countless times and adding more features people rarely use than to even support Android these days
It's still running on older APIs and has not been updated to support the new privacy features and theming options in Android 13 either

Jeremy Effinger
Jeremy Effinger - 29.03.2023 13:29

Thanks Brody this is great content. I finally have video streaming

Владимир Кильченко
Владимир Кильченко - 29.03.2023 11:27

they'd better fix hardware cursor because nvidia can't. and blur

keborgan - 29.03.2023 11:11

I find Wayland good enough for day-day use - the only thing I miss is replacement for x11vnc.

Artoooooor - 29.03.2023 11:09

I hope Haiku or Serenity OS catch up. Linux is a total mess. Unfurtunately the most mature mess. But I hope other FOSS operating system will take its place.

Morne Smal
Morne Smal - 29.03.2023 11:07

xorg and x11 STILL better than wayland
maby this will change in 5years

Wagyourtail - 29.03.2023 11:03

the solution I was using: just use xorg

Leon White
Leon White - 29.03.2023 10:49

This problem has been driving be bonkers with Slack for at least a year now! I just realized we have an account manager though, and wrote her a sternly worded email. Hopefully if enough people complain we can raise the profile of this bug with proprietary software organisations!

mStar - 29.03.2023 10:20

I've been using Discord-Screenaudio for proper screensharing ever since I discovered it. They use wayland portals and wire the the audio properly too (not through the microphone but a separate stream)

Michał Dybczak
Michał Dybczak - 29.03.2023 10:07

I installed it and checked with Zoom. Flatpack Zoom still doesn't work, but Zoom from AUR works like a charm, and I can choose windows or screens to share.
Installing and setting it to autostart must be done manually, so this isn't the ideal, but it still works. The annoying thing is that with autostart it always shows a notification (with sound) that doesn't disappear at startup, although desktop file has a line about no notification at startup... I already created an issue to devs about it, and hopefully they will fix it at some point.

pushqrdx - 29.03.2023 09:30

The reason you can still see the cursor is that most compositors use hardware cursors. I bet if your cursor was rendered by the compositor itself (aka software cursors) it won't show in the capture. Also all these applications share the fact that they are electron based, so perhaps it's electron's fault?

Syudagye - 29.03.2023 09:15

Nice !
Now we need a way to pass audio, and that is an issue with chromium actually. It refuses to capture any other sources other than microphones. There exist a way to work around this (see discord-screenaudio), but it's embedding discord inside a Qt web application, so it's not the native client. I was thinking about making a BetterDiscord plugin that could do the same as discord-screenaudio.

Ashley Miller
Ashley Miller - 29.03.2023 09:02

Huh. I have many feelings. Mainly excitement, frustration and shame. And confusion. Because I've been having trouble with Sway+OBS (also VLC and others, just trying to do a dumb network screen stream for proof of concept) on Arch with nVidia+Intel. I get the black capture. Hooray, somebody's fixed Wayland capture... but it already works? So I'm missing something, or nVidia or Sway is broken? Le sigh.

Álan Crístoffer
Álan Crístoffer - 29.03.2023 09:00

Not wayland related, but MATLAB ships with old versions of some libraries on linux, so you have to delete some of them to force the app use the sysetm ones, otherwise many things won't work. It's been like that for years now and I have no idea why they don't just fix it.

Sjoerd Stendahl
Sjoerd Stendahl - 29.03.2023 08:51

”Discord is the one that matters here”

Maybe it’s me, but either me or Brody (and probably many in the comments) are living in a bubble, as Teams, Zoom and probably Slack are definitely way more important than Discord is and are used by a much broader part of the population. Don’t forget that most people simply do not play games, be it Linux or Windows. (Yes, Discord is bigger than just games, but it’s there where the core audience lies)

Feng Lengshun
Feng Lengshun - 29.03.2023 08:29

The classic "Okay, we tried giving people incentive to fix the issue properly, it didn't, so let's just hack something together that works" approach. Reminds me of Proton vs Native Linux games.

x0kosmus0x - 29.03.2023 07:55

In my experience such a stop gap is likely to turn into a permanent "solution" because it reduces the pressure on discord (and others) to implement proper Wayland screen casting.

Waitwhat469 - 29.03.2023 07:25

Could each X app get it's own xwayland compositor and then only allow specific apps to be shared from each other xwayland session and wayland via this bridge?

Manan Kataria
Manan Kataria - 29.03.2023 06:28

What's the issue with audio sharing 🤔?

Chameleon Scheimong
Chameleon Scheimong - 29.03.2023 06:25

Can't wait til Manjaro ships this.

I don't use Manjaro (not anymore); I just can't wait to see them royally screw something up yet again. It's truly a proud tradition at this point.

scj643 - 29.03.2023 05:55

Discord screen sharing on macOS is broken because they don't use Screen Capture Kit and make you install a buggy audio driver called Audio Capture Engine

paherbst524 - 29.03.2023 05:32

Oh Wayland, someday you'll be worth it.

TrickyPR - 29.03.2023 05:22

As a note, the browser workaround for discord doesn’t actually work on sway. Because of some gdk jank, Firefox will crash if you try to screenshare on sway :(

Some Guy
Some Guy - 29.03.2023 05:11

While this is cool, I think in the long run, for Discord specifically, if they aren't willing to treat Linux as a first class platform, then the future is probably running the Windows client in Wine.

Lindot with akei
Lindot with akei - 29.03.2023 04:35

I was thinking about this a year before. Glad someone implemented it
