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Ealdorman_of_Mercia - 02.10.2023 02:11

in my playthrough, there is 1 major federation of 4 AI factions, they have federation fleets of more than 10 million weapon power.. How the hell am I supposed to compete with that..

The one Sith to rule them all
The one Sith to rule them all - 12.03.2023 02:48

The onyl game they where ever a threat to me Was then the empire awakend, zook out my neoghtbour, only for the Pretoria to spirn befor i culd Deal with them and after that one of my Subjekts wared with another fallen empire... thats 600k fleet power every time, by the time i culd Deal with the empire, i had 1.5mil and they had 3mil

River Injun
River Injun - 06.01.2023 21:37

I got war in heaven so I quickly built up my forces only for the crisis warning to appear. I stayed out of the war to crush most of the crisis (left some to divide the attention of one of the FE) but by the time I joined EVERY system (large map) had a 80k-100k+ station and fleets in every third system. I had a 400k total fleet power.😅 I didn’t win

Grim reaper Keeper of souls
Grim reaper Keeper of souls - 28.12.2022 08:40

U can destroy 2 of the 3 fallen empires and let 1 awaken and after a while they will build more dimensional fabricators and etc. ( good if your lazy on management of worlds and easy way to get op stuff)

DrewPicklesTheDark - 28.12.2022 02:54

Most of my games this thing is much harder to stop than the end-game crisis.

Jake Fernandez
Jake Fernandez - 13.11.2022 18:05

Love the Babylon 5 reference

I Love Spongebob
I Love Spongebob - 13.10.2022 00:57

i exploited this and tempest to become galactic emperor,curbstomping AE wannabes with a total amount of 2 mil fp isfun,same as using death star on their capitals moons,put a mining station and conquer the planet to make extra humilitation that no awakened or not empire stands in way of emperor

Iron Assault Drama
Iron Assault Drama - 22.08.2022 16:42

Stellaris players who were unlucky enough to get both War in Heaven and the endgame crisis at the same time be like: 😧

JustRuler - 28.07.2022 09:23

A materialist empire awakened and screwed up not only the hyperlanes but also glitched out my construction ships, now they're looking at me like I'm the last piece of pizza. Any help?

spiders - 26.07.2022 03:29

the first time i built up enough fleet power to steamroll an awoken empire was the best feeling ever

3Lemmonz - 21.07.2022 08:00

Me: Scouring the galaxy to find a empire that's not in the enemy federation to war against.
FE I had no idea existed: Why do I hear boss music?

Siegebreaker41 - 14.07.2022 04:05

Once I was playing a random game absorbing the galaxy by authoritarian means and whilst in the middle of ‘Aquiring fallen empire assets’ they decided to awaken during our ‘war of aquisition’ because my technology level rose very high when I murdered the spiritualist ones
This only prolonged their life for about 10 mins since I only gave them enough time to build 1 additional fleet
And that was the day I realised that genetically enhanced Psychic Cyborgs do in fact exist and are extremely powerful

Mark Davis
Mark Davis - 13.06.2022 20:35

I love how the War in Heaven (and the fallen empires in general) is basically a homage to Babylon 5. They even lifted some of the text for the event directly from the show. Stellaris is a love letter to Sci Fi, tbh

D. N
D. N - 11.06.2022 02:32

So the War in Heaven won't start unless the rival empire's fleet power is 40k very subtle paradox

RandomlyGeneratedName - 03.06.2022 03:11

Will start a countdown when you get a total of 40k fleet power, me trying to deal with L grey whilst sat between all 4 fallen empires, oh

Yonnic Land
Yonnic Land - 01.06.2022 15:49

John Sheridan quote earned a subscription

Shawn Phillips
Shawn Phillips - 28.05.2022 19:56

The war in heaven 🤔

I Explodonater I
I Explodonater I - 27.05.2022 06:42

Both sides be vibing until I eat their capital stars

climax050 - 19.05.2022 09:33

I have managed to spawn with about ten systems between the two fallen empires, and in between two giant confederations of basically everyone else in the galaxy. There is only one solution i see to this and that is to get the colossus because we're going cleansing. The Xeno's have chosen death and no proxy war will be fought in my space and on my planets be they federations or awakened empires.

Ниф Лим
Ниф Лим - 17.05.2022 17:40

500k fleet at my homesystem. And 250k riders to capture my system...

Ben Donnelly
Ben Donnelly - 26.04.2022 23:43

"Now get the hell out of our galaxy, both of you!"

Kristian Thaler
Kristian Thaler - 09.04.2022 10:34

I really loved the first few seconds. How do you move the in-game cam so slowly and smoothly?

Machixius - 11.03.2022 21:50

Playing DE with +1.3k alloy production per month
"Awakened empire? Took the galaxy long enough to finally have a challenge."

J. Vinton
J. Vinton - 18.02.2022 00:22


Gunni Bunni
Gunni Bunni - 26.01.2022 07:14

You missed out on a perfect excuse to use the Pillar Men Theme (it's called Awaken).

Leaf lotus
Leaf lotus - 16.01.2022 10:07

Was that piano music at start, Moonlight?

Northstar - 10.01.2022 11:24

First game after buying most of the dlcs and The war in heaven has started by ~2420, half the Galaxy joined one side, the other half went neutral, my economy is in shambles from my new overlord taxing me for everything I have, and on top of all that, the crisis is soon to appear in the middle of all of it. Fun game.

Anfitras - 10.01.2022 00:53

Your overlord awakening as a Scion: pillarmen theme starts playing AWAKEN MY MASTERS!
Awakening a spiritualist FE via World-Cracker: Wake up you wrinkly sack of hallowed dung, either you die or I die

mattep74 - 04.01.2022 09:21

Yesterday i fought a ae with superior tech but inferior economy and fleets. It took me 2 hours to overcome the defenses in the home systems. I just spammed gun fodder...I ment infantry. The other ae in the galaxy still is friendly to me despite me having over half the galaxy. It is 2400 and the game will last untill 3200. I hope i get a crisis worthy of the name

Based Imperialism
Based Imperialism - 15.12.2021 06:39

When you're a Fanatic Spiritualist and the Spiritualist Fallen Empire awakens:
Pillar Man theme starts playing

idkmanlifesucks - 10.12.2021 19:18

Essentially I played as a robotic empire and 2 FE's awakened at the same time and started a full out war against the whole galaxy other than me cuz I found some dudes head, so I'm racking up fleet power like crazy fast now so once they're at their lowest I'm going to absolutely screw them over

Zach Paterson
Zach Paterson - 07.12.2021 13:46

I was lucky in that I became custodian and set up the GDF when the great khan emerged, so by the time of the war in heaven I had 4-6 fleets of around 100k power each (Including Federation). Part of the GDF stayed independent though in the form of a 1,000,000 power fleet that just crushed the crisis and let me clean up the pitiful rest left behind. 😂

BSMC - 03.12.2021 19:43

First playthrough, a fallen empire awakened, the benevolent interventionalists, a few years later the unbidden came along. Didn't know much about the game so ignored them at first seeing as they were across the galaxy realised the unbidden were an endgame crisis when they popped up in the galactic senate as someone to gather against. I went to check back and saw 2 fallen empires just stomping them back into oblivion.

Oliver Smalley
Oliver Smalley - 02.11.2021 19:12

It took me an embarrassingly long time and an embarrassing few saves destroyed before I realized that Awakened Empires were actually just Fallen Empires and I could nip them right in the bud by conquering them, so now as soon as I get some decent fleet power the first thing I do is claim all their stuff and declare war.

Dogbone - 22.10.2021 03:30

I've only fought a fallen empire once, as a fanatic purifier nonetheless. Iced them like nothing.

Jeep3r D
Jeep3r D - 11.10.2021 03:23

I don't know, i came across the Directors... and damn, they suddenly appear out of nowhere with 70+ k power on one fleet and on top of that the federation does nothing to help... well except lay claim to systems i recovered from the fallen empire... i think i'll opt out the fallen empires from my next game setting.

Icewolf Wolfie
Icewolf Wolfie - 05.10.2021 12:45

Hi aspec.. I have a problem.. The war in heaven refuses to start.. At the moment I made a galactic imperium am able to defeat all fallen empires and so on.. So I'm ready yet I can't start a war in heaven.. The materialist and spiritualist empire still exists so.. I don't understand what's going on.. Is it after endgame? Bc I accidentally put way to much time rather than a lil bit more time on the setting for it to become end game

MajorMagers - 24.09.2021 06:53

b5 reference give a +5 to charisma

True North Gaming
True North Gaming - 18.09.2021 22:28

Finding out you can't go to war for your freedom until the war in heaven ends: 😑

L@st Hero
L@st Hero - 12.09.2021 11:24

So… I know there is some events when the fallen empires awaken in the endgame crisis

GuyWho WatchesStuff
GuyWho WatchesStuff - 29.08.2021 23:36

I saw this video in my recommended a couple minutes after both my Materialists fallen empire and Spiritualist empires woke up, also I have the scion origin so the Materialists empire is gonna kick my teeth in

Uncle Fester
Uncle Fester - 24.08.2021 19:35


Mogunsforme - 20.08.2021 23:54

laughs in gigastructures

Ryujin No Kami
Ryujin No Kami - 06.08.2021 16:48

I had to sign a pact with the devil (console commands) to fend off the opposite faction

aptspire - 29.07.2021 08:20

Custodians: MAAA! Ma, there's a weird f***ing robot out there! I don't want it starting a fight with the young races! It's ok, young races, it's ok!

Kirk Crawford
Kirk Crawford - 20.07.2021 05:10

I turned invincible on I. The console to take one of these out to get this to happen but none of them ever awakened. Was very dissappointed

Robert Negron
Robert Negron - 13.07.2021 23:38

Nice choice in music for Clair de lune to dethklok awaking lmao

wiej007 - 21.06.2021 14:50

Me now being custoudian of galaxy council, having all other empires under mine protection, leader of hegemony federacion:
-Sooo you want to fight? I will show you there is new power in the galaxy.

Benjamin Cruz
Benjamin Cruz - 15.06.2021 14:08

So thats the mechanics for War in Heaven, it doesnt occur to me beacuse i keep stomping down Fe's whenever they awaken in regular games i'll allow it next game, so for now i fear i must fully prevent any FE's from any sort of War in Heaven or awakening in my recent playthrough until i can match them or i'll lose cause each FE have 2m fleet power per fleet rip (ZoFE mods courtesy) i only have 300k currently lol
