Rental Crisis: Why are Landlords Selling Their Properties?

Rental Crisis: Why are Landlords Selling Their Properties?


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@boxingtruth2167 - 22.11.2023 00:04

Landlords are leaving the market in mass exodus!
Sad to say but people have got what they deserved from a clueless bunch of politicians
From BOTH parties

Renters…’s gonna get a lot worse for you
Rents WILL increase
Landlords will continue to leave making less available rental properties = more homeless and people fighting for properties

This is a clear fact

@JohnSmith-bb1cl - 19.11.2023 22:11

Just to give you some idea what the conservatives have done in the private rental secor as a property rental provider for 20 years. Before George Osbourne let say you purchased a property with a mortgage of 500 per month, and you rented out for 1000 per month, your profit was 500 per month which you pay tax on at approx 36% so net profit was 320 per month minus repairs. Since the Tories came to power you now get taxed on the rental income, which is 360 plus the mortgage of 500 means your now making 140 per month minus repairs. Insurance is about 55 per month which means most property renters are making less than 100 quid per month. Now interest rates double and your now loosing 400 per month per property. ALL becuase of Tories tax policy this is why private rental providers are leaving, this is why your living with your parents, in a hostel or on the streets, not the people who provide properties to rent its the government you vote for.

@Ligucis306 - 16.11.2023 14:13

Not the cash buyers!! The profit in!!

@anest-uk - 14.11.2023 23:04

Not all landlords are leveraged. I find it odd, and possibly not quite right, that leveraged landlording even exists. It certainly makes you a hard worker for not a lot if you are a higher rate taxpayer. Meanwhiie unleveraged landlording e.g. in the midlands as I do is very different - I've had a tenured university prof as tenant for years and literally keep urging him to buy, especially now he has an inheritance. But some people are very risk-averse and don't realise: renting is risky, buying with cash much less so. It's hard to find a tangible asset with no substitutes whose price is (in effect) indexed to wages and the income too.

@ajayrajesh4427 - 13.11.2023 21:04

In my opinion, a housing market crash is imminent due to the high number of individuals who purchased homes above the asking price despite the low interest rates. These buyers find themselves in precarious situations as housing prices decline, leaving them without any equity. If they become unable to afford their homes, foreclosure becomes a likely outcome. Even attempting to sell would not yield any profits. This scenario is expected to impact a significant number of people, particularly in light of the anticipated surge in layoffs and the rapid increase in the cost of living.

@Letshaveafewbeers - 13.11.2023 17:52

A big problem is that there are a lot of landlords that can't even afford to maintain their properties for renters. Like installing boilers and heaters. Those are the people the government need to go after.

@damianbutterworth2434 - 07.11.2023 12:10

The sewage system has blown up outside my house because of all the new houses built. No chance of a doctor. Need to sort all the other stuff out first before building new houses. Then when they do build too many they say there is no parking and you have to pay to park???

@DaveEden07 - 03.11.2023 18:31

So much bias in this piece it's absurd....... name another person that pays tax on a loss?? TLDR has a clear agenda.

@DaveEden07 - 03.11.2023 18:29

"increased interest rates" ignores that BTL landlords have been net sellers every quarter since 2016..... Interest tax relief scheme also presented with buyers. Reality: All businesses are taxed on profits. That's not being called "generous" anywhere else. Unless your business is as a BTL landlord - then you get taxed on net revenues.

@MimaLopez-jt4vq - 28.10.2023 07:29

The current housing crisis in UK is unfolding as a multifaceted challenge that requires our collective attention and strategic solutions. As real estate prices continue their upward trajectory, the dream of homeownership is slipping away for many hardworking individuals and families, leaving them in the throes of an unsettling rental market.

@josephyates9936 - 28.10.2023 04:11

- Restrict property ownership to one adult person or family household in the UK.
- Any residential property owner must be a bona fide resident in the UK.
- Everything other residential property previously owned by multiple property owners goes onto the market with a deadline of 2 months to be sold.

UK housing problem solved within 6 months.

@darleyt1 - 27.10.2023 20:31

You are fucked if you live in the UK. With a massive caviet (your single). You can expect an average wage say 32000 a year to live in a tiny flat broke as fuck living off pasta. You cant go out or afford any hobbies. Like outdoor activities that don't cost anything, you're fucked, every scrap of land is private, even camping is illegal on public land. Suicide is sky rocketing and I can see why. If you have money or come from money the UK is bearable.The average bank of mum and dad now gives an average of 50k to fund that first house. You need, if single, to earn approximately 60,000 a year (top 10%) to have any standard of living. This wont mean a life of luxury, it means a house (terraced) in a shit city, 1 holiday a year and lots of overtime. To put things into perspective, the average wage for a graduate in the UK in the sixties was around 40 to 50k, today its 18k. History will look back at how the UK became the most unequal society on Earth with the most dramatic fall from grace to the shit hole it is now. Your options are 1) Get into the top 10%, 2) Work for the top 10%. Where has the money gone, simple. Into a very few peoples pockets.

@nicolasbenson009 - 26.10.2023 15:01

Because so many people overpaid for homes even while loan rates were low, I believe there will be a housing catastrophe because these people are in debt. If housing costs continue to drop and, for whatever reason, they can no longer afford the property and it goes into foreclosure, they have no equity since, even if they try to sell, they will not make any money. I believe that many individuals will experience this, especially given the impending mass layoffs and rapidly rising living expenses.

@user-zo6mh8gn3f - 12.10.2023 14:27

This is tory Britain 😢

@user-zo6mh8gn3f - 12.10.2023 14:26

Let's get things right for once, most landlords vote tory for government, let's cut our losses, and make people homeless

@billwhiz1 - 11.10.2023 18:59

You do not pay capital gains tax on primary property if more than two years residence as primary property please give us facts not fiction

@Roltun - 10.10.2023 13:12

London godby

@PiOfficial - 10.10.2023 10:33

There isn’t a lack of house building. You are incredibly biased.

@olgamelo676 - 07.10.2023 03:40

I think it is fair enough!
Landlords have been earning/stealing lots from tenants. I dont sorry for them.
They are losing what they toke from innocent tenants. I am very happy they are falling!!!aleluia!!!

@netty8960 - 03.10.2023 01:14

I don’t blame them, mortgaged up to their eyeballs, can’t pass all these interest rate increases on the poor tenant and can’t afford to absorb the rate increase, defo time to bail.

@ISchots - 30.09.2023 20:38

You can raise rent only so much before you have to start evicting people and that's an unpleasant business.

@JohnMelaries - 30.09.2023 18:38

Given what you saying, the rental market is getting squeezed.

@beefy0978 - 30.09.2023 09:29

When will we realise you can’t tax the rich. They are the very ones who have the means to move their wealth and potentially themselves somewhere more accommodating. There are ways to do it such as by taxing turnover rather than profit, so that profit can’t be moved, but rich people also make the rules. 2nd homes are the remit of the middle class who are slowly being wiped out. That’s bad for us all. Do you really think it’s possible to make the leap from poor to rich without the middle class?

@trueseeker262 - 28.09.2023 13:04

I blame the BNO Hong Kong immigrants buying up all the property!

@DivineArchirekt - 27.09.2023 11:47

"You will own nothing and be happy for it."

Im sure the large investment companies will snap up those properties. Only the super rich will own properties soon. The renter will get all the responsibility of paying a mortgage without any of the lasting wealth. What a future we have ahead of us.

@christopherlangaigne9260 - 26.09.2023 03:22

This country is finished. Stealth tax after stealth tax. No forward thinking. The average worker keeps 20 - 30% of earnings with the rest going to the government. How is the country supposed to progress. No foresight.

@PB111627 - 25.09.2023 17:58

Build houses and the freeloaders in government will soon turn up to confiscate your property!

@jedics1 - 25.09.2023 12:14

Where I live my landlords land rates have doubles in 3 years to a ridiculous 20 grand a quarter, he is looking at selling understandibly and I will be screwed, this is the world we live in.

@willywonka69xx - 24.09.2023 23:25

I live in California... interesting to read how people demonize those who worked harder or risked more in the same fashion. Lazy people, the world over, offer the same crying and whining stories!

@davefish8107 - 24.09.2023 12:28

Why have a house to rent out and get a 7% return when you can get the same amount just putting the money in investments. I looked at buying a property to rent out about 10 years ago and didn’t
think it was worth the hassle. It seemed to me the only people making money were ones that didn’t
go through a rental agency and then you can get problems if people don’t pay

@der_radierer6426 - 23.09.2023 17:48

The UK housing market always has been insane.

@divinaratty601 - 23.09.2023 17:19

because you let this slavery down and immigrants down and migrants down and foreigners down and refugees down and your allies down too,not only that all this hard working peoples money you get that in the banks all over the world.

@divinaratty601 - 23.09.2023 17:16

end of the world now,because you never stopped this wars and curroption and sex trafficking and drug trafficking and human trafficking and terrorism and LGBTQ (etc)you never follow the ten commandments and Jesus Christ so that's what you want wait for this wrath of our heavenly father and Jesus Christ and Mother Mary.

@divinaratty601 - 23.09.2023 17:11

all in this world is belongs to Adam and Eve i give you a clue who is Adam he is Jesus Christ and who is Eve she Mary or me i'm one person too,that means no more land or houses for rich or richest or royal families or AntiChrist peoples all over the world,because Jesus and Mary and Joseph they back now to their kingdom this earth.

@divinaratty601 - 23.09.2023 17:05

because that land belongs to Jesus Christ

@stevenjohnson5126 - 23.09.2023 09:48

And the population keeps growing via open door immigration

@mbplove - 22.09.2023 04:34

The explanation on the “data scientists” formula is flawed as CGT is not always paid as a lot of sales just incur “higher rate on additional dwelling” which is a 3% surcharge on SDLT.

@Arterexius - 21.09.2023 18:56

Dont worry folks, the entire market will crash when the boomers die off

@michaeldeutschmann5992 - 21.09.2023 14:41

They sell up because they been ripping us off for a long time ,and now this has been turned around .

@victablet3480 - 21.09.2023 10:00

Meanwhile airbnb lives the high life. Airbnb ll were even given bailouts in the pandemic. Imagine.

@victablet3480 - 21.09.2023 09:45

Unintended consequences: the government has crimped small time btl landlords, meaning that the ones that remain are the big scale multiple property ownwrs who do everything through a limited company, and dont pay as much tax. That alrwady badly distorted the london market, and the Gov are making things even worse, especially when airbnb is totally unregulated! No wonder theres no whereto live in Cornwall.

@andrewj22 - 21.09.2023 01:02

So many errors in reasoning in this video:

1) Just because landlords are selling units, doesn't mean that those units aren't being bought by other landlords. If that were the case, the sales would have no bearing on the number of units available on the rental market.

2) Even if the unit is sold to someone who will make it their principal residence, and it ceases be a rental unit. Someone who would have otherwise been a renter is no longer needing a rental unit to live in. That is, the housing isn't getting demolished. The total number of units, and the total number of people living in those units remains the same regardless of the number of sales. Since prices are a function of supply and demand, and both supply and demand aren't affected by the home sales, prices should also not be affected.

@DuDoCech - 20.09.2023 17:26

Sure but people still get to live in houses they bought.

@pamelamckenzie2685 - 20.09.2023 15:14

The country is a business that it.

@pamelamckenzie2685 - 20.09.2023 15:11

We all that rent want affordable rents and long team home a home we can say its home. not keep moving.

@MrBunglor - 20.09.2023 01:46

The renters reform bill has practically no chance of making it onto the statute book (ie passed as law) by this autumn as you described and this was clear at the time you made this video in August. Currently there is no Commons second reading date scheduled and Parliament has gone into recess. Even if government had scheduled a second reading as soon as Parliament returned from summer recess the number of feasible business days before xmas to complete the minimum amount of Commons and Lords stages is extremely limited given conference recess. I do not understand how you would have come to this conclusion in August.

@misslanapaulford - 19.09.2023 22:43

NO ONE should be accidentally getting pregnant unless you can afford to have that baby. Not its okay the government benefits or complain about child costs or housing. Dont get pregnant or have sex knowing you might get pregnant unless you have a roof over your head and some money. If you do have unprotected we (England) Free morning after pill at all chemist and free Abortions.

@Juicy_slut21111 - 18.09.2023 04:07

I need someone to pay my rent 😢😢

@bengun1 - 17.09.2023 23:44

2,500,000 new arrivals in two years all need somewhere to live.
