If My Daughter Was Gay...

If My Daughter Was Gay...

Ninja Mommy

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Carmen - 19.11.2023 17:49

Islam is the biggest cancer of planet earth.

 typicallyalya ꪔ̤̮
typicallyalya ꪔ̤̮ - 11.11.2023 05:22

at least you'd still love her and thats good ♥️

سلام Jepeur
سلام Jepeur - 08.11.2023 05:22

We must protect our children from Western mentalities that allow children to join a colored society, brainwash them, and raise them on the existence of a third, fourth, and fifth gender, and 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈. Children must be protected from this. Secularists and criminal atheists must stay away from Muslims, their affairs, and their children.

mery kejt
mery kejt - 07.11.2023 11:32

Good that you would love your child no matter who they date but the vision of one's mother not going to their wedding is really sad

German Shepherd
German Shepherd - 06.11.2023 09:03

Why did Muhammad have 11 wives?

RoseDiamond 413
RoseDiamond 413 - 03.11.2023 23:31

Having an opposing view does not mean hatred. It's uncomfortable for both parties in this scenario, but it's still respectful. It doesn't have to be hateful.

Barbara Bruce
Barbara Bruce - 21.10.2023 04:28

If you dont attend your daughters wedding because of your religion that is not showing her unconditional love.
But if your daughter were 6 years old and marries a 54 year old man who consumates their marriage when she is 9 years old , would you support that? Because that is what Mohammed did so that must be ok.
Not cool ! Why are you accepting of this pediphilia ?

Naehal Mulazim
Naehal Mulazim - 18.10.2023 23:06

All the people saying her children would be hurt, it seems very difficult for you to imagine or consider that this is a Muslim household it's happening in. Just think for a moment, how Sidra would have raised them. They would've been raised with core Islamic values that would make their thinking much different from yours. They would understand how wrong this is for them.

You think religion is as important as school grades, not worth making life decisions over. Being in an environment that undermines religion's role in your life does that. Ideally, the daughter should not even be publicizing it, if she's a Muslim. If you can't stop from a sin, keep it private. It's different if she isn't a Muslim, then she would've probably moved out before this happened. If she is, this relationship would go against the daughter's own beliefs, let alone her mother. The mother not attending the wedding is a pretty small issue before all the other, staggering mental and emotional conflicts that will come up.
Sidra's answer is also a bit more politically correct than religiously conformant - in reality, she would try to convince her daughter against this, and if she can't, preserve the allowed parts of their relationship by not having any part in it.
You think it would be a strain in your relationship because you're imagining some other personal reason for a parent being against lgbt. You are not imagining a Muslim household where sentiments will be vastly different than what you're thinking for BOTH sides. For some perspective: the feelings would be similar to celebrating a win with your mother who knows full well how much you cheated for it, and getting hurt if she doesn't join in.
I'm sorry if this is too harsh, but it's also harsh for me, seeing my religion - no, my way of life being reduced to some optional, mystic beliefs that should not influence me in any way the public can see. Over and over, for as long as the internet has been around.

Nūr Lee
Nūr Lee - 18.10.2023 04:48

You did a very good job. Alhumdulillah.

Sydney Sahota
Sydney Sahota - 12.10.2023 03:29

As a Catholic, this is also our response. It is sad to see so many Christians adopt sin and excuse it away. The bible is clear on homosexuality being an abomination to God.

Too wiggly for school
Too wiggly for school - 08.10.2023 06:27

I’m queer and Muslim what do I do? I can’t stop being the way I am and people always attack me on the internet

Bratzismylife💕 - 05.10.2023 15:49

My mum is not like that at all, she would abandon me if I was gay. Thank god I’m not because she’ll kick me out and hate me and verbally abuse me. She’s Muslim but I feel she can treat me like crap and then never apologise for what she does.💔

David - 02.10.2023 16:13

Common W ninja mommy but not attending the wedding is a little bit too much

Oliver Bengtsson
Oliver Bengtsson - 01.10.2023 01:17

A religion where it's forbidden to marry someone of the same sex but it's permitted to marry your relatives.🤡

Oliver Bengtsson
Oliver Bengtsson - 01.10.2023 01:11

Homophobia is disgusting. I strongly dislike Islam.

TAIGA - 18.09.2023 20:25

Not coming to the weeding of your own child can be rlly hurtful and i bet even if she is welcome at your house she wouldn't want to come. Dont risk losing your kids like that

J Singh
J Singh - 15.09.2023 06:41

May God guide our children towards the straight path. God forbid any of our children choose this path. May Allah SWT protect us. Ameen

Sav - 11.09.2023 13:17

I love ur username

Me Jhon
Me Jhon - 11.09.2023 02:00

Alot muslims are gay, go to the middle east you will see how men touch each other like thry are more then friends

Gao - 10.09.2023 20:30

There is nothing wrong with love ❤ if you don't accept it, the problem is in you

Erick Price
Erick Price - 26.08.2023 07:10

Remember folks this would be after intense religious therapy sessions and a bunch of shaming.

Lud Azz
Lud Azz - 14.08.2023 05:30

My issue is many LGBTQ+ community people become suicidal because they are not accepted and supported by their family for loving the same sex person and being in a gay relationship. Is that what Allah really wants? To have one feel suicidal because they are forbidden to love the same sex person? To live a miserable life because they know that they cannot actually be their true self because their religion forbids them to love who they want?

It's the same as me saying if my daughter were to turn Muslim I will love her unconditionally but i cannot support her choice and she won't be allowed to wear the hijab. Lol

Shukri y
Shukri y - 09.08.2023 04:13


Zaid Al-Hindawi
Zaid Al-Hindawi - 11.07.2023 19:27

Pretty simple.
If you accept everything, you stand for nothing.
If you truly believe in something, you stand for it.

tony kailaa
tony kailaa - 11.07.2023 04:06

why are you covered like that? i feel like your taking your religion to the extreme . also when you talk about accaptance many people in the west can find your lifestyle is so outdated 😁

Hijabi autism_adhd mom
Hijabi autism_adhd mom - 09.07.2023 16:15

I’m a revert, so I struggle with these situations that I may have been apart of or even supported in the past.

Dimitris Skar
Dimitris Skar - 06.07.2023 00:33

not attend your kid's wedding cuz someone said sth centuries ago...

Clover Head
Clover Head - 26.06.2023 22:57

You mean sapphic ?

Crazllana - 23.06.2023 19:30

I appreciate that you’ll still love your daughter unconditionally, but still very messed up and upsetting that you can’t accept her partner or even come to they’re wedding just bc some religion said too.

Meghan the Reader
Meghan the Reader - 22.06.2023 22:03

I'm the same but as a Christian

Bell - 22.06.2023 13:26

The best parent ever

Justice - 18.06.2023 03:29

It's says in The Qur’ân
Surah 60
O you who believe
Do not take those who are enemies of ME and you for friends
Would you send them messages of love and friendship while they have denied the Truth

The Holy Bible
Ye cannot drink the cup of the LORD and the cup of the devil
you cannot be partakers of the LORDS table and the table of the devil

2 Corinthians 6:14
Be not ye unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?
And what communion hath light with darkness?

Luke 11:23
He that is not with me is against me

A person is either with GOD or satan

Spirt of GOD
demonic spirit

There's no in between

The enemy of GOD is my enemy
I will tell you why
If you don't Love and respect GOD then you don't love and respect anyone period
It's real simple

Would you take satan as your friend?
So why would you take one of his soldiers as your friend

Gay is an abomination
A evil crime against GOD
There's no gay people in heaven no exceptions
When a person dies you either going to heaven or hell
Guess where all the disrespectful gays are at?
In the Hellfire

Ravi P
Ravi P - 15.06.2023 20:43

Thats a very good answer but its easy answer bcoz u r not living in a Islamiccountry. What will u do if u are living in a Islamic country or a country where law is based on sharia? Will u accept the death penalty to your child for engaging in gay sex or going to fight against Islamic law for your daughter?

fiefie 💀
fiefie 💀 - 15.06.2023 18:34

my mom said she’d disown me so this warms my heart and brings me to tears

ब्लू _जे
ब्लू _जे - 15.06.2023 13:18

Your husband is a soyboy and you have no problem with your children turning to lesbian and gay 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

ब्लू _जे
ब्लू _जे - 15.06.2023 13:09

If Prophet Lut had thought in this way, he wouldn't have abandoned his tribe when the curse of Allah had befallen upon them

Late to da Game
Late to da Game - 09.06.2023 21:32

I'm cancelling you!

Violet Todoroki
Violet Todoroki - 03.06.2023 05:37

I’m bisexual and my mom hates me so I’m leaving I’m only nine but it’s for the best

Carocado - 27.05.2023 17:38

Marrying relatives is ok….🤣🤣

Blinnie - 27.05.2023 10:43

If just gay okay, but doing gay things will beheaded. May Prophet Muhammad do beheads gays too. Saudi, Iraq, Iran, and Syria doing this too. And Chechnya

DeathValleyPaintBallWarrior - 19.05.2023 09:40

I am so glad to see someone who is willing to stand for what is right rather than to give into the pc culture/identity politics stuff. But I’m also glad that you would still love your children. Your love could be the very thing that might bring them back to Islam! 💕🙏

circlingsaturn - 18.05.2023 05:24

I dont understand why religions treat us like we chose this. I didn't chose to be gay, I didn't chose to be trans. It's not a choice i didn't select an option when filling out my brain development. I am a convert and i have been told over and over and over again that I can't be both I have to pick one. THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS! I believe in Allah swt, but I don't believe that a loving and merciful God would make something one does not chose to be a sin. I don't believe it. And that has been my biggest struggle with all the Abrahamic religions but especially the one I call home.

Auberon - 16.05.2023 14:25

Well what can I say… you will not kill her ofcourse but by saying you will be there to support her and you will respect her wife it always depends on what kind of respect. You also need to show her and talk to her how wrong is she and that this is not acceptable and it’s so haram not just chill and let her in peace

Ileana - 08.05.2023 15:46

woman not allowed to show her face due to a man made fantasy trying to tell others how to live and proud of her cult. hilarious

Summer Miller
Summer Miller - 06.05.2023 06:05

Agreed. The words of the Creator, though abondoned by some, will come first. Child or child not. I wont see you going down the wrong path and suport you with it.

Peter McRabbit
Peter McRabbit - 02.05.2023 01:26

I am a Catholic and I would do the same thing if my children were gay. I would still love them the same would not hate their partner but just wouldn't support their lifestyle.

Alpine Motel
Alpine Motel - 01.05.2023 04:36

As a gay man who has been completely (and violently) disowned by my Christian parents, I do have some feelings about this. When I came out to my parents, I never asked them for their approval. Because their approval is neither desired nor required. The only thing desired would be their acceptance. Acceptance and approval are not the same thing. Acceptance is just that -- accepting that this is how it is, whether or not you agree with it or condone it. Approval means to condone and agree with something. I do respect your Islamic beliefs about homosexuality. However, as much as you say your love for your children is "unconditional", it's not actually. It's, "I love you and you're welcome here as long as you don't speak about that part of your life." It's "I love you, but not all of you." It's, "You're a sinner. But so is everyone else in my life. I just choose your sin to be unhappy about." Again, just my personal opinion and feelings as a gay man who has been through it. I do respect you so much. And I love your channel. Keep on being you!!!

Yahya khan khokhar
Yahya khan khokhar - 23.04.2023 21:28

Fuck this shit lady we should cut of ties with him/her

Marius Baltazar Rozenberg-Holszanski
Marius Baltazar Rozenberg-Holszanski - 23.04.2023 00:41

"hate on" = bad grammar

Giovanna Lara
Giovanna Lara - 08.04.2023 00:15

I hate religion.
