How to use OpenLiteSpeed as Reverse Proxy

How to use OpenLiteSpeed as Reverse Proxy


1 год назад

6,917 Просмотров

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Brandon Johnson
Brandon Johnson - 05.09.2023 20:54

I love cyberpanel and openlitespeed. Amazing products, I have a question. In cyberpanel with the addon plugins, if you purchase the complete package, is the purchase only for the server you are on? Or can you add the purchase to multiple servers. I see on cyberpersons platform you can connect all your servers and manage them in one interface. So I thought if you made the addon purchase in cyberpersons it could be applied to all your servers vs buying the addons on cyberpanel.

Royal Tunisian
Royal Tunisian - 04.07.2023 22:20

Life saver <3

e-lab innovations
e-lab innovations - 23.03.2023 15:21

how add proxy to websocket?

Pro Gamer
Pro Gamer - 27.01.2023 04:57

what is the purpose of this revese proxy? do i need an extra server for this?

Helder Cruz Mattos
Helder Cruz Mattos - 10.01.2023 05:00

I have a question

JinGu Youn
JinGu Youn - 30.11.2022 17:10

great! proxy! Thank you ^^

Lindsey Cook
Lindsey Cook - 30.11.2022 16:07

i am already using it, the process is so simple on cyberpanel

No extra code writing hassle like nginx proxy configration
