28-Day CARNIVORE vs VEGAN Diet Swap - Results Revealed

28-Day CARNIVORE vs VEGAN Diet Swap - Results Revealed


3 года назад

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@johnjames6045 - 20.05.2021 15:52

I changed from carnivore to plant based 6 months ago and it was the best decision I ever made. This just confirms my decision

@OLskewL - 30.01.2024 14:39

Oh nice, you listen to Tony Anderson (the background track). Good stuff

From someone who eats meat but also cares about Animals. All the best.

Jesus Loves you ❤

@olle6431 - 23.01.2024 17:25

This swap is a joke. It would have been much more believable and realistic after 6 months. But I guess no vegan or carni wants to avoid is beloved live style for so long. The long term changes happen inside of the human body and 28 days are nothing, because mainly the digestive system has to adapt. All the videos, YT is suggesting to me, are a few weeks or a month, which aren't - let's say scientific at all, but reather a mood test. I was eating everything, have no allergies and I am switching right now to carnivore and all I can say, I am feeling, sleeping better than ever. The mind fog and snoring is decreasing, which makes sense, because I have to chew a lot more and trainig my jaw muscles now ;) All I can say, is, it's working for me. If being vegan working for you, do it, enjoy it. I gonna stick to low carb, unprocessed food, avoiding sugar, eating lots of meat and veggies including natural carbs like potatoes, rice etc & fruits. Long term results are already present for both - a vegan and carnivore life. Let's wait a few decades longer and we'll see, who drops first ;)

@tracyeaves4847 - 21.01.2024 05:24

Excellent ---do the experiment on more people

@tracywatts1459 - 20.01.2024 19:30

The instant energy from eating carbs he’s describing is also the culprit of what is called glucose Spike. In diabetics end up with spikes in blood sugars carbs tournaments into sugar after consumed. . Glucose spikes are behind MS Dementia Parkinson’s these are all happening at the cellular level.

@CellarPhantom - 19.01.2024 17:59

I was trying to find videos of carnivores converting to plant based, but this is the only close result I got. On the other hand there's probably hundreds of vegans turning back to meat and some even carnivore. Interesting..

@Amy_Watson - 18.01.2024 18:25

All diets work until they don't. Also, the Vegan was clearly not fat-adapted.

@eugenechen8240 - 16.01.2024 03:46

The only pro vegan comment was pinned by the author indicating his biased opinion. I can tell you I was vegan for 8 years and my health was getting worse by the day. Now I am 3 months into carnivore and I now know what was missing. Vegans will be bread out, I know it first hand, because the poor children that know nothing other than plants fed by their parent's ideology will be less healthy reproductively and the breed will just die out, over time.

@lewokejames - 14.01.2024 11:56

Been doing both (all healthy meat, vegetables and fruit) for the past 2 year and have lost 65 pounds, gained 30 pounds of muscle with minimal / average working out 3 days a week nothing over the top, went from high BP avg 140/100-110 for 10 years to NEVER above 120/85 anytime any day, tired all day everyday and getting exhausted with even the simplest tasks, back, hand, shoulder pain and headaches regularly to virtually non existent
, and very bad overall blood work to my doctor in disbelief of how great it is now .... Soooooo WHY NOT JUST DO BOTH AND STOP TRYING TO BELIEVE ONE IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER? 🤷... also FASTING is key to most of these problems a lot of you mention (i basically do omad and one 72 or 48 at least every 2 weeks) .... And oh yeah if youre not drinking your proper daily amount of water then dont be surprised if no matter what your food diet is that a lot of stuff is effed up.... And i DID do Vegetables and fruit only for 100 days jus a few months back and i felt lethargic, tired, had heightened anxiety and mild depression, and constant diarrhea - all pf these symptoms really high the last 40 days. Take this info for what you will but that was my experience over the past 2 years And now back on regular mixed fruits vegetables and meat diet I feel freaking awesome at 50 years old better than I did in most of my 30s and my entire 40s at least up until 48 when i started this lifestyle

@tr1ckster726 - 13.01.2024 20:36

My body doesn't digest protein well, so i need all the carbz

@sylvania104 - 12.01.2024 10:51

A little misleading report here. Chase had too many carbs to be carnivore. Joe at least explained a little of what he was eating, but nothing was said about what Chase typically ate. The amount of carbs tells a story.

@barrick4807 - 12.01.2024 03:11

Processed meat vs chemical sprayed plants

@barrick4807 - 12.01.2024 03:07

I’d like to see this study from someone who isn’t pro vegan

@rawrnr1 - 09.01.2024 01:26

I’m vegan 30 years
For the animals. I’d like to see a comparison of my blood with a 30 year carnivore…

@CorpsDiplomatique22 - 08.01.2024 19:14

I could never eat 100% carnivore, not even for a week, I would feel gross eating nothing but dead animals who have been treated horribly all their lives and fed hormones and antibiotics. And I don't believe for one second that all those carnivores in the comments buy organic grass-fed meat.
Personally, I eat lots of veggies and salads, try to stay away from sugar, once in a while I eat sardines and pasture-raised eggs (our neighbours have chickens in their garden), and I feel great.
There probably isn't a one size fits all when it comes to diet, everyone has to find out what's best for them by trial and error. But I think as long as you leave out the processed food and junk food you'd probably benefit from and lose weight on any diet, especially if you have been eating the standard American diet before that.

@okieking8503 - 06.01.2024 16:56

Maybe we are just all different? Some say carnivore, some say vegan. Do what works for you

@DonovanAnthonyy - 01.01.2024 08:19

I was was vegan for 8 months. I felt ok, I looked really good as far as hair and skin. But beyond that, can't say I enjoyed it... and a HUGE issue was that once i stopped, i began getting all these issues with vitamin deficiency that i never had. My beard went gray, and I feel like I aged drastically in a very short time span.
Now, I'm a couple months into carnivore. Almost immediately into the diet, I stop snoring, got deeper sleep, depression subsided drastically, what feels like endless amounts energy, 0 aches and pains, not only did it curb my appetite it totally eliminated my cravings... And this was all by week 2.
As far as the video, what I will say is the first month of carnivore is hardest on your digestive system so it's hard to take this at face value. Also, these tests don't add up imo... They measured something that causes inflammation and the vegan diet was better? That makes no sense... most meats aren't inflammatory

@alexandradunnison4641 - 01.01.2024 03:12

You cannot just compare vegan to carnivore you have to consider the source. Are thes animals pasture raised and grass fed, or are they commercially raised? You get very different nutrients from these. It would make more sense to compare an omnivore diet , including organic vegetables and pature raised animals to a vegan diet that is also organic. Commercially raised meats are not good for us, not because they are meat but because they are fed hormones, and antibiotics and are fed an unnatural diet high in omega 6 (which causes inflammation) and these grains are not what they would naturally eat. Just like if you ate a vegan diet full of vegetables sprayed with glyphosate and other chemicals it would not be healthy.

@joepardo7191 - 31.12.2023 03:12

usually beta men are into being a vegan...but going back thousands of years the weak man couldnt hunt meat for his family so not much has changed.

@OsirisDRa - 29.12.2023 15:02

If you go on a carnivore diet you have to know the one or other thing about it, its not just eat meat every day and all be good - nothing good in life is like that..
You need to buy ONLY good meat, without sugar and all that stuff.. and this is only one thing to think about

@agreeablegray535 - 29.12.2023 01:34

Gerting fat adapted does take some time. Giving carnivore 90 days is more reasonable than 30, as it takes the body time to adapt to the change.

@shukrans7623 - 28.12.2023 09:36

The host is biased

@Datacorrupter234 - 25.12.2023 08:11

damn i really wish someone could make an unbiased comparison where both participants actually tried and made a good effort but apparently that isnt here

@annakempinsky3825 - 24.12.2023 01:17

Der kohlenhydrat- und der mischtyp kommen mit pflanzenbasierter Ernährung zurecht.
Der Eiweißtyp leider nicht.
Nach 28 jahren und 4 Genetationen vegan bin ich auf carnivore umgestiegen, weil die gesundheitlichen Probleme nicht weg gingen. Seitdem fast alles weg. Leider.Gegen meine Überzeugung (keinem Tier Schaden zufügen). Im Laufe dessen habe ich auch das mit den Stoffwechseltypen gelernt.

Sobald ich eine tragbare Alternative (Fleischersatz, Getreide, Hülsenfrüchte, Proteinpulver vertrage ich leider nicht) finde, gehe ich diesen Weg.


@newskills3265 - 18.12.2023 17:52

28 days is not enough, you need 3 months really

@davidko1667 - 10.12.2023 19:11

bqgaite smeshni bokluci

@davidlgs - 09.12.2023 21:50

Eat meat. This is the way. -Chad

@WinstonDreadmore - 08.12.2023 02:43

A diet that eliminates processed crap whether vegan or carnivore will always bring big health benefits.

In terms of health benefits I'd say Balanced Raw Vegan > Keto > Carnivore > Processed food eating omnivore > Processed food eating vegan.

At least a processed food eating omnivore gets second hand nutrients from meat.

Whereas vegans that eat a lot of processed foods are losing out on a lot of nutrients and replacing them with trash like palm/vegetable oil, sugar and sweeteners.

In terms of which diet is the best balace of sustainable with health benefits I'd say its probably keto.

Also OMAD / IF is a very useful tool regardless of your chosen diet.

@KevinSamuelsKid - 07.12.2023 15:29

Lmao you can’t take someone who’s been destroying their body with plants and who’s a carb addict to not have a bunch of withdrawal and digestion problems when suddenly switching to an all meat diet, even though this is the correct human diet. Horrible experiment

@carlciulla6546 - 05.12.2023 20:16

Carnivore changed my life and health, when I was eating a balanced organic whole food vegan diet I was sick, my blood test results were awful, I was losing my hair, I was always tired, I had horrible gut and skin inflammation. I’ve been 100% carnivore for almost 2 years now and I’m the healthiest I have ever been in my adult life.

@Maroto21 - 05.12.2023 09:44

Blood work = the biggest lie of of modern medicine.

Every single indicator it provides is useless, since it only informs about the amount if a given substance circulating across at a given point in time. Yet, modern medicine uses it to diagnose disease, order medical procedures and put people on drugs.

@nadinejoyce1203 - 02.12.2023 22:10

Only when you accept the fact that a complete ( all essential amino acids)protein can not be duplicated by combining the incomplete proteins of plants (legumes and grain, i.e. beans and rice) as was falsely asserted by Frances Moore Lappe's 1970's book Diet for a Small Planet, will you give up the insanity of veganic practice.

Carnivory is the true species appropriate diet for humans.
We need the complete amino acid pattern found only in 🥚🥚🍖🍖🥩🥩🍗🍗🥓🥓

One need only look at the vast difference in structure between kids fed nut milk, soy spreads, fake meat and oxalate lectin phytate laden vegetables to see the truth

@UberNerd - 28.11.2023 00:17

LOL... Chase wasn't on a carnivore diet. He was on a keto diet. He had 334 calories from carbs and that is what destroyed the experiment. If you want to do it again, you need to not consume any plant matter at all. This also means cutting out coffee. This wasn't a proper experiment or a case study.

@robjohn6943 - 25.11.2023 09:06

Carnivore diet is not about energy, its about optimal health.

@PannieHomelife-carnivore - 24.11.2023 20:09

Very interesting, I love how open minded these guys were in doing this. Food for thought, thank you

@emiel1976ep - 24.11.2023 07:32

Plantbased bews is a vegan channel and twists data yo get their results so vegan wins.
No meat damages your brain and vegans show it with how dumb they are!

@emiel1976ep - 24.11.2023 07:30

Real data shows that there is no cancer risk by red meat. The real risk is by meat replacements.
Also the other results are based on old info.

85% of the vegans stop to be a vegan because they get sick!
Vegans have a lot of health problems, but the vegan culture is like a religion. Fake or manipulated research is done a lot by vegans. Red meat would be unhealthy according the research, but in fact it is healthy. But the vegans left out the part that it is healthy and used an omnivore diet to compare their vegan dieet with.
Same with the cancer research. It came from data from that same research.

High ldl is healthy. People with high ldl live longer and that is researched.
Same as that 90% of the Diseases disappeared on a carno diet.

So no a vegan dieet isn't better.

@Giatros89 - 17.11.2023 20:28

Fat adaptation and microbiome adjustment makes this a less useful example.

@dawnnwilliams2946 - 16.11.2023 22:47

Why didn’t we hear why the carnivore went back to his diet?

@LynnS-gd8wq - 15.11.2023 04:30

Carnivore is much better for me. Blood sugar tested a few days ago at 82, blood pressure exactly 120 over 80. I have so much energy I'm going to have to start exercising to burn some it off. Stomach problems seem to be healed, I haven't taken prilosec in a few days and no issues. Everything seems to be better. I can easily control my hunger with a small lunch and dinner in the evening. With vegan, always hungry, bloating, couldn't think of anything except what I was going to eat next. Was eating huge family sized bowls of food and was never satisfied. Just miserable. I did vegan for about three months and I've been on carnivore about two. In between, very low carb which I also did pretty well on though I seem to be doing better on pure carnivore it may be harder to sustain and I may add back in a few very low carb vegetable that don't induce cravings for me. On Carnivore I'm eating much more fat which I had always shied away from. I do take K,2,D and Magnesium and I drink two electrolite drinks per day. I have no problems going to the bathroom without fiber. I also tried to quit prilosec on vegan and it about killed me. Severe stomach pains.

@Daniel_CKG - 14.11.2023 19:27

bull....it! carnivore all day!

@user-mb2lh4oq8w - 08.11.2023 17:11

Wish they didn’t only eat meat and just did meat and vegetables like a healthy diet should be 😂

@linkymcfinkelstein6763 - 02.11.2023 22:56

Thank you, now do vegan keto.

@jonah.mp4564 - 02.11.2023 08:56

this seems highly misleading and biased for obvious reasons lmao.

1. the man literally just shows joe explaining his diet and nothing else, did he want to go back or what? we just get chase praising his original decision in choice of diet.
2. the drastic change in diet would surely take longer than a month (?)
3. the results around C reactive protein, cholesterol, insulin and insulin growth factor 1 are hyperbolically overstated and completely glazed over. Okay chase's CRP is crazy low it's really only an indication of inflammation and given the age gap I would have thought it's negligible, considering a normal amount of CRP is >5 ml/L, so joe's 5.1 is only 2% more than a normal amount. Cholesterol is an important precursor to testosterone, oestrogen and many if not all of the hormones we produce. I'm almost certain are studies where lower cholesterol coincides with greater risk of heart failure, despite modern dietary advice. IGP-1 is often part of childhood growth and not having enough can give you a type of dwarfism so of course an excess amount can grow tumours but literally what doesn't cause cancer these days? there's a trillion and one ways to get it from yoga mats to bacon so how do we even quantify risk and likelihood against benefits and lifestyle choices??

I could go on. My point isn't just to be contrarian and critical but rather to highlight that these things aren't as settled as you would hope and so, in order to appeal to a broader audience you must appreciate both sides of a debate.
You don't even need to appeal to both sides, just state your position and why you think it's true.
It's sweet and frustrating that people get so caught up in the things they love that they will believe it so hard that everything counter to that idea is an attack on the truth, the science and themselves.

Plant based news is not based, nor is it news but it sure loves plants. This was uploaded two years ago (as of writing) so people and channels can change but I have strong doubts that is likely. Thank you for irritating me enough to write this snarky comment, have a great day if and when you read this.

@Robinhood179 - 02.11.2023 06:33

Unfortunately, cholesterol alone is no longer a good marker of heart health and thats a fact. Fats and saturated fats are no longer the devil it once was listed as and the AHA even took it off their recommendations to reduce on their website.

@milenailic1437 - 31.10.2023 15:30

What about toxins in plants?

@lbee8247 - 31.10.2023 01:44

I'm just glad my blood didn't do this. I have had chronic inflammation even though I gave up on processed foods 15 years ago and now on Carnivore I have no inflammation in my blood at all. My c-reative protein level and sed rates are 0. Uveitis undetectable. Plus my glucose, blood pressure all low. I get my blood checked sometimes monthly. But at least quarterly. My HDL has went up. My LDL has dropped. I was always in normal ranges for cholesterol. I wish I could eat anything and have no inflammation but plants and seeds and carbs just raise everything.

@ianlanford6922 - 26.10.2023 04:47

the truth is that you can live a vegan diet without supplementation. period. supplementation = not natural

@lamebubblesflysohigh - 14.10.2023 14:18

I went from I never went fully vegan or carnivore but coming close to either ends of the spectrum I can tell that - I do not digest plants well. They bloat me, I suffer from constipation constantly when I eat too much of plant matter I will not go to toilet for up to a week, also my joints ache. And I suffer from poor sleep. When I eat almost exclusively meat (I also have a handful of berries every other day), I have none of those issues. I think it is highly individual and everyone should find what and in what proportion works best for them.
