Standing Committee on Discipline of United States District Court v. Yagman (1995) Overview | LSData

Standing Committee on Discipline of United States District Court v. Yagman (1995) Overview | LSData

Law School Data

54 года назад

15 Просмотров

Civil rights lawyer, Stephen Yag-man, was suspended from practicing in the United States District Court for making derogatory remarks about Judge Keller. He accused the judge of being anti-Semitic and drunk on the bench. Yag-man argues that his remarks are protected by the First Amendment. The district court found that Local Rule 2.5.2 is too broad and violates constitutional free speech protections. Yag-man violated the rule by making statements to cause Judge Keller to recuse himself in cases where Yag-man was the counsel.

Standing Committee on Discipline of United States District Court v. Yagman (1995)
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
55 F.3d 1430

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