Better Logs with Rich Text (Unity Tutorial)

Better Logs with Rich Text (Unity Tutorial)

Infallible Code

4 года назад

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Seshua - 04.09.2023 20:19

A quick way to only get the debug message to one line , click the 3 dots on the right of the console window and expand the "Log Entry" menu and choose 1 line or however many you would like.

mllhild - 27.11.2022 09:17

The simulate part is interesting. Also hope I can get this to work in TMP as import.

HPloveCraftMacNcheese - 23.12.2021 02:29

When I use rich text formatting in my debug.log messages, the html-style tags just get output in the console like normal text. The \n doesn't output the text to the next line. For some reason \t works to insert a tab in the message output. Nothing works except tab spaces. I'm using Unity 2020.3.

Rotes Ende
Rotes Ende - 02.12.2021 19:51

Hello pls help if I want to make a game they tell me error to open pls check the logs and how can I check those logs?

Kryloth - 12.09.2021 08:33

Anyone knows which video that shows his helper functions that he says at the end of the video ?

허재욱 - 07.09.2020 17:15

How did you add 'Simulate Healing' menu item when you press the setting button of component?

Hasnain Fareed
Hasnain Fareed - 15.04.2020 08:30

V Nice

Devin Weidinger
Devin Weidinger - 18.09.2019 04:49

Really wish I could enable and disable logs per script easily in unity. I've thought about writing my own logger but there really isn't a clean implementation that wouldn't slow me down over time. One thing I thought would be worth mentions is how HEAVY logging is on your game. You can disable logs in builds but you might not always wants to disable all logs from a release build.

Ali Developer
Ali Developer - 14.09.2019 10:42

i go for your dimple ;)

Honey Badger
Honey Badger - 13.09.2019 20:44

Amazing functionality I definitely needed in my intermediate skill set. Thank you so much for sharing this in a really comprehensive way.
Infallible_Code.subscribers += 1;

darksidegirl - 13.09.2019 12:48

For me... Ignoring wrappers so that double clicking on a log, it brings to the correct line... ignored the second line of each log...... use Console Pro. Great asset.

Stefan Hedman
Stefan Hedman - 13.09.2019 08:38

This is great but you know what would have been even better? Emoji!

HexDump - 12.09.2019 23:48

Is there any way to get rid of the "Unity.Engine.Debug:Log..."? And I think removing it completly not making the text size bigger to make it out of the line space. It is something that really has annoyed me a lot. By the way, thanks for the vid.

Sparrowhawk - 12.09.2019 21:33

You should do something on debugging / breakpoints. I realize in your case it'd be focused on Rider, but it could still be useful.

Denis - 12.09.2019 19:26

It is usefull same as uselless :) On android log or IOS you will see all this tags and it will make more garbrage

krawlak - 12.09.2019 19:20

Thanks for this video! To have just one text line per log, instead of increasing the text size you can also change "Log Entry" from the default 2 to 1 in Unity's Console panel's setting menu (the three small bars in upper right of the Console panel).
