Eridu Genesis | The Sumerian Epic of Creation

Eridu Genesis | The Sumerian Epic of Creation

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midnightchannel - 16.09.2023 17:21

Although, Darwin himself never said man evolved as his theory described, and was strongly against including Man in that theory... People forget this.

Matt Schlau
Matt Schlau - 15.09.2023 14:15

I think you meant to say, not God but Satan. Satan is the good guy. They reversed it, what a reptilian move.

Cheasy - 15.09.2023 02:50

Saying people were just means all these civilisation lived it?!?! Don't need to be a scientist to understand that.

thatdude - 03.09.2023 21:03

So are you still with the idea that there wasn’t a worldwide flood?because there’s some pretty good evidence that shows there was one .

Triple the WizZzy
Triple the WizZzy - 01.09.2023 09:00

Someone go research for some facts for a project I'm working on please, I'm looking for some lies Lucifer said, and if you have to look in the Bible but I am going to let you know right now there is none in there, all hail Lucifers Father!

Patrick Buechel
Patrick Buechel - 31.08.2023 14:06

Of course you know that those tablets were intentionally busted up,,,

Ian Newton
Ian Newton - 14.08.2023 00:18

In Genesis, God doesn't repent of having flooded the earth.

Angel majorjoy
Angel majorjoy - 13.08.2023 16:24

Where does the word ‘Earth’ come from?

NoeAskr - 13.08.2023 00:48

Sorry but the story of Noah is not from 1500bc.

nomadshiba - 09.08.2023 13:02

same flood myth also exists on different cultures on all different continents
and we have evidence there has been a flood after the Younger Dryas.
they dont wanna accept there has been a global earthquake and a flood after
because that would make those stories true and it would mean there has been an another advanced ancient human civilization before the Younger Dryas.

so they don't wanna accept it(for now), in their mind human civilization started right after the Younger Dryas 12,000 years ago, "coincidentally".
but it wasn't a start, it was a restart. thats why first civilizations after the Younger Dryas seem more advanced than the ones that comes later until it started to get advanced again with us.

Gorbi - 21.07.2023 10:08

Younger dryas anyone? Maybe every ancient culture simply experienced the younger dryas and remembered it?

Astrotheology - 20.07.2023 01:22

Eridu means Light Maker

Big squid tickler
Big squid tickler - 16.07.2023 00:09

You misconstrued that quote by Nietzsche. Here's the full quote.

"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?"

Does that sound triumphant?

GoodVibesOfficial - 15.07.2023 14:35


Euryeth - 14.07.2023 21:00

Thank You.

Nora Nava
Nora Nava - 13.07.2023 18:43

Enki is the good god

Marius Bancila
Marius Bancila - 13.07.2023 18:30

The wide spread stories of a catastrophic flooding in all ancient civilizations are probably some sort of account of the catastrophic climate of the Younger Drias during which the water lever rose about 100 meters covering significat parts of lands.

Southern Living USA
Southern Living USA - 11.07.2023 00:21

Content is lost, missing, incomplete and none identical (of what remains) yet assume it’s the basis for the Biblical flood account. This is even by academic standards not correlated. Most peoples have an oral tradition of flooding in ages past. Even for people without education or link to Mesopotamia. Very poor work full of assumptions. Wouldn’t even pass the rest of hypothesis. Report historic accounts and desist from assuming this source is the source of all sources

Old Wizzy
Old Wizzy - 10.07.2023 22:05

In the Sumerian clay tablets there is always a 'KingShip' that where there is a King is also present there. The last time this happened was about 6800 BCE, after which the Sumerian Kingdom collapsed like a house of cards. Apparently THE LORDS withdrew from this earth, 2 YAR's later there was a different kind of king, one of the Jews, called one Jesus where Nibiru darkened the sun when he died on the cross (at least that's the story in the Bible of Christians), only the NAN dynasty witnessed this eclipse on the other side of the earth, namely this eclipse, an unwanted witness!!

Now, after 1600 years approximately they will return, then the year is 3,600, then for them only 1 JAR has passed again, for them only 4 days, after all for them 1000 jeren is equal to 1 day !!

Jeff Steele
Jeff Steele - 08.07.2023 09:46

A German archaeology company found Gilgamesh in 2002 and in 2003 the US invaded Iraq and found the tomb in prestigious condition and then left the area - took the 9 foot 8 golden body to the US

Eridu - 06.07.2023 02:41

oh hey its me

kev WHUFC - 05.07.2023 22:50

Cant rely on early 20th century archaeologists , they were no better than 19th century antiquarians , they made the story fit the archaeology.
It wasn't a science like it is today .

ANTHONY Marlowe - 03.07.2023 23:24

Sumerian Eridu creation mythology is the first time ⌚ we hear of a fictional story of a great flood that never happened in the Ziusudra flood epic. Enki god of the sea in Ziusudra flood epic looks like Enkidu Gilgamesh friend in the epic of gilgamesh later fictional story of a great flood that never happened.
See the similarly people's makings up a fictional story of a of a older previous fiction great flood that never happened.

Chuck Woolery
Chuck Woolery - 25.06.2023 15:18

He litterally said he created the black headed people. European Americans historically are repeat offenders of white washing images. DO BETTER. BE HISTORICALLY CORRECT!

Kmiester - 23.06.2023 10:49

The anti-religious bias is palpable

Touched by a 12gauge
Touched by a 12gauge - 22.06.2023 22:56


Carl Nieves
Carl Nieves - 22.06.2023 10:37

Enki is the roll of Satan. He is our true god.

Carl Nieves
Carl Nieves - 22.06.2023 10:27

This is what really happend. The Bibal is fauls.

frédérique bertin
frédérique bertin - 22.06.2023 08:45

all for to learn from them is that their entire civilisation has been erased .

MrCoolbeansSW - 20.06.2023 01:30

I think this guy has an axe to grind

JESUS - Babylon God Allah
JESUS - Babylon God Allah - 19.06.2023 06:18

Abhi bhi .. ROFL woh herapheri chaalu.. ROFL apna vinod group.. ROFL 🤣🤣

HC Q - 17.06.2023 20:36

Your use of “BCE” and “CE” is offensive to me.

Zach Z
Zach Z - 16.06.2023 09:01

God is dead, we have killed him, and we will never find enough water to wash away all the blood.

Yeah Wright
Yeah Wright - 14.06.2023 07:20

Sounds more sensible than the sentences of bible and quran

Gwen Celtiic
Gwen Celtiic - 11.06.2023 16:50

|> |> |> |> |> |> |> |>
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what a bullshit ... the razorblade if desert demon lackeys ...

you open your mouth and lies comes out ...

hows about "helal" and first desert demin lackeys marin which bimb the remains of it tonnothing after arvgeologics found them ...

the real history was grabed or bombed in the two irak wars ...

I KNOW it ... and why it is a crime to manipulate apes with anunnaki fenes to mining robots ...

because no real spiritual evolution ...

which demon scum can easily tell it should raise in numbers and nake this and any ither world to its subject ... and let all jneel and peey before the demin and praise how good by all that murder he not is ...

the oldest texts are much older then that and sumerean ...

BUT same to find all o er the world ...

and the point is evdn older even more is told from a king which had a vision .. stolen like so much and always the jneeking and no getting divine allowed ... whuch could safe this eorld ... but that is not the plan ... the plan is a invasion force which think in its nartussm seriously to be the crone of anything ... it is ... the facism crone of sickness ... and make all to its subject ... because that piece of demon shit want to be allmighty ..

this is the real story ...

and also in hopi rexts stands the outcome of this ...

the real gods come cack and finish you off because exactly this ...

a worldritting sickness which want expand to ither hosts ...

but who I am?

Im only a ayurveda ... what can I know ...

much fun by building pyramides with bronce tools ...

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Walter R. Mattfeld
Walter R. Mattfeld - 08.06.2023 18:59

It is my understanding (as of 08 June 2023) that Genesis' Flood story is in response to, and in refutation of, the Mesopotamian Flood accounts.

I understand Genesis to have been written circa 562-560 BC in the Babylonian Exile by an unknown Jewish scholar who could read and write the Babylonian Language and its myths.

Judah has been in Exile since 587 BC (the fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar), so a Jewish generation of 20 years in Exile has elapsed, time enough, to learn the Babylonian language and of its Creation of Man myths, to be able to refute them!

When and where did the Flood occur in the Mesopotamian myths?


At Shuruppak, a city on the Euphrates River, in modern day Iraq (today called Tel Fara, in Iraq).


Circa 2900 BC, as determined by archaeological probes in the 1930s.

These probes established that Shuruppak came into existence circa 3000 BC.

The river flooded the site circa 2900 BC (silts found), and the site was promptly resettled.

But ancient Shuruppak eventually came to an end circa 2000 BC.

Gilgamesh makes mention of this flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh, he lived circa 2700 BC and had visited the Mesopotamian Noah at Dilmun, a land east of ancient Sumer, where the sun rises. So the Shurrupak flood occurs 200 years before Gilgamesh's time of 2700 BC.

Why did Genesis refute the Mesopotamian Flood account?

The account has the god En-Lil of Nippur complain he cannot rest by day nor sleep at night because mankind's clamor in the Sumerian EDIN prevents this.

EDIN is land adjacent to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Via irrigation canals, the city gardens are watered by these rivers.

The cities belong to EDIN'S gods and Goddesses.

Man's purpose is to tend these gardens and provide their produce in Temples, daily, to the gods, so that the gods do not starve to death. For in early myths, the gods of EDIN have fleshly bodies and can die and wind up in the underworld also called EDIN.

En-Lil of Nippur resolves that by annihilating ALL of mankind, peace and quiet will fall upon the Earth, allowing him and the other gods to rest by day and sleep by night.

The god En-Ki of Eridu warns Ziusudra to build a boat and put on it the seed of animal-kind and of man-kind, to repopulate the Sumerian EDIN after the flood.

This warning is given at Shuruppak, to a reed hut, in which Ziusudra dwells (Ziusudra is also called Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh).

Archaeologists in the 1930's excavated Shuruppak (called Tel Fara in the 1930s) and found flood silts covering the site. But these silts were local only, they did NOT extend to other Sumerian cities.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, on the 7th day of the Shuruppak flood, the Earth was engulfed in peace and quiet by day and by night. At last the god of EDIN, En-Lil of Nippur (on the Euphrates) could enjoy rest by day and sleep by night!

En-Lil was outraged to learn humans had survived the flood, all were to die, not one was to live!

He learns En-Ki (E-A of Eridu) has revealed the Flood plan to Ziusudra/Utnapishtim.

The gods of EDIN castigate En-Lil, telling him he has over-reacted, he was wrong to seek the total annihilation of mankind!

En-Lil accordingly repents, and to make amends, he declares Ziusudra/Utnapishtim, and wife, are to be given eternal life in a land called Dilmun, as a reward for sparing animal-kind and mankind so the EDIN could be restored and food provided in Temples for the gods to consume daily!

That is to say, EDIN'S gods NEED Man to provide food daily and care for the city gardens of EDIN. It was foolish on En-Lil's part to not realize in seeking the total destruction of mankind, EDIN'S gods would have to return to the earth and toil in EDIN'S gardens for their food! A grievous toils the gods objected to, whence the reason they made man to be their gardening slave, to alleviate themselves of toil.

The Atrahasis myth explains WHY MAN'S CLAMOR IN THE EDIN!

The lesser gods, called the Igigi, have been tasked with caring for the city gardens of EDIN on the Euphrates River, by the senior gods called the Annunaki. They toil night and day without rest. They clamor over this but are ignored by the Senior gods. Finally, at Nippur, they rebel and threaten to kill En-Lil. He summons En-Ki of Eridu as to what to do to mollify the Igigi.

En-ki says the Igigi are right to clamor for a rest from toil. So a new gardening slave is made, called MAN, by the goddess Mami at En-Ki's direction. Mami says to the Igig: "I have released you from grievous toil and I HAVE TRANSFERRED YOUR CLAMOR TO MAN." In gratitude, the Igigi drop at her feet and thank her for this release from grievous toil in EDIN'S city gardens on the banks of the Euphrates River.

So, according to the Atrahasis myth, Man's CLAMOR is that he has NO REST, day or night, from back-breaking physical toil in EDIN'S gardens, so, like the Igigi, man, too, clamors for a rest. This grievous toil consists of daily building irrigation canals and clearing them of clogging sediments.

So, the gods (Annunaki and Igigi) did NOT get to enjoy a rest by day and sleep by night, because of man's clamor (What sweet punishment for the gods!)

Genesis refutes all this Mesopotamian nonsense!

God is not needing a rest on a 7th day (the Shabbat/Sabbath) from man-kinds' clamor!

Man is destroyed by the Hebrew God for his evil ways and his shedding of his fellow man's blood!

In Genesis, God's Rest on a 7th day (Shabbat/Sabbath) caps his CREATION of Mankind and the Earth, whereas the Mesopotamian myth has En-Lil's DESTRUCTION OF THE EDIN, AND ALL ITS HUMANS AND ANIMALS, TO ACHIVE HIS REST ON THE 7th DAY OF THE SHURUPPAK FLOOD.

The Jewish Exilic author, using an INVERSION, has turned the Mesopotamian Flood tale inside out and on its Ear!

For more in-depth details google "Mattfeld, Noah's Flood" and "Mattfeld, Sabbath Origins."

Ian Mac Dougall
Ian Mac Dougall - 04.06.2023 21:23

The overlap of civilisations and there lack of transitional intercourse between one Society and the next period. The amalgam of writings and it's historical net is not significantly carried over until the overlap becomes developed, our progress is marked by a type of scientific or historical record prone to change. "KNOW THYSELF" the Sumerians had such rich beginnings there creation story was vastly superior to our more modern select origins of religious beliefs.

Abura Kadabura
Abura Kadabura - 01.06.2023 13:11

The « Truth » is Lost ForEver 😵‍💫

abhi r
abhi r - 30.05.2023 19:46

I suppose it's technically better but saying CE after every year in the 20th century seems excessive

Josh H
Josh H - 27.05.2023 04:34

I seriously doubt that there was a worldwide flood, but more likely a series of floods around the world at different times. Heck today we see cities, states, countries get decimated by tsunamis, typhoons, hurricanes, wild fires, etc. So lets think around 12,000 years ago we the Younger Dryas which many scholars believe may have ended due to extraterrestrial (asteroid) impact, slamming into and melting parts of the North American Ice Sheets, parts of the flood damage are visible today in the Pacific Northwest. So now lets look towards that time, the Burckle Crater in the Indian Ocean is dated to around 5000 years ago, that impact would have sent massive tsunamis in all directions, in fact there are chevroned areas along the coastal regions along the Indian Ocean that demonstrate how devastating it was, some even travel up through the Persian Gulf an into what's now Iraq. While societies may have been advanced for their times, they were nothing like we are today. Nobody would have probably seen the asteroid coming, nobody would be warning coastal residents to flee, so the tsunami hits and erases the cities. Could people survive? Sure why not, people survive today, based entirely on survival instincts. Then stories get passed down from generation to generation (some lost in the long game of whisper down the lane) but the gist is a flood destroyed the region.

ron joe
ron joe - 26.05.2023 17:08

Noah lived 350 years after the flood, his son Shem lived 500 years after the flood. The ark has been found 12 miles southwest of Mt.Ararat and matches the biblical account. all the other stories of the FLOOD account are based in truth but completed in myth......the bible is the final authority of this world and your personal life....and no man can change it....

Alain Lavigne
Alain Lavigne - 25.05.2023 19:23

Possibly, the Old Testament is an inspiration of that old forgotten world left behind.
Cuneïform vs Aramaïc are not so different. The law was either written on tablets.

PSYCHO V - 25.05.2023 09:57

Had to wait until almost half way through, to actually get the point of the post ('summerian epic')!
None of the author's personal postulations on 'Christianity' add value, nor hold up to current discovery in the various fields of science. May I suggest, if the author wishes to prosyletise their personal beliefs regarding religion, they do so in a seperate post.

Scottie Scott
Scottie Scott - 22.05.2023 02:04

Great job

Charles Lovejoy
Charles Lovejoy - 20.05.2023 07:14

Such a lie! The Bible was definitely not influenced by any pagan Samarian flood story, it was written through Moses by God's divine inspiration and has stood the test of time being copied and preserved without any significant changes in meaning. That was an atheistic statement of opinion without any factual evidence at all

Solaris70  .✳️° Ori-Tev Asazi
Solaris70 .✳️° Ori-Tev Asazi - 18.05.2023 13:22

Abraham was from
Moses had access to the knowledge and libraries in Egypt to write ✍️
the bible .
