SEO Office Hours 14th June 2024 ft. Mordy Oberstein, Ulrika Viberg, Michael Chidzey, Jo Turnbull

SEO Office Hours 14th June 2024 ft. Mordy Oberstein, Ulrika Viberg, Michael Chidzey, Jo Turnbull

Good Signals

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657 Просмотров

Mordy Oberstein and Ulrika Viberg joined Michael Chidzey and Jo Juliana Turnbull on Friday 14th June 2024 for SEO Office Hours. We had people calling in from Bangladesh, Cameroon, Nigeria, Delhi in India, Israel, Kenya, Pakistan, Scotland, Barcelona in Spain, Valencia in Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Linfield in the UK, London in the UK, the USA, and New Zealand.

0:00 Intro to SEO Office Hours
1:00 Intro to guests
3:50 Do hidden buttons on mobile devices get crawled?
08:58 We're investing heavily in video content. Would you recommend hosting videos on your website, on YouTube or conducting live social broadcasts?
18:06 Are there any good mobile phone apps you would recommend for monitoring analytics and KPIs on the go?
20:50 Is it best practice to use relative or absolute URLs for redirects?
24:30 We've been asked to sponsor an event, how do we make it work for us from an SEO perspective?
32:15 Is there an easier way to spot broken links than checking manually?
35:00 In a period when AI tools have been developing rapidly over the past two years, how should SEOs adapt in the future to survive and develop?
41:15 How much do you all utilise Google Trends and how do you use its insights.
48:34 We have an outdated staging website that still appears in search results. How can we effectively remove it from Google entirely?
53:10 What are you excited about at the moment in SEO?

These are the links (and content) mentioned:

Chrome Extension - Check my links
Screaming Frog:
Site Bulb:
Blue Array XL:
Search London:

If you don't know Mordy...

Mordy is the Head of SEO Brand at @Wix, working to position the Wix brand as a leader in the SEO space. Alongside this he is also a communications consultant for Semrush. His main passion is in brand marketing, however Mordy currently works on the hosting side of multiple SEO podcasts. This includes the Wix SERPs up podcast! Amongst all of this, Mordy attends and speaks at many industry based events. He also runs the SEO Rant podcast which he set up in 2020 and has now 118 episodes.

You can connect with Mordy here:

If you don't know Ulrika...

Ulrika is the founder of Sweden-based SEO agency @unikornseo, who work with e-commerce sites to achieve their organic search goals, adopting a user-centric SEO where possible. She is also a frequent speaker at events all over the world, including Brighton SEO and SEO Vibes!

You can connect with Ulrika here:

If you enjoyed SEO Office Hours and would like to join us live, submit questions or be one of our special guests, please sign up here -


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