3 VS Code Settings I IMMEDIATELY Turn Off

3 VS Code Settings I IMMEDIATELY Turn Off

James Q Quick

2 года назад

103,847 Просмотров

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Mylonas Films
Mylonas Films - 17.09.2023 04:13

thanks mate

Abdallah Ismail
Abdallah Ismail - 22.08.2023 09:30

the 2 pop-ups when i try and add a folder into my workspace :/

Stenio Ignácio
Stenio Ignácio - 15.07.2023 18:38

what theme did you use in the video?

Thanh Tinh Tran
Thanh Tinh Tran - 27.06.2023 17:53

what theme? pls ans me😢😢😢😢😢😢

M27Lab - 16.06.2023 09:17

ts server on VScode is very slow. how to fix it?

Bozhidar Iliev
Bozhidar Iliev - 19.05.2023 00:29

I really didn't expect to have to register to see the cheatsheet. I mean - if you're gonna give something, just give it, don't make me jump through hoops for it. So friggin' annoying. Everyone and everything has to be with a registration. No thantks!!!

Paul-Sebastian Manole
Paul-Sebastian Manole - 12.05.2023 18:33

One thing I find funny with VSCODE settings, is this undocumented option, option that is not suggested by intellisense, works: { "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.removeUnusedImports": true }, }

Darren Evans
Darren Evans - 11.04.2023 14:12

To reclaim horizontal space I set shortcuts to open and close certain sidebars. I use SHIFT+SPACE to quickly toggle the Primary Sidebar (where Explorer View opens) and I set ALT+X to toggle the Activity Bar.

Darren Evans
Darren Evans - 11.04.2023 14:00

I think the benefit of scroll map is not for faster scrolling but to get an at-a-glance view of the location of code annotations in large files such as sections of code changes, linting warnings and errors, syntax errors, folded and unfolded blocks of text and such. I usually completely disable the normal scrollbar and just have the narrower version of the scroll map as my main window scrolling control.

Omar Abragh
Omar Abragh - 21.03.2023 01:41

I disabled the first 2 settings because it relies in my mouse and i want to force myself to learn vim

Bri Sco
Bri Sco - 16.03.2023 04:51

How do you turn off variable/text highlighting that occurs when the cursor is next to or in the middle of text. It always looks like its selected to me.

Bronzekoala - 26.02.2023 10:01

The breadcrumbs are nice for Angular projects, since components always consist of four files and it makes it easier to switch between them.

robert Butcher
robert Butcher - 20.02.2023 04:52

I haven’t had to reinstall vocoder, so I haven’t had to setup things again. A setting I did turn off though, I forget the name, had something to deal with, I think, strict null values. When in JavaScript, I was getting a lot of errors, “someValue is possibly null”, even though the code worked. I read I could put in a question mark, but it didn’t always work, not to mention it wasn’t in beginner tutorials teaching the DOM. So, I looked at the settings and found what appears to be working.

Rene Snijders
Rene Snijders - 15.02.2023 04:34

I like to import / activate sublime keymaps ;-) like CTRL-SHIFT-D to duplicate current line. 🙂

Work Account
Work Account - 30.01.2023 18:29

Guy, thanks for your video! But please, learn how to use audio compressor in your videos.

anonymous - 17.01.2023 06:49

probably these may differ person to person but thanks for showing that 3rd setting it was irritating for me.

Jeffrey Hunter
Jeffrey Hunter - 29.12.2022 04:28

Great video. I am finally moving from Eclipse to VS Code. I held out to the very end! Can you tell me how to disable the white vertical lines connecting the braces (showing matching braces). It is so frustrating (to me) and cannot find the setting. Thanks for putting these videos out. I am still kicking and screaming!

Dzintars Klavins
Dzintars Klavins - 27.12.2022 19:26

The only setting you need is `alias code="nvim"` in your .zshrc and you are good to go.

Shadow - 09.12.2022 08:32

A big big thanks to you for telling about the file preview i was disturbed by it so much 😭😭😭😭 🙏

Wanderson David | Kari Jobe Brasil
Wanderson David | Kari Jobe Brasil - 08.12.2022 14:13

Thank you, this is really helpful. I disabled all 3 of them. I hate the third one too hahaha

Peter Pagh
Peter Pagh - 02.12.2022 17:01

its doing weird shit all the time, even selecting characters with mouse then it makes some secondary selection on the characters around it, think i just throw it out again and go back to notepad++. They obviously failed big at KISS

George - 02.12.2022 00:59

Any idea how to enable the "Problems" tab to show errors of files which are not opened?

Bogdan Marchenko
Bogdan Marchenko - 20.10.2022 10:03

Pls, help, how to turn off the annoying auto line break?

John Andrew
John Andrew - 02.09.2022 09:36

What theme did you use in this particular video?

Cristian Garrido
Cristian Garrido - 27.08.2022 23:06

Thanks! I didn't know how to disable soft open in vs code and it was so frustrating click twice on a file to keep it open

R - 15.08.2022 16:20

which theme

Rohit Bhanot
Rohit Bhanot - 11.08.2022 23:15

I don't find myself using minimap things, but i think breadcrumbs is something i rely heavily on, for files with lengthy functions, classes etc especially with backend code it can tell very quickly where u are. Preview mode is something which everyone struggles with when coming to vscode but i think once you get hold of it, it can be really good for couple of reasons one being the performance obviously since vscode resuses the same tab for every file u open rather than opening new one for every click and second i think it keeps workspace clean, because most of the times I find myself working on a single file where i am writing code at one time and others are merely for reading. One major side effects of turning preview mode off is that you will end up with lot more tabs, even the code navigation things like jump to definition use this setting, otherwise every code jump you make will create a new tab if its not open already.

William Castro
William Castro - 08.08.2022 19:42

Great Video! But I go this issue maybe you've seen this one before. When using the React Native and I go to add text in the <text> tag. When I go to save my file VsCode will take the <text> and separate the brackets which contain the word text and space them out. Then I get an error when trying to display what I created for my project. Where can I turn off this setting?

Borat Hossain
Borat Hossain - 25.07.2022 17:00

Disable wavy underline in VS Code

erick - 16.07.2022 06:20

sorry brother i like all these settings minimap, breadcumbs.

Sourayan Biswas
Sourayan Biswas - 05.07.2022 09:41

I am creating and developing a new Angular project via node js. I need to edit the files, write codes, and run the project in my local PC. When I open this project via VS Code then it shows me a Trust Author dialog popup.

In this scenario should I select "Yes I trust" or "No I do not trust"? Thanks

Sara Alba
Sara Alba - 29.06.2022 14:05

The were veeeery helpfull!!omg thanks a lot!!! i would love to know how to limit the length (vertically) like, i really hate to scroll left-right on my code to find something... there has to be a way!

Faizan Mohiuddin
Faizan Mohiuddin - 28.06.2022 23:57

How do I turn off console.trace in vs code?

The Shumsen
The Shumsen - 27.06.2022 07:15

what font do you use ?

Sam - 19.06.2022 18:11

With one of the first two setting changes, you make my day. My VSC was running slow after some version update and I didn't know why, I tried many things but this little change has made the editor blazing fast showing problems in the code again.

Scott Franco
Scott Franco - 04.06.2022 01:05

All of the suggestions, OFF. I would not mind if the suggestions had no effect on editing. But they do. You suddenly find yourself scrolling through a list of suggestions that you don't need. I also turn off autoindents, any templates, etc. I know how to type. Don't need another person (robot) typing for me.

anil damera
anil damera - 17.05.2022 21:33

Gradle build in vscode is killing my 16gb ram system, it's consuming huge resources could you help me how to organise using settings.json please

Hossain Ahachi
Hossain Ahachi - 17.05.2022 16:30

the preview mode thing was always annoying me, thanks for this video

zecuse - 13.05.2022 02:33

I work with JSON files frequently at work and the breadcrumbs are great for large files. They essentially act as a horizontal version of the outline for the location of your cursor in the file (it constantly updates as you type/move). That's why it was changing on you and only showed you the top level nodes in the file (you left your cursor on a top level item). You can click any of the crumbs to show a "filtered" outline (other nodes in the file remain folded) to that level and the sibling nodes at that level will be folded allowing you to click and jump to a node. Of course, it also doubles as an outline if you want to unfold other nodes to jump to them too.

By default, file paths are shown as well and this will divide the crumbs into 2 sections (there's no visible indication of this, but the file you're in is at the division):
1. A "file explorer" for all of the folders open to this workspace, however it doesn't let you go up from the level of crumb you clicked.
2. The outline will full navigation (up or down from this crumb's level) of the currently opened file.

I effectively never need to open the file explorer on the sidebar which gives a TON more space to work with split views!

NOUM - 03.05.2022 09:23

I personally never use the file explorer bc I don't switch files that often, the ones I need are on my tabs. But when I do I just Ctrl+O like the old way

Loren Price
Loren Price - 26.04.2022 20:44

How do you remove type lock on vscode? Every time I open a new file or even copy and paste it locks me out into a readme mode. I have to hit random keys until it unlocks and it deletes multiple lines of code each time.

Balu Bala
Balu Bala - 26.04.2022 06:24

i am suffering with space in a terminal ....i con't run my sass files ,,could me help me brother

Holographic Kode
Holographic Kode - 01.04.2022 19:05

Ha :) I actually LOVE all these settings and I’m glad they are ON by default. It depends from user to user what they like or dislike. these feature (and defaults) are not intrinsically bad.

Rafał Szewczak
Rafał Szewczak - 26.03.2022 01:16

Oh c'mon mate. I can't live without minimap. I would not turn it off even if I had to code on a mobile phone. This one really discouraged me from watching any more of your videos (what good can come from a guy, who says that minimap in VS Code is useless). Just get a bigger screen if you lack space.

Take5Instead4 - 24.03.2022 10:37

OK, but showing the solution (Menu, Checkboxes) for More than 1 Second would Help;)

Joshua Thomas
Joshua Thomas - 05.03.2022 20:20

What feature do you turn off when working JavaScript files. I think Prettier is affecting my files

Vladimir - 03.03.2022 15:57

Terrible advises for me. I keep all of those settings on and they help a lot.

John Zealand-Doyle
John Zealand-Doyle - 10.02.2022 16:49

haha I really like these videos, but I prefer all 3 of these features on. I have a big monitor so I have alot of real estate, I think I will save a template where these settings are turned off for when I need that real estate back.
