The ULTIMATE Overwatch 2 Hero Tier List for the Season 5 Midseason Patch

The ULTIMATE Overwatch 2 Hero Tier List for the Season 5 Midseason Patch

Flats Two

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isaac - 05.09.2023 15:59

This guy is wrong about low level people picking jq, I am only silver and I hit all knives Im held back I stg

harvey dent
harvey dent - 31.08.2023 16:59

Kiriko brig A tier .
Moira dva S tier.
Sym c zarya Ashe c tier .

scott timbrell
scott timbrell - 29.08.2023 21:34

His logic with LW is hilarious when you compare it with Illari. Damage and healing doesnt win all end all.....but Illari is broken because she does good damage and has a 30hps turret? And then you look at bap who can aoe heal in 2 forms, stops people from dying AND does a bunch of damage.

ibrahim ismail
ibrahim ismail - 29.08.2023 13:22

I feel like genji is the dps doomfist

Ashiv 76
Ashiv 76 - 17.08.2023 05:34

Zarya and orissa are slept on
My console matches since like forever say otherwise but I'm also bad so

Leah Taylor
Leah Taylor - 16.08.2023 01:47

Move Zarya to S or A bro yuh bugging

Trashtalker - 14.08.2023 03:50

What is the song called in the Backround?

jake longstaff
jake longstaff - 11.08.2023 18:26

zar is also i great sigma couter tbf

localstarlyfan - 10.08.2023 17:29

A echo lets go!!!

Inflame Сообщество
Inflame Сообщество - 10.08.2023 08:57

I love to play lv actually... but I play him with friends. You can save you besti from rein pin or different ults. Also plat can be good on few maps with your mcre/soldier friend

Guns and Roses
Guns and Roses - 10.08.2023 00:38

Bruh idk why I’m looking at a mid season 5 tier list when Season 6 is tomorrow

Standard - 09.08.2023 10:22

Not me who just played genji after only having 1 hour, hard carrying for 10 games in a row, checking this and then finding out he isn’t just op and I’m op

Dante Tavita
Dante Tavita - 09.08.2023 09:34

im watching this now and when i saw moira put in A tier, i remembered the time my best friend played her in ranked. his entire team left so it was a 1v5 and he managed to pull out anime mc plot armor and win.

Jimmy Infamous
Jimmy Infamous - 09.08.2023 04:40

Honestly Symetra is the most annoying character in the game and I'd play overwatch much more often if she wasn't in it.

PcPanda - 07.08.2023 17:16

Junkrat gets annoying as fuck tier with discord orb on ball (im really traumatized I tried ball and it happened in like 19 of 20 games)

KIAWS - 06.08.2023 16:07

I love bastion

HMT - 05.08.2023 05:31

Lifeweaver isn’t terrible imo I enjoy him but he definitely needs a few buffs. Specifically to the speed that his main heal charges and maybe more utility in his dash plus some buffs to his ult and I think he would be really good.

danTbahnYT - 04.08.2023 12:21

I knew brig was a immediately, me and my duo were brig and ana. He nanos me on litigant night garden and I get a brig rally quad kill she I so incredibly broken

greendayblinkfan182 - 04.08.2023 02:32

Torbjorn is dogshit now and it's all because the OW community and its trash devs are all to inherently too entitled to play a game with a turret builder. Instead of idk appreciating his strengths as a unique hero and adjust their gameplan accordingly they'd rather just QQ online about being so stupid they got killed by auto aim turret. And just like all the other times this low-tier community cried about Torbjorn the devs gave them exactly what they wanted just like all the other times they got exactly what they wanted because apparently players that enjoy Tobjorn's kit don't matter.

Taking away his armor packs and giving his LVL 3 turret to Ashe was so disgusting and cruel to the character that it has practically killed his identity. All that remained was the turret and these suboptimal devs are clearly committed to making it utterly useless now. Actually believing a turret builder shouldn't be "getting too much" or whatever you wanna say off his freaking turret is so asinine it's actually insanity but yet the playerbase constantly acts like that is the case and it's treated as completely normal.

Congrats to the all the scrubs out there because yall got what you wanted. They nerfed fucking Overwatch 2 Torbjorn; the inheritor of all Overwatch 1 Torbjorn nerfs. Yeah all the shit hereos yall play are totally fair and honest and take massive skill so don't worry because you totally earned that play of the game with your skill and not your hero's stupid kit.

Has this low-tier of a hero like EVER been nerfed this hard and consistently throughtout the game? All I can consider is Sym and again she's a turret builder. It's clear-as-day bias against turrets as a concept in this game. Look what they also did to poor Bastion...

Fenio - 03.08.2023 00:35

nice persona 5 music

Abdiel Davila
Abdiel Davila - 02.08.2023 21:24

Reaper is a C tier character rn. That’s why he’s not getting any play. Lifesteal doesn’t do enough. DeathBloussom is easily countered (ie ana, lifeweaver, doom, sigma, reinhardt, orisa, hanzo, soldier, genji, mei, dva). Everything has to be perfect and the stars have to aline in order for a Reaper ult to get 2-3 kills. He needs a buff. He’s not very good right now. Let’s not over inflate because of the sweaty fucks u face in gm. I’m speaking for high plat to bronze players which is basically 98% of the player base. 😐🤦🏻‍♂️

Ray James
Ray James - 02.08.2023 11:52

Outside of top 500 winston might be the worst tank in the game. Definitely bottom 2. This list is going to troll so many tanks.

Lost Kin
Lost Kin - 01.08.2023 21:47

The fact that genji is only b tier despite winston, tracer, sombra, ana being hard meta really shows how dogshit a character he is. This is literally the best meta possible for him and the best he can get is b tier lmao

maxburdett - 01.08.2023 20:23

speaking as someone who plays both doomfist and is a meta rat depending on which tank is good, i LOVE heroes like doom. for example, in S2 i played orisa as a meta rat, having extremely low experience with her, yet i still played extremely well cuz of how meta she was. i don’t personally like heroes who are easy to play and are just meta. we need more dooms, who are either extremely bad or extremely good depending on HOW GOOD you are with the character

Lincoln Pertuset
Lincoln Pertuset - 01.08.2023 10:51

Rammatra never dies.

Moon - 01.08.2023 00:29

Lmao he don’t know how to play lifeweaver😂😂

The50CritRateXiaoMain - 31.07.2023 19:06

Everyone: talking abt the tier list
Me: Jamming to Price

Tyler Westwood
Tyler Westwood - 31.07.2023 10:24

Junker queen is amazing in the metal leagues atleast when i play my mommy

kaleyfantastic x
kaleyfantastic x - 30.07.2023 22:46

not even 2 minutes in and ive had 2 ads
good times

Esco Royalty
Esco Royalty - 30.07.2023 13:52

Cassidy b tier is kind of crazy with how many characters he can shut down with grenade now

El Papi Saint
El Papi Saint - 30.07.2023 09:10

Weaver is horrendous. Ammo for a charge mechanic is WILD. Make his heal ammo infinite (revert the heal change to compensate), make pull like thresh lantern from LoL, make tree passable by teammates, and make petal a trap that does DOT. His whole kit is troll and he needs to be vaulted until they make him playable.

Asendent - 30.07.2023 08:53

Me. A mercy main.. Being placed below 7/8 other supports... dang....

Goku black
Goku black - 30.07.2023 08:27

Lifeweaver is one of the best support in the game

Elijah LaMay
Elijah LaMay - 29.07.2023 23:21

Ngl Lifeweaver is awful imo, whenever somebody uses him on my team… they lift me in the air and it throws me off. I’ve tried him and his healing is trash too

SonOfSparda - 29.07.2023 23:00

What’s the music in the background?

SmokeyOwOs - 29.07.2023 05:26

Id rather have Medic than Mercy in Ow2 if possible

R&C - Ray & Christian
R&C - Ray & Christian - 29.07.2023 01:09

Putting Lifeweaver in F is dissrespectful.

Filaxsan - 28.07.2023 20:38

This is gold. Thanks broz

*HA_Joker_HA *
*HA_Joker_HA * - 28.07.2023 20:04

I have used Cassidy’shinder on sombra so many times and have countered them a lot so idk cass is a low a for me

Eric Robbins
Eric Robbins - 28.07.2023 16:27

If I saw flats in my support lobbies playing as tank I’d pocket him through hell or high water

Joel 56
Joel 56 - 28.07.2023 12:29

Lifeweaver isn't a terrible character, Flats is saying the character is bad because of people being trolls, and in that case, let's toss every goddamn character in F Tier because people troll, womp womp

Jacob Pray
Jacob Pray - 28.07.2023 01:45

There's no shot lifeweaver is F tier

Gavved04 - 28.07.2023 01:06

As a support main, mercy being the lowest ranked support i call this an absolute win

TrenTennison - 28.07.2023 00:04

All doom needs: fix bugs, decrease damage on block needed to get punch back down to initial doom release. Fixes character, small change that doesn’t have too big of an impact, still creates skill

idkwir - 27.07.2023 19:28

Persona 5 theme hits so hard

CastlersL - 27.07.2023 16:41

Since this dropped ive seen so much zaryas and I have no idea how to counter her as tank solo q so ive been playing a lot more dps instead

Baroo 182
Baroo 182 - 27.07.2023 15:36

hit the gym nigga

SoulCrushing - 27.07.2023 15:22

“I cant believe no one complained about sombra taking 40% health on ult”

TBF I think we were going in preferring that to the whole team disable for six seconds and deleting shields and barriers that it used to be.
