COVID-19 deaths surge in Romania, Ukraine | DW News

COVID-19 deaths surge in Romania, Ukraine | DW News

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@reggiekrager5411 - 12.12.2021 01:23

And just about a week or two after this was posted, Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine have seen a massive drop in the number of cases and deaths, and cases there have continued to decrease ever since,while here in western countries with vaccination rates way over 70-80% started seeing a massive surge in Covid cases and deaths. Now Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine have started relaxing restrictions again, while here in the West we're going back in lockdown. Thus, once again proving how useful the vaccine really is in combatting the pandemic and how the people in power lied to us all... again.

@olgacurita4269 - 07.12.2021 00:47

Really? You go to hospital in Romania with this virus and they make sure you don't come out walking 😔 believe or not .. stop believing the News and see for yourself there...

@heic1971 - 29.11.2021 21:27

if you don't get vaccinated, all hospital covid 19 patients will have to pay for all their own bills. If unvaccinated dies, then their family will be responsbile for the bill

@constantinroman6145 - 24.11.2021 21:51

So beautiful lies from mass-media
Money talk 👍

@juscogens5541 - 22.11.2021 19:29

I say if you want to get peoples attention to the crisis, pile up the bodies in the public square, where all eyes can see the devastation. It is too easy for skeptics to dismiss it if it is out of sight. I ask the skeptics, are you vaccinated against POLIO?, SMALLPOX? MMR? FLU? Covid should be no different, listen to your doctor, and not someone on social media. Do your part...let's get back to normal, so we can go to eat out, sporting events, family holidays. If you are skeptical with peer reviewed evidence (New England Journal of Med or better) then by all means show it.

@klintonunited - 17.11.2021 21:01

Surge because they want to make money

@stonekalten - 17.11.2021 11:27

The government have to start making treatments available for treating the virus. We heard all the same lies here. Vaccines don't stop the spread. Most people survive the virus. Try pushing a healthier lifestyle. Do what Florida USA is doing instead of scaremongering. These lies are not so easy to spread anymore. The vaccine is not the only solution and it's not for everyone.

@imranhaider5115 - 13.11.2021 05:38


@CMoore8539 - 12.11.2021 16:06

I think we need better treatments for it.

@michaelcontreras148 - 12.11.2021 02:23

It’s not a vaccine hesitancy, it’s the Covid. It’s going to affect people who are vaccinated too

@florinivan6907 - 08.11.2021 20:49

The real problem of these pandemic is how the crisis(including inflation) is pushing people inevitably towards radical politics. Central Europe is highly susceptible to far right ideology. Italy and Spain will be next. The crisis for now has not yet resulted in political radicalisation. But its inevitable. 1930 is back.

@anavasile2834 - 05.11.2021 23:14

Romanii n,au tratamente ...

@cbdherbaltherapy9078 - 04.11.2021 23:33

Romania has 💩 hospitals and that's why people die, not because of the jabs %...

@xatalinuxvictor9027 - 04.11.2021 13:30

In Romania hospital they use industrial oxigen for patients and burn their lungs and no medication ....this is part of vaccination induce fear and panic among romanian people .....even though we don't get all vaccinated .....this vaccine is very bad with very dark agenda exchange our freedom for a way

@andreeagheorghe114 - 04.11.2021 00:29

Now my country’s popular finally

@Merian_Dhe_vheeera - 03.11.2021 21:39

Oh praying for romania and ukraine 😭➕❤️❤️❤️

@torben6137 - 03.11.2021 18:34

Ex eastern block countries are winning the race with most death per million.... romania, albania, serbia etc etc.... try to compare them with contries like italy, portugal, spain etc..... The numbers are telling. High vaccine countries are simply not getting theese spikes in number of deaths

@rintuchakraborty4921 - 03.11.2021 15:51

Covid 19 is so dangerous when a person don't get any vaccine and he is infected by covid 19 he is suffering 100 time more pain then a vaccinated person, I was infected in may 2021 after six months I'm yet not fully recover from covid19 there are so many post covid complications I'm experiencing now like continuous headache memory loss smelling problem and many more so my friends please take vaccine it's definitely help you to fight against this enemy

@susilazar7776 - 02.11.2021 03:12

They were brainwashed decades ago and still can’t move on from un informed thinking 🤦‍♀️

@elenafaurescu4673 - 01.11.2021 22:23

Vaccination is not working, many people get covid after vaccination, nobody talk about this...

@alannarutter5033 - 31.10.2021 11:25

Corruption is their biggest problem, same for Russia!

@danubareti3949 - 30.10.2021 22:31

he Rainbow Herbicides are a group of "tactical use" chemicals used by the United States military in Southeast Asia during theVietnam War. Success with Project AGILEfield tests with herbicides in South Vietnam in 1961 and inspiration by the British use ofherbicides and defoliants during the Malayan Emergency in the 1950s led to the formal herbicidal program Trail Dust (see Operation Ranch Hand). Herbicidal warfare is the use of substances primarily designed to destroy the plant-based ecosystem of an agricultural food production and/or to destroy foliage which provides the enemy cover.

Pain children Vietnam ( video You tube.)
Rainbow warrior
Agent Orange
Comuna Bragadiriu Bucuresti .

@danubareti3949 - 30.10.2021 22:16

Au survolat cu avioanele si au imprastiat erbicide .clor si alte otravuri .animale care se imbolnavesc din cauza ca mananca iarba otravita.. .oameni care mor otraviti cu otrava.
Au luat sute de milioane de doze de vaccin si cand au vazut ca lumea refuza vaccinarea au aplicat legea chinezeasca .otravirea aerului..oameni care au inhalat acele otravuri au plecat sa vada luminita de LA capatul tunelului promisa de OMS.
Ceilalti au fugit LA vaccinare de frica sa nu de+a coltul .
Asadar o infectie respiratorie un virus se trateaza cu antibiotic..
Dar un om cu plamani varza din cauza acelor otravuri din aer nu mai are scapare . ..
Chinezoi au gazat zile intregi orasele .cu gaze toxice.
LA fel si in Romania. Cu avioanele.elicopterele .ori din masini pregatite special cu aceste otravuri.
Au fost depistate in anumite depozite din Comuna Brigadiriu . mai multe butoaie cu otrava Agent Orange .acest erbicid provoaca. .cancer lingfatic ori boli respiratorii care sunt ca o infectie
CE ati arde Plamani .
Numai Romani. Cred ca este. Virus .. . .
Eu am trecut prin acest virus Si nu a fost mortal.
Am facut febra. Am luat antivirale .ceai si in cateva zile a trecut .dar nu a fost cov. 19 . a fost viroza respiratorie.
Sa zica polintruci cu CE gaze am fost gazati pe calea aerului.???

@nipeiyou4131 - 30.10.2021 21:37

Covid|9 is accumulative and permanently stay at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to replicate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered from covid infection or fully vaccinated. 
Covid|9 has the structure of HIV whereby vaccine to deceive your immunity system to create T-Cell perish together with the virus just like overclocking immunity system temporarily but unable to deceive the new variant.'=3

@alexanderdrago9852 - 30.10.2021 12:36

Romania Ukraine and Bulgaria were in communism and the population lost the hope in the government from long time ago

@alansheira9509 - 30.10.2021 10:42

Covid|9 is accumulative and permanently stay at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to replicate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered from covid infection or fully vaccinated. 
Covid|9 has the structure of HIV whereby vaccine to deceive your immunity system to create T-Cell perish together with the virus just like overclocking immunity system temporarily but unable to deceive the new variant.'"5

@villian5124 - 29.10.2021 18:02

Stop corona fascism!

@fyngolnoldor4891 - 29.10.2021 03:37

Ways to convince Romanians to get vaccinated:
- Threaten to keep them out of bars, restaurants, malls, etc. if they aren't vaccinated
- Offer cash prizes for getting the jab
- Deny we have vaccines, leak pictures of politicians and rich people getting vaccinated in secret to the press then wait till Romanians start protesting and demanding that they get vaccinated as well
- Coerce orthodox priests to spread the vaccination message. Perhaps threatening to cut government funding for BOR would help achieve that

@MrFetitzele - 28.10.2021 20:46

Manipulation!!! People with cancer are left without drugs , no basic drug for flu , pneumonia , etc … just to fit the clot shot agenda !!!

@sadanandkumbhar9960 - 28.10.2021 19:54

God bless them 😔

@nitaima5287 - 28.10.2021 19:32

Covid|9 is accumulative and permanently stay at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to replicate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered from covid infection or fully vaccinated. 
Covid|9 has the structure of HIV whereby vaccine to deceive your immunity system to create T-Cell perish together with the virus just like overclocking immunity system temporarily but unable to deceive the new variant.

@hailaevents5427 - 28.10.2021 16:12


Food for thought …🤔

‘If you are open minded enough to take these words in, have a think about it.

This was posted to the NZ Prime Ministers page

Posted on Jacinda Ardern's page:
by a person named Jo Wright

Of all the vaccines I have taken in my life like Tetanus shots, measles, mumps, polio, meningitis, TB shots, etc...
Never have I heard so many lies and deceptions over a vaccine that says I have to wear a mask and socially distance even when fully vaccinated, and that I could still contract or spread the virus even after being fully vaccinated.

Never had to get tested when I was perfectly healthy without any symptoms whatsoever.

Never been bribed by the establishments to take the vaccine in order to win a holiday and/or cash prizes or earn frequent flyer points.
I never had to worry about cardiac issues, neurological disorders, blood clots and sadly more! Didn't even have to worry about death.

Never was I ever THREATENED by the use of FORCE by the Government, Employers, Police force, and Military for a vaccine as seen overseas.

I was never judged by my friends or relatives if I didn't take it. I was never discriminated against for travel or other regular services to a point where I could not buy or sell without it.

The vaccines I have listed above never told me I was a bad person for not taking them or for even taking them for that matter.
I have never seen a vaccine that threatened the relationship between my family members and/or close friends to a point of destroying my relationships with them ever.
Never have I seen it used for political gain.

Never seen a vaccine needing 24/7 mass media advertising and promotion on every media outlet known to man.
Then there’s mixing and matching different vaccine brands and being told it's okay to do it one day and then told the next day to not do it (overseas).
I have never seen a vaccine threaten someone's livelihood, as well as wipe out their jobs.

I have never seen a vaccine that allows a 12-year-old child's consent to supersede their parent's consent (that one alone blows me away).

Finally, after all the vaccines (jab, shots) I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one that discriminates, divides, and judges a society. So much information is censored, deleted, and removed from the internet and mainstream media!

So many doctors, health care professionals, police and scientists are censored and forbidden to speak out or ask legitimate questions when what is being allowed or not allowed does not make sense! Particularly when it comes from mainstream media. I have never known a vaccine that has made all the Pharmaceutical companies that manufacture it exempt from liability if it kills everyone to a point where no life insurance will cover it!

This is one powerful vaccine guys! It does all these things above that I have mentioned and yet? It does NOT do the one thing it is supposed to do which is?

Copied and pasted

@jen9774 - 28.10.2021 15:06

No vaccination = no hospital bed if covid strikes

@Bloodysweet1818 - 28.10.2021 13:06

If they find Medicine we would have controlled transmission earlier than vaccination are getting delay in controlling all over the world it look like benefit healthcare sector only by killing people bad implementation by world leaders

@geoffmorgan2794 - 28.10.2021 10:16


@ratachatsaewee1605 - 28.10.2021 09:20

Sae wee method is a therapy that uses water mix with medicinal penetration to reduce the virus in the nasal cavity, throat and upper esophagus. Super Wee's therapy can quickly reduce symptoms by 70-80% within two hours. Wee's method can make the patient from positive to negative within 10 days through (atk) and easily go through the 14-day quarantine..

@Violols - 27.10.2021 23:14

It's all lie people are fine till they get in hospital after that they come up dead from there noone died at home why because at hospital they put the oxigen mask on and that's it blackout all of them is a crime against humanity and the media spreading the biggest lie ever been on the planet

@andyk4688 - 27.10.2021 17:45

All of you people pushing the shot might want to check the legality of who is liable because all of you healthcare workers will be held liable as where the drug company is not wake up

@wanasayangnuk5093 - 27.10.2021 16:17

China get out
Sinovac no safe and danger.

protect people
protect allies
please everyone be safe.

@emmads - 27.10.2021 12:15

The fact is that Romanians have a very vulnerable mind, they get easily caught by scandals, conspiracies, negative reviews about covid and vaccination, consequently, very few people are getting the jab thinking about their health. Unfortunately, most of the first dose vaccinated are afraid of restrictions and are tired of paying for covid tests to enter the malls and restaurants.

@JonezBBQ - 27.10.2021 00:21

High risk =vaccine

Low risk = your choice

@pk-bb8cq - 26.10.2021 21:01

Stop eating damn animals

@forytube4998 - 26.10.2021 20:52

It’s ineffective of the vaccine

@ExploreWithAyanaVida - 26.10.2021 17:49

Omg Talking About Misinformation, I live in Romania and the situation is like this: People that get sick are actually the ones that took the vaxx, most of us have already build good immunity, I'm talking about natural immunity that is proved to be more efficient than any vaccine. All you see in the news is MISINFORMATION, the numbers, the videos are just a cheap play in order to manipulate the masses!

@gm9666 - 26.10.2021 11:52

The real reason is everyone has relied on the vaccine and not researching and finding a treatment that works and when the doctor find a treatment that mite work he told the keep quiet .

@fuckfannyfiddlefart - 26.10.2021 10:40

Antivax need to be made liable for their medical costs in socialist healthcare systems!!

@freespiritwithnature4384 - 26.10.2021 07:10

Dr Geert Vanden Bossche. “ Why do we always have to learn things the hard way “?
Everyone should have access to this information.
This Drs a Virologist and really works hard as he breaks it all down. I’m beyond disgusted and please God do not vaccinate our children! Watch this PHD who’s sharing 80% of s most DONT know.
Bret Weinstein Darkhorse podcast; amazing!

@cubsfan910 - 26.10.2021 06:28

The "vaccine" does not keep anyone from getting the virus, nor passing it to someone else. It's really more of a "flu shot", not vaccine.

@svetlanaivnitskaya3504 - 26.10.2021 03:56

As Louisiana,India and Indonesia all have low vaccination rates however COVID hospitalisations have plummeted dramatically recently!

@TheScorpion0029 - 25.10.2021 23:41

Fear and manipulation
