WorkED Podcast: Work, Financial Security and Hope w Mariam Mohammed

WorkED Podcast: Work, Financial Security and Hope w Mariam Mohammed

ReadyTech AU

4 года назад

105 Просмотров

Mariam Mohammed is no stranger to hope.

As a young migrant who came to Australia from Pakistan with just $300, she has been an eye-witness to how education and financial security can transform lives on her journey to found financial education business MoneyGirl and become an AFR Woman of Influence in 2019.

In this special podcast recording of a live interview with ReadyTech CEO Marc Washbourne, Mariam shares her insights on everything from supporting staff and students financially after COVID-19 to her views on financial health, entrepreneurship, careers, women in work and hope.

How can educators and employers better support those students and employees affected by the economic downturn? How can financial education for women play a role in the future of our workplaces and society? And why should we hold on to hope eve in tough times?

Join Marc Washbourne and Mariam Mohammed as they discuss the role of education, work, financial security, community – and hope – post-COVID-19.

Never miss an episode of the WorkED Podcast. Available on all major streaming platforms.

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