The best Vintage soft synth bundle - Arturia vs UVI vs Roland Cloud

The best Vintage soft synth bundle - Arturia vs UVI vs Roland Cloud

Nu-Trix The Synth Guy

2 года назад

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john deaux
john deaux - 20.09.2023 19:06

Nutrix is my favorite breakfast cereal. Nutritious, crunchy, nutty, YUM!

Carl IX
Carl IX - 19.05.2023 18:23

I close my eyes and honestly can’t tell which is Roland cloud or which is hardware. They nailed it imo.

Tore Hansen
Tore Hansen - 19.02.2023 15:01

I dont care about what technology if it sounds great in my ears that is enough for me. Great video even if I dont need more...

d00mhound - 18.02.2023 22:12

and there's Korg Collectioin

Ojaix - 17.02.2023 06:57

What about Sytronik by Ik Multimedia?

Marvin Trummer
Marvin Trummer - 16.02.2023 00:23

Maby I am wrong but…. The zen core technology is not the same then it was in the boutique and system 8.
It’s much better then those…

Sam Linden
Sam Linden - 31.01.2023 18:46

I had the full Roland cloud. I just use the Pro one now because all the sounds I need are in Zenology. The best vst for vintage synths sound for me. Light on the cpu and everything at the same place

Marlon - 06.12.2022 09:51

To me arturia la the best in second place UVI and last place Roland

Harsh Sunil Trivedi
Harsh Sunil Trivedi - 29.09.2022 09:05

Should I get U-he Diva or the V collection 9?

Ryahan - 26.08.2022 09:48

Really helpful.

Floating Anarchy channel
Floating Anarchy channel - 10.08.2022 20:16

Hey thanks for this tutorial! How can i learn the best way each synth from the v collection? I would be greatful for your advice.

Aquatic Borealis
Aquatic Borealis - 03.08.2022 08:46

Arturia’s V Collection is quite amazing. A huge amount of great sounds. I’ve been playing around with Roland Cloud just a bit. Not as inspiring as the V Collection. Some of it sounds really good though. I have not tried Vintage Vault. I don’t want any more disk space used up though. Speaking of which, I have IK Multimedia’s Syntronik 2, and they have some stuff you don’t see elsewhere and the sound quality is top notch. If I could just have one, it would be the V Collection. Add Pigments, and you have everything you would need. I might try Korg’s collection at some point because I do like their sounds quite a bit.

KC - 26.07.2022 08:33

As someone who ended up with all 3 over time (started out with UVI VV3) - my take is - they all sound great. Roland Cloud I probably wouldn’t bother with if I didn’t own a System-8 just because of the CPU usage, but I still do the play4life thingy. As for which I use most - Arturia. Simply because it’s NKS compatible and I can tweak using Komplete Kontrol. If I could go back in time 5 years though - I’d tell my past self not to bother with any of them and just buy Omnisphere 😂

The_Quiet_Retiree - 09.06.2022 18:01

First-time visitor, enjoyed this vid, liked and subscribed - thank you for your channel and content. What I like about Arturia's Vintage Collection (I am running v9 now) is the fact that the user interface feels like you've got the actual vintage synth in front of you, and for me - a guy who stupidly sold his Prophet 5 rev. 3 10 years ago - I don't miss my P5 as much now, and having to learn how these vintage synths work has also been an enjoyable part of owning this collection because it's the closest I'm ever going to come to playing these actual vintage instruments. Cheers!

Sinsay Soleil
Sinsay Soleil - 29.04.2022 00:00

Good review would be great if there were sounds for the vst

HALIKARNAS RECORDS - 28.04.2022 05:46

Syntronik 2 is the best..

Easel Cat
Easel Cat - 27.04.2022 17:37

UVI or Arturia I cant support sub services

Kevin Stay
Kevin Stay - 26.04.2022 03:32

An update with Korg Collection 3 might be nice? Included items tend to be either easy to use with large patch libraries OR easier to learn and explore. (Odyssey, MonoPoly, etc.)

J Wi
J Wi - 20.03.2022 12:51

dont forget triton vst, great platform.

Fuuya One
Fuuya One - 16.03.2022 06:01

Roland and Uvi is top !! Arturia dont like !!! I buy Zenology pro just for dont have money for buy all roland vst !!! Very like graphics

Thestonedrummer - 11.03.2022 03:33

Great video and so well explained, can you tell me how to get the once off payment for Roland Cloud Ultimate as I can’t find it anywhere only the 199 annual payment thanks. I think you called it a “Lifetime License “

Stephen Roldan
Stephen Roldan - 21.02.2022 00:43

Stick to Arturia and Korg collection

avace917 - 16.02.2022 15:32

I studied FM Synthesis in 1990. I've only played a DX7 once since. Never owned any FM synth

Aaron McPherson
Aaron McPherson - 15.02.2022 17:55

Arturia is the only one with NKS support, if that matters to you. Freelance Soundlabs has an NKS package for UVI as a workaround.

Ivan Soto
Ivan Soto - 11.02.2022 07:46

Honestly I love what UVI has done so much. My favorite is the sampled Fizmo, Prophet 10, the Saturns, and the Electric Pianos/Tines. Each preset is so inspiring and unique.

xp50player - 10.02.2022 19:34

UVI sample libraries are often dual layer, with some kind of arpeggiator as well, plus its UVI Workstation is a multitimbral host itself. What about Syntronik 2 Max and Korg Collection 3?

Jeff Goddard
Jeff Goddard - 09.02.2022 13:19

Excellent video! Great job positioning these 3 different approaches to virtual vintage synths. You hit some points I hadn’t thought of - like the CPU load, synthesis versus samples, the look/feel for musicians. 🤩

Chris Chaton
Chris Chaton - 15.01.2022 12:05

All are excellent and must have :) UVI sounds really great in mix.. without doing nothing special .. Falcon is just Awesome... and Uvi has a great support.

croggen - 13.01.2022 17:49

Great video! IK Multimedia's sample-based Syntronik would be a nice bundle to compare as well.

David Smith
David Smith - 08.01.2022 23:52

I love this channel! Cheers from Winnipeg!

Buildusarocket - 08.01.2022 08:58

Oh great stuff mate. Roland definitely is not for me, what a joke of a company. Arturia sounds exciting

andgar923 - 07.01.2022 18:28

I prefer the way UVI sounds, but like the Arturia presets more.

I feel that UVI tries to add a modern interpretation to their presets, which takes away from it’s authenticity.

Arturia’s don’t sound as authentic, but I feel they try to stay more true to the authentic gear.

The difference is obvious even while watching their promo videos/music demos. UVI attempts to establish how these vintage synths can be used in modern music. If I want modern, I’d stick with other synths.

I wish UVI embraced the vintage sound more and their presets reflected this.

Infriad - 07.01.2022 18:04

I compared V-collection and Roland Cloud on my brand new M1pro MacBook Pro and unfortunately the Roland Cloud synths was not usable. They sounded good but the performance was terrible. Even on this extremely powerful computer. I was able to use like 2 synths and then the sound start to crackle. I’ve never seen this problem with the synths in the v-collection, or any other vst for that matter. I also tried the zenology version of the synths and the performance improved drastically but I don’t think they sounded as good and I did not like the UI.

Digiphex Electronics
Digiphex Electronics - 07.01.2022 16:58

If you just want to do early Roland equipment, Juno, SH-101, Jupiter 8, free Juno Chorus, I recommend TAL. For the TB-303 I use D16 Phoscyon. You can give yourself creative paralysis with having too many VST's.
