But I'm Reviewing Skiff and Proton Mail

But I'm Reviewing Skiff and Proton Mail

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@luphoria - 10.12.2023 03:58

This is THE BEST video about email I've ever seen. I am a big Skiff fan. They let you add custom domain aliasing on their service, and for my own domain, I can just use wildcards to have random alias domains. Skiff also added an alias feature like you described with simplelogin. The bitwarden send feature thing in Proton sounds cool. I just wish these clients had a proxy you can download to turn the EPIC ENCRYPTED EMAIL into SMTP on my machine so i can open it in my own email client - webmail invites web bugs.

@usbee - 10.12.2023 00:19

I use Proton Mail because they don't analyze emails and don't use them for ads like Gmail and I'm happily pay for them because maintaining services costs money. That's it. I prefer paying for the product rather than being the product.

@sidensvans67 - 09.12.2023 17:09

Fact : There is no Private anything , anywhere . All devices are backdoored , scanned , recorded , stored .
Everything online is compromised . Mind how you go .

@ybvb - 09.12.2023 15:26

Self hosted on your own infrastructure.

@CapnSnackbeard - 08.12.2023 12:36

You have misunderstood what privacy means by using the corporate bare minimum "no humans here are actually reading your emails silly!" definition of privacy, which is lovely, but you have left out the real issue: how else they collect data about you, how they tie that data together into profiles and corrolate more data about you, and how they USE and SELL the data they steal and generate while spying. Particularly: to manipulate you, and rat you out to the feds.

The point of this video is distracting from the real issue by fundamentally misidentifying it, and giving bad advice about it within the first 60 seconds.

@caedis_ - 08.12.2023 04:02

Love that 500 mile email sending reference

@td3v - 08.12.2023 00:44

Proton also allows to share your calendar RO to anybody else. So family calendar sharing is still possible.

@YoutubeAccountName - 07.12.2023 22:42

Even if it's encrypted "end to end", they can store the encrypted email, and wait for something like quantum computing to THEN crack all the emails.
So yeah, them not having anything is better than them having any of your things.

I stay on gmail to remind me that EMAIL IS NOT PRIVATE. So by using an "hostile actor" as the provider, I don't get complacent.

@zZ-rm2iq - 07.12.2023 14:33

Bro I’m just doomscrolling when I’m supposed to be heading to work in an hour. I haven’t even slept 😭😭😭

@wharzenr - 07.12.2023 14:27

The intro was on point! It describes what I'm currently experiencing, but I'm slowly accepting the truth that there's no perfect privacy, just like humans, we are not perfect. However, it's better to have maximum privacy and learn how to protect yourself even if you have nothing to hide since they are after your data to target advertisements. If you don't pay, you are the product.

@glutenfreegamer - 07.12.2023 06:05

Between this and his notes video it's like he's making content so specific to my interests that I'm starting to wonder if I made these videos and then just forgot.

@TelPhi_ - 07.12.2023 00:03

Aaaaaaand he's gone. Great, love it when that happens.

@nates9105 - 06.12.2023 21:15

I get it. Someone wants to crack a code or break through any kind of security they can and will. What I need is a tool to manage this insane amount of spam, insane amount of accounts we must manage, and enable easier filtering without needing AI. So far Proton appears to be the only one that enables me to create alias emails on the fly when interacting with a merchant while gmail n outlook requires upfront generation

@rquaidpro - 06.12.2023 16:14

Anti-VPN guy here. I once had a guy tell me his computer couldn't get viruses because as long as it was "on the VPN." He worked in IT. The problem with VPNs is that they're oversold. People believing that they're safer than they are is the problem.

@tyrand - 05.12.2023 13:43

tl:dr email sucks and why waste time encrypting it

@randydinglehopper62 - 05.12.2023 11:53

this is exactly what I need right now. great breakdown. super informative and entertaining, thank you

@xTraexEdge - 03.12.2023 19:01

Ah, I understand now. I am simply a paranoid weirdo. Great video.

@Voltra_ - 03.12.2023 14:35

Yes, you cannot escape trust

@mansourbouchelouche262 - 03.12.2023 13:53

U got me when u talked about the alias of only f sub 🤣🤣

@wyktron - 02.12.2023 22:40

where's your patreon?

@eugeniadobbs7964 - 01.12.2023 20:16

There were interesting case with Proton. Lukashenko had to land a plane with the leader of the opposition flying over Belarus, his services sent a letter from the proton mail, to the airport, notifying about the device on the plane. And then Proton made a news report and said that "Actually, the letter was sent after airplane landing". And it's like, we're fucking secure email, encryption with 0 access, but if we have to, we'll take timings of your emails and use that in the news.

@mathieul4303 - 01.12.2023 12:29

Eh proton mail still cool tho

@DumpsterJedi - 01.12.2023 01:54

so like, why aren't we building a secure email protocol?

@brentspineDev - 30.11.2023 23:49

“No one uses PGP” yea okay fair sorry I don’t mind 😞

@rodrigohmoraes - 30.11.2023 20:27

Please, don't be one of those ytbers who make super cool videos, get picked up by the algorithm and boom and immediately stops posting forever

@blender_wiki - 30.11.2023 08:14

If you seek protections against industrial espionage or similar the only way to partially protect your email is hosting your email server even on the cloud, never trust a third pary appliance , "own your data" is the first rule.
The OS installation included the virtual disks must be FDE with very strong encryption (Homomorphic,
post quantum).
Of course use ssl postfix server and pgp encryption for all your internal bussines email and also external email if needed.
Avoid any mail client that store email in not encrypted way, decryption must be donne each time on the fly on visualisation, temporary folder with decrypted email are not acceptable.
Similar rules must be applied also if you want to use your self hosted matrix server: full encryption at any layer.
But rember email or secure message systems( like matrix) messages are always read by humans and they are always the weakest node on your "secure" setup, they can always take a picture of your email. Is often cheaper bribe or blackmail a human than trying to hack a secure system.
But be aware that the funny (or creepy) part of all if this is that for your bussines security (or personal privacy) to protect yourself from malevolent subjects or your own gouvernement you will start invest money on spying your own employees because you don't trust them. You will become also a spying actor. The paranoia can grow up and you will start spying your family too, your partner, your children for their "security" and you will become like the one you try to protect yorself from. 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️

@counterleo - 29.11.2023 22:33

If you didn't have the laziness, and only tried to run your own PeRsOnAl LiBrEbOoTeD OpEnBsD before making videos about e-mail security, you would know what you're talking about – namely, custom domains are always more deliverable than Proton, Gorilla et al. Naughy providers blacklist these services because they're known to be private, not because they're unknown. There are more businesses than you imagine who run their own email infrastructure – not Exchange or Google, just their own domain 99.99% of People haven't heard of, and Postfix. And they get delivered just fine. Hell, 99.999999% of people don't know my domain, and I get delivered just fine. It does involve setting up SPF, DKIM and DMARC, but it's great knowing spammers can't spoof your domain either. And it's great to set up your own DNS zone and SMTP server, on a machine which you know which code it's running, and know where it sends the logs (hint, it's dev null). The e-mail will always sit on the counterparty's provider-hosted inbox or sent folder, that's true, but it's still the closest YOU can get. It's a phallacy to say it doesn't make sense to do something because others aren't doing it. Why vote? My vote is not gonna affect the results. Well, if more people started running their own SMTP, less people would use Gmail.

@vkXNQ3H4Q27 - 29.11.2023 22:06

Very strange logic. Proton bought Simplelogin and therefore proton is better. Are you sure you're a doctor? I use Skiff and Simplelogin. I used Proton, but there are a lot of problems with them. Like a leaky VPN on Mac. What Proton is loudly silent about, although they know about the problem. Proton is unsafe crap. Moreover, they have already handed over one person to the authorities.

@JeetPaul - 29.11.2023 21:25

I use Zoho and Tempmail and Cloudflare Email Redirects 😂

@sorasoki - 29.11.2023 18:31

you underrated mf should do more videos!
Greets from Ger

@era2755 - 29.11.2023 11:04

I don't get what your point is. Yes, that email is not encrypted in transit, that is a technical limitation of email. Email doesn't work otherwise. If you don't know that thats kinda your fault. Also proton has bridge.

@Shocker99 - 29.11.2023 03:26

Half sounds like a balanced conversation.
Half sounds like an advert for Proton mail

@malcolmsilva - 28.11.2023 21:16

I'm kinda sad it's rare to find content that's actually straightforward on what works and what doesn't. It always seems like a side note, a literal asterisk sentence on screen for half a second, or a second worth of a screenshot of an article mentioning a privacy forward company losing a legal battle, with no context.
Dope video.

@bracholi - 28.11.2023 21:07

Been on Skiff a long time, we could share calendars together!

Also I've had sex before.

Not sure why I felt the need to defend myself, but here we are.

@karmaspcs - 28.11.2023 11:52

so many flase information. proton is not safe or safer then tuta, posteo and co. why are you lying???

@0raj0 - 28.11.2023 01:57

Of course there is private e-mail. You only need to have your own mail server.
The simplest method is to rent a VPS or even a physical server at some hosting company and set up a mail server on it.
However, with this method you can still be afraid that the hosting company will snoop on the content of your server's disk (which is technically possible if someone has physical access to server - and the hosting company definitely does - but not so easy to do and definitely not done routinely).
Then you have the more complicated method:
1) you need to get a home Internet connection from an ISP that gives you a static or quasi-permanent (ie. dynamic, but always the same) IP address and doesn't block the incoming port 25
2) set up your own email server at home - this will be your incoming mail server, ie. a MX for your domain (that's why you need a static IP address). This server is physically under your control and nobody can snoop on it.
3) however, home Internet connections are usually not accepted by most other mail servers as a legitimate source for outgoing mail, due to anti-spam filtering (infected home PCs are a HUGE source of spam). So you will still need a VPS at some hosting company, but that VPS will serve only as an outgoing relay for your home mail server; it won't store any messages.

@JEMODZ - 27.11.2023 23:26

Proton banned me from logs they claimed not to have lol.
Worst provider out there, even gmail is probably more private then proton.

@user-jz4zf2hs2m - 27.11.2023 22:43

"antiVPN people"? who's that??? It's even possible?

@TruSoggy - 27.11.2023 20:51

there is one tho... i just have my own mail server

@elizabeth3280 - 27.11.2023 06:04

lol he aint wrong

@qwqk0xkx - 27.11.2023 05:37

Jason Scott is that you?

@TheGabrielMoon - 26.11.2023 21:30

i'm not a criminnal I dont care

@takurotim3496 - 26.11.2023 21:16

i have a really nice privacy oriented mail clienz but still back up everything to gmail x_x

@123moe - 26.11.2023 17:20

iCloud with Advanced Data Protection killed the urge to use any of these services for me. I don't really care about my emails being super crazy underground bunker encrypted for the exact reasons you outlined at the beginning, but it does keep my documents/photos/notes encrypted and that's good enough for me.

@niklasj88 - 26.11.2023 10:55

I'm using my private hosted nextcloud server with an "noip" address bound to it for my file sharing and calendar sharing. Then I have an keepass file on it that I can reach using keepass2android app and corresponding apps on windows and Linux. Not 100% safe but it feels better than having it all on someone else computer (a.k.a the cloud)

@BRGustavoRibeiro - 26.11.2023 08:32

This guy deserves the right to daily express his opinions about anything on national TV.

What a gem of a video. What a gem of a channel.
