You know what the more I keep thinking about it I’m surprised we didn’t get a unicron studio serious figure even if it was voyager size
ОтветитьCompletely forgot he was in the film.
ОтветитьWe ARE getting a SS Apelinq.
So really just gotta wait instead of paying for the kit.
I wonder if the robot head fits on SS Primal… and if so, does it look proportionate 🤔
ОтветитьI hope the rumored SS Leader Apelinq for next year will be a worthwhile upscale and retool of the SS Leader Primal. If Apelinq isnt at least a little taller (just like in the movie) then what's the point?? 😂
ОтветитьThis thing is awesome does not suck
ОтветитьDo the chains connect to the upgrade kits wrist blades
ОтветитьAlmost at 300k🔥🔥 This is totally off subject but have you seen the super 7 tmnt 2003 turtles revealed today? And would you ever review something like those?
ОтветитьCan’t believe rise of the beasts is already 1 year ago
ОтветитьI thinks just like ss 106
ОтветитьI don’t know about too big but Apelinq feels like his the right size compared to SS Optimus Primal. I honestly have a bad feeling about the upcoming SS Apelinq, I get the feeling that he is just going to be a repaint and retool of the Primal and there won’t be much size differences. Remember, Apelinq was a really big guy but still, I love this upgrade kit when I first got my hands on it 2 weeks ago, it really gives Apelinq vibes and yes, I agree. He should have had silver parts on the legs and back, just looking at it side viewed makes him look odd
ОтветитьI really hope that if they do make a studio series version they make it an amazing retool
Ответитьwoa Primal amazing!
ОтветитьSo this doesn’t work with the studio series fig?
Ответитьnew accessories for apelinq, friend primevsprime. congratulation.
So you are this planet's great hero
Ответитьwhy hair design is combed back hair? looks so gentle 😂
ОтветитьBro hasn’t even reviewed 86 bumblebee or SS deluxe Optimus prime before that toy guy. Bro fell off lol
Ответитьits like hes evolving to transmetal
ОтветитьI need an ss figure of this
ОтветитьTake a drink every time he says Maximise.
It's relevant to the figure but you don't have to say it EVERY SINGLE TIME
The kit is very nice but the key might be a little flat don’t you think ?
ОтветитьThis Apelinq looks... savory😂
ОтветитьThe extra blades is exclusive or first batch only extras
ОтветитьYou earned a new subscriber 😁
ОтветитьI just got the Buzzworthy Bumblebee Optimus Prime for my birthday, he's amazing, the truck mode looks worse on video than irl imo
ОтветитьHonestly I think that aplinq didn't get enough screen time.
ОтветитьIt’s so nice🤩 would have been cool to see some panels for those ugly feet kibble and also some battle damage but it’s a w
ОтветитьDon’t call it maximising, every time
ОтветитьIsn’t Studio series coming out with Aplinq or have I misunderstood?
ОтветитьThis kit looks pretty cool. It probably would be better if you (person/anyone) were to customize Primal a little; adding silver paint, etc, to complete the whole look.
ОтветитьExpected it for ss 106,
I hope they included a new primal head
ОтветитьWe need Studio Series or MPM Apelinq
ОтветитьIts ugly the kingdom primal is mutch better
ОтветитьShouldnt he have a little bit of fur on his shoulders? Eh whatever its a toy
ОтветитьIs this studio series
ОтветитьBehold, Optimus Primal had become Apelink!
ОтветитьHey PVP, seeing as we’re surely getting Apelinq next year, looks like you’ll get the chance to whip this guy back out for comparison, hmm?
ОтветитьApelinq, Maximize!
ОтветитьIs this studio series?
ОтветитьJust ordered this and a ko of the figure and am excited to repaint and customize it
ОтветитьWhich version of Optimus Primal does this kit work with?
ОтветитьWhich optimus primal version does this kit go to. I mafe the mistake buying the studio series version of optimus primal and the kit doesnt fit
ОтветитьIt looks cool, but something about the kid doesn’t fit with the figure. It’s a huge contrast. It reminds me of animation not live action
ОтветитьLeader apelinq Is revealed
Hippity hoppity you’re now obselete
😮😮😮😮😮😂❤😢🎉🎉😅😊❤😅🎉😢❤😊😢😂❤😢😂 😢🎉😅😂😅❤❤
Ответитьbro why do you always end your sentences in an upwards tone it's like all of your sentences sound unfinished lol
ОтветитьYo love ur vids been watching for years