How to play webm video files without any software in Windows 10

How to play webm video files without any software in Windows 10


8 лет назад

21,521 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Firlefonz Flow
Firlefonz Flow - 25.10.2022 23:59

Any ideas for playing webm with ogg vorbis audio on irfanview or fast stone viewer? Webm with Opus plying fine. Ogg Vorbis not (Open webm in vlc and you can see in the codec informations what audio is used in a webm file). Guess the native windows audio stack doesn't play vorbis. search the web for "windows 10 webm no audio" - there are a lot of people having this issue. It continues on windows 11.

Scott Frame
Scott Frame - 04.02.2020 13:12

so you need firefox... which is software... which is an additional video player.

John Carpenter
John Carpenter - 17.07.2019 00:58

Listening to your English gives me an extreme headache!!!!!!!

Mona's World 🎨✨✍🖌
Mona's World 🎨✨✍🖌 - 31.12.2017 14:19

after converting video to firefox can v play video on firefox without using internet ...rplyyy soooon plzzzz

W Sehn
W Sehn - 07.10.2017 19:51

Use firefox. Nice solution, idiot!
