Big Cats - Fastest Hunters of the Serengeti | Free Documentary Nature

Big Cats - Fastest Hunters of the Serengeti | Free Documentary Nature

Free Documentary - Nature

3 года назад

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Marcus Shade
Marcus Shade - 01.09.2023 21:09

This is the dumbest narration I’ve ever heard

Ian Edwards
Ian Edwards - 16.07.2023 17:48

Survival in the Serengeti is good and bad sometimes, that’s nature’s way

RGVtv - 15.07.2023 04:07

The narrative is so awful

G Yang
G Yang - 15.07.2023 02:37

Alexa talking to me sounds more human than hearing this narrator. 😬

Levent.A. - 14.07.2023 20:20

The documentary is breathtaking, the only thing missing is sir David Attenborough's voice.

Diontae Daughtry
Diontae Daughtry - 08.07.2023 02:36

She hasn't eaten for a month? wow that's harsh. First time I ever seen Cheetahs drive a Lion away. Poor Simba and Mawes.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:42

Suive mèt machinn yo 2men nan men machea savann nan fatra moun tankou danie kote li tap jwenn toute machinn sa yo menm si li ya bay manmann al papal li pa tap ka gen yen yo hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:38

An rezime toute moun Nou wè kap vann pèpè savann yo se pou yo pèpè a ye se yo ki dwe afè yo hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:36

Moun yo di se Patricia ak danie epui nady ki pwan yo ki mete yo achte sou non ressou a San ressou pa janm konnen anyen savledi Yap manje yap bwè sou non ressou hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:34

Gen Yon bann moun ki di konsa sa ou wè Patricia ap bat poul fè ressou a se li menm li te fè odenè kouzenm nan hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:32

Chèf dwe arete Natacha pou tèt kòb ressou a li poko janm peye ressou a hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:30

Ressou a dòmi a minui suive kiyès fanm ki Vinn fè alsiyis Nan kwen Kay ressou a hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:24

Suive toute moun kap sòti al achte manje kwit nan machea savann nan 2men idantifye ki moun ki ap pwan kòb manje moun Yo al achte a lè fini mete se ressou a ki dwe a hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:20

Suive toute moun kap travay nan machea savann 2men maten si se pa sou non ressou a yo ap achte manje e bwè hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:17

Danie toute moun yo Kap fè a fè yo li fè moun mete afè yo a sou non ressou San ressou pa konn anyen hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:16

Yo di se danie ki fè tankou li se fanm ressou a ak mouda kras li a li bezwen ouvè pèpè sou non ressou a li pwan pòz li se fanm ressou a San ressou a pa konn anyen hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:14

Lè ressou a menm ouvè moun pa achte nan men ressou a paske moun dwe sou non ressou a akoz de danie ki fè yo fè pakèt Tenten hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:12

Machinn mannuel la gen twa machandiz pa mannuel pa michaud ak pa ressou a.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:11

Yo di Patricia vini poul fè kont al ressou seïbo li pa janm konnen si chèf wèl ap fè tenten makak sou non ressou a hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:10

Danie pwan kristofè li mete kouri fè travay ressou a yo hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:03

Moun ki ap dasadyonnen lè yo achte desadyonn yo a suive si se pa sou non ressou a yo mete kap peye epi se yo ki achte afè yo pou yo manje ankò hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 07:00

Ressou ouvè yon ti pèpè li pa janm vann anyen menm.

Ressou Guerrier
Ressou Guerrier - 06.07.2023 06:59

Machea ap savann 2men maten suive e idantifye toute ki ouvè pèpè yo, se yo ki ap vann afè yo idantifye chak grenn moun sa yo Pou nou wè si se pa sou non ressou a yo vann kèlke swa sa moun nan tap vann nan hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.

julesPal100 - 01.07.2023 07:24

Thank you Jesus for beautiful kingdom

pete mchardy
pete mchardy - 29.06.2023 14:13

This is a great video with good commentary
I love it 5 star

LocomotiveComp - 29.06.2023 00:15

The narrator sounds like a male Siri. Awful.

N Davis
N Davis - 24.06.2023 05:29

The commentary is way off the mark... once again anthrmorphising wild animals


Bill William
Bill William - 23.06.2023 03:17

A couple friends watched some of this at my pad, but two of them killed themselves because they became severely depressed by listening to the somber DULL boring tone of voice Narration FreeDoc uses.
Me I simply muted the bore!

Francis Fisher
Francis Fisher - 23.06.2023 02:59

Apparently thorough 'Script writers, for many subs WITH also intelligent minds are not a priority.

Devon Honeycutt
Devon Honeycutt - 10.06.2023 00:08

Extronary video with the cheetah one of my favorites 💯🤩👍🥰😍

Joseph Blowseph
Joseph Blowseph - 31.05.2023 02:40

Amazing, must be subtly how this gets its funding, or it's just full on "educated" in this.

Yeah, you'll say i'm making too big a deal, and you'll think other things. But i want you to notice that whoever wrote the script for this.....right off the bat, within the first two minutes, in the otherwise beautiful opening, there the narrator is saying all of the brothers and sisters this, and the mother at the center of it all for her kids.....all great stuff, understand? I think all of that is great, all of it.

But that would include recognizing the male lion too is being ITS nature, itself.

So why right off the bat, in setting the tone here.....why is the male lion somehow "having troubling expressing sensitive side" or words very close to that affect you can go listen?

It may seem insignificant to you, but that's just it, you've been "taught" into this narrative that the male is what needs to work on changing and everyone else is sweet nature.

There is a misunderstanding, a dehumanizing of men and even towards male lions there is this masculinity dissing. It's well intended, related to becoming more fair to women. But now it's morphed into not even being connected to reality, nature.

Whether you want to call it nature or god, it's still simply human or in this case lion nature for these creatures (and us) to simply be being ourselves. But no, not humans. We have to so take our perceptions of history out on modern western men (the men THE most evolved for women in human history by far) and western culture.

It's absurd, amazingly sad it's happening. It's time we woke up to this.

Look up male female differences (and again, i'm talking about humans. But that's the point, it's only humans assuming male humans are so in need of changing (think about the obtuse ugliness of this now) that leads to then humans actually projecting that onto these male lions!!!!

The Blank Slate simply isn't what we assumed in the beginnings of modern feminism. Look it up if you can, it's being held back and demonized even though both men and women and partisan research.

The Wage Gap has been incredibly exaggerated for decades, all for our now habit to need to insist it's so sexist (when even that's been misunderstood due to moderns narrow self interested thinking.)

At what point, moderns?

Look, some person out of modern feminisms "teachings" throughout our colleges now...has graduated, gotten this job writing this script, and furthered their out of touch to human nature and reality itself by without even realizing it because it's just how most "think" now....they just write into the script out and out delusion, but worse, delusion that focuses on the sex as in need of fixing, as flawed, as THE issue for everyone else and only that, with no understanding of the males natural roles, that it may seem the lionesses do everything but it faces death more, only a few males "make it," almost all females will, are valued in the group, etc etc.

It's all female perspective out of this outdated need to lift women and the female, mixed with this dehumanization of the human male and how that even in nature shows has spilt over.

How about viewing that a different way, eh? How about when the male lion is sitting there IN his group, being a good mate and father, minding his business, not hurting about we don't PROJECT our pathetic modern feminist values ONTO THAT LION?


UnleashedTraining101 - 27.05.2023 04:10

Not to nitpick, but cheetahs aren’t big cats. Big cats are not just classified by size, but also the ability to roar. Leopards, lions, tigers and jaguars roar and are members of the genius pantera. Cheetahs can’t roar and are members of felidae, like a house cat.

Joanne Pirouz
Joanne Pirouz - 27.05.2023 02:06

This narrative is just rediculous not to mention inaccurate.

Joanne Pirouz
Joanne Pirouz - 27.05.2023 00:22

I hate these narratives that try to attribute human emotions to big cats.

Kyle Webb
Kyle Webb - 26.05.2023 07:44

The narrator is not the greatest. Animals such as big cats don’t feel love. The wording was butt please never hire this guy again

Jampa Surprenant
Jampa Surprenant - 23.05.2023 16:57

It is a beautiful story of big cats love story, an amazing love he has for her.

Latriece Ward
Latriece Ward - 18.05.2023 19:43

I just can't get enough of the wildlife good Documentary I think he's doing a very good job at the wildlife storytelling I can't get enough of it cuz I love the wildlife keep doing what you they need someone to talk about I even talked about because if you look at it you can see they human animals that live in the wild life I just can't get enough of it it's all about the world that we live in🌎

digitalopt - 18.05.2023 00:45

The wording from the narrator in this video is terrible…

Erik Brush
Erik Brush - 16.05.2023 04:10

I don't know which is worse, the horrible narration, or the anthropomorphic script.

Herboveers? Really? It's that difficult to say herbivores?

The voice artist is really poorly chosen. But the script is awful.

Too bad, given the good footage.

Angel - 08.05.2023 13:01

loud giggling I LOVE BIG CATS they are by far my faveroute animals and I also love how the narrator gave the animals thoughts I ended up crying at the end (not my greatest moment ngl) 😂

Pamela K. Larkin
Pamela K. Larkin - 02.05.2023 08:08

The Narrator; Need I Say More.🤢🤮🤧
Awesome Footage, Simply Amazing.😍🤩😍🤩

Real Relax
Real Relax - 01.05.2023 11:19

My top 3 safaris countries
1. Tanzania
2. Kenya
3. Botswana

brad gerber
brad gerber - 20.04.2023 17:36

Worst narrator ever

maghfiroh khodri
maghfiroh khodri - 16.04.2023 03:50

I always loved baby animals ,even the lion cubs they're just so cute , I Interact with them once ,during a visit in the zoo ,,two months old lion cubs loved to cuddle especially when they born and raised in a cage with no danger what so over,,, even my kid wanted to bring them home 😂😂😂

Ned Ned
Ned Ned - 04.04.2023 23:35


Gator Duran
Gator Duran - 01.04.2023 00:21


Xhai Rosemary (xR)
Xhai Rosemary (xR) - 22.03.2023 01:40

please replace the man talking
