Am I An Empath?

Am I An Empath?

Barbara Heffernan

1 год назад

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@rrosaseconda - 19.07.2024 05:30

Sounds spot on to me. Thank you.

@natascha7060 - 17.07.2024 12:07

Nobody had born as an empath!
The person who had been told so is a person who was born in an environment which was sadly like a forest. It does mean this person had to always be an alert against different threats, had been conditioned to dissociate from her/ his pain,body,emotions, needs and her/ his "Me" to navigate the people's emotions around her and to meet their needs. They have ghosted her,misuse she/ he as a doormat and etc. Her/ his "Me " and his/her "Voice" had been stolen from her.

@gwoon3385 - 17.07.2024 09:10

Do you suggest any book about this topic?

@michaelknapp8961 - 13.07.2024 03:08

I am. I’ve always known it about myself. People have always laughed at me for it and thought of me as weak. I remember back in the 1980s I was with a couple of friends late at night. We walked past a homeless woman. My friends kept walking but I stopped to talk with the woman and I gave her 20 bucks. When I was done my friends were laughing at me calling me a sucker. Oh well. I am who I am.

@Roger_Ramjet - 12.07.2024 22:08

I am, by this definition, an empath. It's like being a sponge for others emotions. The irony is the people (especially in relationships) you want to help end up resenting you. When you awaken to this, it's a shock and a relief. I am working on using empathy in the situations where it is most useful. Incredible video.

@vickiroadman6741 - 02.07.2024 21:53

Oh yes, boundaries! Best thing that ever happened to me! That, and understanding where I am on the Meyers Briggs, the Enneagram, and comparison with others who are different than myself. This has made my life so much better! I still attract narcissists at times, but I am able to spot them, and set boundaries. I also have a better and clearer understanding of myself and of others.

@TreborLadd - 01.07.2024 23:51

Nothing substitutes for experience. I'm sure there is a physiological basis for the manifestation of what is generally characterized as empathy, but I suspect that the physiological mechanism at play is not expressed equally in all people. In my case, I never even began to wonder about the phenomenon of empathetic mental manifestations until life made it impossible to ignore them. In retrospect, I recall one one of the earliest experiences which caused me to wonder. I was a young professional, and had just been advanced to a prominent public position in which I was routinely tasked to address groups of public officials and members of the public. After one such address, I was approached by a very tall, well dressed elderly individual who was a complete stranger. He complimented me on my performance then folloed up with an abstract piece of advice, admonishment really, that"[I] should try to spend less time in the ethereal". He then patted me on the shoulder, smiled turned and left. The statement was odd, but what really struck me was a strong "sense" which operated to signal my consciousness to advise that the encounter had a deeper meaning. subsequently, over rhe past 20 years or so, I have become suspicious of coincidences, and have frequently sensed that I knew things which I could not possibly know, but which proved to in fact be true. Luck?, Insanity?, Paranoia?, Paranormal?, Intuition? I don't know, I just know that I am sometimes struck by a sense that I know things I could notpossibly know. I am also a firm believer that truth iis stranger than fiction and you can't make this shit up!

@IndigoAngel1448 - 01.07.2024 19:35

Are there different types of empaths?

@Sparrow0514 - 29.06.2024 05:31

I had a difficult start to say the least, but, I’ve found my nursing vocation to be so fulfilling because now I am in a caring profession rather than being eaten up by the world. Of all the videos I’ve been watching on the topic of narcissism, scapegoating, empaths and so forth the past few years, I find you/Barbara particularly insightful, mature, and intelligent. ❤

@TimeMaster1976 - 27.06.2024 16:46

Easy answer. Can you run. Everyone is. Some walk some run.

@user-xh8jd5ff8k - 26.06.2024 19:31

very authentic analysis of a true empath,very nice work

@LeroyCReed - 23.06.2024 17:19

I realized over the last year or so that I am an empath, because I can pick up on things about people that others do not see. I teach 5th grade and can read a kid as soon as they walk into the room. It is usually me going to the counselor or principal with concerns that teachers k-4th did not pick up on. It is super valuable in the line of work I do, but it can be draining. I am also an introvert that can play the extrovert game well, but it is a fine balance between personal life and dealing with other people hard to manage. Going out with colleagues after work can be fun, but I can read them when there guard is down and it feels like too much. On Saturdays or entire weekends I sometimes just want to be alone and get myself together.

@jazminecornelius8322 - 22.06.2024 09:38

Thank you for this! I was researching audiobooks about being an empath… and became unsatisfied with the results. I needed more substance and reason as to why I could or could not be an empath. Finding your channel was meant to be. I love your depth and reasoning of each scenario you tackled. I questioned all topics you mentioned at some point in my life about being an empath. I’m 90% sure after watching this I’m AM AN EMPATH!
I have zero scientific/college/study background experience, but I think you nailed it on the head. Thank you for making this vid.

@dennisbland9616 - 21.06.2024 12:40

I have all but choose to no longer care because I have been abused so badly for being a empath I shut off caring

@cyanidestudios6702 - 20.06.2024 20:23

I have them all but people don't come to me about problems themselves. I usually qsk them. Most of my friends were never actually my friends. So not sure if i am an actual empath. I hope i am because i want to be able to calm and sooth others but i just cant say for sure

@douglasmcgregor5511 - 15.06.2024 02:55

Really interesting. It's really difficult for me to decide from what you have said. Certainly everything before I learned about boundaries makes sense. Even telling some people things I shouldn't have. From what I've learned about narcissism it does make sense. Don't know if you believe in psychics but at a psychic reading I had recently they said I am an empath from the tarot cards. The more I learn about it it makes sense with a lot of things.

@chelseajackson-bayon5538 - 15.06.2024 00:55

How do i stop feeling this way? I do not want this.

@mikamelissa - 07.06.2024 22:49

I care wayyy too much..I feel helpless always

@LosDoyerss - 04.06.2024 00:36

An empath isn’t always going to care about another’s feelings that they don’t even know.

@jep2255 - 02.06.2024 04:14

Spot on! The care factor is huge.

@angamanu360 - 02.06.2024 00:39

I just cant stop being an empath I feel like if I dont then I am not me anymore..

@zinnia3684 - 01.06.2024 14:17

I have had to toughen up those qualities in order to survive. It’s a tough road. Praise God for taking the lead in my life.

@einahsirro1488 - 27.05.2024 04:08

I have a lot of empathy, particularly for animals, but I'm not an empath. If you tell me you're fine, I'll assume you're fine.

@marielewis3716 - 27.05.2024 03:08

Is it possible to be a burned out empath?

@coulonpatrick6778 - 22.05.2024 10:57

If you speak or understand french go to see one of your alterego, Randa l audace se soi , on you tube like you,

@coulonpatrick6778 - 22.05.2024 10:48

I am empath , i am surgeon dentist, and i agree with your four rules …i am curing o lot of phobics patients, because of that . All my life people had come to me to tell me about his/ her doubt of the life, in a party , often unknow people came at me to fell my support. One important think too, his why we are empath, because of our lack of emotional connection and stzbility when we were a child , in a toxic family… I am extraverti and disrptif , i am also HPI /HPE with TDHA …

@Destiny-bt7oi - 12.05.2024 11:51

Thank you❤ all 4 =me ..but I've become a hermit-isolator after extreme trauma from marrying & divorcing a beastly man of malignant narc dark triad machiavellian all the worst. 2016 was when I escaped.

@debbiehardy8962 - 08.05.2024 05:45

I have been an empath all my life, it seems. Ppl used to come to me even as a kid and tell me all their troubles. I always knew how others were feeling somehow. Never really understood why I knew until the last few years. And caring about others and wanting to help has been a lifelong trait. Intuition, too. There is no question that I am an empath. It is sometimes very, very difficult. And sometimes it is such a blessing.

@karenallen5208 - 07.05.2024 03:28

I fully believe that I am an empath. However, I can't say that I know everything a person is thinking or feeling, although many times I do. Is it possible that as an empath, there are times I'm just not fully tuned in? I am a Patriot Guard Rider, as such I ride a motorcycle in funeral processions for our fallen military and first responders. When I lost my father and one of my uncles, I attended a mission shortly thereafter and was successful in laying my own grief aside and feeling these families' grief instead, who were total strangers to me. I just know things sometimes and I don't know how I know. I deeply crave intimacy and closeness with people.

@bereal6590 - 04.05.2024 12:51

A vulnerable covert narcissist may present as an empath. They'll be doing all this stuff for 'needy' people. In reality, if that person doesn't snap out of it after all their good work they'll be annoyed that they're being asked for time and sympathy. My mother looks at people with pity, not empathy. For decades I thought she was such a good person and as an empath (with a lot of faults like everyone else), I was very confused by her. It's a manipulation technique to keep you close and have you do what they want. They're codependent and need you whilst pretending to 'help'. An empath doesn't force help onto you! I have empathetic traits and fit 1,3, and 4 but not 2 because my family would not value my help, they'd view that ands a weakness. Realising empathy isn't a weakness is a strength ✌

@melodielopes5929 - 01.05.2024 14:22

I agree.

@karldrock3135 - 01.05.2024 05:57

What if you just stopped caring to specific persons because they abnormally used your being caring or used it to manipulate or control you... Or let me say, you become hyper begillant to have the first 3 as well because of fear.

Is it mean that you are not empath anymore?

@terischoice9384 - 30.04.2024 06:49

Totally agree…. All my life…. All 4 and have been judged and criticized for this gift. I learned at a young age that these people hurt me because they were jealous…. I was very co-dependent to keep people happy. They expect me to take care of them only

@andrewc.2952 - 29.04.2024 01:46

Yes 👏 ma'am 👏. Omg I needed to hear this. I'm recovering from a narcissistic mother and discovering my codependency. Throw being an empath on top of it and you run the risk of being eaten alive.

@emj6724 - 24.04.2024 02:09

Thank you so much Barbara.
it's like you're writing my life story.
God bless you for what you do please keep doing it.
Based on your other careers obviously you are really good at lots of things but I think that this may be your highest calling.
I'm sure you're helping millions of people🎉🎉🎉🎉

@iamanamairim - 21.04.2024 17:32

I could use your help.. 🫂

@MamaZShaman - 20.04.2024 23:12

no such thing

@user-wmww - 20.04.2024 04:11

I feel that you are spot on .Thanks

@jamesdavison6654 - 19.04.2024 05:38

I have all of those, to the max!!

@diepiriye - 16.04.2024 00:19

I detest when folks tell me to ignore others and say "Why do you care," as if caring were a negative trait, until I recall that non-empaths find caring draining. For me NOT caring is a much heavier burden, b/c curiosity about others, and wanting to relieve suffering is my natural state. I am fortunate that I grew up practicing Buddhism, which literally studies empathy, and relieving suffering is the central tenant.

@haleyjordan9007 - 13.04.2024 07:24

Can I ask a question….can empath pick up changes in atmosphere as well?

I was clubbing one night with a friend (back in the day) and everyone was having a good time, when I felt the atmosphere slowly change. I told my friend we are going now. Turns out the door people had let in travellers in and all hell broke loose in the club.

@Antiquity_Taylor - 10.04.2024 09:13

Never really thought about it until seeing your video but I do agree. Very insightful 😊

@VanessaOwens-se4cj - 10.04.2024 04:19

We need u your guidance and the delivery to get an understanding also emotions u give thru the screen I believed u before u even said your credentials I belive in feeling more than seeing

@driveramd12 - 08.04.2024 04:22

It’s the fourth trait that makes the gift hurt. Even with right boundaries, it hurts to turn away… my rule, if I can lead the person to the understanding they can help and heal, I know I did my job.

@richardjohanson6421 - 08.04.2024 02:27

Thank you for completing our personality test!

As promised, here are your results:

Personality type: Advocate (INFJ-T)
Traits: Introverted – 66%, Intuitive – 83%, Feeling – 85%, Judging – 68%, Turbulent – 60%
Role: Diplomat
Strategy: Constant Improvement

@frenchfry14595 - 07.04.2024 21:34

I was told by my therapist last week that she believes I am highly empathic, and I've known for at least twenty years that I can just know things about how a person feels. However, I had a run-in with a malignant narcissist for about 13 years, and even though I got rid of her, I have blocked anyone new from coming into my life as a friend or anything. I stay away from people now because of what she did to me. I feel like she took that away from me. I don't know if I'm an empath or not...

@LivingRetirement - 06.04.2024 23:17

Very nice video with good points. Thank you for sharing!! :)

@WTFlux-lh2tf - 04.04.2024 19:32

IMO, the vast majority of those that claim to be a true empath are NOT. This is an incredibly rare state of natural existence. The word has become a disingenuous buzzword that reflects the pseudo virtue that's become so common in women & men right now. It's sole identity driver is cause above substance. IMO most people making the claim are merely in identity crisis mode possessing an obsessive/compulsive anxious attachment style with a high degree of rejection sensitivity. Their mode of operation becomes a maladaptive trait in which they mimic/imitate & reflect (very common in nature) their fantasy/limerence driven affections for others.

@angeladavis7913 - 04.04.2024 19:12

How can I fix this, please help me?

@scottbutler3317 - 04.04.2024 11:55

Empath is what sensitivity
The human mind
is one part of a system
Am energy systems
Energy has laws
The laws of polarity
Play with two magnets for a wile
Comprehend and understand
The polarities of the magnets
North and south poles
Now understand we are this
Each of us
Have a magnetic polarity

We are like magnetic combinations
Understand the laws attraction
We are combined polarities
Each there own fingerprint
Of attraction and repulsion

This energy reaction is what
We are feeling it’s our sensitivity
To this energy reaction we encounter
When we interact
It’s why we feel the same thing
When we think of the encounter
Because it’s a combination
A language we feel
A lie registers as a negative and the truth as a positive
And so on the mind is reading this like a dog reads the sent of a trail

Fish amen
